MJUZAKK-history V1.0 28.9.93 First released Version. Good, but not good enough. V1.1 - Even more beautiful about-box :-> - English documentation, too!!! - Every track can be switched off in the song-editor - Beside the "Leiser"(lower)-Button, there exists a "Lauter"(Louder)-Button (Attention worse quality posible!) - You can simply jump to the cut-marks in the sample-editor - Basic-note (that means the note, that plays the sample in its original- recording-frequency (default=C2)) can be changed in the sample-editor - Piano-like keyboard is usable in the sample-editor, too - The Samplelist now shows the sample length in kByte - No more bombs when you use too long samples or wrong sample formats - Number of tracks can be expanded in the song option menu - No more problems with memory reservation while growing the song length - Some bugs unplugged :-) V1.2 - Heavy bug in the sampleeditor fixed - Space-key to stop play works also in the sampleeditor - No more destroyed samples when a song doesn't fit into memory - Some little bugs fixed