Falcon 030 50KHz Module Player v1.0 - There can only be one.... --------------------------------------------------------------- Ladies and gentlemen..... We bring you the BEST module player for the Falcon available today. Maybe it's not full of functions or any (annoying) graphix in the background etc but it sure has the best sound quality. Listen to it and you'll understand what I mean.... The replay routine was ripped from The Left Donout demo by Griff of Electronic Images. Sorry Griff, but everyone wants to have the best, and we just bring it to them. Technical the replay routine uses the DSP and eats about 10% CPU time. This is yet another TTP program from me (I love them!!!) and as a module player I personally like this system best. Simply install the program with the "Install Application" option and extension MOD of course. Don't forget to save the configuration, you never know.... As double clicking on a module (or dragging it onto the program OR typing it manually at the prompt) it will automatically be loaded and guess what! It will (hopefully....) even be played for ya! The screen you see as the module is playing just displays the modules name (not the filename idiot!) and the file length (hex bytes). Since I wrote this program on my STE with mono screen there's no graphix or bouncing balls or any other stupid things on the screen, just pure heavy unbeatable sound. However the program will only work on Falcon so don't get any false hope now guys.... Modules unfortunately have the ability of getting QUITE big.... Therefore, I have supported three crunchers which will make life much easier for you guys with small hard drives. Ice Packer v2.4, Atomik Packer v3.6 and Power Packer v4.1 (some Amiga shit). If you like this proggy then please send something nice to the guy who actually deserves it, the author of the replay routine, the one and only..... Martin Griffiths Darwin College The University Kent CT2 7NY Okay, time for me to wrap.... Gotta get some sleep coz I have to get up VERY early tomorrow, see ya d00dez!!!! Greetz, Phoenix! --------------------------------------------------------------- BTW! Watch out for more heavy stuff from Cyberpunk Software Inc which soon will be released. Utilities no one should be without.