Readme file for "Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession" Last Update: 3/14/94 Use of Mouse and alternative controllers: Logitech Cyberman 3D [TM] controller: When moving forward on the adventure screen using the Logitech Cyberman 3D [TM] controller, place your finger across the center button and move the controller forward without touching either the left or right controller buttons. Movement on Adventure Screen: Stepping Mode: Certain obstacles on the adventure screen cannot be passed while in stepping mode. It may prove necessary from time to time to leave stepping mode in order to proceed.. Casting spells which require more than one hand: The following spells require one of the casting character's hands to be free in order to cast the spell: Chill Touch Vampiric Touch Claws of the Umber Hulk Cause Light Wounds Cause Serious Wounds Cause Critical Wounds Harm Flame Blade Lich Touch If the casting character does not have a free hand when casting the listed spells, the object in the character's right hand goes to inventory. If inventory is full, the object cannot be transferred and the spell cannot be cast. Also, you cannot cast one of these spells if the recipient of the spell already has the same spell in effect. Claws of the Umber Hulk requires BOTH hands to be free. If both of the casting character's hands are not free, the objects in those hands will be transferred to inventory. If inventory is full, the spell cannot be cast. Casting spells (miscellaneous): The "Wizard Eye" cannot be guided around corners. It moves forward until it encounters a barrier, then stops. "Improved Identify" affects every visible item in one character's hands and inventory. It does not work on items hidden within containers in that character's inventory. "Magical Stone" enchants up to 2 stones (Rule Book says 3 stones). "Haste" allows the affected character to fight faster, but not to move or run more quickly. "Otiluke's Freezing Sphere." The Rule Book says this spell creates a small sling-stone like object and should be invoked prior to combat. In the game this spell creates and area effect similar to an ice storm and should be used when in combat. "Create Food & Water" is listed as an available spell under "Strategies for Using Spells." This spell does not appear in game. Automap: When you click on the quill to write, you must click on the quill again to stop writing. The same is true of the eraser, when erasing.