171 $ Lethal Tender $ Americans start another day shuddering in horror and gritting their teeth in frustration. The morning newspaper reports yet another hideously obscene act of violence against innocent citizens. It is the diabolical work of the world's most infamous villain. When reading of these monstrous events, one hardly needed to look for the name of the perpetrator, Thorne Devereaux. In the War Room deep beneath the White House, the President holds satellite recon photos in his trembling hands as he listens to his National Security Advisor give a briefing on Devereaux's ultimate scheme of mass terrorism. High in the Sierra Madre Mountains, Devereaux's agents have set up a camp outside an old mining ghost town. Posing as an experimental re-mining operation to extract traces of copper and silver left behind by conventional mining methods, they have built an underground manufacturing plant for the production of an incredibly explosive substance developed by Devereaux code named P.A.I.D. (Particle Accelerated Incinerary Device). This compound is so unstable that an amount the size of a silver dollar could literally reduce a city block to smoldering ashes in seconds. Devereaux's plan is to do just that by placing P.A.I.D. laden money into circulation. He has almost completed a counterfeit operation where the coins and bills are not just illegal copies, but lethal time bombs. The money will be sprayed with a protective coating that degrades over time. Once the coating wears off, contact with the air sets of a fiery blast. Unless stopped, random explosions will kill and maim innocent citizens everywhere. Not only will the carnage create absolute mayhem, but people will be afraid to touch any US currency. The entire US monetary system will be totally disrupted. "Hey buddy, keep the change," will be a decree of death instead of a gesture of generosity. This madness must stop and there is only one man who can stop Devereaux. Just the mention of his name sends a chill down the spine of drug lords, terrorists and crime syndicates throughout the world. He is an American hero. For that matter, an international hero, a LEGEND. He is one man making a difference against insurmountable odds in the War on Drugs and international terrorism. The man is Hunter, Nick Hunter! Nick Hunter is a highly decorated specialist in counter-terrorism with DEEP (Department of Elaborate Engagement Protocols), rumored to be a disjointed arm of the CIA. He is a far cry from the stereotypical Vietnam era snake-eating, muscle-bound Rambo commando. The epitome of the ultimate soldier using intellect, cunning and lightning speed to achieve his objectives. Brute force is only a matter of necessity, nothing more, nothing personal. Armed with the most exotic weapons and equipment, he is a master of infiltration and escape, adept in all aspects of combat engineering, including demolition, ambush, recon and subterranean warfare. As the top agent of DEEP's ultra-low-profile Stealth Group, Hunter is a master of weapons and disguise. His identity has been hidden well. For his safety and the safety of his elite hand picked team, exerted and expensive efforts are made to keep them out of the public eye. If his identity or whereabouts were known, it would be the beginning of the end. Keeping Nick Hunter under wraps was costly, but successful. Stories leaked around Washington's scandalous cocktail circuit, intentionally or not, about this new super-hero and his many identities. Soon these tales took on a life of their own to the point that people thought this Hunter character was a hoax or a figment of the government's overactive imagination. Some suspected this was a ploy to grab millions of dollars of tax payer's money for the CIA. They hardly believed a singular man could make such an impact...but then they didn't know Nick Hunter. Hunter was constantly on the move, jetting from one cosmopolitan watering hole to the next, always rubbing elbows with society's elite and always under the most elaborate disguises. He often masqueraded as an international art dealer, traveling with his usual entourage to cover for his long trips away from home. He was charming, intelligent and always a gracious guest. No one suspected this quiet and uncommonly warm gentleman was the greatest crime fighter of all. No one suspected YOU... ...you are Nick Hunter. Your mission is to infiltrate the bogus ghost town mining camp and gain access to the Devereaux's underground complex. You must locate and disable the main processing machine located at the lower levels of the compound. This will not be an ordinary mission, but then you are not an ordinary operative. No one knows for sure, but there is some suspicion that you might encounter Thorne Devereaux himself. Make no mistake about it, his reign of terror must be stopped. Life always seems to come down to a few moments. This is one of them. There are no alternatives. Its all or nothing at all. Good Luck!