Yahtzee V.2 S.Martin35 I discovered a typo in the yahtzee program I uploaded on the 15 of january (#22298 yatze.arc) that at certain times would let the computer (or the player) score a full house when he didn't really have one. NO WONDER THE COMPUTER ALWAYS BEAT ME! IT WAS CHEATING!! Plus the computer seemed to get a yahtzee on its first set of rolls more often than seemed right. I redid the way the random numbers are seeded. To make it worth the trouble of deleting the old version and uploading a new one I made a few other changes. It looks a little better now. It lets you look at what would give you the best score. (press the right mouse button or click on info when ever you have dice showing) I added a title screen Other than that it's still the some ole program (still no sound-those beep beep beeps drive me crazy)