*** RULES FOR THE DEVIL'S DOORKNOB! *** --- The Main Board --- 1> You may not choose an alias that may be offensive or crude. 2> Do not post BBS Advertisements in the Automessage, there is a separate message for that, the command is //BBSADD from the main menu. 3> Do not use profane language in the BBS Ad or Automessage. 4> You are required to vote, the voting questions (most of them) pertain to cirtain parts of the board that may come into action or cease to exist, depening on the user response. 5> Always 'Log Off' never hang up on the board. If you have call waiting please disable it by dialing *70, before the BBS number. If you hang up in certain areas of the board, it will cause the software to crash and lock up the computer, thus not allowing any other users to call and this affects the board's activity. --- In The Message Area --- 1> You must read the messages, because you are required to post in order to take advantage of the files and games, and you cannot post succesful messages without knowing what the current conversation is about. 2> It is preferred that signature macros be posted >once< at the bottom of you message as if signing a letter. Animation in macros should be limited as well as the size of the macro should be limited to 3 lines or less. The exception to this rule is the Macro Proving Ground Sub. 3> Cussing in messages is generally frowned upon except in the On The Warpath Sub. Slight cussing, such as: pissed, suck(s), and damn, is generally acceptable as long as it flows with the sentence structure. 4> Stay on the current topic of message area you are in, if you wish to discuss something or find out information about something of which there is no current sub topic for, then post a message in the suggestions sub requesting that a sub be made for your topic. The sysop will then (depending on validity of the topic) put up a voting question to see if the activity for such a sub would be high enough to warrant it's existance.