MBROWSE MasterBrowse 4.5 Manual 1stConv INTRODUCTION DONATION-WARE UPGRADING INSTALLING MASTERBROWSE The Installation Program NeoDesk 3.x TeraDesktop Application Method Edit Method Gemini GEM Desktop USING MASTERBROWSE The MasterBrowse Menu System Markers (Window Menu #1) MasterBrowse MasterBrowse... Open Document... Open Document Batch... Paste Quick Access... Close Document Close All Documents Print Document... Print/Save/Clip Operations Printer Control Codes Save Document... Save Document Batch... Delete Window Context Help... Shortcuts... Rotate Windows Window Title... Iconify MasterBrowse... General Options... Output Options... Display Options... Text & Background Colours... Save Options Save Options As... Load Options... Select Display Font... Help... Window Information... Markers Load Bookmark List... Save Bookmark List... Clear Bookmark... Clear All Bookmarks Select All Remove Block Markers Print Block... Save Block... Expand Block Position Top Of Document Push/Pop Position Bottom Of Document Find... Find Next Find Previous Jump -> Search Pos. Jump -> Bookmark... Jump -> Block Start Jump -> Block End Jump -> Line/Jump -> Page Jump -> Line... Jump -> Page... Starting MasterBrowse Movement Arrow Keypad Application Keypad GEM Desktop Keys !The MasterBrowse Dialog System DISCLAIMER DISTRIBUTION CONTACTING THE AUTHOR ACKNOWLEDGMENTS SUZY B'S SOFTWARE INFORMATION CLOSING NHelp Index