1> All uploads that can be zipped must be zipped (or self-extracting). .ZIP format is preferred, but other archive formats are accepted. 2> All archived files should not have anything in the archive not part of the program. Ie, I don't want to see any .ZIP files that have the file PKZIP.EXE inside. Partial credit will be removed if I have to go through the trouble of deleting extra files out of archives. 3> .GIF files may be uploaded, HOWEVER, I don't want any low quality .GIFs and when asked to enter in the file discription include the size before the text ie, (640x480x256) Picture Of Garfield. 4> I don't want any low quality games. Do not upload anything that runs so fast on anything better than a 8088 that you can't even see anything even with the Turbo button off. 5> Don't upload anymore text games, we already have enough of those. 6> Don't upload any programs that do not have standard function keys or proper instructions as to what the keys are for. I don't want to load up a program, hit every key on the keyboard, not find anything to exit and have to reboot the computer, that really pisses me off. 7> Before you upload any files, please do an 'S' (Filename) search and an 'F' (Text description) search, or look in the proper directory to ensure that I don't already have the file. 8> Due to the almost total lack of voluntary uploads (ie. One new upload every 3 months), uploads are now required, you must maintain a U/D ratio of 0.100 as well as a post call ratio of 0.500. If you do not know what to upload, take a look at the File Request Door in the on-line game section. 9> If I find that someone has uploaded something I have specifically said not to I will remove double the file credits and hand out ass points.