JetMail versions history ======================== Version PL Date Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.99beta10 04.09.94 - Forgotten to increase maximum of forward areas to 8192. - The NoCopy statement was accidently removed. Re-implemented, but renamed to NoMonitor. - New AreaFix command: %AVAIL Send list of all areas connected, areas locally available and areas which are available from your uplinks (former %LIST). %LIST Same as %AVAIL, but without the areas of your uplinks. - Superfluous spaces in echomail areatags are now removed and the sending system (NOT the originator of the message) gets a notification about this FTS violation. - JetMail now informs Semper if JM exported any mail to have Semper rescan the outbound area (SingleTask support not yet implemented in Semper). - Lastread pointers of areas with -OriginalEcho were reset while crunching. Fixed. 0.99beta11 31.12.94 - Beta10 had a big scanner bug. - Supervise doesn't react on messages addressed to you anymore. - JetMail now recognizes ^aSEEN-BY lines. - If someone uses AreaFix with a wrong password, he/she will get the AFHELP.JM file sent. - CrashOK bug fixed (didn't work if the link wasn't a point of your system or a point of the same boss system). - Removed AES message code. We hope that this fixes the problems occuring on some systems. - JetMail's TIC processor activated. JetMail has now an internal FileFix and a TIC file processor. Please consult TICKDOC.TXT for further explanations. This was a damn lot of work, I hope there are not to much bugs in the TIC processor! JMHatch utility was include to hatch files. I think this one is self-explaining. If not, just drop us a message. Harrie Beuvink was so nice and sent us a program written by himself which converts the FILEECHO.BBS (ACS, TICKer-ST) to JetMail's TICKECHO.BBS format. Thanx Harrie! - It is now necessary to assign a group to an area with -Group in order to make it accessible via AreaFix. - JetMail adds now a RESCANNED kludge to rescanned messages according to FSC-0057. - JetStat modified to be easily scannable by UNIX tools like SED and AWK etc. - The file date & time of bundles are now restored after adding PKTs to them in order to have Sempers mail age display in the Outbound dialog being correct. - JetMail's EXITINFO.SYS was expanded, so a new version if EXITINFO.TTP is included (adds FILESENT/FILERCVD parameters). - ATTENTION: my (Daniels) voice phone number has changed! It is now +49-261-679285 I'm reachable up to midnight, in emergeancy cases later. - Support for the FixedAddress feature of the upcoming LED 1.25 0.99beta12 01.01.95 - AutoSend now supports file masks as documented. - TICKECHO.BBS flag -Local added. - JetMail now keeps comment lines (beginning with ';') in AREAS.BBS and TICKECHO.BBS when updating them after using AreaFix/FileFix. - Big bug in an internal function fixed which will cause JetMail not running properly on most systems. :-( 0.99beta13 30.01.95 - AutoSend fixed - JetMail renamed BIC files to Bnn in the next TICK run. - CONFIG.JM Statement "FreeBuffers" removed. JetMail now frees all dynamic buffers before execution of external program (packers). In former versions the BUNDLE run was extremely slowed down when using FreeBuffers. Changed. - Rescanning of TIC areas via FileFix removed. This has no sense and is VERY dangerous. - Workaround for a bug in LHArc 3.10 implemented. - Bug in TICK part fixed which caused dupes (buggy Seenby generation). - JetMail no longer strips -Desc lines when using -Local for the specific area in AREAS.BBS - DisableFileFix didn't work. - From this version on, only two inbounds are supported: Inbound SecureInbound - If an forwarded AreaFix request failed, JetMail wrote something like "There was no answer within 0 days" in has info message to the requesting system. - JetMail's TICKer maintains now a CRC database TICDUPES.SYS similar to DUPES.SYS for echomail. - JetMail's TICKer now checks the amount of free diskspace on the destination partition when moving files to a file area. - Rescanning of echomail areas stopped working. Fixed. - JetMail's FileFix now supports wildcards as documented. - Memory problems while crunching fixed. - You can now set the maximum length of a message by MaxMsgLength in CONFIG.JM. Defaults to 32KB. Using higher values could be dangerous for other programs interpreting the message length value in the message header as a signed value. Values greater than 64KB can't be used. This will be possible with a new message header format currently under development. - Purge From/To/Subject/Text are now working exactly the same. You specify keywords, which are searched for, case INsensitive. So no wildcards are necessary/allowed. - New "light" version included. JETLIGHT.TTP has no AreaFix and FileFix functions and so it's very suitable for point systems. - JetMail now checks the password in TIC files. Major bug. Grrrr.... - The scanner takes now care that there is at least one blank line before the tearline in a locally exported message. - Bug in %RESCAN fixed, no AREA tag was written. - JetMail should now run again under MiNT or MultiTOS. - Changed memory handling slightly. Should prevent most memory fragmentation. - If using AutoSend with wildcards in the file specification, JetMail will send now ALL matching files. Also, it will now MOVE the files to the file base, not copy them. Please check your batch files! 0.99beta14 05.02.95 - You can now define secondary TIC areas by attaching -Secondary to an area in your TICKECHO.BBS file. All files received in these secondary areas are re-distributed in the area for which you used this definition. - Bug in [TIC]DUPES.SYS handling fixed. - New Link statement "TicPassword " to define the password written into the TIC file if it's different from the FileFixPwd. - You can now switch the the File reminders generated by JetMail's TICK-Module on and off using %NOTIFY on/off in FileFix messages. If using "off", the link flag "NoTicNotify" is set for the requesting system. 0.99beta15 [inofficial emergeancy release, not distributed via file echoes] - TMP file bug fixed. - JetMail bombed if receiving a TIC from a non-linked system. 0.99beta16 28.02.95 - If the TIC report footer file didn't exist, JetMail exited with an I/O error. - Area option "-ForcePvt" works now also for non-local areas. - MaxMsgLength was mis-documented. It takes KBs as parameter, not Bytes!!! - PACK doesn't react on local Fix messages anymore if using Disable[Area/File]Fix. - TICK crashed if importing TICs without using CheckTickDupes. Blame on you! ;-))) - JetMail no longer tries to import MOD files! :-)))) - Bug concerning ForceConnect fixed (didn't work under certain circumstances). - New Link flag "JetMail" which tells JetMail, that the "other side" is also using JetMail. This improves import speed at the link system. Formerly, this was the default but it caused some irritations at PC systems. - DisableAreaFix and DisableFileFix didn't work. - JetMail bombed under certain circumstances (to complicated to explain here) if using %RESCAN. I've implemented a small work-around which prevents JetMail from bombing until we really fix this bug. 0.99beta17 02.03.95 - SCAN zeroed the calculated CRC of the MSGID. - Under certain circumstances the file date and time was not preserved when copying a file being imported by TICK. Fixed. - JetMail did never answer to AreaFix/FileFix messages. Sorry guys.