------------------------- I d e a L i s t - H e l p ------------------------- Author ------ Christoph Bartholme, Ettlinger Straže 37, D-76137 Karlsruhe, Germany Purpose ------- IdeaList-Help offers an online help for IdeaList v3.5 (PRG- and ACC-version) Why an external program? Well, if you do not need this help support, there is no RAM consumption for an unused feature. Otherwise it is comfortable to get a hint for every button or menu item at runtime, isn't it? Constraints ----------- IdeaList-Help runs with all resolution modes. Installation ------------ The program can be used either as ACC or as PRG. There are three ways to use it: 1) Copy IL_HELP.ACC to the main directory and reboot. Thus you get an online help for ILIST.ACC as well as for IDEALIST.PRG. 2) Copy IL_HELP.ACC to anywhere you want, rename it to IL_HELP.PRG and launch it. Now you have a online help for the ILIST accessory you have installed before. 3) Copy IL_HELP.ACC to the directory of IDEALIST.PRG and rename it to IL_HELP.PRG. Now if you work under MultiTOS or Mag!X the online help is launched automatically by IdeaList itself and cancelled at the end. Launch ------ To get a help text while working with IdeaList, just press the key in addition to the mouse click or shortcut: By this time a window is opened containing a help text. the window can be moved or closed as you want. With the window gets closed, too. The online help does not work inside dialog boxes. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------