New User Validation Procedure. System Password: RETRORSE Read the validation feedback, as long as the user has included one of the following: [] Where they got the number [] If they have been on before [] Told a little about themselves or what they are looking for in a BBS then hit 'V' from the mail read prompt to validate them. This will list: Alias - If profane or obscene you will have to ask them to change it. Real name - If the capitalization is improper hit 'Y' to change it and re-type it in correctly. Address - Same conditions as name. City - Same conditions as name. Zip - If it looks like 21794-0000 or 21794-//// or 217945006, etc... hit 'Y' to change it and re-type it in as just the first five digits (21794) or properly hyphenated if the last 4 digits exist. Phone - You cannot change. Age - If the person is 18 or older then hit 'Y' to reset the age, you will be prompted to enter in the current birthdate for comparison purposes, this will be placed in one of the user note fields so when they re-enter their birthdate the next time they log on I can check for differences and weed out false ones. Simply type in the birthdate in the form 9/5/70 or 9-5-70. Computer - You cannot change. Note - You cannot change. SL - Set to 50. DSL - Set to 50. AR - The instructions will appear on the screen. DAR - The board has none at this point for new users. When asked if the user has been voice validated hit 'N', unless of course you feel like calling them. Restr - The user will currently have the L restriction, simply hit 'L' to toggle that off. If the user has left incomplete or blank validation feedback, hit 'A' to auto-reply and tell them that their feedback was unacceptable and that you need to know: [] Where they got the number [] If they have been on before [] Told a little about themselves or what they are looking for in a BBS before you can validate them. Also, if any of the information in the user record, name, address, etc.. is missing or incomplete, auto-reply and tell them they cannot be validated until they provide you with that information, list to them what is needed. If their name, address, etc.. is obviously false hit 'U' from the mail read prompt or //UEDIT from the main menu and then from the Uedit prompt hit '1' to delete them. Then notify me by e-mail of the user >number< you deleted. If the user does get validated, then from the mail read prompt hit 'O', this will answer their feedback with a 'Form letter'. When asked which form letter hit '1'. This letter contains rules and regulations of the BBS. Answering with a form letter will not delete the orginal mail because I wish other letters to be sent as well. For the next letter again hit 'O' then hit '2'. The second letter contains information about donating and other non- essentials of the board. Now, if the user has asked any questions in the validation feedback you will send them a third letter. If nothing in their mail is aimed directly for me hit 'A' to send the third letter, if there is something directly for me hit 'S' to send the third letter. Answer whatever questions you can, if you hit 'S' to respond then after the letter is saved hit 'F' then '1', and that will forward the mail to me and you are done, if you hit 'A' then after the letter is saved you are done. If they ask you about adult access tell them they must fill out a form, all the information was contained in the second letter you sent and also available in the G-files section of the board. If they ask you about elite/pirate access tell them that they may upload anything they wish for file credit (as long as it isn't crappy), but no elite or pirate files are available for download. That is it, if for any reason you come across a user that you are unsure if they should be validated or not, simply forward the mail to me and I will decide.