%%0 I am Mondu-The-Fat, Master of the Fight Pits. And you ^B, are a pitiful and worthless creature. Before you continue, tell me this: %%1 That is correct, a most spectacular achievement don't you think? A slug like yourself can only dream of surviving your first fight. However, should the miracle of victory be yours, you may eventually meet ME in the pits. Now that's an amazing thought! Ha, ha, ha, ... %%2 I am Mondu-The-Fat, Master of the Fight Pits. And you bozos, are pitiful and worthless creatures. Before you continue, tell me this: %%3 That is correct, a most spectacular achievement don't you think? Slugs like yourselves can only dream of surviving your first fight. However, should the miracle of victory be yours, you may eventually meet ME in the pits. Now that's an amazing thought! Ha, ha, ha, ... %%4 You don't know much about this place do you? You're going to have to be a spectator for now ^B, type: FATMAN /DEMO at the DOS prompt. %%5 You don't know much about this place do you? You're going to have to be spectators for now, type: FATMAN /DEMO at the DOS prompt. %%-