Show Settings Utility for IndyCar Racing Copyright (c) 1994 Papyrus Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Purpose: Show car settings in a human-readable format. The output can be sent to a text file which can be used in documents to be sent or e-mailed. Use: SHOWSTG SHOWSTG > outfile Examples: showstg nwenglnd fast showstg longbch ace > lbeach.txt Caveats: The showstg.exe file must be in the INDYCAR main directory. Track directory names can be seen using "dir TRACKS". No extension is needed for the setting name. The abbreviations for each track in IndyCar Racing are as follows: LAGUNA Laguna Seca LONGBCH Long Beach MICHIGAN Michigan MLWAUKEE Milwaukee NAZARETH Nazareth NWENGLND New Hampshire PORTLAND Portland TORONTO Toronto Legals: IndyCar is a trademark of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Corporation, under exclusive license to Championship Auto Racing Teams, Inc.