Faximodo v0.61 beta 18-07-1993 SubSoft Development (c) 1993 by Harrie Beuvink Fido.Org 2:283/705.0 NeST.Ftn 90:500/208.0 PNN.Ftn 13:310/204.0 Fax +31 53 777522 BBS +31 53 777522 This packages is until now just a BETA version. Dont blame me if it doesn't work as you wanted it.... Downloading faxes is a not yet implemented feature! Disclaming...: I'm not responseble for any harm your system may get. You use it on your own risk. On my system it works! ;-) This packet contains: FAXIMODO.TXT this textfile FAXIMODO.TTP programfile FAXIMODO.CFG configfile FAXIMODO.HDR headerfile, will be put in top in every fax FAXIMODO.USR userfile, the users who have acces en account FAX_INFO.ASC textfile shown in the dorfile SENDFAX.DOR dorfile for quickbs FAX.MNU menufile for quickbbs Also some programs from the packet HFAXBETA are needed. There is a newer verser from HackFax but I din't get it to work till now. HFAXBETA works fine with FAXIMODO. Those programs are: ASC2G3.TTP, FAX.FNT, MYFAX.INF and SENDFAX.TTP and they MUST be in the same folder as defined in FAXIMODO.CFG!! The programmer of HackFax now is: Markus Bubendorf Kirchgasse 3 4124 Sch”nenbuch Schweiz Telephon: +41 (0)61 482 02 20 Bitte keine Faxe schicken, da der Computer i.d.R. ausgeschaltet ist. E-Mail: Markus Bubendorf on 2:301/216.3 @ FidoNet The original was written by: Helmut E. Neumann Im Appensee 4 W6100 Darmstadt 23 BR Deutschland Faximodo is a programm or the atari-st(e) /tt? to give users the possibility to send faxes from your bbs. It's written in gfa-basic 3.5e The files FAXIMODO.CFG, FAXIMODO.USR, FAXIMODO.HDR and FAXIMODO.TTP must be in the SAME FOLDER!!!!!!! FaxiModo knows tree parameters. I will give more details about them: faximodo.ttp -check ------------------- Faximodo with this parameter must be start up from the dor-file. This packet contains a sample dor-file. It exits with errorlevel 0 when a user is not listed in de file FAXIMODO.USR 1 when the user's credits are less then LowCredit >1 return the current credit of a fax-user. It reads the info of a user from the file DORINFO1.DEF, with MUST be in the same folder as all the other FaxiModo files! For more info about the file DORINFO1.DEF read your manual of the bbs-program you are using. faximodo.ttp -convert --------------------- This parameter reads the mailarea and convert the mailarea message to a faxfile. Messages received by FaxiModi will get the status "received". The file FAXIMODO.HDR will be put on top of the fax to send. You can put your own advertising/announts in this file. The faxes will be put in the faxoutboundfolder, defined in the controlefile FAXIMODE.CFG and an entry is written in the file FAXOMODO.OUT in this folder. faximodo.ttp -send ------------------ This parameter will send the fax out. Everytime when there is an atempt to send the fax out, the outboundfile FAXIMODO.OUT will be updated, so the maximum tries to send a fax will be ... tadaa ... MaxTries in the configfile. When a fax isn't deliverable the flag MaxTries is set and when a fax is sent the flag SENT is set and the useraccount in FAXIMODO will be updated. In all cases, the user will get a report in the area. The controle-files: FAXIMODO.CFG ------------ ; Sysopname for messages generated to the user. ; Adress is for future perpose. FaxiModo will soon also send fax by netmail. SysOp Harrie Beuvink Adress 2:283/705.0 ; if the fax isn't sent after MaxTries, the user will get a messages. ; the system doesn't make attamps anymore to send the fax. MaxTries 2 ; when usercredit < LowCredit, a messages will be send to the user LowCredit 150 ; give only users access who may send faxes!! (security in the bbs-sofrtware) MailArea c:\msgs\0195 ; Keep the path's short. The utils from hackfax only use short commandlines FaxInbound . FaxOutbound . faxConvert asc2g3.ttp faxSend sendfax.ttp ; path and filename to the logfile of HackFax. Faximodo will look in this ; file is the fax is sent correctly. Also update MYFAX.INF! (part of HackFax) SendLog myfax.log StripNet 053 ; defaultcost 75 cents, to 09* cost 250, to 064* cost 0 etc.... ; the user will get a conformation when the fax is sent correctly. CallCost 75 09 250 06 250 060 0 064 0 End ; a messages will be send to the user if a send to this not allowed numbers: NoSend 777522 End Put in this file your own advertising... FAXIMODO.HDR ------------ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This fax is - created by FaxiModo (c) SubSoft Development 1993 | | - send by the 68000 Atari Data Server +3153777522 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ FAXIMODO.USR ------------ Harrie Beuvink 7225 Ruud Van.Der.Veen 1000 Erwin Van.Hunen 850 erik van.wette 1000 richard van.hooijdonk 1000 Marcel De.Gier 1000 Files for your bbs-program are: (I use quickbbs and there are written for...) Note that the MUST be written a DORINFO1.DEF in the dorfile. See for more details about the creation of this file the documentation of your bbs-prog. SENDFAX.DOR ----------- cd \faximodo write dorinfo1.def exec faximodo.ttp -check cd \qbbs cls menu 39 \qbbs\text\fax_info.asc IF *C=0 THEN GOTO noaccess if *C=1 then goto low if *C>1 then goto faximodo goto einde :noaccess prompt Press [RETURN] ... key cls SEND Moment, checking access and credits SEND send Sorry, you don't have any credits to send faxes. send send If you want to use this service, deposit the minimum amount of send Hfl 10,00 on my account Giro 5068284 to my name Harrie Beuvink send with the discription "FAX-SERVICE" send prompt Press [RETURN] ... key goto einde :low prompt Press [RETURN] ... key cls send Sorry, you don't have enough credits to send faxes anymore. send send If you want to continue to use this service, deposit the send minimum amount of Hfl 10,00 on my account Giro 5068284 to send my name Harrie Beuvink with the discription "FAX-SERVICE" send prompt Press [RETURN] ... key goto einde :faximodo send Your credits now are *C cents. send send Mention in the "To :" field the name and phonenumber you send want to send your fax to!! Example send To : President Bush 053777522 send Subj : Don't forget to write te correct faxnumber... send menu 27 195 goto einde :einde cd \qbbs exit FAX_INFO.ASC ------------ Hello A, We charge the following costs for the next service: Sending fax: to 09* numbers cost 250 cents to 06* numbers cost 250 cents to 060* numbers cost 0 cents to 064* numbers cost 0 cents to all other numbers cost 75 cents Sending is not allowed and possible to number 777522 ;-) You will receive a messages from the bbs if your acount is lower than 150 cents. FAX.MNU ------- Is included in the archive. Have fun. If there are any problems, just contact me. Harrie Beuvink PO.Box 340 7500 AH Enschede The Netherlands