Greetings, This is Gilgamesh, the sysop of The Devil's Doorknob (410)442-1601, I am sending you this notice in an effort to increase donations to the BBS. As you probably know, the starting security level for a validated user is 50. With that security level you get 125 minutes per day and 50 minutes per logon. When you donate your time per day increases, your time per logon increases, you get a boost to your post/call ratio and extra file credits. With money recieved from donations I will be able to many things, depending on the amount recieved: Purchase a high speed modem, register on-line games for increased playability, and get my CD-ROM fixed (or a new one) and purchase CDs with gigs of files for you to download. This board can only be as good as the users make it, if everyone were to donate $5.00, with roundabout 200 users that would be $1,000.00 which would be enough to do everything needed. This board needs your support. 1.00 - 1 point SL raise, 10 additional minutes per logon/per day, 5 extra posts on your ratio, 20 extra k towards files. 5.00 - 5 points SL raise, 30 addtional minutes per day, 10 per logon, 15 extra posts on your ratio, 200 extra k towards files. 10.00 - 10 points SL raise, 50 additional minutes per day, 20 per logon, 30 extra posts on your ratio, 500 extra k towards files. 20.00 - 20 points SL raise, 60 additional minutes per day, 40 per logon, 50 extra posts on your ratio, 1 extra meg. towards files. For any other amount that I haven't listed the figures will be adjusted in a mathematically fair way. Thank you for your support. ---Gilgamesh. The Devil's Doorknob Newsletter This is a sampling of a monthly newsletter you could subscribe to. The cost to subscribe to this newsletter for one year would be $7.00, that's only about .58 a month. The actual newsletter would be printed up and mailed to your home. The newsletter contains many useful things, BBS listings, classified ads, question & answer help column, listings of current events, updates and in depth descriptions of new functions and features added to the BBS, and more. If you are a sysop and wish to list your BBS you can either e-mail me a text ad, call me to enter a text ad, or create and ad in Windows .WRI (Write) format and upload it to the sysop directory of the BBS, with a decription such as : .WRI BBS advertisement. The BBS listings printed will be checked before each issue is sent out in order to confirm they are still functioning. If you wish to have a classified ad printed, you can e-mail a text ad, call in a text ad, or upload a .WRI ad. Your classified ad can be for anything you wish, items being sold or wanted, emplyment opportunities, etc... The same goes for any current event you wish to have listed. As for the question & answer section, you may send me e-mail with your question, or you may sent it real mail to my PO Box, any questions I recieve will be printed in the newsletter, so if you don't wish your alias to be attached to the question please inform me before you save or mail your question. While I am here, I will give you a listing of classified ads for items & services I have available or want. FREE: Two cats, male, declawed, neutered, free to good home. WANTED: Any old fish aquariums that you might want to throw away, cracked ok, but not broken. SERVICE: Art instruction available, $10/hr, free trial lesson. SERVICE: Hauling, small loads, $20 per load. SERVICE: Pet portaits painted, prices range from $20-$100 depending on size and medium used. FOR SALE: Sofa set, sofa, loveseat, end table, nothing fancy, beige, needs minor cusion repair, $30, great for 1st apartment. --For all above ads, call Sharon (410)442-2283, 12pm-9pm. *****New things in store for The Devil's Doorknob***** I am currently working on setting up the new version of WWIV, v4.24. In this version there is message and transfer directory conferencing, which will allow greater ease in locating the messages or files that you want. I will be installing multiple full screen editors for use when posting. I will be installing many more games (hopefully registered with your donations). I am creating more specialized transfer directories to make it easier to locate what you wish to download. I plan on putting in many modifications to the new version of the board, as each mod is added a brief description will be posted on the board and a more lengthy description will be printed in the newsletter. Right now, the two most recent modifications have been the addition of a personal tag, and ass points. The personal tag is a simple note that you can edit from the Defaults section, the note will appear at the bottom of every post and e- mail as long as you enter yes when saving your messages. The ass points are automatically given to a user if they hang up on the board, they are manually given if they board has been locked (thus disabling the automatic feature.), they are also manually given if you post an off topic crap post just to increase your ratio. Once 10 ass points are accumulated you will no longer be able to access the transfer section until they are removed. You may ask, what is so different between this newletter and the electronic BBS? Well, on the BBS the messages, BBS ads, classifieds, etc.. scroll off, and sometimes if a user hasn't called in awhile they will just clear out the new messages without reading any of them. This way, there is a hard copy, making it much easier to go back later to find something you need, as many times users are too lazy to go backwards through the messages on the board to find a particular BBS number or that one item they were interested in buying. Also, lots of times new WWIV users don't really know their way around the BBS and will miss everything that you post for however long it takes them to understand all the commands. As support for the board inscreases, so will support for the users, there will be more services, parties, events, etc... Any corrospondence to me by mail should be addressed to: Sharon Ryan PO Box 358 West Friendship, MD 21794 Adult Access Form _______________ In order to assure that no minor can download adult files from The Devil's Doorknob, we have implemented the following procedure.. Upon reciept of this form, print it out, and if you wish adult access, you must answer the questions fully, and include a photocopy of your MD driver's license or ID. Then have your completed form signed by a notary public. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we truly believe it should not be a problem for the legitimate user. The entire process should only take a day or two. Once your form has been signed and certified by a notary public, return to the address noted above. It IS NOT NECESSARY to complete this form to download files from any of the non-adult file areas. This adult form procedure applies only to ADULT FILES. HERE IS THE FORM: ================================================================ Request for Access to Adult Materials on The Devil's Doorknob BBS Verification of Age Over 18 Years. Your full legal name (Notary, please verify): Your date of birth (Notary, please verify): Your Devil's Doorknob Account Alias & Account Number: (Notary, ignore this question for internal use only): Devil's Doorknob User's Signature: Notary Public's Signature: Today's Date: ================================================================= Thank you for your cooperation! Please note that this form is confidential, and will be destroyed, if you wish, in the event that you leave The Devil's Doorknob as a user.