How to convert CardFile 4 database files to Atari Works database files and back again. Inorder to convert these files it is necessary to have the program DB_CONV. This is the Database File Converter by Dan Wilga and is part of the CardFile 4 package. I want to thank Dan for writing such a useful utility! You will also need a text editor to add or delete a header line. Atari Works will not suffice for this purpose because it will not maintain the long lines during the conversion process. (Dan, would it be possible to make a small modification to DB_CONV to get the header from a file ). When choosing a text editor, make sure it can handle very long line lengths because some of the lines will exceed 255 characters. The following files should be included in the archive: CARDFIL4.DCD 452 08/10/92 21:01 CARDFILE.TAB 163 09/03/93 19:25 CF4_WORK.DCL 78 08/28/93 15:00 CONVERT .TXT 158 09/03/93 19:27 WORKS .DCD 438 08/28/93 15:01 WORK_CF4.DCL 80 08/28/93 15:04 Here is an explaination for each of the files: CARDFIL4.DCD: This file is the Database Converter Description for a CardFile 4 database. CARDFILE.TAB: This file is the header line that is necessary to include as the first line in the converted file when going from CardFile 4 to Atari Works. CF4_WORK.DCL: This file is the Database Converter Link for going from CardFile 4 to Atari Works. CONVERT.TXT: This file contains the text you are reading . WORKS.DCD: This file is the Database Converter Description for a Atari Works import file. WORK_CF4.DCL: This file is the Database Converter Link for going from Atari Work to CardFile 4. Inorder to use the Database Converter Program all of the above files need to be in the same directory. It is not necessary for the files you are converting to be in this directory however. ===================================================================== How to convert from CardFile 4 to Atari Works 1) Run DB_CONV.PRG. 2) Select the button [Load Link]. When the file selector appears, select the file CF4_WORK.DCL. 3) Select the button [Convert]. When the file selector appears, select the CardFile 4 database file you would like to convert. NOTE: It is possible an alert dialog will appear with the following message: The header is not correct. Proceed anyway? It is perfectly ok to proceed. This error will occur unless the database file you are converting was sorted by the Last Name field. 4) When the file selector appears again, select a file for the output of this part of the conversion. The file should end with a .TAB extension as this is the default extension for Atari Works. 5) Quit DB_CONV. 6) Now with a text editor, load the file you just created and insert as the first line, the file CARDFILE.TAB. This is the header that Atari Works will be looking for. It is a standard text file, but I didn't want to type it in everytime I convert a file. 7) Save the file and quit the text editor. 8) Run Atari Works. 9) Under the File Menu, select the option Import File. When the Import File dialog appears, select the DB Icon. Then select the option: TAB-delimited ASCII Text. When the file selector appears select the file that you just created. ===================================================================== How to convert from Atari Works to CardFile 4 1) Run Atari Works and load the database file you wish to convert to a CardFile 4 database. 2) From the File Menu, select the option Export File. When the Export File dialog appears, select the option: TAB-delimited ASCII Text. When the file selector appears, select a file for the output of this part of the conversion process. The file should end with a .TAB extension as this is the default extension for DB_CONV. 3) Quit Atari Works. 4) Now with a text editor, remove the first line of the file. This was a header created by Atari Works and is not necessary for the conversion process. 5) Save the file and quit the text editor. 6) Run DB_CONV. 7) Select the button [Load Link]. When the file selector appears, select the file WORK_CF4.DCL. 8) Select the button [Convert]. When the file selector appears, find and select the file you just edited. 9) When the file selector appears again, select a file for the output of this part of the conversion process. The file should end with a .DAT extension as this is the default extension for CardFile 4.