---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 1991 by Natrlich! This file is copyrighted! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CRLF155 --- a file conversion utility for Atari 8Bit/16Bit and UNIX systems. ASCII only. Copyright ½ 1991 by Natrlich! on sources, binaries and manuals Parts of this program (WILDMAT) by Rich $alz & Lars Mathiesen (*) ¯¯ Bang that Bit that doesn't Bang ®® I n t r o d u c t i o n If you are developing on UNIX and TOS systems, you are probably transporting archives from one machines to the other. But there is a problem, the carriage returns are missing! That's because UNIX (cleverly) uses only a LF to terminate a line, whereas TOS (and MSDOS) use two characters CR and LF. (The historical reason is that with a CR/LF ended, line you can just dump the file into (most) printers.) If you often transport files between the two systems, this utility is probably what you were looking for. Not that it is immensely difficult to write such a conversion utility, actually it's probably about the simplest program imaginable, but you don't have to write it again, and CRLF155 is a million times more useful, than the one your are using now. U s a g e crlf155 ([flags] )+ -a Optionally you can also convert ATASCII files to UNIX -x with the -a option and to TOS with the -x option. The backwards flag applies here as well. Also you can untabify here. Be sure to set the TAB value. -n Just untabify. This is useful, when converting between files of various editors. (I hate ((char) 0x9)s ...) -h No hardtabs. (probably useless). Assume a TAB to be a fixed amount of spaces. -b Backwards, change conversion direction, f.e. LF to 155 This depends if you are a UNIX or TOS system. The default conversion route is to your system. -u[val] Untabify, default: TOS TAB == 3, UNIX TAB == 8 -c Specify TAB character. Either as a character or in decimal. -s Show some statistics for user amusement -t (TOS) halt screen before exiting E x a m p l e s On a TOS system under GULAM 1. Convert all .C and .H files from TOS to UNIX. crlf155 -b '*.c *.h' Note that files are lowercase. The apostrophes are to protect the argument from expansion. Else GULAM would substitute all the .C and .H files as arguments. Unfortunately standard TOS commandlines can't exceed 125 characters (or somesuch). 2. Convert all .C files from UNIX to TOS all .TXT files from ATASCII to UNIX, that start with 'a', 'b', 'c' or 'f'. Untabify the .TXT files, but leave the TABs in the .C files. crlf155 '*.c' -a -u8 '[a-cf]*.txt' Flags can be toggled. The commandline is processed, from left to right. CRLF155 overwrites the source file. If your disk runs out of space one file might get clobbered. If CRLF155 has been compiled with LASTDITCH code enabled, CRLF155 will try to save a backup in f:\tmp (/tmp for UNIX) or whereever it was told to save it. CRLF155 looks in the environment and looks for an entry TMPDIR. CRLF155 preserves the time/date of the source file. This is so that make doesn't recompile/assemble the files, just because you changed a couple of TABs and LFs. (*) Rich Dollaralz, Cashalz, Lootalz ??