Changes to NeoCom V 2.xx ------------------------ *NOTE* If you run a version lower than 2.30, PLEASE make sure to ERASE your NEOCOM.NUM file and let NeoCom make a NEW NEOCOM.NUM. ----- --- Version 2.42 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+- - Sorry to say this - but NeoCom does not support Falcon & TT-low yet. Hopefully this will be OK in the next version. - If you use the FULL-button on the window AND has FIT WINDOW set in EDIT WINDOW, you will get the maximum size of window and terminalsize that fit inside that window. This will work as if you use the SIZE-BOX and maximize the window. - A bug in EDIT PROTOCOL now fixed. Version 2.42 --------------- - You could not select Midi in EDIT RS232, now corrected! - If you tried to save a *.NUM file under ANY other name than NEOCOM.NUM, the file got the wrong file-format, now corrected! Version 2.42 ------------ - A New TermWind has now been included with NeoCom. This is now hopefully Fully TT/Falcon compatible & should support even True Color mode! - NeoCom will now adjust the window size to the size of the terminal. - Terminal size can also be adjusted if you use the SIZE BOX of the window, but ONLY if you have FIT WINDOW set in EDIT WINDOW. - All emulation will default to Inversed background now. - New different font sizes : 4*6 - 6*6 - 8*8 - 8*16 - NeoCom now has it's own internal IBM font. STANSI_F package no longer needed to get this font. - Some of the colors for ANSI was mixed up, corrected! - I have added som stuff for COST calculation. Connect Cost - Here you can state how much each Connect will cost you. Minimum Cost - The absolute minimum cost for a call. There is also 3 new boxes to click in, use them to SELECT the function you wish to use, i.e click in the corresponding box to activate the function. - Yet another bug found in external programs, Sometimes it couldn't find the path for the program, fixed!