Howdy, wanted to send you some information..... Thrashin' Seth #3 @8338 Sat Mar 25 20:14:14 1995 Saw two different things of interest today : 1 from congress, one I got from a few different papers. 1) Proposed legislation before the Senate: 7S.314 - 0 Under S.314 anyone who "makes, transmits, or otherwise makes available any comment, request, suggestion, proposal, image, or other communication" which is "obscene, lewd, laviscious, filthy, or indecent" using a "telecommunications device" would be subject to a fine of up to $100,000.00 or two years in prison (Section (2)(a)). Basically, the scope of the bill would make all telecommunications carriers (including telephone companies, commercial online services, the Internet, and BBSes) liable for every message,file, or other content carried on its network. (Including the private conversations or messages between consenting individuals) If you want more information on this contact - Jerry Berman, Executive Director, Center for Democracy and Technology, 1001 G Street NW, Suite 700 East, Washington DC 20002. Voice # (202) 637-9800, FAX (202) 637-0968. E-mail at 2jberman@cdt.org0. Second item of interest : Student arrested for posting a fictional story on the Internet Jeff Baker was arrested after posting a fictional story on the Internet. The story contained rape, torture and snuff killings and the actual name of a female classmate. Jeff had never communicated to her about his writings or fantasies in any way, he was arrested when another classmate contacted police in regards to the story. He is being held under the states 'stalking' laws, and the key piece of evidence against him are the post and 1 person who has said that Jeff said "Fantasies just aren't enough anymore." Sources close to the case have indicated that the State has no other evidence and has had no previous complaints filed against Jeff. But the State feels that the post as well as that 1 brief statement warrant the arrest and prosecution. 7Seth 0ӖH&vw5s7DJtYwT^_`awmnopqrstuvz}€ÀĀŀƀǀȀɀʀˀ̀̀΀πЀрҀӀԀՀր׀؀ـڀۀ܀݀ހ߀or E-mail it for you ....he played with me this morning for the first time in weeks....I love happy endings/ beginnings also found a wealth of ferret info on the internet in the usenet mega vet info Doc in the form of FAQ's....also led to connections with vets ....who seem to be ferret experts....and even more fun.....addresses for ferret shelters who adopt out ferrets who have been lost/found, abused etc....also lots ferret pics....and even a sound file of playing ferrets.....heavenly sigh......I am in ferret heaven....and it is all Doc's fault.....she started it all.....thanks Doc...I definately owe you!....of course my honey might not think so after he sees my internet bill<> 7*1<^3Just 7DEWW 3It7!1^>7*0 ;y0PETNETMonkeys``Khan`` VirtualNet #1 AT 1214006 Sun Oct 08, 1995 12:54:50 0R 34 10/14 02:12 WWIVNet 8320->8338 0R 35 10/14 00:16 WWIVNet 8315->8320 0R 34 10/13 23:06 WWIVnet 11012->8315 0R 35 10/13 01:49 WWIVnet ->11012 0R 35 10/12 07:59 WWIVnet ->12001 0R 34 10/12 07:36 WWIVnet ->5100 0R 34 10/12 06:15 WWIVnet 4001->5100 0R 34 10/12 06:52 WWIVnet 6001->4001 0R: net33: @6001 (via @6126) [00:42 10/11/95] Re: Monkeys 2>9Hello, just joined in on this subject. I love animals, so I thought this 2>9would be for me :) Just a quick question.....I was kinda cur (rӼQd0 :X 98ֹ " V h,!04!0x3?c1e~.r.-~ o?M',rP'E,p@ _Bb3#\:I/R38Bvo EyL`87ONNy?9?m4_i:w'ۆx Q0b ۙ2u\z/00 IzbeTs8b^;I0C/IJa$'sH; z p:4_x/:6|ֽu/0|AJ|1/ckX6lD7Ϫ{ǟEDM ߓ,Zpٍ.H CDNbqIbx8JHoe~{~ſ|*?7{>/`zNO=>?Y~mǪ˗57-Y_S]Q޾mEKںʪ_Qa^nǝ۬e윌L+5d*9̼B"̖U(%R~>p#zG|<|-nq{umG&o?q=;vnmC}M7tu^5Oz^9ӼO}y Ǟ_Ӟ?/"9<;~w֝}X$/>c^>||6h#jR(`i ,-L2r eҹmo\ڲm}k:֮_ ̮,֝;nb y߿箻wǑ;o;|+HAˣ͋V ! vO:ǟ{+oyAV0yTd6 ΂bQUݺĵ.tk{  '.~!c23l`mEo`wߕg.OxAüz/ vi%sLŋ8 Ul/,zİ@<)tL3N!Mbn,E-68ѻ%ņblB2]Gהr;VpGD_׷;#wڵ;u{-Q W=fA㗈'tCn~_;~F5Uf) PD$FU|LGM|K\=Tk߷8}Cզݻ8cUw5g6iMYM`]Lz@8xKoqHU䖠7xSۻ\|pjk[wl88lu@ e?myԏZ=z4F'ˌfz#zB_yѐ}G7ӯ Ni5F*AIɧD.IdpoUdJHJXIqB,#ŐLIĸ\&ePXY+/DdB &At)<q璭BTPJ΂OEj$)ʹHCI Pbnr.+bR$¼ Kx"eɤ@ KR%s[K,g er-IHrZ-S2I _Ȱ(LUFaHP!*dR BA2)丬\PHj((sPHrEɓI ց< *D$AZgíH(WPTTgC %E*M<: 1Da*0ܨqYp SiqA%*|~RN J䈅ALVRrk@3ܓ"@~b pTh4ZI꒨j%R)n(1Tm%RR%APqV+!hjOPbG, jU@1r6]b@ H6 )$әLZ>Ri8+P1ZBTHt>Ri5r@QBJ):AIԔ| +lZ;Ne0"5ZPɬ6Vz3HA*it\R%>]"2Uzz&gIiмV)uF(rөX !AI0x6 `nR\*&uT)ҧ-VYbLTƺLn e^^cPh ZB-pcL:ST)TsHB9ba:'lNRǝQpkXטfTKKFh1ͮIzjuvr`6T@\>,*YWP18RVM1Rf) Ljl0$(#1 YKlNjM&K+ٌiiv{ffj:hFm&*dR*!Uc5TGMʚVSMou*F8?P2p`$Ll\[KI1Kl%bKudd]4tfg3u:JfIP@XT*hך-`6R.LڡT=͐V*fiiA,Oa՚6Xؒn0JfuyN1(|a;9L r]9 ֙*ԚRRRS5𑮷VYgB3"P:\мL,fsts'10o5k p9`pf