BRUMUS BEAR PRODUCTIONS (BBP) PRESENTS PUSHOVER SOLUTIONS & LEVELCODES This is one terrific game. Instead of incorporating the different features in different animals like in lemmings, the different blocks have different characteristics and good old gi ant just does the work. You should get the docs for this one, they are not very big and they do help. Ok for those of you too lazy to read any docs, pressing p for pause or f1 will show you the different tiles and a one word description of what they do. The concept is simple, knock down all tiles except the red ones, with the trigger (three stripes) being the last to fall. This opens the door to the next screen. Space bar picks up and puts down a tile, arrow keys move old gi around. Little idiosyncracies I discovered were that the trigger tile has to fall flat (not against another tile), you can put down a floater but if you drop over a ledge with it it goes up, and timing in putting down a tile is critical. If a tile is put down and another tile comes along often they will crash, thereby ruining your solution. Lastly, pressing f1 after the timer goes into the red gives you one clue (and only one) for solving each puzzle. These vary from very helpful to totally useless. I have solved them all and kept fairly decent notes on the harder screens. If you can't make it through the first 20 some by yourself, find another game like computer tiddly winks. This one requires brains. Oddly, the screens do not increase progressively in difficulty. One can be totally difficult (67 springs to mind) and the next couple relatively easy. On occassion I will lay out the tiles with symbols - Y (yellow, the normal tile) T (tumbler) R (Red blocker) B (Bridge) D (Delay) F (Floater) E (Exploder) S (Splitter) V (Vanisher) X (Trigger tile). Many may require precise movements, one mistake and you will not have enough time. While you only get one push, often you can drop a tile and start a run and still have your push to start another run. Anyways, enjoy, try to do them yourself and only use this as a last resort. It is the fun of figuring the puzzles out that makes any game a challenge. Twits playing with a solve in their left hand and a mouse in their right hand rarely do anything useful and usually irritate me with their "I finished Laura Bow in 30 minutes" posts. Greets go out to all the groups, well first TRSI since I used their excellent crack on this one, then the other big boys, INC, RAZOR, TDT, etc. and my favorite local boards - CSIII, Rev, HOI and their terrific sysops. LEVEL 1 00512 move the left tile to the empty space and push the leftmost tile to the right (hold down space and arrow in the direction you want simultaneously) now do the next twenty or so on your own. LEVEL 2 01536 LEVEL 3 01024 LEVEL 4 03072 LEVEL 5 03584 LEVEL 6 02560 LEVEL 7 02048 LEVEL 8 06144 LEVEL 9 06656 LEVEL 10 07680 LEVEL 11 07168 LEVEL 12 05122 a leettle clue here senor - switch the tumbler and the riser. LEVEL 13 05634 LEVEL 14 04610 LEVEL 15 04098 LEVEL 16 12290 LEVEL 17 12802 LEVEL 18 13826 LEVEL 19 13314 drop a yellow (pick it up and walk off ledge, generally over a splitter) and move the exploder. LEVEL 20 15362 put the blocker down right behind the ladder. LEVEL 21 15878 LEVEL 22 14854 LEVEL 23 14342 push from top left LEVEL 24 10246 like several of the puzzles, this involves dropping a yellow tile and then running like mad and moving tiles while others are falling. Delays are generally quite useful on these. This theme, like the other theme of trapping a tumbler, is used repeatedly. LEVEL 25 10758 too easy for words, don't move a single tile. LEVEL 26 11782 LEVEL 27 11270 ah the first real headscratcher. Move a vanisher over to the right of the trigger tile, bring the exploder down and put it over the door and a vanisher and the tumbler up on the upper top of the stairs (any order for those two). Push the farthest right one to the left, run down and stand where the exploder is, drop through, pick up the first yellow and put it in the empty space in the row of tiles. LEVEL 28 09222 move the exploder while the other tiles are falling. LEVEL 29 09734 take two tiles from the second platform on the lower left and add to the bottom left row. Now push. LEVEL 30 08718 move the riser to the upper left and the tumbler to the left of it. LEVEL 31 08206 LEVEL 32 24590 move the delays to the trigger side. LEVEL 33 25102 LEVEL 34 26126 LEVEL 35 25614 move the floater and the normal yellow tile, leave the delay alone. LEVEL 36 27662 LEVEL 37 28174 put the floater one AHEAD of the opening, not in it. LEVEL 38 27150 LEVEL 39 26638 put the normal dominos up and the blocker across LEVEL 40 30734 LEVEL 41 31246 the key arrangement here is T S D D and a blocker just below the second delay. LEVEL 42 32270 another one that is just too easy for words. LEVEL 43 31758 "Just a tumble in the wrong place" Arcane clue. Actually as simple as level 42, drop a block to start. LEVEL 44 29726 Move floater to the bottom. LEVEL 45 30238 ah, one of the trap a tumbler puzzles. Had to move the red to the right and then the left to make this trap while the tumbler was moving. LEVEL 46 29214 move two risers to the lower right, one on left of the string above and a yellow and a tumbler one to the right. LEVEL 47 28702 "move a delay down and watch the tumbler and floater cross over". Yeah. Move the delay down to the left of the door, go to original start and push to the right. LEVEL 48 20510 LEVEL 49 21022 move the delay and jump off the left ledge. LEVEL 50 22046 push tumbler from top, pick up yellow, etc. LEVEL 51 21534 first drop a tile, then push one. LEVEL 52 23582 make the push, move the riser (floater), etc. LEVEL 53 24094 LEVEL 54 23070 go down, pick up yellow tile on left, drop, jump down and push. LEVEL 55 22558 Place the floaters under the holes, last row from left. My notes get a little confused here, I seemed to have two level 56 and 57s. Use clues where appropriate. LEVEL 56 18494 Key arrangement here is F Y Y Y F T. LEVEL 57 19006 Push the tumbler, run and move the bridge per the clue then jump - be quick Also have a note to move red tile over and over. LEVEL 58 20030 on the second row on the left side, R space space Y Y T. LEVEL 59 19518 take the uppermost right yellow tile and drop in bottom left. Drop two more. Push from the place you took the first tile from. LEVEL 60 17470 Move the red twice, the exploder last. LEVEL 61 17982 Put the two floaters together, push from left to right. LEVEL 62 16958 Move the yellow, use it to stop two tumblers. LEVEL 63 16510 Put delay as third from left top. Push yellow next to trigger to right. Go down and pick up yellow, drop it on the splitter. LEVEL 64 16511 Move three delays. One to top small ledge, one on second ledge on right, left side. Push from top left. LEVEL 65 17023 "Move delay and bridge after run starts". Move the delay to bottom of steps, bridge under second window from left. Again I seem to have two notes on level 65. Whatever. Second note is leave yellow and exploder on next little level, fill in gaps on bottom level. Guess I went through some so fast my notes weren't too careful. LEVEL 66 18047 "Make the push and move the blocker". Push the floater to the right, move blocker just above to small ledge, pick up again and race tumbler to bottom right. LEVEL 67 17535 New scenery and a new level of difficulty. The first real mind bender. If you have made it here, you are a pushover player and now the help gets serious. The clue was "trap tumbler to move bridge on time". My note starts with "Jesus Christ!" This is where TRSI's codes that came with the game quit. Small wonder, this one, 71, a couple of the ones in the 90s, these babies are tough. Oh you want the solution...well, can't quite read all my notes here but goes like this. Climb, get the red stopper and put it under the left ladder. Push the floater to the left to start. Take the exploder, put it under the right ladder (and move to the left so you don't fall through when it explodes). Then move the first stopper you moved to far right after the explosion. Put exploder left when it goes through. Pick up red stopper on left and run like hell to put next to other stopper then run and pick up the bridge and go right through the new hole, bridge tile will fall in correct place. I spent a fair amount of time figuring this one out. I have wondered, as hard as this solution is if it is the correct solution or if mine is a more difficult alternative solution. Who knows, at least I finally got off this one. LEVEL 68 19583 Go up push tumbler, grab floater tiler and move to middle FAST! actually a piece of cake after 67. LEVEL 69 20095 "Push a floater to start the run. Careful with the yellow". Key here is D Y T. Kind of hard to describe, but move delay on the right ledge to where the tumbler is. Move the yellow. Move the last yellow out before pushing. LEVEL 70 19071 "Delay another way" (You may have noticed that I have started to have to read all the bloody clues - yeah, they are getting harder). Move delay on top and switch with yellow below. Moved red tile below door over to end and filled with delays the third ledge up on left. Put one delay left on second ledge from bottom before existing tile, push left from top. Yep, they are definitely getting harder, even to describe. LEVEL 71 18559 "Tumbler timing is troublesome". That is putting it mildly. One of the hardest screens in the whole game. 1) Switch splitter and yellow tile 2) Put three delays to the upper left. 3) Switch tumbler third ledge down with far right yellow on second ledge. Move the exploder and bridge over one space to the right. Swap tumbler and yellow. Move bottom right yellow to bottom row of yellows on left. Finally, push from the top. LEVEL 72 22655 "Left hand side finishes last. Use the bridges." Push. Fall. Move floater to left. Go up top of stairs, switch so delay is on outside position. LEVEL 73 23167 "Push a floater to start two runs." And if you don't come up with better clues, master, I am going to take the pebble from your hand and shove it....oh sorry, just getting a little perturbed with the quality of some of these so called clues. Put the middle right tumbler to inside, swap the tumbler and the yellow on the top right. Move the floater up and push to the right. LEVEL 74 24191 "Use blocker to stop tumbler. Watch out for floater." Swap blocker and delay. After tumbler hits blocker mobe blocker to empty ledge, jump left pick up blocker and use to trap tumbler al long as required to finish up. LEVEL 75 23679 "Start the run and see what happens". Great clue, I have been doing that on about 65 screens already, how about some useful info? A toughie...layout time X T E B some spaces T GAP B 2 spaces blow explosives On next to last ledge, trap tumbler, put explosive in column as tumbler goes to left. Drop through grab explosive and place in the row. LEVEL 76 21631 "You'll have to put that yellow in the run somewhere". Push, pick up explosive and move to middle. Pick up yellow take to bottom row right. LEVEL 77 22143 Move the bridge over one space and push. Walk off to the right. Pick up the yellow and drop down. Swap it with the delay. Drop yellow over side left. Pick up yellow and drop on splitter. Go up ladder move bridge to right of door. Go up ladder move the yellow tile one space to the left. Bingo. LEVEL 78 21247 Hey NEW SCENERY. Same pathetic clues, but better background. "Push the tumbler then start hurrying". Push the second tumbler from the left in the right direction. Drop. Put exlosive over middle above two reds, backfill with tumbler last. Similar arrangements on next level down. Timing was very exact for me on this one, took three tries even when I pretty much knew what I was doing. LEVEL 79 20735 Move explosive over splitter. Breidge to right of gap. Push. Pick up bottom right tile and drop. No problemo. LEVEL 80 28972 "Tumbler floater and blocker" No master you keep the freaking pebble. Push the right tumbler, pick up the left one and drop down. Put tumbler by exploder drop down. Put floater over one to the left. Pick up blocker put on far right. Timing is again extremely critical. May take several tries to get the timing just right on this one too. LEVEL 81 29439 "Push a domino into a splitter and wait for a trapped tumbler and move up" Fairly useful clue for a tough puzzle. Drop the yellow on the splitter run to left and push riser quickly. Go up to middle and pick up right hand red and trap tumbler so it just bounces back and forth. Pick up yellows below and fill in all spaces on the middle ledge. Untrap tumbler and put down red blocker. (First time I did this screen I was still holding a red tile and game would not solve that way) LEVEL 82 30463 Far too easy. Gave it one shove and figured it out. Weird, level 82 and a piece of cake to solve. Swapped delay with a yellow and shoved yellow. Ran down, grabbed a red and trapped the tumbler. Moved floater to where it should go, yellow just to the right of it and then released tumbler. LEVEL 83 29951 "Tumbler timing tis troublesome" hmmm...sounds familiar. Put splitter on second row left of the yellows, tumbler to the left of that. Put a tumbler to the left of that (under the skeleton's right hand). Push tumbler on the middle ledge, far left. Run next to exploder 2nd ledge from bottom. Move red to far right, grab yellow left of trigger and move it to the right. (The tumbler on the middle ledge can only bounce off red one time! If it hits red again, you will have to repeat.) LEVEL 84 31999 "Some dominos have a split personality." Move all the splitters as needed, delay left of the trigger, push from upper right. LEVEL 85 32511 "Left handed side finishes last use the bridges." Move one floater to middle bottom, tumbler to left of it. Other riser from top right to empty space above. Key string is D Y Y R D Y R Must move yellow at far right bottom to second ledge on left and push it to right. LEVEL 86 31487 Move floater on left down to left of yellows. Move middle yellow top to ladder to second ledge right, left side. Swap delays and yellows top of riser, push by the door. LEVEL 87 30975 Move explosive over the splitter, yellow to left including bridge. Leave splitter on edge of ledge below push left pick up splitter dorp to level below. LEVEL 88 26879 VERY VERY CUTSIE. Push right pick up yellow and drop. Run to exploder move it one to left, fall through run to left pick up yellow and drop it on the splitter. LEVEL 89 27647 HEY more new scenery. And catch those times. You get ten minutes to solve these levels. (ocean may be putting out a special ld version with double all the times for folks like lance romance.) "Start the run and trap the tumbler so you can complete the puzzle." Push from the left, move the last vanisher over to the left. Run back get the red and place just to right of fallen tiles go down and get red and trap tumbler. Get rid of vanishers one by one (do not let them fall on the reds) then last put the exploder down left of the ladder as the tumbler is going right. LEVEL 90 28671 Be quick moving those delays. Push. Drop. Take delay on right (even though it has probably just been hit). Set up bottom row. Go up one ledge and remove as needed from second ledge right starting from left (so others won't drop). Any mistakes and you will not have enough time. LEVEL 91 28159 Push. Run down and get red after tumbler hits. Put it to right of tumbler where vanishers vanish after tumbler hits it. Take to second level and trap tumbler. Now move yellow to left of trigger. Now pick up red to release tumbler going to right. LEVEL 92 26111 "Push the tumbler away from the trigger and be busy." All this way and MR Clue still hasn't gotten any sharper. Put all floaters to right and some vanishers then tumbler delay and explosive (this one should be over the splitter.) Push left and hustle the rest of the vanishens down then the yellow. LEVEL 93 26623 Move tumbler to right and push left. Drop down pick up tumbler and put on ledge above on left hand side. Go to bottom, wait awhile and pick up delay and put under smallest ledge above on second level. Move red tile in middle to under trigger. Get yellow tile (way up) and put of left of previous red. Get riser (above - hey good thing we have ten minutes on this one) and as tumbler goes right put floater down, immediately move red to left of yellow. LEVEL 94 25599. "Drop floaters in position Start one run with a drop." Drop floaters is a strange expression. They actually rise when you let them go. Think about it. Ok for those who just suffered a very sharp pain, do this instead. On top three rows, pick up the floater on the left and walk off ledge to right each time. Now on second ledge next to remaining floater pick up closest yellow. Drop over right side of ledge run up pick up floater and walk over right ledge. Done. Bit of a trip to the door, but you should have over eight minutes to get there. LEVEL 95 25087 Use tiles to make right side into bridge tumbler splitter yellow. Move bridge down from upper left to just right of exit door. Move yellow from top to just left of that . Go up to top drop last yellow onto second ledge from top splitter. Run down push yellow on bottom ledge to right. LEVEL 96 08703. "You must create a run of tumblers that can fall off of a platform." UH hum...spent some time figuring this baby out. Scribbled notes everywhere. And as usual, a fairly simple solution. Here are the set ups for the key rows T T T T T V1 V V V V F F F T B< E F F F F F clear this one R R E B E B E B gap and unchanged. If you get that set up, push as the arrow shows on the bridge and grab explosive and run put it where v1 is. Tumbler should fall through and take care of rest. LEVEL 97 09215 Swap left tumbler with left explosvive push tumbler left run to bottom move floater to left of red run to delay drop by fallen tiles grab left red and trap tumbler. "WHEW" and we ain't done yet. Go up move red stopper and drop with it, releasing flipping floater. Move bottom left red tile to about center of creen or slightly right of it. As tumbler goes right, drip delay just to right of red then run and get floater and put back in original position. Every time I do one like this I wonder if this is the correct solution or if there is an easier way. LEVEL 98 "Use a drop. There is a way to make it work with a push but I can't find it". What??!?!?! Mr. Clue doesn't have a clue? Anyways, line up a string of yellows with an explosive on the right end and a space between the explosive and the trigger. Go to far left and push right. This lets you down to get those two tiles. With a yellow on the top row to drop on the splitter, the next two rows go like this with the third row now empty. I may not have the proper number of yellows, but you hsould be able to figure it out from this. E E B T Y Y F Y Y Y Y Y Y Y S Y F E S Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y E LEVEL 99 09727 "Tumbler, Normal Bridger, Tumbler, put remaining tumbler in place and push". Actually a pretty good clue for a change, I sort of stumbled into the solution for this one. Pretty devilishly clever. Without going into tile by tile detail, the basic concept is to do three drops onto the third ledge, using primarily vanishers to begin with and pushing one tile each time down to do the dirty work, the three tiles being, yep, first time a tumbler which wipes out the bottom row, second time a bridge to set up for the tumbler to follow, then the tumbler to wax the second row and set up to drop down with the last tumbler and put it in the empty space and use your push to drop it. LEVEL 100 44543 Actually I'll let you figure this one out, can't remember exact details and didn't write it down. A fairly routine screen, all they did was take the markings off the tiles. Only problem is figuring out what is what...then you set up two runs, put the two delays to the left of the trigger and the floater to go up and knock over the one up on the little ledge. Main thing here is playing with the tiles to figure out what is what (like you can't pick up the trigger, can't push over the stoppers, etc.) Anyway that will do it for this one, look forward to Oh no More Pushovers! Noticed I have the docs here with me so have included them so the whole package for playing pushover is all here...all the codes, the docs and the solutions. Hope you enjoyed this one as much as I did. Brumus Bear 7/14/92 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÛßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛ ÛßßßßÛ ÛßßßßÛ ÜßßßßßßßßßßßßÜ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ÞÝ Û ÞÝ Û Û ÞÝÞÝ ÞÝ ³ ³ Û ÞÝ ÞÝ Û Û ÞÝ Û Û ³ ³ ÞÝ ÞÝ Û Û Û Û Û ÜÜÜÜ ÞÝ ³ ³ ÛÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÛ Û ßßßß Û ÞÝ ÞÝ ÞÝ Û ³ ³ ÞÝ ÞÝ ÞÝ ÞÝÞÝ Û ßßßßßß ³ ³ Û Û ÞÝ ÞÝ Û Û ÛßßßßßÜ ³ ³ ÞÝ Û Û Û Û ÞÝ ÞÝ ÞÝ ³ ³ Û ÞÝ Û ÜÜÜÜ Û ÞÝ ÛÜÜÜÛ Û ³ ³ ÞÝ ÞÝ ÞÝ Û Û ÞÝÞÝ ÞÝ ³ ³ Û Û ÞÝ Û Û ÞÝ Û Û ³ ³ ÞÝ Û Û Û Û Û ÞÜ ÞÝ ³ ³ ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ ÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ ßßÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜß ³ ³ ³ ³ H U M B L E - D O X ³ ³ ³ ³ Presents: ³ ³ ³ ³ Pushover Complete Dox ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Controls Push-Over can be played using either joystick or keyboard. Keyboard :- Cursor Up Climb ladder, go between block to push, Enter door Cursor Up & Left/Right Go between Block (if Ladder Blocks the way) Cursor Down Descend ladder,step out from between blocks Cursor Left Walk left Curaor Left & SpaceBar Push block left Cursor Right Walk right Cursor Right + SpaceBar Push block right SpaceBar Pick block up, drop block P or F1 Pause game/help screen Esc Quit/Restart Level Cursor keys can be used on the option screen, with spacebar to select option, or you can type your passcode in direct from the numeric keypad Pressing G replicates OK Joystick: Climb Ladder/ Move into 'PUSH' position  ³ Walk left ÄÄÄ+ÄÄÄ Walk right ³  Descend Ladder/ Move out from 'PUSH' position P or F1 Pause/Help Screen Esc Abort Level Options Screen:- Using Joystick or keyboard this allows you to :- 1. Input a Passcod to gain access to a previously reached level 2. Turn music and/or sound effects on or off. 3. This screen also displays the number of Packs of Quavers collected so far (if any). Game Play :- The objets of the game is to manipulate the blocks in order to achieve a 'chain-reaction'of falling dominoes.The LAST domino to fall.however, must always be the TRIGGER block.All other blocks,apart from the red STOPPERS,must have fallen before the TRIGGER block. G.I.ANT can pick up and carry,then drop,any of the blocks into different positions,except for the TRIGGER which cannot be moved. Many blocks have different symbols,signifying the particular property of that block - at any time during play,pressing 'P' or F1 will pause the game and bring up the help screen,showing you the symbols and their meanings. When you're sure you have positioned all of the blocks correctly,you have just ONE push to succeed.If successful,you must exit the open door within a time limit,otherwise the screen will have to be re-played. If you are unsuccessful at completing a screen,press ESC to re-try. G.I.ANT is tough,and can fall from a pretty good height with just a dazed head.however,there is a limit,and if G.I.ANT falls too far,he will disintegrate.The level will have restarted if this happens. Similarly,he can get crushed if caught under a toppling block.he is also quite happy to run up and down steps with blocks,if necessary. G.I.ANT is strong enough to carry blocks along the surface,and even up and down ladders.Basically,the only thing too heavy for him to move is the TRIGGER block.Due to the energy exerted to manipulate all the blocks, G.I.ANT only has enough strength for ONE push per screen. Pause/Help:- When 'P' or F1 is pressed during gameplay,this will PAUSE the game, and bring up a help screen,showing and describing the 'SPECIAL' domino-blocks.Additionally,once you have overrun the time limit,this screen will also display a HINT on how to complete the current screen. Blocks:- ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ NORMAL - plain yellow Û Û These fall just once,except when they are placed on the edge of Û Û steps or at the edge of a gap,where they will tumble until they Û Û reach a flat surface or another block. Û Û ßßßßßßß ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ TUMBLER - middle red,top and bottom yellow ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ These continue tumbling until they are stopped by a fallen block. ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ Û Û Û Û ßßßßßßß ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ASCENDER - one vertical red stripe Û Û Û These will,when hit,float up until they hit an obstruction,at which Û Û Û time they will continue flipping in the same direction until stopped Û Û Û by a flat surface. Û Û Û ßßßßßßß ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ BRIDGER - one horizontal red stripe Û Û When positioned at the edge of a a gap,when hit these will bridge ÛÜÜÜÜÜÛ the gap.When positioned elsewhere,they will act as a NORMAL block. ÛßßßßßÛ Û Û ßßßßßßß ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ DELAY - diagonally,half yellow,half red ÛÛÝ Û When hit,these will not fall for a few moments,causing the 'hitter ÛÛÛÝ Û block'to rebound off it. ÛÛÛÛÝ Û ÛÛÛÛÛÝÛ ßßßßßßß ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ SPLITTER - horizontally,half yellow,half red Û Û When hit (usually by a falling block),this will split and knock Û Û over blocks on both sides of it. ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ßßßßßßß ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ VANISHER - two horizontal red stripes Û Û When hit,this will knock the next block over,then vanish as it ÛßßßßßÛ hits the ground. ÛÜÜÜÜÜÛ Û Û ßßßßßßß ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ EXPLODER - vertically,half yellow,half red ÛÛÛÝ Û When hit,this will explode,leaving a gap in the platform. ÛÛÛÝ Û ÛÛÛÝ Û ÛÛÛÝ Û ßßßßßßß ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ STOPPER - plain red ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ When hit,the block will rebound off it.This block cannot topple ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ßßßßßßß ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ TRIGGER - three horizontal red stripes ÛÜÜÜÜÜÛ This must be the last block to fall to open the door to the ÛÜÜÜÜÜÛ next screen. ÛÜÜÜÜÜÛ Û Û ßßßßßßß Do's & Don'ts DO ensure that the TRIGGER is the last block to topple. DON'T allow a block to fall from directly above onto another block, unless the lower block is a SPLITTER. DO keep your exit door clear. Tokens When you complete a screen successfully,and within the time limit,you will be awarded a TOKEN. Tokens can be used in two ways: 1) If you complete a screen,but have gone beyond the time limit, you will be allowed to use a TOKEN to allow you to progress to the next level. 2)if you fail a screen for any reason other than overunning the time limit you can use a TOKEN to replay the screen from the point at which you 'pushed'-i.e. the screen will be set up as you arranged previously.NOTE- the timer will also be reset to the time at which you made the push. Quavers On each level,there is a screen which,when completed successfully,will award you with a pack of Quavers.The specific screens are unknown, but you will need to collect all ten packs in order to play the very final screen.You will not be awarded your pack of Quavers if you have used a token to complete that particular screen. Passcodes After each screen is complete,you will be given a number,which will allow you to play the game from the level you last played. The passcode number contains information relating to: 1. The screen you have progressed to. 2. The number of packs of Quavers collected The passcode does NOT contain information relating to TOKENS,so when you restart using a passcode,you will have no tokens. Hints & Tips 1. Although you only have one PUSH,results can sometimes be achieved in other ways. 2. No matter how many blocks are on screen,you only need to rearrange a few sometimes no blocks need to be moved,it is just a question of which to push! 3. It is possible(and sometimes necessary) to move standing blocks after a cascade has started! 4. Always ensure G.I.ANT has access to the exit,although he CAN move faster than toppling blocks. 5. if you run out of time,you can always access the PAUSE/HELP screen for a HINT. Push Over Its program code,graphic representation and artwork are the copyright of Ocean Software Limited and may not be reproduced,stored,hired or broadcast in any form whatsoever without the written permission of Ocean Software Limited. All rights are reserved worldwide.