Quick Docs for Terminator 2029 Typed by Rifleman - INC/APT/TRWS Ok, this looks to be one of the better games this year. But it's hard as a fuck so someone please make me a trainer! Ok, the game isn't too hard to figure out, but there are a few things that weren't so obvious to finger out. Here's all the stuff I've found so far. You start out the game your quarters. Go make a guy, click on the monitor, just type in your name and callsign. Now you can either go to the simulator to see how to play, or click on the door and start your first mission. John Connor tells you your mission and you can skip through this after you have read it once by hitting ESC. ESC skips most everything. After he tells you your mission, you will need to outfit your A.C.E. suit. You have 3 items you can select to put on your suit. Phased Plasma Cannon, Autodoc (repair kit), and Fusion Grenades. I usually take 2 Cannons, 3 Grenades, and 1 repair kit. I'll get into how to use these in a sec, so hold yourself. There are 6 entries on the top left corner. Go click on the top 2. This will put a PPC in these slots. Now click on the up arrow to select the fusion grenade. Put three in the next slots. Now select defensive, and put an autodoc in the last slot. Now ya's ready to rock. PPC - Ok, enter the battlefield and click on a PPC with the left button, and the other PPC with your right button. Now you're armed with two weapons and can use both at the same time. Just slam on the buttons as fast as you can. You'll see two bar lines in the middle bottom of the screen. This is the energy left in the guns. Fusion Grenades - These are a bit tricky to use, but they fuck up whatever they hit. You only have 2 shots per pack, so use em on hard fuckers. Select the thing at the top of the screen with either button. Aim at your target and hold down on the button. Now look at your scope. A white dot will go toward your target. Lift up on the button soon as it's on top of the bitch and he'll go boom. Autodoc - This is a automatic repair thing. When you get too fucked up, select the autodoc, and hit 'r'. All your weapons will go offline, so you better make sure you're in a safe place. Repairing will take a long time, so make sure you keep away from the baddies. You can still move, so run like hell if they start surrounding you. You can hit 'n' to go to the next system to be repaired if you feel the need, and it will go back to which ever parts you skipped. If your autodoc gets killed, then you can use your repair kit. You only have 2 so use them sparingly. During your mission you can hit ESC and 'a' to abort. This will call your buddies to come pick you up and you can select different weapons, and get repaired. You can only do this once, and the second time you will abort the mission. Orders - During the mission you can hit 'o' to page through your orders. No big whoop. Inventory - I'm getting tired of typing. Just hit 'i' to see what kind of shit you have. Over head map - This shit you can basically figure out yourself, so I'm not gonna type very much more. 'a'. You can only save your game outside of missions, so don't fuck up. Alright, that's about all I feel like doing. One more thing, board ad. Call it cuz it's cool.