aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Hey, you, this is part of my collection of anarchist texts, its yours now that you've d/l-ed it, so, have fun, and don't kill yourself oh yeah, the first file's got nothing to do w/anarchy, its just there. I got some of my ideas in here too. Finally, remember to spread this around, add your stuff to it, too. But, please, no crap, i got this one file that was complete bull shit about winning the lotto, written by a DORK calling himself NEAT-O GUY. It was true BullShit. anyway, spread the faith, & put your stuff in here too. BlackGod, aka Death, aka Satan aka Ktulu P.S. MY DISCLAIMER: Like other authors in this anthology of destruction, i too am writing a disclaimer. THE STUFF MENTIONED IN THIS TEXT COULD FUCK YOU UP SEVERELY, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. SOOOOOOOOO, IF YOU GOT THE BALLS TO DO THIS, THEM YOU GOT THE BALLS TO TAKE THE HEAT FROM THE PIGS, OR WHOEVER ELSE CATCHES YOU, IF YA GET CAUGHT. (Then you'd be a true dumb-ass) P.P.S. Well, have phun. P.P.P.S. theres a file included in this zip thats all the diagrams so far from this file. its there so you can shrink the font & print this file out w/a word processor, then print that one out in DOS using the PRINT command Lastly & finally, if you don't have DOS or your emulator doesn't have enough memory (I'snt this a big file!), or for whatever other reason, changing the font to Courier, or anything similar, should make the diagrams look right, & you get to see some of the "nifty" ANSI art, heh heh anyway, have phun, & don't kill yer self, by accident that is... heh heh heh area51.txt1691 5754143320Date: 11-22-93 (22:44)Number: 24995 of 25005 (Refer# NONE) Subj:GROOM LAKE/AREA 51/ETC Let me try and answer a few questions on the Famed "AREA 51"First off "AREA 51" is only a grid on a map and not a installation.The facility at Groom Dry Lake NV. is located with in Grid/Area 51 of the Desert MOA and was given the name "AREA 51" by a ufologist or and Aviation buff. Some of the workers at the facility call it The Ranch, The Box, The Zone, but, most just call it The Test Site. Rachel, NV. is located about 25 miles NNE. of "AREA 51"on HWY 375 and is home to The Little A-le-Inn [Little Alien] bar and grill. The facility called S-4 located at papoose Dry Lake is about 10 milesWSW. of "51" The is the facility where Lazar claims to have worked on UFO's. Unlike "51" the Govt does acknowledge the existence of a facilitycalled S-4 but to my knowledge will not say anymore the that. PresentlyThe Air Force is trying to take control of 3,900 acres of public land sothat they deny access to a White Sides Mnt. This is a good spot tolook down on the facility a Groom Lake. I do not know why they wish todo this as in 1994 the The Open Skies Treaty will be in force allowing overflying of the area by other Govts. Satellite photos are for sale from different sources, inc. the U.S. Govt. If you would like more info the this please let me know and I will get you the address. Please let me know if I can answer any other questions. Regards, ****** no.7 in the gReEd woRKsHop series ******* gEneric disclaimer_ Not responsible , etc I was stoned when I thought this up , and when I wrote it !!!! " i lovE coPs !!! " - blockhead skateboards C@r @larMz Merely an idea on how to disable them_It all started as The Blue NuN and I were sitting on the porch over by the Bayou watching the train wreck and waiting for the pizza D00d,That's when a strange thing happened _A man walked up and disabled a car alarm with his remote. That in itself is not strange, But what was curious is that as well as disabling his car alarm he also Shut down THE ONE NEXT TO HIS CAR !!!!! Apparently the frequencies were close enough that it totally knocked out this other cars alarm !!! As we all know the car alarm is considered to be foolproof to the average american,while being excessively annoying to the rest of us_.. Once Mr. Buissness Man has set his alarm he goes away confident in the fact his alarm will take care of him. When in actuality , it can be used as a tool against him.. Now lets say you managed to build one of these transmiters_(presently The Blue NuN and Sumixam are sleeping in local Radio Shacks to get the parts in a mad rush to MAKE ONE OF THE AFORE MENTIONED DEVICES - contact them to get the plans- all I know is that it will run off one of those 12volt lighter batteries and a variable potentiometer )_. Back to the story _..If you happened to build one of these , yourself, think of all The Possibilities !!!!! All car alarm owners have no fear to leave their valubles in the car , and in plain sight , because of their trusty , loyal watchdog _So many times have I thought to myself , ' What a pity ' while working my night job, seeing all that loot and only a an alarm in the way. ( Of course I took it anyway , but that's not the point) Have phun building this , and touch bass with any of us if it works , or if you need building tips_ Another Grand contribution to SOCIETY: |---| |--\ |\ | |-\ | |--\ |--- |--- |\ | \ / | | | A | \ | | | | A | | | | | \ | \/ | -| |--| | \| | | | |--| | |-- | \| | | | | \ |-/ | | \ |--- | | |---| | \ |------ | \ |--- | DiStuRbed rEaLitY / I.L.C. industries iN The interim , leave e-mail at the other fine boards : Dell b.b.s. (512) 728-8528 hahaha !!! The New improved Corrupt Society (512) 328-1602 And remember , iT BEATS WORKING!!!!!! atm-92.txt20096 5120773600--=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE HIGH TECH HOOD SQUAD PRESENTS___.. AAAAAAA TTTTTTTTT MMM MMM ''' A A TT MMMM MMMM ''' A A TT M M M M ' SSSS AAAAAAAAA TT MM M M MM S A A TT MM MM MM SSSS A A TT MM MM S A A TT MM MM SSSSS THE REAL FILE FOR ATM THIEFT IN 1992!! WRITTEN BY: THE RAVEN =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-===--=-=-=-=-=-= NOTE: There has been a few files written about how to 'RIP OFF' ATM's of some sort but this file will not contain technical shit on the card tracks or a xxxyyyooo17ss type of format. This text will tell you how to rip off ATM's with out all of that technical stuff that you can't really use because most of the stuff are too hard. So I give you methods on how you can defeat ATM's with things you may or may not need to pay a-lot for! This file is real unlike a file I came accross that a user uploaded on Blitzkreig called KRAD#1 which I feel was written by 10year olds. That file is totally SHIT! Now there was a-lot of Valid writers on the subject of ATM's but I feel they were on the subject of PINs & PANs which is very hard to do right. NOTE II: ATM theift is a Federal Crime and the Government doesn't likethere funds fucked with. The author does not, DOES NOT bare responsiblity for the misuse of the information, if you are able to commit any of the crimes listed then your able to be responsible for your own damn actions! Dont tell'em I made you do it! THE RAVEN +=======+ INDEX ----- I. Con Jobs II. Physical Methods III. Electronic & Computer Scams IV. Bogus Cards, Getting PINs V. Authors Note --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. CON JOBS New York City (My Home!) is the leader in ATM con jobs. Altogether, about 2,000 Citibank users were victimized by ATm con artist in one years time for a tune of $495,000!!So I'm going to spread some light on what and how these cons are pulled off. Method 1: THE "DEFECTIVE ATM" CON A con method popular with Citibank ATMs netted one con artist $92,000- with the unwitting assitance of his 374 victims. The scheme works in lobbies with more than one ATM, and a service phone. The well dressed and articulate con man poses as a legit user and stands between two ATMs,pretending to be talking to the bank service personnel over the service phone. After a user inserts his card into the ATMs card reader slot he tells his that the machine is not working. The user withdraws his card leaving the ATM activated. THe con man then observes theuser enterring his PIN into the adjecent ATM. Then, still holding the phone, the con man enters the users PIN into the first ATM. In make-believe conversation with the bank, the con man acts like he is receiving instructions from the bank. To complete the theft he talks the user (major social engineering!) into entering his card into the first ATM again to "test" or "clear" the ATM. He claims that bank personnel think that the user's card "locked up" or "jammed" the ATM and or that ATM may have made the users card defective,and the insertion of it is required to "unlock" or "unjam" the ATM and/or to verify that the user's card is still vaild. After the users leaves, the con manenters into the keypad and withdraws the maximum daily amount from the users account. This only works on Citibank ATMs cause they don't take the users card, but once the card is slipped in the ATM is activated. Method 2. PHONE PIN-EXTRACTION SCAMS Another popular con is for the con man to call up an ATM user whose card he's found or stolen. He identifies himself as a police officer, and obtains the PIN from the user by stating that it is required by law to verify the card owner. This works really well if you can bullshit them good like act like you have to do something and tell them to call you right back (on a loop!) and have a friend answer as the police station! Method 3. THE BANK DICK CON A subject was recently was recently convicted in N.Y. and Boston of defrauding ATM accounts of $150,000. He dubed over 300 ATM users into believing he was a bank security officer who needed assistance in the apprehending of a dishonest bank employee. The users were convinced to leave their bank cards under the locked door of the bank. The con man would then "fish" the cards out. The next morning the con man would have someone make a phone call to the card holder saying that they have caught the employee and dective "hacker" would like to thank you to.But since the employee did come is contact with there card the bank is going to give them a new PIN # after the get the old one! Then the conman's helper would say come pick up your new card and we will tell youyour new PIN #. II. Physical Methods Some folks just dont like to outsmart a system or person. They prefer the more physical approach by either breaking or removing the ATM. The hazards are obvious-several built-in silent alarms,heavy stainless steel safe like construction, the amount of commotion and noise that results from their efforts, hard to dispose of evidence, etc. Those who have the most success with physical methods, plan and execute their operation as if it were commando mission. The methods described below can also be used on night depositories, payphones, dollar changers, candy machines, parking meters,etc. Physical attacks must be completed within 10 minutes as ATMs abound with vibration,heat and proximity detectors, and most are silent. To defeat any internal alarm mechanism,refer to the phone tapping approach(described in detail later) that hooks-up both the ATM and main computer to a programmed micro. So while Hood one is ripping-off or -up the ATM, the micro is whispering sweet nothings to the main computer. NOTE that not all ATM alarms transmit thru the ATM como lines, particulary with thru-the-wall ATMs. To minimize the noise and commotion, heavy blankets(used by movers) can be drapped over the ATM. Method 1. SUPER COLD GASES Liquid nitrogen can be used. It is simply poured onto or into the offending part of the ATM and when it hits 100 degrees or so, a sledge or a ballpeen hammer is smartyl slammedin to. THe metal SHOULD shatter like glass. Then one just simply reaches in and examines the untold riches stored inside. Super-cooled gases can also wreck havoc on electronics, cameras and films, and bullet-proof glass, and can be purchased from suppliers of medical and chemical supplies. Method 2. WATER & ICE We have also herd that pouring warm water into an isolated ATM on a very cold night is effective. When water freezes, it expands with a terrific force, and will shatter or tear apart anything made by man. The water is poured or pumped in thru the card slot or cash dispenser. It is heavily mixed with wood shavings or fiberglass to stop-up any drainage hole in the ATM. Leaks can also be plugged up with window putty or bubble gum. Method 3. MORE FREEZE METHODS ATMs use ACE locks (the ones found on most vending machines, the circle type lock) Freon works on these locks. Somw outlaws empty a can of freon into an ATM lock, pound a screwdriver into the key way, and wrench the lock out. And motor-driven ACE lock pick will vibrate pins into the right positions withine a few minutes. The ACE lock picks can be aquired from STEVE ARNOLDS GUN ROOM call (503)726-6360 for a free catalog they have a-lot of cool stuff! Method 4. ACETYLENE & DRILLS ATMs are notorisly vulnerable to attacks using acetylene torches. With most ATMs no more than 5 minutes are required for the entire job! And most ATMs can be drilled out in under 15 minutes, using carbide bits and high rpm drills (check on my SAFECRACKING text to see more about drilling.). Method 4. SHAPED CHARGES Placing shaped charges on each support and detonating them all at the same time liberates the ATM. You can firgue this out by yourself.You can also check most BBS's to find out how to make explosives but I wouldn't recommed it, since most of the expolsive files I've seen are inaccurate and leaves out MAJOR measurements and cautions! Your best best is to use black powder that you can get form almost all gun stores. Method 5. BLOCKING THE DISPENSER Some ATMs use money drawers. The ATM outlaw screws or epoxies the drawer solidly shut, at the onset of a busy three-day holiday. At the end of each night he returns and he removes the money by unscrewing or with a hammer &chisel, shatter the epoxy bond. III. ELECTRONIC & COMPUTER SCAMS Scarcely a week goes by that I don't hear about one scheme or another successfully used by phreaks & hackers to penetrate large systems to access data banks and to perform various manipulations. Although we have only been able to verify one or two of the methods that we will discribe, numerous cases have arisen in recent years in which anATM was defrauded with no evidence of a hardware or software bug to account for the robbery. The outlaw can use several approaches. One is to use wiretapping. Another is to obtain the secrets of the cipher, or hardware or software defeats to the system and proceed accordingly. Another one that works with banks is to set up phony debit accounts and program the computer to beleive that the debit accounts are full of money. Then when a three day weekend comes around proceed with friend to deplete all of these debit accounts by making various rounds to ATMs. Electronic frauds of ATMs require an excellent technical understanding of phone and-or computers all of which you can obtain from worthy underground news letters such as TAP, and 2600, etc. OR from a H/P BBS. "Tapping" or "wiretapping" consists of the unauthorized electronic monitering of a signal (voice or digital) transmitted over a phone or computer (commo) circuit. A "tap" is the monitoring device that does this. Athough a tap is usually placed somewhere on a phoneline or junction box, it may be placed inside of a phone, modem or computer. With the advent of isolated stand-alone ATMs (with vulnerable phone lines, including POS terminals) and computer technology. The phone circuits that connect ATMs to their host computer (located in the banks data processing center) can be tapped anywhere between the two. An "invasive tap" is one in which a hard electronic connection is madebetween the tap and the commo circuit. A "non-invasive" tap is one in which an induction loop or antenna is used to pick up the EMI generated by the signal, and there is no physical connection between the commo circuit and the line. A "passive tap" is one in which the tap simply tramits to a recorder or directly records the tapped signal and in no way interfers with it. An "active tap" is one in which the tap ALSO interferes (changes,adds to or deletes) the tapped signal in some way. Active taps are more sophisted. A typical ATM active tap is one that records a signal, the later plays it back over the line. Be sure to look for my text "HIGH TECH TOYS" it lists were to get things that are VERY hard to get or things that you may need a license to obtain without those hassles all you need will be money! Method 1. PASSIVE TAPS All tapped ATM transactions are recorded over a period of time (but not interfered with). Once the serial protocal and MA codes are understood, the transmitted data is decrypted (if encrypted) using known entry data to the ATM. Note that some systems use a MA code that is complex and very difficult to crack. Messages to and from the ATMs host computers are composed of various fields. One field identifies the transaction type, one the PIN, one the PAN, one the amount, one the approval code, one the transaction number and perhaps other fields. In most systems, either nothing is encrypted or only the PIN field. In others, the entire message is encrypted. The ATM/host circuit is monitored over a period of time to deterive PINs,PANs and other entry data of other ATM users based upon (decrypted) transmitted data. Phony debit cards are then made to defraud ATM accounts with known PINs and PANs. Method 2. ACTIVE TAPS Active tapping is one method of spoofing. The c4ritical part of the host computer's message are the approval and amounts fields. The critical parts of the ATMs transmission are the continuous transmission it makes to the host computer when NO one is using it to indicate that it is OK, and the PIN and amount fields. Booth good and bad cards and good and bad PINs are entered at various times and days to differentiate between the various massage components. Various quiescent periods is also recorded. Once the message structures are understood, a computer is then substituted to act as both the host computer and the ATM. That is, a computer is then connected between the ATM and the host computer. This computer acts like the host computer to the ATM, and like the ATM to the host computer. An accomplice uses the ATM to go thru the motions of making legitimate transactions. If his procedures are correct, the ATM communicates, with the host computer for permission to discharge the money. Several methods: (A)The phreaker changes the approval field in the hosts message to OK the transaction regardless of its real decision. The phreaker may interdict the message regardless of iits real decision. The phreaker may interdict the message from the ATM to tell the host that the ATM is inactive while it interdicts the host message to tell the ATM to disburse the cash. Since the ATM is no longer connected to the host computer, and the host computer believes that it is talking to an unused ATM (or one engaged in balance inquiry transaction), no monies will be deducted from any debit account, no denials will be made based upon daily maximum limits, and no alarm will be sounded due to suspicious behavior. Even if the ATM sounds an alarm, the host computer wont hear it as long as the phreaker is whispering sweet nothings into its ear. Also by using this method, as long as the PIN & PAN check digits are legitimate ones based upon the ATMs preliminary and cursory checks, the PINs and PANs themselves can be phony because the host won't be there to verify legitimacies! That is no legal PINs and PANs need be known nor the algorithm for encrypting PINs. (B)The ATMs message is replaced by a previously recorded legitimate transaction message played back by the phreaker. The cash is despense as before. The play back method won't work if the encryption or MA process embed a transaction, clock or random code into the message, making all messages unique. (C)The phreaker/hacker changes the PIN field in the ATMs message to a legitimate PIN of a fat-cat like DONALD TRUMPs account. The phreaker/hacker then withdraws someone else's money. (D)The phreaker/hacker changes the amount field in the ATMs message to a much lower one, and then changes the amount field in the host's message back to the higher amount (debit transactions- the opposite changes are made for credit transactions). Sooo the phreaker can withdraw $200 from his account with only $10 actually debited from it by the host. He can then make many withdrawals before the host cuts him off for exceeding the daily max. Method 3. TEMPEST IV A thin induction pick-up coil, consisting of many turns of one thickness of #28 or thinner enamel wire sandwiched between two self-adhesive labels, no larger than a debit card, can be inserted at least part way inside the card slot of most ATMs. This coil is then used to "listen in" on the electrical activity inside of the ATM to try to determine which signals control the release of money. Using this same coil as a transmitter anteenna, these signals are then transmitted ti the realse logic to activate it. It is believed that a thin coil about the size of a dime can be maneuvered quite a ways inside most ATMs for sensing purpose, and that small metal hooks have also been fed into ATMs to obtain direct hookups to logic and power circuits. It is believe that some outlaws have obtained ATM cards. They then machined out the inside of the cards, except the magnetic strip. They then place flat coils inside the machined out area. They then monitor the coils during legitimate transactions. They can also use the coils to transmit desired signals. This is kind of the method used in TERMINATOR 2. IV. BOGUS CARD, GETTING PINs Almost all credit cards now come with either a hologram or an embedded chip ("Smart Card"), and are thus nearly impossible to counterfeit to date. However, since most debit cards are not optically read by ATMs, they are much easier to counterfeit. To counterfeit a card the following is needed: (1) A card embosser, which can be readily obtained from commercial sources (see "Embossing Equipment and Supplies" or similar in the Yellow Pages) without question asked. A used, serviceable embosser ran use $210 +shipping & handling. (2) A magnetic stripe decoder/encoder (skimmer), which can be purchased from the same company as the embossing equipment or just look in the back of Computer Magazines. (3) PIN checkers are not known to be available to the general public. However, if one were stolen, the user could guess at card PINs by trial-and-error effort based upon the knowledge of how PINs are derived. (4) PANs,PINs and ciphers, which can be obtained from a number of ways usually involving theft. About 50% of ATM users write their PINs either on their debit card or somewhere in there wallet or purse. And most user-chosen PINs are easily guessed. The encrypted PINs can be directly lifted or read from the magnetic stripe, and the encryption scheme determined by comparing the encryption with the known PIN # of a dozen or so cards. V. NOTE NOw this text covers the file that I have put together on ATMs but I know that there is more on the subject that I have left out either because I dont want to put it or because my staff: The High-Tech Hoods did get or know the info. now I am open to suggestions for ATM 2 but I dont want any ideas I want proof. !! Then I'll publish it and give credit where credit is due. I can be reached on the following bbs's: Blitzkreig (502) 499-8933 RIPCO (312) 528-5020 Those bbs's get my files first run!!! C Ya and remember dont get caught!! Look for my other files: Burglar Alarm Bypass prts. 1,2 & 3 SafeCracking Van Eck Phreaking (will appear in TAP) Counterfeiting prt 1. & prt 2 High-Tech Toys Sources List The Raven Reports 1-??? Comming Soon:Stopping Power Meters KW-HR METERS ^ Liberate Gas & Water Meters Cons & Scams Shoplifting and what ever you want info on! THE RAVEN +=======+ bic.txt2176 5570734152 ================================================================= Volume One, Issue Six, Phile 4 of 13 ================================================================= "How To Have Fun With a Bic Lighter" by The Leftist ----------------------------------------------------------------- First off, let me say, that I am not responsible for any personal damage done by the use of the information in this file. Shower of sparks from nowhere: ----------------------------- This trick is done usually with an empty lighter. Disassemble the top, being careful not to loose the flint, and the spring, which are under the striker wheel. Throw away everything else, unless there is still some fluid in the lighter, which can be used for some of the other things in this file. Save the flint and spring. Ok, now take the spring, and pull on the end a little, and stretch the spring out a little longer than the flint. Next, take the flint, and kind of wrap the end of the spring around it. It should look sort of like fig. A. Next, the fun part. Take the spring, and hold it by the end that doesn't have flint on it, and heat the flint till it glows. Don't worry, the heat won't burn your fingers. Then, throw it flint first at victim, pavement, or whatever. Fig. A \/\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\------ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\------ <- heat this end ^ ^ | | spring flint What to do with leftover lighter casing: --------------------------------------- Light one of the striker wheel supports, and lay it upside down in a corner and run like hell! This will blow pretty good. You can also take the casing and wrap it loosely in a paper towel, light the towel, step back, and shoot it with a BB gun. Fun. Experiment,but don't ever puncture the lighter, while you're holding it, that would be foolish. bugstaps.txt2048 4545263454 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % BUGS & % % HOW TO TAP SOMEONES ROOM % % % % BY ---> *$> FIREBALL <$* % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HAVE YOU EVER HAD A STRONG DESIRE TO KNOW WHAT BOY YOUR OLDER SISTER LIKES OR HOW YOUR PARENTS SEX LIFE IS GOING, WELL NOW YOU CAN KNOW ALL BY BUGGING THERE ROOMS! THE FIRST THING YOU CAN USE IS THE WIRELESS MICROPHONE FROM RADIO SHACK $6.99. IT IS DESIGNED TO PUT VOICES ON TO AN FM RADIO BUT NO ONE SAYS YOU CAN'T HIDE IT AND LET IT PICK UP UNSUSPECTING PEOPLE_.FIRST TUNE THE MICROPHONE WITH ANY BLANKSPOT ON YOUR FM RADIO (DON'T WORRY IT WILL EXPLAIN HOW TO TUNE IT ON THE BACK OF THE PACKAGE.) _.THEN HIDE IT WHEN NO ONE IS AROUND (WHEN HIDING THE MICROPHONE TALK INTO IT AS YOU'RE WALKING TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVEN'T WALKED OUT OF IT'S RANGE.) THERE ARE HOWEVER, 2 DISADVANTAGES TO USING ONE OF THESE MICROPHONES: 1) YOU CAN ONLY PUT IT IN A ROOM THAT IS RIGHT NEXT TO YOUR ROOM AND ONLY ONE WALL CAN SEPERATE THEM. 2) THE MIKE IS 8 INCHES LONG AND THE ONLY DECENT HIDING PLACES FOR SOMETHING THAT BIG IS UNDER A BED OR IN A CLOSET. (YOU MAY WANT TO TAKE IT APART TO MAKE IT SMALLER BUT I DONT RECOMMEND DOING THIS.) ANOTHER THING YOU CAN USE IS THE CLIP ON WIRELESS MIKE BY RADIO SHACK FOR ABOUT $18. IT WORKS IN BASICLY THE SAME WAY EXCEPT IT IS VERY SMALL AND IT WILL WORK THE DISTANCE OF YOUR HOUSE AND POSSIBLY EVEN YOUR NEIGHBORS HOUSE. HAVE PHUN_I SURE DID!! WRITTEN BY: #$> FIREBALL <$# CALL THE GENERAL STORE AT: 201-666-2646 SYSOP: THE STORE MANAGER. CALL THE UNDERGROUND AT: 201-223-64 CALL THE BASEMENT:HEAD UNDERGROUND =============================[FunWithCars]================================ -Put some sugar in their gas tank. -Put ping pong balls in their gas tank. -Take a lighter, and "accidentally" heat up the handle of their door so it burns half the skin off their hand right before they come out. -Take off the top of their air filter. -Randomly remove a hard-to-see part of the engine. -Take off their muffler, and fill it with gasoline. Then put it back on and you have a lighter. A lighter with a 30-foot long flame. -Lift up their windshield wipers, and glue some thumbtacks onto them. The thumbtacks make some real pretty designs on the window of the victim. -Stuff some old rags up the exhaust pipe,and see how long it is before the victim starts to hack, and wheeze. -Take 2 coffee cans, and put one on one side of the road, and one on the other. Then have a length of fishing line or kite string running across the road at a level just above the average car's bumper. When a car goes by, be sure to look and see how long your little "present" stays attached to his car. -Set up a roman candle off to the side of the road, and wait for some cars to come. When they do, light the candle and RUN! The cars (actually, the drivers inside) will freak out and cause quite a few accidents! -Put vasoline under the door handle. -Jam a toothpick into their lock so it won't open. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ = = + Some very destructive + = things to do to cars_ = + By Penguin + = = ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is an EXCELLENT file if you want to really fuck up someones car. Either you can blow it up, or you can just cause the owner mega-bucks. All you need is house hold stuff! No gun powder or anything! I can almost guarantee you will love this file, that is, if you like to be destructive_ Now go to it! THE RUBBER BANG: This is one of the "blow up the car" files. It's great! You'll need: 1 rubber, preferably trojan or rubber ducky 2 parts drano 1 part comet Put the drano and comet in the rubber and tie the rubber up. QUICKLY, put take off the gas cap of the car you wanna blow, stick the rubber in the gas tank, and run LIKE HELL! HOW IT WORKS: The gas will eventually eat through the rubber, no telling how fast or slow though. The drano and comet themselves produce a highly combustable, noxious gas. When this meets the gasoline, KABOOOOOM!!!! There goes the assholes car! Have phun! BURN UP THEIR ENGINE: This is great if you just wanna cause the dude lotsa money in damages. Take: Some wax a flathead screwdriver some wrenches to fit the oil pan screw oil pan a couple qts of oil (optional) Take the wax and make a plug for the oil pan, make sure it will not make the oil leak when you put it in. Unscrew the real oil pan plug, and stick in your wax plug. To make this work right, you need to disconnect the oil pressure plug. It is usually a cord that runs from the oil pan up to the dash board. It will have a little plastic box attached to the oil pan and/or the other end. Just flip up the little door, and unplug the cord, it just comes right out! Thats it! HOW IT WORKS: The oil will get hot, when this happens, the wax will melt, and the oil will drain out. With the oil pressure cord unhooked, the owner will be oblivious to to what is going on. Meanwhile, there is now more oil in the engine, causing the engine to burn up. He will have to buy another engine, or another car! NO START REPLACE THIS AND THAT: This just makes the owner spend lots of dollars replacing many components, that are not the cause. It's perfect for those who don't wanna get caught. Gotta get: 1 flathead screwdriver a lead pencil Hopefully you know what the distributor cap is. You find it, and pop it off. Inside there are two things that twirl around. Take the lead pencil and totally darken out those two parts, FULLY! WHAT HAPPENS: The won't start, causing the owner to replace many innummerable parts of the car. This will cost MEGA-BUCKS before the owner finds out what really has happened. By then, or if he ever does find out, lots of money will be blown down the toilet. Great huh? THE OLD "WATER IN THE GAS TANK TRICK": This is kind of a cliche trick. But I thought many of you might not know what actually happens. This is what happens and what you need_Gotta have: Lotsa water Put the water in the tank. An option is to put sugar in the tank, but it doesn't work as well_ WHAT HAPPENS: The owner trys to start the car, but no, it won't. So he thinks ahhh, out of gas, Puts more gas in the tank, and still won't start. Thinks again, hmmm, gas line must be clogged! He has the line cleaned out along with tank. Even with these two flushed out, it won't start. Meanwhile, the pistons rust, causing the car not to be able to start. This will then cause a whole overhaul of the engine. More money down the tube! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ = Well, thats it for this = + issue, join me next + = time for another destructive = + issue. Brought to you + = By Penguin. Vol. 1 issue 3 = + Be sure to check out my other + = two files. Anarch.txt and Oddnend.txt = ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Be sure to call the CATHOUSE- (512)255-7030 Griffon is your sysop. Penguin is your co-sysop. Thanx! Leave Penguin E-mail if you have a specific topic you want me to find out about and/or write about. chlorine.txt821 4656277650 ------------[=How to Make=]------------ -----------[=Chlorine Gas =]----------- Materials: 1. DRY two liter bottle 2. Measuring cup 3. Chlorox bleach 4. Ammonia 5. Funnel 6. (Optional) gas mask Procedure: 1. Put the funnel in the two liter bottle. 2. Pour in one-half cup of Chlorox. 3. Pour in one-half cup of ammonia. 4. Pull out the funnel FAST, screw cap on lightly on and throw. For all of you that want to know why this works: What happens is enough chlorine gas accumilates that it eventually blows the cap off. --------------[=NOTE=]----------------- Chlorine gas causes leumonia which is phneumonia of the lungs. It is very painful as well as fatal so don't use this too much..And make sure that your dog isn't around when you throw it and tries to go get it. die.txt12882 4604315160e%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&% & & % Terrorizing your neighborhood % & or how to celebrate & % holloween 365 days a year % & & % By:The Pickpocket % & The Enforcer & % Embezzler % & & %&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&%&% So you say you had a dream last night about hijacking a twa and taking it to lebanon_.well this should provide you with many exciting nights and distraught neighbors. For these exercises you will need the following items: 10 m-16's 15 shrapnel grenades 2 flamethrowers 2-3 spools of fish line (the stronger the better) 3-4 packs of bottle rockets 3-4 packs of m-80's 3-4 packs of 'jumping jacks' 20 small balloons Water ..hmm what could that be for? Eggs_optional 4 bricks 3-6 10 ball roman candles A 6 inch tube about big enough for a marker to fit in and closed at one end Spool of string 10-20 empty liter bottles (like pepsi) or some coffee cans 1 roll of transparent tape Some tacks or nails A small mallet or hammer Lawn mower w/bag A tarp A couple newspapers A few centerfolds_use some ugly ones A pocketknife Some dark clothing Black shoes if possible Panty hose_.optional An empty 16 oz. pepsi bottle A old rag Some gas or kerosene Some alcohol 2-3 ping-pong balls Gunpowder 2-3 feet of fuse_optional but recomended A lighter or 2-3 packs of matches A can of wd-40 or almost any aerosol A good lock Charming face w/fast legs A pair of pliers A quater or half-dollar A wire-cutter A large and small screwdriver 4-5 small paper bags Ample supply of dog shit 2 watermelons A candle A smoke bomb A bong_optional but it definitely heightens the experience and you will feel more apt to try and accompish these feats Basic Terrorism: ---------------- Ok_.the below ideas are for the new and unexperienced terrorist..they are mainly just for fun and have quick results Holding up traffic: Well what would you do if you were driving down the road around 2 am half-drunk, stoned,and wasted and saw little..maybe not so little. .balls of colored flame shooting through the air ahead from the road?_.well you would either freak and go straight or more likely freak and wreck_that is the whole do this you use 1 or 2 10 ball roman candles and the assemble place two bricks side by side about an inch apart and then place a third brick behind them on the opposite side from which you want it to shoot_.then place another brick on top of the first two and place and aim the candle in the space between the bricks. The next trick is yard littering_ to do this spread a tarp on the grass and place a crumpled newspaper in the tarp_.then run over it with your lawn mower_.transfer the now shredded newspaper to another bag and decorate someone's lawn. While you are at it tape a centerfold on the glass door and give 'em a ring then use those fast legs to haul ass Now if you truly hate these people you can give someone a good deal of small cuts by hammering the tacks or nails on the molding around the door_.then string some fish line around the nails at any height or all up and down the door. Now this trick won't work to well at night but will during a two-period chemisrty lab_.just hold a quarter over your bunsen burner or lighter for a few minutes and toss it into the hall when the bell ring_someone will learn to not pick everything up off the ground. Another idea for school requires a candle and a smoke bomb..tape the candle to the smoke bomb leaving the wick about 1-2 inches above the fuse.. leave this in the school bathroom_light it and in about 10 minutes when the candle burns down the smoke bomb will go off_of course you'll be talking to a teacher or in class about the time it goes off leaving you in the clear Genuine fun: ------------ Find a good road in your neighborhood or somewhere else where only one car will be going by at a time_.if the road is too busy this won't work_ now take some fish line and get enough to stretch across the road and clear it on both sides by 2-3 must also find a place with mail boxes or electric boxes across the road from each tie the fish line to two of the liter bottles on each side _the idea is to set the line up so it will be just above fender level you must also make sure that while the bottles will not fall over that the will come off when a car passes_. after a car passes watch and see how far your little present stays with them_coffee can may be preferred because they produce a more pleasing effect to the ears when dragging behing the victim_also don't stand too close to the line incase you catch an ulikely jogger Also did you ever believe in santa as a kid_well we have a new variation on chimney suprises_just go by the nearest supermarket and obtain (how everyou want) a watermelon_ decorating the watermelon is optional becuase it is likely that the decorations will be messed up during action_..anywayz now for hard some way climb up to the top of their chimney and drop the water melon down their chimney_if there is one of those damn grates on top take it home for a souvenir Ever seen those luminaria things around christmas time?_well this idea can be used at the same time as the fake santa to create a real feeling of christmas and 'gift'-giving ok now_.take that ample supply of shit and fill some little paper bags (about 4)_then spray it with gas and leave your 'gift' on someone's porch and light the bag_.then ring the door..haul ass_and watch to see if the person is in a christmassy the way watch to see if they try and stomp it out_that's messy eh? Obvious: -------- Of course don't forget to smash the pumpkins on halloween Bottle rockets shot from hand-held tubes at joggers or passing cars Trip wires or clothes-lines across well-traveled paths You say you hear a bed squeakin through the window?_well take a look with your high-powered lantern or headlights_.ever seen two people jump so quick? Placing or re-placing a lock on a storage shed or crawlspace Ring and run with jumping jacks and m-80's left for their viewing pleasure Toss someone's doormat or paper up on their roof Climb on mr.neighbor's roof and slam dance with your friends_then when he comes out cover him with shit or just run Tying fish line to someone's knocker and while spooling out extra and being careful not to pull it taunt walk across the street and take out your bottle rockets and tube_.then when you're set up pull the line and hold your lighter ready_then when someone answers let 'em have it_good aim pays off here!!! And of course water balloons_but with a twist_make sure that these are small_like no bigger than a shrunken baseball_and also make sure that they are a casual observer (no such thing really) it will look like eggs_also do this from a car with hard-rock blasting_ then 'egg' everything in sight_of course you don't have to fill them with can be mud,shaving cream,or milk for a better splattering effect Pyro fun: --------- Go to your local roses and pick up some ping-pong balls (unless you still play it outside of pe) and drill a whole in_tze top_now fill it up with some gun powder_to light this (your gone if you casually light it by hand) either make a trail with gas and light that or use a fuse about 2 ft.long_needless to say haul ass to watch this_.if it works it will shoot a falme in the air for a decent while or simply explode Have you ever sprayed anything across your lighter?_.well it can have some interesting applications_.first its a nice little torch_then its a big improvement over your lighter_ and then its a bomb (you will have found this out by now if you sprayed that wd-40 for too long)_to make this first take that little button off the top and place some duct tape over the little nozzle holding it down_. then punch a hole in the tape above the nozzle_.the can should now be continuously spraying now_.and any day now whenever you feel like it just strike a match and need i reapeat haul ass Now lets's try an experiment_.ever made a molotov cocktail?_do you know what that is?_basically its a cheap type bomb that was used in wwi by resistors with no other ammo. how to construct a molotov cocktail: ok now like i said this is an experiment_.get your 16 oz. pepsi bottle (or coke if you want to tell them that you don't like it now) and fill with gas,kerosene, or both_ now soak a rag in gas and let it dry.. then stuff the bottom half into the mouth of the bottle_now find a nice lookin porche or open field,light the rag and throw(you better toss it quick too!)_.this isn't supposed to explode but rather throw flaming gas everywhere for a big radius_so stay clear_maybe you could drop it off a bridge or from a tall tree if you're a monkey Electrical terrorism: --------------------- Messing up the know that damned little bubble on the side of your house (or shack)?_well that's a kilowatt meter_it tells the power co. how much power you used by the little circles messing with these can be fun esp. if it isn't yours_..keep in mind it's a felony.. but who cares?right?_.ok now there is usually a little plastic tag with a looped wire hanging that acts as a lock because they are about impossible to get back on_.if you live near a construction site you may be able to pick a few good replacement tags,thus allowing you to screw with yours_or make someone's elses story about not using so much power very hard to believe_.simply rip that tag off and open the box and turn the little dials: 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 Ok now that's what it should look like_just as on an odometer (the mileage in your car) the right side stands for parts of a kilowatt hour and then the next dial is for the digits_the next for tens_.and then for hundreds or something like that_anywayz just play around with these until you feel i'm not sure about can probably turn off the people's power by madly cutting every wire in sight_be sure to use an insulated wire cutter or wear gloves otherwise you may be found in the morning and they seeing your charred body holding wire cutters will suspect what you were up to and may ruin your funeral service for your friends_ Now for water meters_one of the most effective way to gain revenge on some bastard that you hate is to turn off his water_the reason this is such an effective means of revenge, is because getting caught is very difficult unless you are seen_simply open the cover of their water meter and look for a small knob, (most have this) use your pliers or wrench to turn the knob, if you are unsure which way is off, remember where you start, and turn which ever way is easier until it stops,in the morning you will know if your little scheme has worked, you can expect to see mr. neighbor take a leisurly walk to the front lawn carrying a pair of pliers_ Telephone services_..first of all nighttime provides a unique opportunity for boxing and trying out your new boxes to make sure that they work_do this via beige box or bud box_.ok now back to terrorism_.there are a variety of things to do to someones telephone get to a single house's phone line find the little silver box on the back of their house_.use your screwdriver to open it and have fun_you can rewire, cut off service,or make any calls you want via a beige box knowing that anything you do will be held against their phone line_.there is also the matter of those more interesting larger boxes with the shitty little bell on them_.once you get into these the possibilities are even about disconnecting the entire neighborhood (guess this won't be in yours eh?)_well anywayz if you have read the beige box plans you can also listen to any conversations taking place by using the alligator clips_. Ok finally cable_.(if you live in the boondocks you may not be able to do this) ok open that little green box or what ever color it is and again just have fun switching the wires For many more ideas check out 'the anarchists cookbook' 'obtainable' at your local bookstore (again how you obtain it is your choice however shoplifting will not be discussed here) fun.txt3249 4603263652hotel.txt3124 4635332236Alllll_.right. Hey ever wanta just have tons of phun with upperclass pig society.? Sure yah have., Well heres how to have phun in a hotel. I. Choose your victims carefully. The best hotel is one that is holding a convention. Science Fiction and Fantasy ones are ideal and the safest. Well what yah do is dress to blend in with the crowd./conventoioneers. Then yah use yer dress to hide yer "tools"__ "II. The tooles: 1 set of jewlers screwdrivers 1 regular phillips head screwdriver 1 rehgular flat head screwdriver 1 handheld ham radio (optional) 1 cheap touch tomne phone (1 piece) 1 can of floral crystal (Californa C. Crystals) 1000 Jell-o packets 1 bar of sodium metal 100 gelatin capsules 1 box of soap detergent 15 rolls of toilet paper 1 package of ORTHO STUMP KILLER 1 pacjkage of sugar III. Now to prepare take the gel. tabs and put slivers of sodium metal in each one. Make sure this stuff is almost dust. Pack half the tab with it. KEEPS THIS SHIT AWAY FROM WATER. Blow all the excess dust off the tans. Use a vacumn hoover in reverse. Now take equal parts of sugar and stump killer. Melt them together at a low heat on the stove. Pour the liquid into several cans. Insert a piece of tightyly wraped paper into them before the cool. Hide all other things on yah. ESPECIALLY the radio. IV. Now your at the "Con" and yah wanta have some phun with secuirity. Well take yer handy danDy radio and find the channel 'curity is on. Then say something like "Hey guys I need help. We got a disturbance in 604 and I need backup RIGHT away. If they don't reply. Repeat the repeat with more urgancy.This is really phun if someone you hate is either having a party or sex in the room you mentioned. Hehehehe. It's phun. Now at most hotels they have courtesy phones. Now usually there will be a few "empty" modular phone jacks. Well late at night when no ones looking just plug it in and either call Tibetian time if you can or rooms you feel need to be called.Also many Cphones have handset that are Still removable.. Hehehehe. Yah can always yank the whole phone out of the wall and take it home. Now take yer sodium tabs and flush one down ten or so down several toilets.Then GET THE FUCK AWAY!!! The sodiUM tabs will melt and the sodium will explode. So will the toilet. Now take the floral crystals and drop some down drains. Later they expand and clog them up. Also try stuffIng up the toilet so water runs allover the floor. Then spread 4 or so handfulls around the floor. The crystall expand and become quite slippery and hard to clean up. Jello and detergents in the fountain or toilets is very phun. The srewdrivers yah use to undo anything yah can. Then use the cands with that stuff yah cooked up. Light the paper and run. These suckers are strong smokebombs. Also the smoke mighT set off the sprinklers on ALL floors. Make a hasty get away. REMEBER THE TACOMA SHERATON IS FASCIST!! Say This file brought to you by Robert Kennedy, Mirrored Requiem and others like The Slash and Manta. Later_.. laxative.txt1303 5705255670Diarihhea Party --------------- Can you recall your freshman lab-sciencce course in high school? Do you remember that nasty smelling pink stuff you used called PHENOPHALINE [PHENOLPHTHALEIN (C6H4OH)2COC6H4CO]? Well this PHENOPHALINE is used to indicate wether or not a substance is acidic, or basic. Well anyway.. The truth has come to light that Phenophaline is a very strong laxitive (causes the runs) and it is also skin absorbant! Here's what you do--> 1. Get one of those DRENCH squirt guns that pump out a quart of water in less than 5 seconds. 2. Fill it up with your favorite brand of Phenophaline. 3. Sneak up on you unsuspecting victem. 4. Blast the heck out of him. 5. Follow him to the nearest public restroom and bring along a tape recorder for future blackmail purposes. Now for The Party---> 1. Enter the house of your victem on the night of his party. 2. Find the punchbowl. 3. Pour in what you would call a appropriate dosage (considering that it is a very strong laxitive) 4. Take out the camcorder and enter the bathroom. 5. Stay in the bathroom. 6. Tie up the bathroom, and wait for pounding on the door. 7. Open up and get out quickly. 8. Set the Camcorder on . 9. Call the vidio----> The Party Bathroom Riot How To Have Fun At School Written By: Walkon This works best if you happen to have alot of deralict friends, as I do_Your first day of school you should bring the following items, to insure a prosperous school Year: : Fountain pen (and extra ink refills) : Three (3) Tubes of Super Glue (Krazy Glue) : Pennies ($2.00 worth) : Balloons (small sized for convieniance) : Mirror (small hand held) : Liquid Soap : Lighter : Firecrackers (ladyfingers are fine) : screwdrivers and other small tools : Small sqeezable bottles (like nasal decongestant type) : Wire (10-20 ft.) : Tape recorder/Microphone/battery operated : Ziplock baggies : Half of an orange : Light bulb (75 watts and UP) This will dor for now_ Some of the cool things todo are, take the pennies and glue them to the cafeteria tables. Also glue silver dollars to the fire alarms. Another thing todo w/ a coin is heat it up over a bunson burner and just as the bell rings, toss the coin into the hall, I will guarantee you will know when the coin is picked up_ While your using the bunson burner, fill your little squeeze bottle w/ gas, then cap it tight and put it in your pocket_later, take a firecracker, and glue it to the bottle, use a cigarette as a fuse extension (to buy your self and alaby) and then put it in the bathroom, and while your in the bathroom, place a light bulb over the door,and when the superintendant goes to see what the explosion was, he gets a nice little surprise_Now for the wire, if you can access a room near your locker, when no body is in the room, take off the speaker cover and the pa system, and hook 2 wires from it, to your mic. (then to your locker) This is good for getting your friends out of class. Use the small tools and be very neat_Also if this is possible run the wir through the cieling, so that noone becomes suspicious about seeing a few wires dangling in YOUR locker. Late organizations (Athletics/band) have access to the building and you can possibly since some classes are connected if one door is locked, try another_Use your mirror and scope out peoples combinations, its going tobe tricky beings that the reflection is in reverse, but if you have half a brain you can rearange so that it will become correct. Take the orange, let it sit for about 4 1/2 weeks and then use your newly acquired combination. People w/floating lockers can make very good use of this. Take a penny, and glue it over the key hole of a persons locker, just after he/she goes out_.depending on the locker, this could be say, a gym locker, and do it when he changes clothes he will smell realy nice_ Balloons are fun to play w/ in chemistry class, fill them up w/ the gas that you get out of the taps on the lab desks, then tie up the balloon, and drop it out the window to the burnouts below, you the ones that are always smoking?? or throw it someplace nice and realy hot!! Use your liquid soap after a nice rain storm and start squirting it everywhere people learn how to skate realy quick!! Also place the liquid soap in the toilets in desks, chairs, handrails, stairs_etc.. Bombs And Other InStruMents Of mASS DeStruCtioN By: BlackGod Disclaimer:THE STUFF MENTIONED IN THIS TEXT COULD FUCK YOU UP SEVERELY, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. SOOOOOOOOO, IF YOU GOT THE BALLS TO DO THIS, THEM YOU GOT THE BALLS TO TAKE THE HEAT FROM THE PIGS, OR WHOEVER ELSE CATCHES YOU, IF YA GET CAUGHT. (Then you'd be a true dumb-ass) I. Everything you wanted to know about CO2 bombs, but were afraid to ask, and some stuff you might wish you never heard. These are probably one of the simplest kinds of bombs you can make. Also, i've listed how 2 make 1 of many ways of detonating the bomb, i'll talk more about the other ways, later for 1 bomb, you just need the following: 1 CO2 cartridge (you say you don't got a air rifle? Not to fear, there are ways of opening these, w/out one) 200 match heads (for a stronger bang, use gun powder, or whatever heavy duty shit you got) *** [REMEMBER:The Heavier The Shit, The More Caution You Should Use.] drill wax (like from a candle) nail hammer cardboard sheet, or a vise solder & soldering iron 1 can of sterno (canned-heat) OR 1 opened can, filled w/ flamable liquid, SEE *** above a lighter to light the sterno this list has things in it you might not need, so don't freak yet, if ya notice there's somethin here that u don't got, just read on. EMPTYING a CO2: This involves a hammer, nail, vise, or cardboard sheet, although a vise is better. open the vise & put the CO2 in, valve side up, & try to get as much of the vise between u & the CO2 NOTE:I heard this tall tale about some kid killing himself trying to open a CO2, i don't know if this is true, or what he was doing, i've opened many CO2s this way before, & NOT ONCE HAS ANYTHING HAPPENED 2 ME. HOWEVER, FREAK ACCIDENTS MIGHT HAPPEN A BILLION YEARS FROM NOW, or someone might enjoy a room temperature of 125 degrees, and try to do this in that room (THATS REAL DUMB!)Anywayz: in one hand hold the nail over the valve, w/hammer in the other hand, hammer yourself a hole through the valve if ya can't get a vise, get a 1foot*1foot cardboard sheet & stick the nail through the middle. With the nail pointing up, align the pointy end w/ the valve, and hammer yourself a hole, AGAIN, DON'T WHACK! when the seal is broken, you'll hear CO2 hiss out, let the cartridge empty itself. WITH THE DRILL: Enlarge the HOLE so that 1 matchhead can fit thru easily, orso that it can be filled w/whatever explosive element you use, but remember: You're gonna have to seal the hole up again THE EXPLOSIVE ELEMENTS:1.Matches:matchbooks are better than wooden matches in this case. Decapitate the match right where the head ends, & stick the head thru the hole, about 200 heads fill up a CO2, but do this until your particular CO2 is filled almost to the top of the valve. 2.Gun powder:make a funnel & carefully pour the powder inside, be even more careful than w/ matches. 3. Any harder shit:if ya wanna use harder shit, go 4 it, but i doubt that it'll improve how a small CO2 explodes, later, i'll address the subject of larger bombs later, u might want to read on. TO SEAL OR NOT TO SEAL, THAT IS THE QUESTION:What does resealing the valve do? Resealing the valve will improve the chance that your bomb will explode, it can also buy you time to get the hell out of the area. Unfortunately, if your not careful, it can cause your bomb to go off in youhand while your sealing it (the harder the shit you use, the greater the care you need to take to prevent this). without a seal, you explosive element might just burn (especially lighter shit ex. matches) heavier shit might not need the seal to ensure an explosion, but if you can be careful, go 4 it.What2Do: melt some candle wax into a container in a warm enough room so that it stays liquid a little while. dip the valve end of the CO2 in the wax, let dry. If melting a candle doesn't seem like a smart idea, try using some kind of STRONG glue. NOW, the dangerous part: THIS IS DONE BEST IN A REALY COLD ROOM. warm up mr. soldering iron, while he's warming up, remove any wax/glue that is stick out BEYOND the valve, now, WITH THE MOST CARE YOU'VE EVER USED IN YOUR WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE, ONLY AS SOON AS MR. SOLDERING IRON IS HOT ENOUGH TO INSTANTLY LIQUIFY SOLDER, MELT SOME ON THE TIP OF THE IRON, AND PUT A DROP OVER THE SEALED VALVE. ONCE THE VALVE IS COVERED, THATS IT, NO MORE TO DO THERE. just let it cool SHRAPNEL OR FLAK: the explosion will produce flying shrapnel/flak, for x-tra flak/shropnel effect, glue deformed pieces of metal to the sealed CO2. DO NOT wrap it in sheet metal, this will just lessen the explosion, since more force will be used to tear apart the extra sheet metal. Now your bomb is complete. I'll 1st talk of alternative detonation methods, then I'll get 2 the sterno way. the major part of detonation is to get the explosive element hot enough 2 put stress on the CO2 & get the thing to blow. if you can get the bomb to be warmed externally while the explosive is doin its job internally, more power 2 u. ELECTRONIC DETONATORS: i won't go into full detail w/these, just a basic overview of how it should work.TIMED DETONATORS:for time bombs, after a certain amount of time, have a heating element come on & warm up mr. bomb. REMOTE DETONATORS:On your key, have the heating element come on. for those of you that are somewhat electronically inclined: for a timed detonator, get a watch that beeps, disconnect the little speaker & connect to something that can turn on a heating element when it gets a small electric pulse. 4 the remote, use something basic, so that when the reciever gets a signal, it may not even be your own, it'll tell the heating element to heat up. Some Of you might be freaked by the fact that it might not be your own remote that controls the bomb, but these things take a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG time to heat up to critical temperature, so you can still get the fuck out of there. IF, Instead of sealing the CO2, you wanna use a fuse, get a real long one, and one that is very,very,very reliable. THE STERNO, or CAN Of FLAMMABLE LIQUID METHOD 4 STERNO: 1. Light up the sterno 2. place CO2, valve down, in sterno 3. RUN, RUN LIKE YOU GOT A PURSE, In other words, HAUL ASS 4CAN O' FLAMMABLE LIQUID O' FUN:1. Get an empty can 2. fill it w/ any flammable liquid, some favorites are:Alcohol,LighterFluid,Gasoline,Kerosene, or a mixture of any of these. "FIRE IT UP, FIRE IT UP, FIRE IT UP!!!!" (from "The Crow") CO2, valve down, in CAN O' FUN N' LAUGHS 4.RUN, RUN LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER, In other words, again, HAUL ASS A NOTE, ONCE BOMB IS IN EITHER FLAMING CAN, YOU'RE PASSED THE POINT OF NO RETURN, IT IS EXTREME DIFFICULT, IF NOT IMPOSSIBLE, TO SAFELY PUT OUT THE FIRE, & THE BOMB MIGHT BE READY TO BLOW BY THEN. ANOTHER NOTE: W/ STERNO, IT CAN TAKE 20 MINUTES FOR IT TO COOK UP TO CRITICAL TEMPERATURE, ANYWAY, BE WARNED THAT THE EXPLOSION CAN COME AT ANY TIME. It is also very possible that the explosion can come a lot sooner, in other words, don't wait around catchin a smoke & thinking that you got 20 minutes, whichever detonation method you use, once the heat is applied, get your ass out of there. Target Selection Tips:1. the blast radius will be about 1 meter 2. there's gonna be flak & fire in it(the explosion). take advantage of this if you wanna (ex. next to a gas pipe, or maybe a gas truck, or a gas station) 3. Rich people are cool to blow up. (if they're not around, blowing up their property is almost as fun, just blow up a lot of it.) 4. if you care about getting in trouble w/the pigs, do it someplace deserted, where you can get far enough away to be in the clear. (The Philosophy on the subject is more complicated than just this, but i can go on forever about it. Anyway, a good extra for terrorism, & any crime is a criminal mind. If you got one, then you either already have a Philosophy on getting away safe, or can think one up. If you don't consider yourself as having a criminal mind, start thinking like one, make yourself a getaway plan, & keep thinking criminally, it kicks ass. Being paranoid for the sake of being alert & in control is also a good alternative to a criminal mind, but the real thing is better.) SOME HARDER SHIT (AND HOW TO DETONATE IT): get a can (you choose the size) fill it w/explosive element, seal it, if neccessary, (usually, you should seal, but sometimes there are exceptions (if you can find a valid reason not to seal), or the excuse that your too much of a wuss and then you should ask yourself, "Why am I making bombs? I should just crawl back into bed with my teddy and say my prayers and hope that the boogey-man doesn't come and make me wet the bed, again") so anyway, get a can, fill it w/explosive element, seal it (be a man). add extra flak if you want, if its a thin aerosol can, a little extra sheet metal wrapped around won't degrade the explosion by much, & will add the extra shrapnel that shows you really care! Get a can larger than the bomb you just made, fill it w/flaming liquid, & set it off using the flaming can o' fun n' laughs method, or whatever method you want. How To Quicken The Explosion:Blank shells (NOT REAL BULLET Shells!!!) can help the bomb along its way to exploding. here's what you do. get atleast 1 blank & place it against the inside wall of the bomb, preferably near a place that'll warm up first. you might want to secure it in place somehow (ex. glue). when the blank is warm up, it'll burst in a small explosion that will kickstart the other stuff. You might have heard that if you heat up a live bullet shell, it'll explode. this may be so, BUTT!, the actual bullet will fire, & might pierce the bomb, dramatically lessening the explosion, or killing any chance of one. Well, you say you can't get any blanks!?!?!?!?!?!? Not to Fear!, here's another way to quicken the explosion. Get a METAL Pen Refill, (you're gonna empty it, so don't go out & buy one, if you have an empty one.) remove the tip (if the refill writes, ink WILL spurt out) Now you got a tube of metal. with some metal cutting tool, cut all the way down the tube so that you can unroll it into a sheet. you can skip all this if you got some tin or aluminum sheet metal. with your metal, place explosive element in the center. carefully fold the metal in half, keeping the explosive stuff close to the crease, & in the center. fold off the remaining ends, gluing it w/krazy glue, or sealing it will greatly help. here's a folding diagram: 1. ----------------------------------- | X fold | | X on | | X the "X" | | X | | X | ----------------------------------- 2. *=fold this end in * | \|/ ---------------- | X | X \ | X */ | X | X ---------------- /|\ | * now, the end result should be small, not much larger than a blank, or small relative to the size of the can. NOTE:WITH A CRIMINAL MIND, THIS STUFF'LL COME TO YA NATURALLY, THE STUFF IN THIS DOCUMENT WAS ONLY STUFF I RECALLED WHILE I WAS WRITING. MY MINDS FILLED W/OTHER KINDSA BOMBS. I'LL RELEASE MORE TEXTS ON THIS IN THE FUTURE. THIS ISN'T THE END, JUST READ ON. THE BIO-CHEMICAL EDGE: IF you have selected an area were people will be around during the explosion, or if your target is people, you can not only add extra shrapnel, but also a gaseous surprise for whoever is in the area. here's what you'll need. Anything that gives off toxic fumes, or any gas thats bad 4 u. i know its pretty general, but anything thats bad 4 u in someway will work here. also, if you got the connexions to get nerve gas, & you wanna use it here, be my guest. Below I'll list how to make some cool gases that show how much you care. getting a gas mask is a good idea for some of these: Chlorine:A 1 part of chlorox + 1 part ammonia makes chlorine which is a poisonous gas. if half a caup of each is poured into a 2 liter bottle, it'll make enough to blow the top off o the bottle, experiment to find the right amount for the container you're using. use a gas mask 2 dranos & a comet: get drano drain opener & comet cleaner. mix'em 2parts drano : 1part comet, seal the container they're in. the gas made is bad 4 u, & extremely combustable. don't do this around fire. use a gas mask. this gas + gasoline = KABOOM, just so you know. Pesticide: get your favorite brand, or a mix, & put it into a container & seal. PESTICIDE IS A NERVE-AGENT (if its a gas, IT IS NERVE GAS!!!!!) no matter what form its in, it does the stuff nerve gas does. gas mask Mace & PepperSpray: You probably know what that stuff is & what it'll do (if you don't, think tear gas). you can just use the can it comes in (the explosion will usually puncture it), or, get a gas mask, & rubber gloves, avoid spraying this on your skin, fill a glass/plastic container with your personal mix of however much of this stuff that you want 2 B present after the explosion. Primatene MIST: It turns out that this over-the-counter aphsma medication can be bad (possibly fatal) if you OD (overdose) on it. the usually dose is a few puffs, & the inhalers its sold in are pressurized to contain a lot of this stuff. since itsa gas, it'll be easier to just stick the inhaler in a spot were it'll be punctured. if you can puncture it, throw it IMMEDIATELY into a thick plastic/glass jar & close tight. Use a gas mask, & make a small hole. Whatever other toxic gases you can get, fiery gas is also good, so is spray paint, just use your criminal mind, & the ideas will come to you. The container you put your gases in is gonna be right next 2 the bomb, so put it in a container that'll withstand the gas pressure, but not the bomb. also, if glass is ok for the item you use, remember that glass also works as good shrapnel/flak. thats all 4 now, I'll update this file when more stuff comes to me, keep searchin 4 anarchy textsx BlackGod aka Death aka Satan aspirin.txt 2560 5755500110 Making Picric Acid from Aspirin by the Jolly Roger Picric Acid can be used as a booster explosive in detonators, a high explosive charge, or as an intermediate to preparing lead picrate. Material Required ----------------- Aspirin tablets (5 grains per tablet) Alcohol, 95% pure Sulfuric acid, concentrated, (if battery acid, boil until white fumes disappear) Potassium Nitrate (see elsewhere in this Cookbook) Water Paper towels Canning jar, 1 pint Rod (glass or wood) Glass containers Ceramic or glass dish Cup Teaspoon Tablespoon Pan Heat source Tape Procedure: --------- 1) Crush 20 aspirin tablets in a glass container. Add 1 teaspoon of water and work into a paste. 2) Add approximately 1/3 to 1/2 cup of alcohol (100 millilitres) to the aspirin paste; stir while pouring. 3) Filter the alcohol-aspirin solution through a paper towel into another glass container. Discard the solid left in the paper towel. 4) Pour the filtered solution into a glass or ceramic dish. 5) Evaporate the alcohol and water from the solution by placing the dish into a pan of hot water. White powder will remain in the dish after evaporation. NOTE: The water in the pan should be at hot bath temperature, not boiling, approx. 160 to 180 degress farenheit. It should not burn the hands. 6) Pour 1/3 cup (80 millilitres) of concentrated sulfuric acid into a canning jar. Add the white powder to the sulfuric acid. 7) Heat canning jar of sulfuric acid in a pan of simmering hot water bath for 15 minutes; then remove jar from the bath. Solution will turn to a yellow-orange color. 8) Add 3 level teaspoons (15 grams) of potassium nitrate in three portions to the yellow-orange solution; stir vigorously during additions. Solution will turn red, then back to a yellow-orange color. 9) Allow the solution to cool to ambient room temperature while stirring occasionally. 10) Slowly pour the solution, while stirring, into 1-1/4 cup (300 millilitres) of cold water and allow to cool. 11) Filter the solution through a paper towel into a glass container. Light yellow particles will collect on the paper towel. 12) Wash the light yellow particles with 2 tablespoons (25 millilitres) of water. Discard the waste liquid in the container. 13) Place articles in ceramic dish and set in a hot water bath, as in step 5, for 2 hours. --------------Jolly Roger bomb.txt 1840 5705255076 Bottle Bomb >>>>>>Disclainer<<<<<< This text is intended for educational purposes only, and in no case are they to be tested or tried. The creator of this text is in no way responisble for any damage, loss of life, injury, or personal injury caused by someone trying any of these idea's.. >>>>The Bomb<<<<<< Ok, this is really pretty simple. Here's what you need, a glass bottle with a screw on lid, preferable some sort on a small sample bottle or something, gun powder which can be extracted from fireworks, bullets, or can be made. Keep in mind that if your over 18 you can go to any hardware/fire arm store and purchase gunpowder and or ammunition.. Clean and dry the bottle well. Fill the bottle about half way with the gun powder, place the fuse in the the center of the bottle and fill it up to a little befire where the neck of the bottle curves in, then place a small amount of cotton on top of the gun powed and if you like pack it down a little bit. Always making sure that the fuse is in the center and placed fairly deep into the gun powder. Then light a candle to get some wax and pour the wax on top of the cotton to make a good seal in the bottle, allow the wax to dry and then punch a hole in the cap for the fuse and screw it on really tight. At this point you can either leave it as is and find somewhere to set it off or get some packing tape with the water activated adhesive on the back, and preferably reinforced and wrap the bottle in it, this will magnify the noise and damaging effects of the bomb. See the diagram attached for futher information. Also if you want to make a really strong bomb, you can buy whats known as silver powder at the hardware/gun store. Its like 1000x more powerful.. Author: Snake Idea: Me Tested by: Me explo.txt8192 5705255124 @ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS COMPILED FROM INFORMATION FROM: OFF THE WALL- <303> 443-3367 ^GREAT G-PHILES- 10 MEG^ HEARING AID <707> 864-8358 ^ALSO GREAT PHILES^ *************** *************** ** * * * H.A. KNITE'S * * * * HOME GROWN EXPLOSIVE FILE * * #1 * * * *************** *************** ** * COMPILED FROM ARTICLES BY * * OTHER AUTHORS ON OTHER BBS'S * * BY * * * * H.A. KNITE * *************** *************** ** IMPORTANT --------- BE EXTREMLY CAREFUL WHEN DOING THESE, OR ANY OTHER CHEMICALS THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW ALOT ABOUT!!!!! THE AUTHOR TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT IS DONE WITH THE INFORMATION DISCLOSED IN THE FOLLOWING FILE. LET'S GET STARTED!! LET'S START OUT WITH A LIST OF SOME CHEMICALS THAT MAY BE FOUND AROUND SAVING TIME AND MONEY (YOU DONT HAVE TO BUY IT, JUST STEAL FROM YOUR FOLKS!) ACETIC ACID VINEGAR ALUMINUM OXIDE ALUMIA ALUMINUM POTASSIUM SULFATE ALUM ALUMINUM SULFATE ALUM AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE AMMONIA CARBON CARBONATE CHALK CALCIUM HYPOCHLORIDE BLEACHING POWDER CALCIUM OXIDE LIME CALCIUM SULFATE PLASTER OF PARIS CARBONIC ACID SELTZER CARBON TETRACHLORIDE CLEANING FLUID ETHYLENE DICHLORIDE DUTCH FLUID FERRIC OXIDE IRON RUST GLUCOSE CORN SYRUP GRAPHITE PENCIL LEAD HYDROCHLORIC ACID MURATIC ACID HYDROGEN PEROXIDE PEROXIDE LEAD ACETATE SUGAR OF LEAD LEAD TETROOXIDE RED LEAD MAGNESIUM SILICATE TALC MAGNESIUM SULFATE EPSOM SALT NAPHTHALENE MOTHBALLS PHENOL CARBOLIC ACID POTASSIUM BICARBONATE CREAM OF TARTER POTASSIUM CHROMIUM SULF. CHROME ALUM POTASSIUM NITRATE SALTPETER SODIUM DIOXIDE SAND SODIUM BICARBBONATE BAKING SODA SODIUM BORATE BORAX SODIUM CARBONATE WASHING SODA SODIUM CHLORIDE SALT SODIUM HYDROXIDE LYE SODIUM SILICATE WATER GLASS SODIUM SULFATE GLAUBER'S SALT SODIUM THIOSULFATE PHOTOGRAPHER'S HYPO SULFURIC ACID BATTERY ACID SUCROSE CANE SUGAR ZINC CHLORIDE TINNER'S FLUID I HOPE THIS LIST HELPS YOU IN WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING. _______________ _______________ _______ NOW ON TO THE INSTRUCTIONS OF MAKING EXPLOSIVES _______________ _______________ _______ I. EXPLOSIVES MADE WITH STUFF AROUND THE HOUSE A.NAPALM 1. MATERIALS NEEDED a.JOY SOAP b.COKE CAN WITH SAWED-OFF TOP c.AMMONIA PELLETS d.A DRILL f.A NAIL g.STRING h.GASOLINE WHAT TO DO: MIX THE JOY AND GASOLINE TOGETHER 1/2 AND 1/2. TAKE THE COKE CAN AND FILL IT HALFWAY WITH THE MIXTURE. DRILL A HOLE BIG ENOUGH FOR THE NAIL TO FIT THROUGH IN THE AMMONIA PELLET. PUT THE NAIL THROUGH THE PELLET AND PLACE IT OVER THE TOP OF THE CAN. ATTACH THE STRING TO THE NAIL, GET VERY FAR AWAY AND PULL THE STRING. BE CAREFUL!!!!! B.PIPE BOMB 1.MATERIALS NEEDED a.1 FOOT STEEL PIPE, ENDS THREADED, CAPS FOR THE END. b.BABYFOOD JAR FILLED WITH VINEGAR c.BAKING SODA (1 BOX) d.SMALL, SHARP ROCKS WHAT TO DO: CAP ONE END OF THE JAR AND POUR THE BAKING SODA DOWN INTO THE END OF IT. PUT SOME SHARP ROCKS ON TOP OF THE BAKING SODA AND PLACE THE BABYFOOD JAR ON TOP OF THE ROCKS. NOW CAP THE OTHER END, (YOU MIGHT WANT TO FILL THE REST OF THE EMPTY SPACE INSIDE THE PIPE WITH SOME TOILET PAPER OR SOMETHING, SO THE BOTTLE DOESN'T SLIDE AROUND ALOT.) WHEN YOU WANT TO USE IT, SMACK THE END WITH THE BAKING SODA ON SOME HARD CONCRETE SO THAT THE BOTTLE BREAKS. THE VINEGAR AND THE SODA WILL MIX AND BUILD PRESSURE UNTIL IT REALLY BLOWS. IT MIGHT TAKE AWHILE, BUT IT WILL GO OFF, SO DONT HANG ON TO IT, GET THE FUCK RID OF IT! AND IF YOU THINK, BUT ARE NOT SURE THAT YOU MAY HAVE BROKEN THE JAR, PUT IT IN AN OPEN PLACE (OR A CAR OR SOMETHING) AND SIT BACK (WAY BACK) AND WATCH THE FIREWORKS! C.SMOKE BOMBS 1.WHAT YA NEED a.SUGAR b.SALTPETER WHAT TA DO: MIX THE SUGAR AND SALTPETER TOGETHER ABOUT 4 PARTS SUGAR TO 6 PARTS SALTPETER ^ BY THE WAY, POWDERED SUGAR WORKS BEST^. NOW MELT IT OVER LOW FLAME (LIKE A LIGHTER) (DONT WORRY, IT WONT IGNITE) UNTIL IT IS LIQUID, THEN POUR IT INTO CONTAINERS AND STICK MATCHES OR FUSE DOWN IN IT, LET IT DRY, AND HAVE FUN!! D.MOLOTOV COCKTAIL 1.WHAT YA NEED a.6 OZ. BOTTLE W/SCREW ON CAP b.GUNPOWDER c.TOILET PAPER d.CANDLE e.WATER PROOF FUSE f.RUBBING ALCOHOL g.PAINT THINNER h.LIGHTER FLUID (THE KIND YOU USE TO START A CHARCOAL GRILL) WHAT TA DO: ROLL THE GUNPOWDER IN THE TP TO MAKE ABOUT A 1 IN. BALL. DRIP WAX ON IT AND STICK THE FUSE INTO IT. FILL THE BOTTLE 1/3 OF THE WAY WITH EACH OF THESE: RUBBING ALCOHOL, PAINT THINNER, LIGHTER FLUID. SUSPEND THE BALL IN THE MIXTURE AND PUT ON THE CAP. LIGHT THE FUSE AND THROW THE SHIT OUT OF IT, IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR HAND! HOW TO MAKE M-80'S MAKING THE POWDER: 1 PT. POWDERED SULFUR 1 PT. POWDERED ALUMINUM 2 PTS. POTASSIUM PERCHLORATE ^DO NOT USE POTASSIUM CHLORATE, IT WILL BLOW UP WHEN MIXED W/SULFUR^ TRY TO GET SOME CARDBOARD TUBES THAT REGISTER RECIEPT TAPE IS IN, OR JUST DO YER BEST TO FIND SOMRTHING SIMILAR. ANYWAY, POUR THE POWDER MIXTURE INTO THE TUBE AND SEAL THE BOTTOM AND TOP WITH GLUE, AND STICK THE FUSE DOWN IN ONE END WHEN IT IS STILL WET. THEN FIRE AWAY AFTER IT DRIES!! UPDATED 2/2/85 BY H.A. KNITE AND CAP'N KRAK WITH THE NEXT PHEW PAGES: AGAIN, WE TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION_W E INTEND THIS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY! (BUT IF YOU DO MAKE THIS SHIT, -->BE FUCKING CAREFUL!!<--- NOW ON TO THE GOOD SHIT! UNSTABLE EXPLOSIVE: 1) MIX SOLID NITRIC IODINE WITH HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA 2) WAIT OVERNIGHT 3) POUR OFF THE LIQUID 4) DRY MUD ON BOTTOM TO MUD 5) THROW A ROCK AT IT! ELECTRICALLY IGNITED EXPLOSIVE MIX: 7 PARTS POTASSIUM CHLORATE W/ 1 PART VASELINE IGNITE W/ ELECTRIC CHARGE OR FUSE_.. CAR BOMB--HOW TO REALLY PISS SOMEONE OFF_WHEN THIER CAR BLOWS UP! POUR LIQUID DRANO INTO A PRESCRIBTION PILL BOTTLE_CLOSE THE LID AND POP IT INTO VICTIM'S GAS TANK (PLEASE DONT DO IT WHEN THIER IN THE CAR_WE DONT WANT THEM TO GET TOO PISSED, NOW DO WE? AND RUN YOUR ASS OFF! PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES MIX 2 PARTS VASELINE, 1 PART GASOLINE AND IGNITE WITH ELECTRIC CHARGE. GREEN GODDESS 1)MIX ZINC (Zn[NOT ZINC OXIDE!!])AND SULFUR (S) 1/2 AND 1/2. 2) MAKE SURE THAT YOU MIX THEM VERY WELL.THE BEST WAY TO DO SO, IS TO PUT THE MIXTURE IN A JAR WITH A LID AND SHAKE IT UP FOR 15-60 SECONDS,UNTIL IT IS A GREYISH COLOR. 3)TO IGNITE, USE A FUSE, OR THROW A MATCH INTO THE POWDER.===>WARN ING<===THIS BURNS VERY QUICKLY,AND PRODUCES SMOKE.ALSO IT BURNS AT A VERY HIGH TEMPERATURE.IT WILL SUPRISE YOU WHEN YOU THROW A MATCH INTO IT.THERE WILL BE A DELAY,THEN ALL THE SUDDEN, IT WILL FLASH UP, AND CAN BURN THE HELL OUT OF YOU!!!!!!! FLAMING TRAILS 1)MIX 1 PART POTASSIUM PERCHLORATE AND 1 PART SUGAR TOGETHER 2)SPREAD THIN TRAIL OF IT ON NEIGHBORS SIDEWALK AND RING DOORBELL 3)DROP A DROP OF SULFURIC ACID ON THE TRAIL 4)RUN LIKE HELL!!! TENNIS BALL CANNON 1)TAKE THE ENDS OFF 3 TIN CANS AND PUNCH A HOLE IN THE SIDE TOWARD THE BOTTOM OF THE LAST ONE. 2)TAPE THEM TOGETHER WITH THE ONE WITH THE HOLE IN THE SIDE AT THE BOTTOM 3)TAKE SOME LIGHTER FLUID,PUT IT IN AND SHAKE VIGOROUSLY 4)PUT THE TENNIS BALL IN AND TOUCH A MATCH TO IT 5)DONT POINT IT AT ANYONE YOU DONT WANT TO DIE. WATER SENSITIVE FIRE STARTERS 1)TAKE 4 PARTS AMMONIUM NITRATE AND MIX THEM WITH 2 PARTS ZINC DUST AND 1 PART AMMONIUM CHLORIDE 2)GET MOIST__FIRE !!!!!! TYPED AND UPLOADED BY: H.A. KNITE WITH HELP FROM CAP'N KRAK I MUST LIST THE ORIGINAL AUTHORS BY NAME TO SAVE MY CONCIENCE_. THE PSYCHO KING AURTHUR AND SOME OTHERS WHO I HOPE WILL FORGIVE ME FOR FORGETTING THIER NAMES_ ------- THE END ------- flame.txt9856 5755502524Ms |---- Formatted in 80 columns with 1 inch margins: ----| __________________________________________________________ | | | The Guys Six Feet Under Present | | | | Part II of the Pyromaniac Anarchy File | | | | --------------------------- | | F l a m e T h r o w e r s | | --------------------------- | |__________________________________________________________| Here's the second installment of our file. Flame throwers. These are one of my favorite things to play with. They are good for detonating certain other 6-foot pyromaniac techniques (smoke bombs), and aren't very destructive. These are kind of primitive, but they are pretty neat. I know of no law outlawing flame throwers, but a cop will probably stop you if you are walking down the street shooting it into the air. Later on, we will tell you how to make a good hand-held flame thrower out of WD-40 (or better). Here's sort of a preview of the flame thrower coming later. I figure almost everyone knows about this, but for those 2% of you who don't, here you go. [:-----:] Get a can of WD-40, starter fluid, flammable paint, or any other spray can with "Extremably Flammable" on the side. Hold a lit match or lighter about a foot away from the nozzle of the can, and spray. You can take your hand away, and it will stay lit. Also, notice how the flame creeps towards the can. Try letting the flame get inside the can, but when it get hot, throw it as far from you as possible. [:-----:] This doesn't shoot too much flame, but it shoots lot of smoke and heat. It's super hot, so you could go around making permanent graffiti on walls and telephone poles. Since this is permanent, the cops are going to get pissed and relentless if they catch you. But, of course, they won't catch you. Unless you are being really stupid. If you are being really stupid, you don't deserve this file anyway, so delete it immediately. Anyway, this is pretty dangerous, if you don't follow the instructions carefully. First, find some good model rocket engines. I reccomend the "D" size, but you might not need that much power. Now, go down to a hardware or plumbing store and get a metal pipe so the engine fits inside it well. The length doesn't matter because you are going to saw it down to size, but the width needs to be almost perfect. Make sure the pipe isn't tight, because burned engines are a bitch to get out fast. Now, get an end cap. Put some Thread-Tite or something else so the end cannot unscrew for the world. I haven't ever had the end go flying off and the engine winging into the night, but you could be in deep shit if it does. Now, get some rocket igniters from the same place you got the engines from. Get one of those 9 volt battery caps that you plug your 9 volt battery into from an electronics store. Also, get a 9 volt warning lamp (hopefully some dark color like purple or blue. Stay away from red, if possible, because red lights (or clothes_ Check out our prowling file) attract unwanted attention. So do bright blue, yellow, orange, white, and pink. Solder some wire to the end of the 9-volt battery and solder that to a button. Solder a short wire coming out of the button into the lamp. Solder a short wire out of the lamp into nothing. Solder a longer length of wire to the other wire on the 9-volt battery into nothing. Duct tape some styrofoam coffee-cup over the tube as insulation for your hand and the electronic equipment. Make sure it doesn't come off, cause if it does come off, the rest does too. I would test this out before taping it the rest of the way so you don't have to unwrap it and fix it, and wrap it again. Now wrap the whole electronic thing to the pipe using electrician's tape, leaving the button and lamp exposed. Schematic diagram: ------------------ To an ________________________________________ + | __ _ / Clip BATTERY <> _(_) - |________|~~|________[___]_______________ '--' / Alligator button Lamp Clip I would suggest getting a small box to put the 9-volt battery in, because when the battery runs out, it is a pain in the butt to unwrap the whole thing, repelace the battery, and wrap it all back up. Leave the end of the box exposed from the tape except for a safety piece of tape, to ensure your battery won't fall out. You should also make the 9-volt clip on long wires, so it comes all the way out of the box. It is just too hard to clip a battery in when the battery is in a box. If you would like to go high class, you might get a long tube to put extra engines in. Make sure to get two end caps. Put some Thread-Tite on one cap and screw it on. Now, screw the other cap off and on until it is really easy to unscrew and screw. This might take a while, but persist. It's well worth it when you are out there on the nighttime street. I duct taped this tube behind my other tube (with some styrofoam insulation in between, of course) so I had a one and a half self contained permanent spray can. Make sure you didn't tape the end cap you can screw off up, or you are going to have to take it apart and tape it all over again. Make sure you tape it TIGHT and used a ton of tape. There should be no way in hell the tubes are going to fall apart. I also taped a box to this tube to put my rocket igniters in. They tend to break really easily. To finish up, clip some alligator clips onto the wires coming out of the electrician's tape. Now wrap the whole damn thing in electrician's tape, or some other kind of black tape, so it can be used at night. You are done. Picture: -------- v--- Removeable End Cap Button ---v v--- Lamp _________________________________ . _n_o_ (_________________________________)#(_____ " Styrofoam Insulation ---^ Now, when you go prowling and come to a wall or something you would like to mark, put your pipe straight up and down. Get an engine out of your engine tube, and put it in the short pipe with the end with the hole sticking out. Get an igniter out of your box and connect the two wires sticking out to the alligator clips (making sure the lamp isn't lit. If it is, the igniter is going to get VERY hot). Now, put the igniter into the little hole in the engine. Now, hold the pipe at a 45 degree angle and point it away from everyone. Now, push the button. After a second, if the engine doesn't light, then wait about 3 seconds so you are sure the engine won't light when you are in front of it, put in another rocket igniter and try the button again. If, however, the engine does light, you've got it made. Write whatever you want, and get out of there. You will notice the force of the engine will keep it in the pipe, even if you aim the pipe straight down. Did you know these engines work under water? Figure something to do with that_ [:-----:] If you have a car with a tailpipe that shoots exhaust straight out the back, this one's for you! Only use it when you want to seriously hurt something behind you. I assume you know how a spark plug and switch work, because you own a car. Drill a hole 4 or 5 inches up the tailpipe of your car. Put the spark plug in the hole (with the spark part aiming into the pipe) so it won't fall out. Run some ignition wire from one terminal of your battery to your spark plug. Mount a switch on your dash or in your glove compartment. Put one of those clear plastic flip-up covers over it, so it won't accidentally get pressed. I've seen some of these flames go 20 feet! Label the switch "Flame Thrower" so nobody will say, "Hey! What does this do?" Nobody will really beleive you, so all the better. We don't want any trouble with the "good officers of the law." Connect a length of wire between the switch and your battery, and a length of wire between the switch and the spark plug. You now have a functional flame thrower. Be very careful when using this, because you could accidentally light the neighbors shrubs on fire. Now that it's working, you can add some frills. I added a light and a second (Flame Thrower Armed & Ready) switch to my dash so it's even harder to accidentally turn on and it tells when the flame is going. I would get toasted by the highway patrol if I was going down the highway and didn't even know I was frying the car behind me. Schematic: ---------- _// _// ________| |________________________| |____________ | '--' |_ _ '--' | | BATERRY Armament |_|=(_) Main | | | Switch | Switch | SPARK |__________________| Armament | PLUG | Lamp | | |_________________________|_______| You can get the ignition wire (Part no. 13-1591B), switches (Part no. 14-7488U), lamps (Part no. 12-4129R), and good spark plugs (they change so often, I won't list them here) from J.C. Whitney & Co. J.C. Whitney & Co. 1917-19 Archer Ave. P.O. Box 8410 Chicago, Il, 60680 Order their catalog cause it's one of the best around. Well, that's it. Seeya_ From Lunatic Labs UnLtd. 415-278-7421 Press a key_ classic.txt 5248 5755500600) <\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/> <\/> Classic <\/> <\/> <\/> <\/> Smoke Bombs <\/> <\/> <\/> <\/> By : <\/> <\/> The Renegade <\/> <\/> <\/> <\/> Special Thanx to : <\/> <\/> MENTAL HIJINX <\/> <\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/>/\<\/> They really shouldn't be called smoke bombs because a bomb is an exploding device. Although some do explode to produce an instantaneous burst of smoke, most do not and should be classified as a smoke canister or even a grenade which it resembles most. I guess smoke bomb is used because it sounds better to say than "Let's go out and make a smoke canister so we can fog up the school tomorrow". But whatever you call it; it'll still put out lots of good smoke. Well anyway here are the plans to make the classic-when lighted smoke will pour from the container to form a thick cloud of smoke. Materials Needed : **************** potassium nitrate sugar (these 2 used for smoke) punches, nails, and/or exacto knife 16 oz metal or strong plastic container (or similar object) 1 candle fuse (matches) thin wire thin cardboard 1 plastic baggie Construction : ************ 1) taking the can (I usually use a soup can, but a coke can or something like that will work_it's just harder to work with) 6 exhaust ports need to be drilled, punched, nailed, or cut into it. here are some good patterns : ___________ ____________ __________ |() () () | | __ __ __ | |() | | | | \/ \/ \/ | | () | |() () () | | | | ()| |_________| |__________| |________| Space these evenly around the can. 2) the can must now be lined with the baggie_place the bag inside of the can and seal the holes with melted wax (take the candle and drip wax over the lined holes until they are covered) this keeps the smoke compound dry & keeps it from spilling out_tape can also be used in place of the wax but sometimes it doesn't burn through. 3) next fill the can with the smoke compound (see later in ) text don't fill all the way up_leave about an inch from the top 4) if a fuse other than matches is used (the rope like fuse) then take a small amount of the wire and wrap it around the fuse & form a spring __ well more of a spring than in the picture but | |<------Fuse you get the idea. now place the fuse into | | the smoke compound with the coil going in | |\ this anchors the fuse in place _| |_\ <-----Wire \| | \ | | \| | |\ |__|_\ 5) to cap the can use either the original lid (best) or a piece of the cardboard cut to fit the opening. puch a hole in the lid and slide it over the fuse down to the smoke compound. 2 things can be done now either fill the remaining space with melted wax or tape the can shut with waterproof tape & then filling the place where the fuse goes in with wax_they both work the same way Smoke Compound : ************** mix 4 parts potassium nitrate with 6 parts sugar heat this over a **LOW** flame until it melts do not get in a hurry and turn the fire up because that will only burn the mixture and make a big mess_believe me it's no phun cleaning that up! when it has melted pour it into the can and before it hardens stick a few matches in it for a fuse it you don't have a reg. fuse Igniter : ******* To be sure your bomb will go off an igniter is not a bad idea_just leave some extra room at the top & put in the igniter powder 4 parts Antimony Sulfide 4 parts Meal Powder 24 parts Saltpeter 5 parts Sulfur most of this is a toned down version of gunpowder (Saltpeter) so you could use gunpowder as a substitute but be careful- it can be set of very easily_sometimes even shaking it will cause it to go off That's about it for now_look for other files : A True Smoke Grenade Smoke-A Rainbow of Colors Oh, almost forgot the DISCLAIMER ********** This is to all the assholes out there that are gonna look at this and say woah_cool & then mix a bunch of chemicals together and blow their arm off or something & then try to sue ME!!! for damages. Well to bad you dicks_this states that I'm in NO way responsible for your foolish behavior & if something happens to you it's your own damn fault. So there_naayaaaa!!! Anarchists will rule the world !!!!chlo.txt1024 5755500456 CHLOROX-DRAINO BOMB By The Mortician I am not too sure on how this works but I am pretty sure that you can make a really powerful bomb by taking a can of draino and mixing it with Chlorox. I think that these two compuonds will spontaniously explode so don't just pour them together. I think what you do is get the draino in a cardboard can and then put it in a bucket of chlorox and what will happen is either the draino or chlorox will eat through the cardboard and they will meet and explode. You might want to experiment with this by rigging it up so you can cause the two to combine while you stand a distance a way. I reccomend extreme caution with this and wear goggles definately_. Just like pour some chlorox into a pan and then have a can of draino with a string tied to it so you can make it spill into the chlorox_ Be Care full. I don't need a law suit_ [Mother Earth BBS] canbomb.txt6784 57555003705$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ SOFT DRINK CAN BOMBi $ $ ---- ----- --- ---- $ $ $ $ AN ARTICLE FROM THE BOOK: $ $ $ $ THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND $ $ T BY KURT SAXON $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ THIS IS AN ANTI-PERSONNEL BOMB MEANT FOR MILLING CROWDS. THE BOTTOM OF A SOFT DRINK CAN IS HALF CUT OUT AND BENT BACK. A GIANT FIRECRACKER OR OTHER EXPLOSIVE IS PUT IN AND SURROUNDED WITH NUTS AND BOLTS OR ROCKS. THE FUSE IS THEN ARMED WITH A CHEMICAL DELAY IN A PLASTIC DRINKING STRAW AFTER FIRST MAKING SURE THERE ARE NO CHILDREN NEARBY, THE ACID OR GLYCERINE IS PUT INTO THE STRAW AND THE CAN IS SET DOWN BY A TREE OR WALL WHERE IT WILL NOT BE KNOCKED OVER. THE DELAY SHOULD GIVE YOU THREE TO FIVE MINUTES. IT WILL THEN HAVE A SHATTERING EFFECT ON PASSERBYS. IT IS HARDLY LIKELY THAT ANYONE WOULD PICK UP AND DRINK FROM SOMEONE ELSE'S SOFT DRINK CAN. BUT IF SUCH A CRUDE PERSON SHOULD TRY TO DRINK FROM YOUR BOMB HE WOULD BREAK A NASTY HABIT FAST! !! !! !! <-CHEMICAL INGITER --------- ! !1! ! ! ===== ! !*! !"! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !<- BIG FIRECRACKER ! ! !%! ! ==== ! ! ! ! # ! ! --- ! ! ! ! <- NUTS & BOLTS ! / ! ! ! --------- EDITED BY : QUASIMOTO --------------------------------------- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X FOLO ZONE FUN FILES X X X X FILE "4" -- CARBIDE CANNON X X X X X X X X BY X X Z. DEBUGGAH OF THE FOLO ZONE GANG. X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX f <^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^> < > < CONTENT HAZARD RATING -- SERIOUS. > < > < > < HAZARD TYPE -- EXPLOSION & FLYING > < PIECES. > < > < SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS -- * EYES * > < WEAR EYE PROTECTION (SAFETY- > < GLASSES). > < > YOU WILL NEED:- A METAL CAN WITH A PRESS ON LID. EXAMPLES ARE PAINT CANS, OR HERSHEY'S COCO OR NESTLE'S QUIK CANS. THE NEW PAPER CANS WILL WORK TOO BUT THEY WEAR OUT FAST. A TANK OF ACETYLENE OR THE ACETYLENE GENERATOR FROM THE PRECEEDING FILE IN THIS SERIES . THE SETUP/ASSEMBLY:- DRILL OR POKE A SMALL HOLE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BOTTOM OF THE METAL CAN OF 1/16" OR LESS, DIAMETER. DRILL OR POKE A SIMILAR HOLE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LID OF THE CAN. PUT A PIECE OF WATERPROOF TAPE (LIKE BLACK ELECTRICIANS TAPE) OVER THE OUTSIDE OF EACH HOLE. USING IT:- THE EASIEST WAY TO SAFELY LOAD THE "CANON" IS TO BEGIN BY FILLING IT WITH WATER AND THEN USING IT IN A COLLECTION TROUGH (LIKE THE ONE SHOWN IN FZFF03; ACETYLENE GAS). THE BUBBLER TUBE CAN BE CONNECTED TO AN ACETYLENE TANK SUCH AS ON A WELDERS TORCH, OR THE ACETYLENE GENERATOR OR BAGS OF ACETYLENE FILLED IN PRINCIPLE:- ONCE YOU TAKE THE "CANON" TO WHERE YOU WANT TO USE IT, BY SETTING THE CAN ON SOMETHING THAT WILL KEEP IT OFF THE GROUND AND IS VENTILLATED UNDERNEATH, COUNTDOWN CAN BE STARTED. REMOVE THE TAPE FROM BOTH HOLES. SINCE ACETYLENE I_IGHTER THAN AIR, AIR WILL BEGIN ENTERING THE BOTTOM HOLE AS ACETYLENE FLOATS OUT THE TOP. THE FLOW IS JUST ABOUT RIGHT TO MAKE A LANTERN FLAME ABOVE THE EXIT HOLE AT THE TOP. PROMPTLY LIGHT THE TOP HOLE OF THE CAN AND AND GET BACK, DELIBERATELY, AS YOU WILL HAVE SEVERAL MINUTES TO WAIT. (THE TIME DEPENDS ON THE SIZE OF THE CAN YOU USE AND THE SIZE OF THE PINHOLES YOU PUT IN IT.) AT THC BEGINNING, THE CAN CONTAINS AND VENTS ONLY ACETYLENE SO THAT ONLY ABOVE THE CAN CAN IT GET ENOUGH AIR TO BURN, AND ONLY THE GAS WHICH HAS EXITEd IS FLAMABLE. AS AIR COMES IN THE BOTTOM, THOUGH, IT BEGINS TO MIX WITH THE GAS INSIDE THE CAN SO THAT THE MIXTURE BECOMES INCREASINGLY ACTIVATED WITH OXYGEN. EVENTUALLY THE AIR LEVEL WILL REACH ITS FLASH RATIO, AND THE FLAME FROM THE TOP OF THE CAN WILL MOVE DOWN INSIDE, IGNITING ALL THE ACETYLENE THAT REMAINS INSIDE THE CAN AT ONCE, AND THE "CANON" GOES OFF. FIRING PHILOSOPHIES:- STRAIGHT OFF YOU WILL SEE THAT YOU HAVE A CHOICE OF SETTING OFF THE SHOT WITH THE LID UP (TO SHOOT THE LID) OR THE LID DOWN (TO SHOOT THE CAN) INTO THE AIR. ALSO, BECAUSE THE FUSE FLAME IS SENSITIVE TO WIND, YOU MAY WANT TO FASHION A CHIMNEY (OR "BARREL") OUT OF ANOTHER CAN, A ROLL OF LINOLEUM OR FORMICA, OR A LENGTH OF PVC PIPE OF SUITABLE DIAMETER. THIS HAS TWO ADDITIONAL ADVANTAGES BEYOND KEEPING THE FLAME LIGHTED, IN THAT IT DRAMATICALLY ENHANCES THE BOOM, BUT ALSO IMPROVES YOUR CONTROL OVER THE DIRECTION OF THE PROJECTILE EJECTED. BY LOADING MANY CANISTERS WITH THEIR HOLES TAPED, BEFORE HAND, YOU THEN HAVE YOURSELF AN EASY RELOADER, CARTRIDGE FASHION. ANOTHER VARIATION IS TO PUT THE PINHOLES ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE METAL CAN AND THEN MOUNTING IT IN THE "BARREL" HORIZONTALLY. IN THIS CASE, A BACKSTOP IS NEEDED AND THE CHIMNEY CANNOT BE PART OF THE "BARREL". SOME OF MY BEST SHOTS HAVE BEEN 5 GAL ICE CREAM CARTON OR HAT BOX ONE- SHOTTERS, FILLED DRY FROM AN ACETYLENE TANK AT A WIDE SETTING. BECAUSE OF THE UNCERTAINTY OF THIS FILL METHOD, THESE CANONS WERE LIT WITH SPARKLERS ON THE END OF A 12 FOOT POLE. THIS KIND OF CANON READILY LENDS ITSELF TO LOUDNESS, ALTITUDE AND DISTANCE COMPETITIONS, SINCE IT'S ALL HAND MADE. --------------------------------------- pipebomb.txt 14766 5020551262 ******************************************************************************* * * * * * The Better Pipe Bomb * * * * Brought to You * * * * by * * * * Master Control Program BBS * * * * * ******************************************************************************* * First (and probably only) production <==> 05/28/91 <==============================================================================> Vital files that SHOULD be included in this archive are: README.NOW <==> What you are looking at right now PRINT THIS FILE OUT, YOU WILL NEED IT ON PAPER! PIPE.SCR <==> GIF Quality Diagram of Pipe Bomb. Viewable with CSHOW v8.1b or higher. (note: the DICK who u/l-ed this file onto the BBS I got it from didn't include this file, sorry.) FUSE.SCR <==> GIF Quality Diagram of NyChrome Fuse. Viewable with CSHOW v8.1b or higher. (note: This File wasn't in the file I d/l-ed either.) Please do not edit, in any way, shape, or form the two files listed above without the express written consent of the author. If you feel you have something to add, or if you feel like commenting on this tutorial, directions for contacting the author are listed below. <==============================================================================> This archive is Public Domain and is to be distributed FREELY! I'm sure a few other plug and advertisement files will find thier way into this archive, so if a few extra files show up when you unzip it, don't be alarmed, as I welcome that type of advertisement. <==============================================================================> Hardware and software that you will need to have in order to productively use this tutorial, or whatever you want to call it: One IBM or Compatible Computer MS-DOS 2.01 or Higher One Printer EGA (Minimum) Graphics Card and Monitor Copy of Compu-Show v8.1b (CSHOW.EXE) or a .SCR picture format viewer. <==============================================================================> How to view and understand PIPE.SCR Fire up CSHOW, (AFTER YOU HAVE PRINTED THIS FILE OUT) and load up PIPE.SCR. Choose whatever resolution mode you want to. If you have the correct hardware, and chose the correct resolution mode, a diagram of the pipe with certain objects labeled with numbers (1 to 8), should appear. If you can't see the numbers, try a different resolution mode. The Following is a key of what the numbers are labeling: 1) End Cap - Must be the same material as the pipe. Threading of cap will depend on what material is used. Plastic - No threading required, use PVC Cement to attach to pipe. Steel - Threading required. Lead - You decide, if you feel like using and have access to threaded lead pipe, that's fine with me, but it doesn't really matter, just as long as you find a way to attach the cap to the pipe. 2) Pipe - Different materials can be used for the pipe, three are listed above there are others too. Guidelines for three types of material listed above: Plastic - When put together properly, gives fantastic explosion results. Not as strong (powerful) or as loud as steel, but works excellent as a low order shrapnel emitting device. Steel - Must be threaded on both ends for construction. When fuse is installed properly, it produces a very powerful blast, as well as a thunderous boom. These results can only be obtained by using a high order explosive. Lead - Similar results to steel, lower power explosives can be used with lead. Results will vary upon size, construction, and power of explosive used. 3) Wire Hole - Using steel or lead requires that you drill a hole into the pipe. Using plastic does not require a hole. Hole in steel or lead pipe: Should be made big enough for two of the wires inside a four/six bundle piece of phone wire. Should be approx 1/4 of length of pipe from one threaded end. Drilling this hole too large, will result in a "dud." Dud meaning that the bomb will explode, but the pipe will not shatter. Instead, the end caps will blow off, and the pipe will tear from the fuse hole. This creates no shrapnel, and isn't vet (Note: I'm sorry for the inconvenience again, but some DICK deleted the rest of this file before u/l-ing it. I hope the info that was left behind was of value to you.) (Note: Yes, that DICK strikes again, the beginning of this file on how to make nitric acid was gone when I first looked at it.) L BURN SKIN AND DESTROY CLOTHING. IF ANY IS SPILLED, WASH IT AWAY WITH A LARGE QUANTITY OF WATER. FUMES ARE ALSO DANGEROUS AND SHOULD NOT BE INHALED 2. WRAP PAPER OR RAGS AROUND NECKS OF 2 BOTTLES. SECURELY TAPE NECKS OF BOTTLES TOGETHER. BE SURE BOTTLES ARE FLUSH AGAINST EACH OTHER AND THAT THERE ARE NO AIR SPACES. 3. SUPPORT BOTTLES ON ROCKS OR CANS SO THAT EMPTY BOTTLE IS *SLIGHTLY* LOWER THAN BOTTLE CONTAINING PASTE SO THAT NITRIC ACID THAT IS FORMED IN RECEIVING BOTTLE WILL NOT RUN INTO OTHER BOTTLE. 4. BUILD FIRE IN POT OR FRYING PAN. 5. GENTLY HEAT BOTTLE CONTAINING MIXTURE BY MOVING FIRE IN AND OUT. AS RED FUMES BEGIN TO APPEAR PERIODICALLY POUR COOL WATER OVER EMPTY RECEIVING BOTTLE. NITRIC ACID WILL BEGIN TO FORM IN THE RECEIVING BOTTLE. *********CAUTION: DO NOT OVERHEAT OR WET BOTTLE CONTAINING MIXTURE OR IT MAY SHATTER. AS AN ADDED PRECAUTION, PLACE BOTTLE TO BE HEAtED IN HEAT RESISTANT CONTAINER FILLED WITH SAND OR GRAVEL. HEAT THIS OUTER CONTAINER TO PRODUCE NITRIC ACID. 6. CONTINUE THE ABOVE PROCESS UNTIL NO MORE RED FUMES ARE FORMED. IF THE NITRIC ACID FORMED IN THE RECEIVING BOTTLE IS NOT CLEAR (CLOUDY) POUR IT INTO CLEANED BOTTLE AND REPEAT STEPS 2-6. **********CAUTION: NITRIC ACID WILL BURN SKIN AND DESTROY CLOTHING. IF ANY IS SPILLED, WASH IT AWAY WITH A LARGE QUANTITY OF WATER. FUMES ARE ALSO DANGEROUS AND SHOULD NOT BE INHALED. NITRIC ACID SHOULD BE KEPT AWAY FROM ALL COMBUSTABLES AND SHOULD BE KEPT IN A *SEALED CERAMIC OR GLASS* CONTAINER. INITIATOR FOR DUST EXPLOSIONS ----------------------------- AN INITIATOR WHICH WILL INITIATE COMMON MATERIAL TO PRODUCE DUST EXPLOSIONS CAN BE RAPIDLY AND EASILY CONSTRUCTED. THIS TYPE OF CHARGE IS IDEAL FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF ENCLOSED AREAS SUCH AS ROOMS OR BUILDINGS. MATERIALS REQUIRED: ------------------- A FLAT CAN, 3 IN. (8 CM) DIAMETER AND 1-1/2 IN. (3 3/4 CM) HIGH. A 6-1/2 OUNCE TUNA CAN SERVES THE PURPOSE QUITE WELL. BLASTING CAP EXPLOSIVE ALUMINUM (MAY BE WIRE, CUT SHEET, FLATTENED CAN, OR POWDER) LARGE NAIL, 4 IN. (10 CM) LONG WOODEN ROD - 1/4 IN. (6 MM) DIAMETER FLOUR, GASOLINE, AND POWDER OR CHIPPED ALUMINUM ***NOTE***: PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES (COMP. C-4, ETC) PRODUCE BETTER EXPLOSIONS THAN CAST EXPLOSIVES (COMP. B, ETC) PROCEDURE: ---------- 1. USING THE NAIL, PRESS A HOLE THROUGH THE SIDE OF THE TUNA CAN 3/8 TO 1/2 INCH (1 TO 1-1/2 CM) FROM THE BOTTOM. USING A ROTATING AND LEVER ACTION, EnLARGE THE HOLE UNTIL IT WILL ACCOMMODATE THE BLASTING CAP. 2. PLACE THE WOODEN ROD IN THE HOLE AND POSITION THE END OF THE ROD AT THe CENTER OF THE CAN. 3. PRESS EXPLOSIVE INTO THE CAN, BEING SURE TO SURROUND THE ROD, UNTIL IT IS 3/4 INCH (2 CM) FROM THE TOP OF THE CAN. CAREFULLY REMOVE THE WOODEN ROD. 4. PLACE THE ALUMINUM METAL ON TOP OF THE EXPLOSIVE. 5. JUST BEFORE USE, INSERT THE BLASTING CAP INTO THE CAVITY MADE BY THE ROD. THE INITIATOR IS NOW READY FOR USE. ***NOTE***: IF IT IS DESIRED TO CARRY THE INITIATOR SOME DISTANCE, CARDBOARD MAY BE PRESSED ON TOP OF THE ALUMINUM TO INSURE AGAINST LOSS OF MATERIAL. HOW TO USE: ----------- THIS PARTICULAR UNIT WORKS QUITE WELL TO INITIATE CHARGES OF FIVE POUNDS OF FLOUR, 1/2 GALLON (1-2/3 LITERS) OF GASOLINE OF TWO POUNDS OF FLAKE PAINTERS ALUMINUM. THE SOLID MATERIALS MAY MERELY BE CONTAINED IN SACKS OR CARDBOARD CARTONS. THE GASOLINE MAY BE PLACED IN PLASTIC-COATED PAPER MILK CARTONS, PLASTIC OR GLASS BOTTLES. THE CHARGES ARE PLACED DIRECTLY ON TOP OF THE INITIATOR AND THE BLASTING CAP IS ACTUATED ELECTRICALLY OR BY FUSE DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF CAP EMPLOYED. THIS WILL DESTROY A 2000 CUBIC FEET ENCLoSURE (BUILDING 10 X 20 X 10 FEET). ***NOTE***: FOR LARGER ENCLOSURES, USE A PROPORTIONATELY LARGER INITIATORS And CHARGES. piss.txt1818 5705255700 piss bomb by: piro well, it's party time again! and what better way to have a party than to blow some things up? what did you say? you said you don't have the matereals needed to make your own bomb? well worry no more_.. urea nitrate explosive_the piss bomb what you need: nitric acid_.from industrial metal processor or your chemestry lab urine_geeeeze man, piss in a cup! filtering matereal_ paper towel that is finely textured, a tee-shirt etc_ aluminum powder_ paint store (optional) heat source measuring containers _cup, spoon water tape steel pipe with end caps (one end pre drilled) cannon fuse_or your prefreance of detonators. procedure: 1. boil the piss (a lot of it, 10 cups) to approximately 1/10 of it's volume 2. filter the piss. pour the piss in a container through the filtering matereal to remove impurities. 3. slowly add 1/3 cup of nitric acid to the filtered urine and let it stand for urea nitrate chrystals will collect on the paper. 5. wash the urea nitrate by pouring water over it. 6. remove urea nitrate chrystals from the filtering matereal and allow to dry thoroughly (16 hours) how to use: spoon the chrystals into an iron or steel pipe with an end cap on one end. thread the cannon fuse through the hole of other end cap then screw on. the mixture will be more powerful if mixed in a 1:4 ratio (1cup aluminum to 4cups chrystals) one could light the fuse and throw the thing into a populated area of ass holes and do this world a favor. but i would not recomend this kind of behavior. (heh, heh) you see, this text file was written for the purpouse of informing the public of how to make these brews. i do not wish to instigate anyone to make them. piro pyro.txt3616 5705255712*****Onyx Dragon's guide to making Pyro and explosives! Ok folks this right here is how I make Explosives and Bombs that work_Well if you are a lamer you ain't gonna know how to use this guide unless you work with explosives alot. Lets start_ Table of Contents__. 1. How to make A "Shotgun Gernade" 2. How to make an "Apple Bomb" 3. How to make an "Anti-Person bomb" 4. How to make an easy timer of electric fuse. 5. The thank you part and All that crap! Part 1 How to make a "Shotgun grenade" When I lived back in the boonies of Va. I learned how to make a firecracker that was almost as powerful as 2 m-80's! Here how to make it_. The stuff that you need is this_ 1. Used Shotgun shell_most anygauge_.but 12 gauge is better_. 2. Some gunpowder_ 3. A fuse_.Water proof fuses are better_ 4. Some Elemers glue (Note: Use the stuff that dries clear_) Ok after you have gotten all of that stuff you are ready to make one! First step_Push the primer out with a 2 point screwdriver_(Phil. Head) then throw the primer away and put the fuse through the hole_put some glue in the hole to hold the fuse_let glue dry_.. Next step_pour gunpowder into the empty shell_. next step_pour glue into the rest of the last part of the shell_let glue dry_.then_.**BOOM** Enjoy! Note: These bombs are very dangerous and could easily kill you_just watch yourself..also to make them more deadly_get some tape and some nails and take tape nails to the sides of the shell_and run like hell! if this thing goes of those nails could easily go through you_..Enjoy! Part 2 How to make an "Apple bomb" Well this bomb is *Extreamly* dangerous we suggest you use a long fuse_You will have fun with this one__ this one could easily destroy a car_so watch out_. Supplies_. 1. Applesause jar_ 2. Gun powder_. 3. REALLY long fuse_ 4. Nails gor Anti-personel use_. Get a Apple sause jar and fill it with gun powder_.. Put a hole in the top of the cap_..Put the fuse through the cap and put a drop of glue so to make it stay_if you want to waste a ton of shit by schrapnel then tape nalis to the side of the GLASS jar_.If explosion dont get them the glass will_If the glass dont get them the NAILS will___I really suggest you use a long fuse..(Water proof) and run like hell_becuase I know what these babys can do! Drop one in a pond and run and after it explodes go back and collect the dead fish_Well enjoy this one! Part 3 Just look at parts 1 and 2 and follow the instrutions for making them anti-personel_. Part 4 How to make Electric fuses_ Go down to A toy store and buy one of those little model launching kits..use one of those_they work well_but you can only use them once_because the wires het wasted after the shit explodes_.If you want to know how to make a timer get a Cigerette and light it and tie it to the fuse to the point where the cigerette will start the fuse when the "Cherry" burns down to the tip of the fuse and starts the fuse__ Part 5 Thanx to A.I.E.? For this file is for them_ Thanx to myself_who wrote this file_. Thanx to the U.S. goverment from which I got books on the subjects for_(a personal note:I don't care what the fuck the gov't does, It SUCKS & must be destroyed, along with the rest of AmeriKa!!!!) Call Shadowland BBS 804-627-9928 300/1200 baud. Sysop: Tecnomancer 24 hours_.Good system! Call it! smokebom.txt4139 4720527674Gomez #68 @3473 Wed Nov 07 15:30:43 1990 //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\ \\//\\// \\//\\// //\\//\\ Cool Smoke Bomb Formula's //\\//\\ \\//\\// \\//\\// //\\//\\ By: The Shadow Lord //\\//\\ \\//\\// Thanx to: The Metallian \\//\\// //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\ So, you want a smoke screen? Well, in this article I will discuss how to make Black, White, and Grey, as well as colores Smoke. Here is a somewhat explosive composition uses by the Germans in WWII for black smoke: Hexachloroethane - 60% Anthracene - 20% Magnesium(powder)- 20% Brown Smoke: Pitch - 29.2% Pottasium Nitrate- 47.4% Borax - 10.6% Calcium Carbonate- 4.9% Sand - 4.0% Sulpher - 3.9% Note: You may substite pitch by soaking liquid tar in sawdust. This has better effect. Grey Smoke: A: Hexachloroethane - 50% Zinc Powder - 25% Zinc Oxide - 10% Pottasium Nitrate- 10% Colophony Resin - 5% B: Hexachloroethane - 45.5% Zinc Oxide - 45.5% Calcium Silicide - 9.0% Note: Because of the high vapor presure of HC, HC smokes must(be sealed in and artight container. Also the Zinc Powder one may react with water so be carefull. White Smoke: Potassium Chlorate- 20% Ammonium Chloride -"50% Naphthalene - 20% Charcoal - 10% Pottasium Nitrate - 48.5% Sulpher - 48.5% Realgar - 3.0% Pottasium Nitrate - 50% Sugar - 50% Yellow Smoke: Potassium Nitrate - 25% Sulpher - 16% Realgar - 59% Other Black Smoke: This one make the most beawtifull black smoke but is expensive. Potassium Perchlorate - 44% Antimony Trisulphide - 24% Naphthalene - 26% Soluble Glutinous Rice Starch - 6% Potassium Perchlorate - 56% Sulpher - 11% Anthracene - 33% Hexachloroethane - 62% Magnesium - 15% Naphtalene (or Antracene) - 23% Red Smoke: Potassium Chlorate - 25% Rhodamine B - 24% Para Red - 15% Blue Smoke: Potassium Chlorate - 28% Methylene Blue - 17% Indigo Pure - 40% Wheat Flour - 15% Green Smoke: Potassium Chlorate - 28% Auramine - 10% Methylene Blue - 17% Indigo Pure - 30% Wheat Flour - 15% Violet Smoke: Potassium Chlorate - 26% Indigo Pure - 22% Rhodamine B - 16% Para Red - 21% Wheat Flour - 15% Try tossing a few in Have Phun, Shadow Lord 4 +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ \ \ \ The Best Blasting Gelignite \ \ \ \ By: The Flower Child \ \ \ +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ \ \ \ Call these great AE's \ \ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \ \ The Arena (PW: Turkey)________.(408) 429-8562 \ \ Dark Side (No Password)________(408) 245-7926 \ \ \ +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ Disclaimer: This stuff is DANGEROUS!!! This file is for information purposes only and is not to be thought of as an endorsement for the making of this blasting gelignite. If you do make it and blow your face (head, arms,legs, feet, hands, etc.) off you deserve it because this stuff is just downright dangerous!! (I have a friend who had some blow up in his face and he has nice third degree burns all over his face which means fun stuff like skin grafts, etc.) +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ [0;37;40;1m[PAUSE][7D[0;37;40m [7D The Best Blasting Gelignite.. To try and tell you about the potency and danger of this stuff, I want you to know that one time some friends of mine and I (Disk Slasher, Romper Stomper) were very careful and made some of this stuff. After it was made, we were scared as shit of it and carried it on a ten foot pole. (literally!) Near to my house there is a club that has a Coke machine outside. So we went over there at about 3 in the morning and stuck this stuff all over the Coke Machine and set it off. The whole Coke Machine damn near split in two (well anyway the front door was blown off) and the Cokes and money came spilling out We helped ourselves to both and got the hell out of there which was good because the police and fire department were there in about 15 minutes because all the people around that the blast had waken up had called them because they thought there was a fire or something. So if you make this stuff (Which we don't endorse you doing) BE CAREFUL!!!!!! +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ The Best Blasting Gelignite.. The Recipe: Note: None of these items are too hard to get but you damn well better not think that this stuff is not powerful because of that. if you think that, you had better get prepared to lose part of your body. Further Note: A step marked with a star '*' should be done behind a blast shield of some kind. We used a big sheet of plexiglas. Stuff you need 1) 50 parts water 2) 20 parts sugar (provides oxygen) 3) 1 part baking soda 4) 5 parts Corn Flakes (I'm not kidding, this is VITAL as a stabilizing agent) 5) 30 parts Charcoal (Very finely ground Fishtank charcoal- NoBarbeque charcoal) 6) 10 parts Sulphur (You can sometimes get this at grocery stores [especially Kroger] in the drug section) 7) 30 parts Saltpetre (You can also get this at grocery stores sometimes. Kroger is the only one I know of but ther might be others. get it in the drug section.) 8) A Jar of Vaseline The Actions_ 1) Get a deep metal pan to cook over the stove on and put the water in it. Stir in the sugar until it all dissolves. if you can't get all of the sugar to dissolve, add more water until all of the sugar has dissolved. Now stir in the baking soda until it dissolves. if you can't get all of the baking soda to dissolve, don't worry about it, just leave it. 2) Heat the pan over a medium flame (You don't need to stir) until it begins to boil. Now stir in the corn flakes until they are all in water and the whole thing begins to look like hot breakfast cereal. let the mixture sit on the burner until it begins to boil again. (This could be a long time or it could be a very short time depending on the water and the elevation, etc.) 3) As soon as the mixture begins to boil, stir it constantly until it is a sludgy mass that is sort of half solid and half liquid. 4) Now dump this mixture out onto a greased cookie pan (so it dosen't stick) It should be just solid enough to almost stay in a lump. Now mix in the Charcoal and the Sulphur. If it gets really gritty, don't worry. Just mix it together as well as you can. Now stick in the oven at 150 degrees. Make sure that is 150 degrees. if it is much higher, this stuff will burn up in your oven and take your whole house with it. Constantly monitor the pan until all of the sludge is baked dry and has no wetness in it at all. * 5) Get the pan out of the oven when it is ready and put it in the refrigerator or let it cool down by itself (The refrigerator is faster). Now take it out of the pan and pound it into dust. This might need to be done behind a blast shield because even though I have heard that it can't blow up or burn up if it is cool at this stage, When I pounded up my batch I made some sparks and so I got a blast shield just in case. * 6) When you have the dust. put it in a tupperware or something like that and put it, the saltpetre, and the vaseline in the fridge until they are all cold. This definately needs to be done behind a blast shield as this is the part where it gets very unstable. Get a cooler and fill it with ice and put an open container in the ice but don't let ice get in the container. Mix all of the dust and saltpetre together. Get a big glob of vaseline and get it nice and soft and quickly mix as much of the dust into it as you can. If the mixture get above about 35 degrees Celcius, it will blow up so try to not keep it in your hands too long (I definately advise wearing gloves to keep your hands from heating the mixture.) When you have mixed all of the dust possible into the lump of vaseline, drop it into the container in the cooler and get some more vaseline and make a new lump. When all of the dust is gone, close the container and put it in the fridge. When you want it to blow up (And it will blow up big!) just get it hot. We did both by sticking firecrackers in it and lighting them and running like hell (Very Dangerous!) and by model rocket ignition system model rocket igniters which we stuck in the stuff. If you are crazy and stupid enough to do this, then watch out! it is a good way to hurt yourself. Another file downloaded from: ! -$- & the Temple of the Screaming Electron ! * Walnut Creek, CA + /^\ | ! | |/\/^\ _^_ 2400/1200/300 baud (415) 935-5845 /^\ / @ | \/_-_\ Jeff Hunter, Sysop |@ \_| @ @|- - -| \ | | | /^\ | _ | - - - - - - - - - * |___/_\___|_|_|_(_)_| Aaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! / Specializing in conversations, E-Mail, obscure information, entertainment, the arts, politics, futurism, thoughtful discussion, insane speculation, and wild rumours. An ALL-TEXT BBS. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves." ****************************************** Note: the following file doesn't involve bombs but its a good way to get someone, or an organization, that you hate to spend lots of $$$ on exterminators. By: BlackGod Disclaimer:THE STUFF MENTIONED IN THIS TEXT COULD FUCK YOU UP SEVERELY, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. SOOOOOOOOO, IF YOU GOT THE BALLS TO DO THIS, THEM YOU GOT THE BALLS TO TAKE THE HEAT FROM THE PIGS, OR WHOEVER ELSE CATCHES YOU, IF YA GET CAUGHT. (Then you'd be a true dumb-ass) First of all, I got this idea from an incident that happened at the McDonalds that I work for. Now, I work in the grill area & I make all the sandwich stuff etc. Anywayz, I was walking to get more Mac Buns & as I lifted a rack of buns, I saw that a mouse had made a nest in the rack of buns beneath it. Thats all of the story that matters for this idea. So here's some more thoughts on this event. If Pests (rodents/insects/etc.) are introduced into a building, they might build a nest. even if they go undetected, they gotta eat SomeThing, & they don't clean up after themselves, causing somekind of damage. when they are detected (oh yeah, this idea might not work on someone who extremely enjoys the company of ants/termites/cockroaches/rats/mice/snakes/etc. destroying they're living area & property; but hey, how many people like that are there?) so when they're detected by someone who is disturbed by the presence of pests in their living space, this person will do something about it. As long as they dislike pests in their home/office/headquarters/etc. it doesn't matter whether or not they're animal lovers, they're gonna find a way to get rid of the pests. in fact, animal lovers would find a COSTLIER way of getting rid of the pests without simply killing them. If they get an exterminator, the exterminator's "business intuition" will have him lay that old line "For every one you spot, there maybe trillions behind the walls waiting for night to come out & destroy your life". And i'm pretty sure that most exterminators take advantage of there customer to some extent, at least get them to everspend a little bit. NOW, for the methods of removing pests without harming them, I don't know what's gonna happen but it'll be even more expensive than a greedy exterminator, I bet. Also the do-it-yourself-er type would probably go out & overspend on Combat/Black Flag/Raid/Mouse Traps/Etc. So if you haven't figured the idea out by now, here it is. 1. for the person/organization you dislike, find a place in their home/office/etc. were a pest would have it easy to make a nest (actually, this could be optional since they'll find a nest anyway, AND, if the first pest you introduce to this place is the one that is found, your victim will never know that its the ONLY one so they'll still take some measures that may be drastic.) 2. Select your pest. if its a rodent/reptile, just go to a pet store, get a male & female or pregnant female. if its an insect, go out to where you can catch some, & do it (try to make sure you got atleast 1 female & male). If you want, get a combination of pests that will show how much you truly care. another note: cockroaches multiply like hell!!! Also, poisonous pests might be of interest if you want to inflict that kind of damage to your victim 3. put your pest into a container for transportation. 4. go to the selected area where the pest will be released & when no ones around, or no ones looking, release it. (if you can't get direct access to this place, release the pests in a nearby area.) 5. let time take its course at some point the pests will either be discovered, or they'll do enough unseen damage (ex. termites) to really fuck up the target site. no matter what happens, your victim will lose in some way. whether it be an unsanitary reputation, or a foul stench, or mucho bucks in the removal/extermination of the pests, or property/structural damages caused by the pest, or of course, medical bills from animal bites. Note from BlackGod: yeah, I know that this is pretty weak compared to my other article, but its a pretty good & effective idea. although i personally prefer the added pyrotechnics & death involved with BomBs. Well since I'm on the topic of discussing general destruction I wanna add another idea By: BlackGod Disclaimer:THE STUFF MENTIONED IN THIS TEXT COULD FUCK YOU UP SEVERELY, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. SOOOOOOOOO, IF YOU GOT THE BALLS TO DO THIS, THEM YOU GOT THE BALLS TO TAKE THE HEAT FROM THE PIGS, OR WHOEVER ELSE CATCHES YOU, IF YA GET CAUGHT. (Then you'd be a true dumb-ass) Create your own little terrorist group. (I'm dead serious, I've done this) first of all select REAL GOOD FRIENDS that share an interest in anarchy or bombs or something else that'll keep the group together & a SECRET!!! 2. keep it small (The Unholy Trinity, my terrorist group, has 3 people. my suggestion is 5 people. In the Unholy Trinity, I am the brains of the operation & the other 2 help me with bomb labor & one of these dudes sometimes might lets us use his car as a getaway for when we go out on bomb runs. I guess the rest is up to you in creating your group, good luck. Anarchy 4ever, man BlackGod,Ktulu,Satan,Death, and Anne R. Keye BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB OOOOOOOOOOO MM MM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB SSSSSSSSSS B B O O M M M M B B S B B O O M M M M B B S B B O O M M M B B S BBBBBBBBBBBBBB O O M M BBBBBBBBBBBBBB SSSSSSSSS B B O O M M B B S B B O O M M B B S B B O O M M B B S BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB OOOOOOOOOOO M M BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB SSSSSSSSSSS THE PEANUT BUTTER BOMB! TOOLS: -1- Jiff peanut butter jar (not the shitty plastic ones!) - - Gasoline - - Some gunpowder. (empty a few shotgun shells!) -1- Model airplaine glue - - Sugar -1- Fuse. (any type will do except electric) -1- earplugs (just kiddin') Allrighty_Mix the gunpowder with the sugar in a 10:1 ratio. The add enough model glue to coat the mixture. Make sure that the glue makes the mixture VERY sticky. Half fill the empty peanut butter jar with this. Now, add the gasoline (fill the rest of the jar). Close the jar. Shake vigorously (BE CAREFULL!). Drill a hole in the lid big enough for the fuse to fit through. Light the fuse. Make sure that the fuse is long enough or prepare for a funeral! Get away fast after lighting this little'll kinda DIE!!!!!! The only bad thing about this little explosive is_ if the gasoline is added some time before the lighting of the bomb_the bomb may jam up_.a simple solution is to pour the gasoline in just before lighting the bomb. !BOOM! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB OOOOOOOOOOO MM MM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB SSSSSSSSSS B B O O M M M M B B S B B O O M M M M B B S B B O O M M M B B S BBBBBBBBBBBBBB O O M M BBBBBBBBBBBBBB SSSSSSSSS B B O O M M B B S B B O O M M B B S B B O O M M B B S BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB OOOOOOOOOOO M M BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB SSSSSSSSSSS 2222222222 22222222 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2222222222 22222222 GERBIL FEED BOMB! TOOLS: -1- Glass jar - - Some gasoline -1- Wick (see Bombs3) - - Gerbil food (hence the name GERBIL FEED BOMB) -2- Modeling cement Alrighty_ Take the glass jar, powder up the gerbil food (use either the green pellets or the green cylinders) Fill up the jar halfway with food Now take the modeling cement_POUR it in to the jar. Mix thouroughly_ Now that both modeling cement containers are empty__Fill up the rest of the jar with gasoline_.SHAKE_ Now take the wick and put it through the top of the jar. Light_.RUN_. and hit the deck!91707651650460476phrack-1.txt _ _ _______ | \/ | / _____/ |_||_|etal/ /hop _________/ / /__________/ (Metal Shop) (314)432-0756 24 Hours A Day, 300/1200 Baud Presents_. ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue One, Phile 1 of 8 Introduction_ Welcome to the Phrack Inc. Philes. Basically, we are a group of phile writers who have combined our philes and are distributing them in a group. This newsletter-type project is home-based at Metal Shop. If you or your group are interested in writing philes for Phrack Inc. you, your group, your BBS, or any other credits will be included. These philes may include articles on telcom (phreaking/hacking), anarchy (guns and death & destruction) or kracking. Other topics will be allowed also to an certain extent. If you feel you have some material that's original, please call and we'll include it in the next issue possible. Also, you are welcomed to put up these philes on your BBS/AE/Catfur/ Etc. The philes will be regularly available on Metal Shop. If you wish to say in the philes that your BBS will also be sponsering Phrack Inc., please leave feedback to me, Taran King stating you'd like your BBS in the credits. Later on. TARAN KING 2600 CLUB! METAL SHOP SYSOP This issue is Volume One, Issue One, released on November 17, 1985. Included are: 1 This Introduction to Phrack Inc. by Taran King 2 SAM Security Article by Spitfire Hacker 3 Boot Tracing on Apple by Cheap Shades 4 The Fone Phreak's Revenge by Iron Soldier 5 MCI International Cards by Knight Lightning 6 How to Pick Master Locks by Gin Fizz and Ninja NYC 7 How to Make an Acetylene Bomb by The Clashmaster 8 School/College Computer Dial-Ups by Phantom Phreaker Call Metal Shop and leave feedback saying the phile topic and where you got these philes to get your article in Phrack Inc. _ _ _______ | \/ | / _____/ |_||_|etal/ /hop _________/ / /__________/ (Metal Shop) (314)432-0756 24 Hours A Day, 300/1200 Baud Presents_ ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue One, Phile 2 of 8 ::>Hacking SAM - A Description Of The Dial-Up Security System<:: ::>Written by Spitfire Hacker<:: SAM is a security system that is being used in many colleges today as a security feature against intrusion from the outside. This system utilizes a dial-back routine which is very effective. To access the computer, you must first dial the port to which SAM is hooked up. The port for one such college is located at (818) 885- 2082. After you have called, SAM will answer the phone, but will make no other responses (no carrier signals). At this point, you must punch in a valid Login Identification Number on a push-button phone. The number is in this format -- xxyyyy -- where xx is, for the number mentioned above, 70. 'yyyy' is the last 4 digits of the valid user's telephone number. If a valid LIN is entered, SAM will give one of 3 responses: 1) A 1 second low tone 2) A 1 second alternating high/low tone 3) A tone burst Responses 1 and 2 indicate that SAM has accepted your passcode and is waiting for you to hang up. After you hang up, it will dial the valid users phone number and wait for a second signal. Response 3 indicates that all of the outgoing lines are busy. If SAM accepts your passcode, you will have to tap into the valid users line and intercept SAM when it calls. If you do this, then hit the '*' key on your phone. SAM will respond with a standard carrier, and you are in! That's all that I have hacked out so far, I will write more information on the subject later. -%>Spitfire Hacker<%- 2600 Club! ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue One, Phile 3 of 8 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / / / Boot Tracing Made Easy / / Written by / / ________________ / / \Cheap/ \Shades/ / / \___/ \____/ / / 2600 CLUB! / / / ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ Be sure to call \ \ \ \ Kleptic Palice__(314)527-5551 \ \ 5 Meg BBS/AE/CF \ \ Metal Shop___.(314)432-0756 \ \ Elite BBS (Home of 2600 CLUB! \ \ and Phrack Inc. ) \ \ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ About 3 or four years ago, a real good friend of mine was teaching a ML Programming course for the Apple 2 series. I, being a good friend and quite bored, asked him about cracking Apple games. He told me that he had spent the last summer cracking programs. He showed me a method that he came up with entirely on his own, boot tracing. Little did he know that this was already quite popular but he developed his own method for doing it which from reading other files about it, is the simplest I've ever seen. (To give you an idea, I had SN0GGLE (I've never played the game but a friend had it on disk.) completely loaded into memory ready to be dumped in about 12 minutes.) Ok, first of all, ALL programs can be boot traced. The only thing is that some may not be easily converted into files. The only programs that you should try if you aren't real good at ML, are ones that load completely into memory. Also to do this you will need a cassette recorder. (don't worry the program we will save won't take too long to save, and if all goes well it will only be saved loaded once.) I hate learning the theory behind anything so I'm not gonna give any theory behind this. If you want the theory, read some other phile that does this the hard way. First make sure your cassette recoder works by BLOADing some program and typing: CALL -151 AA60.AA73 You'll see something that looks like this: AA60-30 02 xx xx xx xx xx xx AA68-xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx AA70-xx xx 00 08 or whatever_The 30 02 is the length ($0230 bytes). The 00 08 is the starting address ($0800). Oh well, now you need to try and save the program. Type: 800.A2FW (A2F=$800+$230-1) 1000<800.A2FM 800:00 N 801<800.A2FM 800.A2FR 1000<800.A2FV Once you are sure that the cassette works, (by the way do be stupid and try that on a //c!) we can get to the good stuff_First move the ROM boot-up code into RAM_(all steps will be from the monitor * prompt.) 8600 The 2600 Club! =============================================================================== _ _ _______ | \/ | / _____/ |_||_|etal/ /hop _________/ / /__________/ (Metal Shop) (314)432-0756 24 Hours A Day, 300/1200 Baud Presents_ ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue One, Phile 6 of 8 How to Pick Master Locks By Gin Fizz & Ninja NYC Have you ever tried to impress your friends by picking one of those Master combination locks and failed? Well then read on. The Master lock company has made this kind of lock with a protection scheme. If you pull the handle of it hard, the knob won't turn. That was their biggest mistake__ Ok, now on to it. 1st number. Get out any of the Master locks so you know what's going on. 1: The handle part (the part that springs open when you get the combination), pull on it, but not enough so that the knob won't move. 2: While pulling on it turn the knob to the left until it won't move any more. Then add 5 to this number. Congradulations, you now have the 1st number. 2nd number. (a lot tougher) Ok, spin the dial around a couple of times, then go to the 1st number you got, then turn it to the right, bypassing the 1st number once. WHEN you have bypassed. Start pulling the handle and turning it. It will eventually fall into the groove and lock. While in the groove pull on it and turn the knob. If it is loose go to the next groove; if it's stiff you got the second number. 3rd number: After getting the 2nd, spin the dial, then enter the 2 numbers, then after the 2nd, go to the right and at all the numbers pull on it. The lock will eventually open if you did it right. If can't do it the first time, be patient, it takes time. Have phun_ Gin Fizz/2600 Club!/TPM Ninja NYC/TPM _ _ _______ | \/ | / _____/ |_||_|etal/ /hop _________/ / /__________/ (Metal Shop) (314)432-0756 24 Hours A Day, 300/1200 Baud Presents_ ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue One, Phile 7 of 8 .-------------------------------------------------------------. ! /////// ! ! // ! ! // h e C l a s h m a s t e r ' s ! ! .===============================. ! ! < A C E T Y L E N E > ! ! < ->B A L L O O N<- > ! ! < ---->B O M B<---- > ! ! `===============================' ! ! Written exclusively for_ ! ! The Phrack Inc. ! ! 2600 Club ! ! Newsletter 11/01/85! `-------------------------------------------------------------' Imagine this. A great, inflated, green garbage bag slowly wafting down from a tall building. It gains some speed as it nears the ground. People look up and say, "What the_.?" The garbage bag hits! *BOOM!!!* It explodes in a thundering fireball of green bits of plastic and flame! "What is this?" you may ask. Well, this is the great "Acetylene Balloon Bomb." And here is how to make it. Ingredients: ============ (1> For a small bomb: a plastic bag. Not too big. For something big(ger): a green, plastic garbage bag. (2> Some "Fun-Snaps". A dozen should be more than enough. (Those little paper balls filled with somekind of pebbles or sand that explode when you throw them at the ground. I guess anything that explodes on contact with a surface at a high velocity would work here.) (3> Some garbage bag twisties. String would also do. (4> A few rocks. Not too heavy, but depends on size of bomb and desired velocity of balloon/bomb. (5> PRIME INGREDIENT: Acetylene. This is what is used in acetylene torches. More on this substance later. (6> One or more eager Anarchists. NOTES: ====== Acetylene is a fairly dangerous substance. It is unstable upon contact with oxygen (air). For this reason, and for your safety, I recommend you keep all of the acetylene AWAY from any source of oxygen. This means don't let it get in touch with air. Construction: ============= (1> Fill up a bathtub with cold water. Make it VERY full. (2> Now get put you garbage bag in the water and fill it with water. Make sure ALL air/oxygen is out of the bag before proceeding. (3> Now take your acetylene source (I used it straight from the torch, and I recommend this way also.), and fill the bag up with acetylene. (4> Now, being careful with the acetylene, take the bag out of the tub and tie the opening shut with the twisty or string. Let the balloon dry off now. (Put it in a safe place.) (5> Okay. Now that it is dry and filled with acetlene, open it up and drop a few rocks in there. Also add some Fun-Snaps. The rocks will carry the balloon down, and the Fun-Snaps will spark upon impact, thus setting off the highly inflammable acetylene.*BABOOM!* (6> Now put the twisty or string back on VERY tightly. You now have a delicate but powerful balloon bomb. To use: ======= Just drop off of a cliff, airplane, building, or whatever. It will hit the ground a explode in a fireball. Be careful you are not near the explosion site. And be careful you are not directly above the blast or the fireball may rise and give you a few nasty burns. Have fun! But be careful_ NOTE: I, The Clashmaster, am in NO WAY responsible for the use ===== of this information in any way. This is for purely informational purposes only! This has been a 2600 Club production. -=*Clash*=- 2600 Club _ _ _______ | \/ | / _____/ |_||_|etal/ /hop _________/ / /__________/ (Metal Shop) (314)432-0756 24 Hours A Day, 300/1200 Baud Presents_ ==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue One, Phile 8 of 8 Schools and University Numbers `````````````````````````````` Harvard University 617-732-1251 Yale 203-436-2111 District 214 312-398-8170 Chicago Board of Education 312-254-1919 Spence Schools 212-369-5114 University of Texas 214-688-1400 University of Missouri 314-341-2776 314-341-2910 (1200) 314-341-2141 Cal-Tech 213-687-4662 University of Nevada 402-472-5065 Princeton University 609-452-6736 Stony Brook University 516-246-9000 Depaul 312-939-8388 University of San Diego 619-452-6792 RPI School 518-220-6603 William State University 313-577-0260 Harvard 617-732-1802 Stockton 209-944-4523 Northwestern 312-492-3094 Circle Campus 312-996-5100 312-996-6320 University of Mexico 505-588-3351 University of Florida 904-644-2261 Queens College 212-520-7719 University of Denver 303-753-2737 303-753-2733 University of Syracuse 315-423-1313 University of Illinois 312-996-5100 University of Virginia 703-328-8086 MIT Research 1-800-545-0085 St.Louis Community College 314-645-1289 SIUE 618-692-2400 618-692-2401 618-692-2402 618-692-2403 618-692-2404 618-692-2405 618-692-2406 618-692-2407 618-692-2408 Universiti------- 215-787-1011 Willaim -------- 313-577-0260 University of Florida 904-392-5533 Col & Union College 301-279-0632 Georgia State 404-568-2131 University of Mass. 413-545-1600 Purdue 317-494-1900 Northwestern 312-492-7110 University of New Mexico 505-227-3351 University of Texas 214-688-1400 Temple University 215-787-1010 Melville High School 516-751-6806 UCSD 619-452-6900 Oakland Schools 313-857-9500 University of Maryland 301-454-6111 California St. Fulerton 714-773-3111 N.Y.U. 212-777-7600 University of San Diego 619-293-4510 University of Colorado 303-447-2540 University of Colorado 303-447-2538 MIT Research 617-258-6001 Dartmouth College 603-643-63q0 Spence School 212-369-5114 University of Washington 206-543-9713 University of Washington 206-543-9714 University of Washington 206-543-9715 University of Washington 206-543-9716 University of Washington 206-543-9717 University of NC 919-549-0881 Harvard-Law,Busi,Med Sch. 617-732-1251 Virginia University 703-328-8086 WVU 304-293-2921 thru 304-293-2939 WVU 304-293-4300 thru 304-293-4309 WVU(1200)304-293-4701 thru 304-293-4708 WVU(1200)304-293-5591 thru 304-293-5594 WVU(134.5 bps) 304-293-3601 WVU(134.5 bps) 304-293-3602 Lake Wash. School 206-828-3499 University of San Diego 619-452-6792 RPL School 518-220-6603 Another School 212-369-5114 Harvard 617-732-1251 Harvard 617-732-1802 William State University 313-577-0260 Florida University 904-644-2261 Wayne State 313-577-0260 U of F 904-644-2261 High School 513-644-3840 ``````````````````````````````````````` File provided by the Alliance 6 1 8 - 6 6 7 - 3 8 2 5 7 p m - 7 a m Uploaded by Phantom Phreaker Making Plastic Explosives from Bleach by The Jolly Roger Potassium chlorate is an extremely volatile explosive compound, and has been used in the past as the main explosive filler in grenades, land mines, and mortar rounds by such countries as France and Germany. Common household bleach contains a small amount of potassium chlorate, which can be extracted by the procedure that follows. First off, you must obtain: [1] A heat source (hot plate, stove, etc.) [2] A hydrometer, or battery hydrometer [3] A large Pyrex, or enameled steel container (to weigh chemicals) [4] Potassium chloride (sold as a salt substitute at health and nutrition stores) Take one gallon of bleach, place it in the container, and begin heating it. While this solution heats, weigh out 63 grams of potassium chloride and add this to the bleach being heated. Constantly check the solution being heated with the hydrometer, and boil until you get a reading of 1.3. If using a battery hydrometer, boil until you read a FULL charge. Take the solution and allow it to cool in a refrigerator until it is between room temperature and 0 degrees Celcius. Filter out the crystals that have formed and save them. Boil this solution again and cool as before. Filter and save the crystals. Take the crystals that have been saved, and mix them with distilled water in the following proportions: 56 grams per 100 milliliters distilled water. Heat this solution until it boils and allow to cool. Filter the solution and save the crystals that form upon cooling. This process of purification is called "fractional crystalization". These crystals should be relatively pure potassium chlorate. Powder these to the consistency of face powder, and heat gently to drive off all moisture. Now, melt five parts Vaseline with five parts wax. Dissolve this in white gasoline (camp stove gasoline), and pour this liquid on 90 parts potassium chlorate (the powdered crystals from above) into a plastic bowl. Knead this liquid into the potassium chlorate until intimately mixed. Allow all gasoline to evaporate. Finally, place this explosive into a cool, dry place. Avoid friction, sulfur, sulfides, and phosphorous compounds. This explosive is best molded to the desired shape and density of 1.3 grams in a cube and dipped in wax until water proof. These block type charges guarantee the highest detonation velocity. Also, a blasting cap of at least a 3 grade must be used. The presence of the afore mentioned compounds (sulfur, sulfides, etc.) results in mixtures that are or can become highly sensitive and will possibly decompose explosively while in storage. You should never store homemade explosives, and you must use EXTREME caution at all times while performing the processes in this article. You may obtain a catalog of other subject of this nature by writing: Information Publishing Co. Box 10042 Odessa, Texas 79762 -= Exodus =- '94 Solidox Bombs by The Jolly Roger Most people are not aware that a volatile, extremely explosive chemical can be bought over the counter: Solidox. Solidox comes in an aluminum can containing 6 grey sticks, and can be bought at Kmart, and various hardware supply shops for around $7.00. Solidox is used in welding applications as an oxidizing agent for the hot flame needed to melt metal. The most active ingredient in Solidox is potassium chlorate, a filler used in many military applications in the WWII era. Since Solidox is literally what the name says: SOLID OXygen, you must have an energy source for an explosion. The most common and readily available energy source is common household sugar, or sucrose. In theory, glucose would be the purest energy source, but it is hard to find a solid supply of glucose.Making the mixture: [1] Open the can of Solidox, and remove all 6 sticks. One by one, grind up each of the sticks (preferably with a mortar and pestle) into the finest powder possible. [2] The ratio for mixing the sugar with the Solidox is 1:1, so weigh the Solidox powder, and grind up the equivalent amount of sugar. [3] Mix equivalent amounts of Solidox powder, and sugar in a 1:1 ratio. It is just that simple! You now have an extremely powerful substance that can be used in a variety of applications. A word of caution: be EXTREMELY careful in the entire process. Avoid friction, heat, and flame. A few years back, a teenager I knew blew 4 fingers off while trying to make a pipe bomb with Solidox. You have been warned! SolidOx can no longer be bought in KMart. A plumbing and heating supply store, or even Sears may have small quantities for sale, at about $18.00 for 10 stix. ---Exodus How to make a CO2 bomb by the Jolly Roger You will have to use up the cartridge first by either shooting it or whatever. With a nail, force a hole bigger so as to allow the powder and wick to fit in easily. Fill the cartridge with black powder and pack it in there real good by tapping the bottom of the cartridge on a hard surface (I said TAP not SLAM!). Insert a fuse. I recommend a good water-proof cannon fuse, or an m-80 type fuse, but firecracker fuses work, if you can run.) Now, light it and run like hell! It does wonders for a row of mailboxes (like the ones in apartment complexes), a car (place under the gas tank), a picture window (place on window sill), a phone booth (place right under the phone), or any other devious place. This thing throws shrapnel, and can make quit a mess!! -Jolly Roger- Thermite II_ or A better way to make Thermite by Jolly Roger Thermite is nasty shit. Here is a good and easy way to make it. The first step is to get some iron-oxide (which is RUST!). Here is a good way to make large quantities in a short time: - Get a DC convertor like the one used on a train set. Cut the connector off, seperate the wires, and strip them both. - Now you need a jar of water with a tablespoon or so of sodium chloride (which is SALT!) added to it. This makes the water conductive. - Now insert both wires into the mixture (I am assuming you plugged the convertor in_) and let them sit for five minutes. One of them will start bubbling more than the other. This is the POSITIVE(+) wire. If you do not do this test right, the final product will be the opposite (chemically) of rust, which is RUST ACID. You have no use for this here (although it IS useful!). - Anyway, put the nail tied to the positive wire into the jar. Now put the negative wire in the other end. Now let it sit overnight and in the morning scrape the rust off of the nail & repeat until you got a bunch of rust on the bottom of the glass. Be generous with your rust collection. If you are going through the trouble of making thermite, you might as well make a lot, right? - Now remove the excess water and pour the crusty solution onto a cookie sheet. Dry it in the sun for a few hours, or inside overnight. It should be an orange-brown color (although I have seen it in many different colors! Sometimes the color gets fucked up, what can I say_ but it is still iron oxide!) - Crush the rust into a fine powder and heat it in a cast-iron pot until it is red. Now mix the pure iron oxide with pure alluminum filinos which can be bought or filed down by hand from an aluminum tube or bar. The ratio or iron oxide to aluminum is 8 grams to 3 grams. - Congrats! You have just made THERMITE! Now, to light it_ - Thermite requires a LOT of heat (more than a blow torch!) to ignite. However, a magnesium ribbon (which is sorta hard to find.. call around) will do the trick. It takes the heat from the burning magnesium to light the thermite. - Now when you see your victim's car, pour a fifty-cent sized pile onto his hood, stick the ribbon in it, and light the ribbon with the blow torch. Now chuckle as you watch it burn through the hood, the block, the axle, and the pavement. BE CAREFUL! The ideal mixtures can vaporize CARBON STEEL! Another idea is to use thermite to get into pay phone cash boxes. HAVE FUN!! See file 195.DOC for Thermite III, the BEST way to make Thermite.. -= Exodus =- Touch Explosives by the Jolly Roger This is sort of a mild explosive, but it can be quite dangerous in large quantities. To make touch explosive (such as that found in a snap-n-pop, but more powerful), use this recipe: - Mix iodine crystals into ammonia until the iodine crystals will not dissolve into the ammonia anymore. Pour off the excess ammonia and dry out the crystals on a baking sheet the same way as you dried the thermite (in other words, just let it sit overnight!). - Be careful now because these crystals are now your touch explosive. Carefully wrap a bunch in paper (I mean carefully! Friction sets 'em off!) and throw them around.. pretty loud, huh? They are fun to put on someone's chair. Add a small fish sinker to them and they can be thrown a long distance (good for crowds, football games, concerts, etc.) Have fun! -Jolly Roger- Letter Bombs by The Jolly Roger - You will first have to make a mild version of thermite. Use my recipe, but substitute iron fillings for rust. - Mix the iron with aluminum fillings in a ratio of 75% aluminum to 25% iron. This mixture will burn violently in a closed space (such as an envelope). This bring us to our next ingredient_ - Go to the post office and buy an insulated (padded) envelope. You know, the type that is double layered_ Seperate the layers and place the mild thermite in the main section, where the letter would go. Then place magnesium powder in the outer layer. There is your bomb!! - Now to light it_ this is the tricky part and hard to explain. Just keep experimenting until you get something that works. The fuse is just that touch explosive I have told you about in another one of my anarchy files. You might want to wrap it like a long cigarette and then place it at the top of the envelope in the outer layer (on top of the powdered magnesium). When the touch explosive is torn or even squeezed hard it will ignite the powdered magnesium (sort of a flash light) and then it will burn the mild thermite. If the thermite didn't blow up, it would at least burn the fuck out of your enemy (it does wonders on human flesh!). NOW that is REVENGE! -Jolly Roger- Paint Bombs by The Jolly Roger To make a pain bomb you simply need a metal pain can with a refastenable lid, a nice bright color paint (green, pink, purple, or some gross color is perfect!), and a quantity of dry ice. Place the paint in the can and then drop the dry ice in. Quicky place the top on and then run like hell! With some testing you can time this to a science. It depends on the ratio of dry ice to paint to the size of the can to how full it is. If you are really pissed off at someone, you could place it on their doorstep, knock on the door, and then run!! Paint will fly all over the place HAHAHA!! -Jolly Roger- Smoke Bombs by the Jolly Roger Here is the recipe for one helluva smoke bomb! 4 parts sugar 6 parts potassium nitrate (Salt Peter) Heat this mixture over a LOW flame until it melts, stirring well. Pour it into a future container and, before it solidifies, imbed a few matches into the mixture to use as fuses. One pound of this stuff will fill up a whole block with thick, white smoke! -= Exodus =- Mail Box Bombs by the Jolly Roger (1) Two litre bottle of chlorine (must contain sodium hypochlorate) Small amount of sugar Small amount of water Mix all three of these in equal amounts to fill about 1/10 of the bottle. Screw on the lid and place in a mailbox. It's hard to believe that such a small explosion will literally rip the mailbox in half and send it 20 feet into the air! Be careful doing this, though, because if you are caught, it is not up to the person whose mailbox you blew up to press charges. It is up to the city. - Exodus - How to make Napalm by the Jolly Roger - Pour some gas into an old bowl, or some kind of container. - Get some styrofoam and put it in the gas, until the gas won't eat anymore. You should have a sticky syrup. - Put it on the end of something (don't touch it!!). The unused stuff lasts a long time! -Exodus- How to make a fertilizer bomb by Jolly Roger Ingredients: - Newspaper - Fertilizer (the chemical kind, GREEN THUMB or ORCHO) - Cotton - Diesel fuel Make a pouch out of the newspaper and put some fertilizer in it. Then put cotton on top. Soak the cotton with fuel. Then light and run like you have never ran before! This blows up 500 square feet so don't do it in an alley!! -Exodus- Tennis Ball Bombs by The Jolly Roger Ingredients: - Strike anywhere matches - A tennis ball - A nice sharp knife - Duct tape Break a ton of matchheads off. Then cut a SMALL hole in the tennis ball. Stuff all of the matchheads into the ball, until you can't fit any more in. Then tape over it with duct tape. Make sure it is real nice and tight! Then, when you see a geek walking down the street, give it a good throw. He will have a blast!! - Exodus - Diskette Bombs by the Jolly Roger You need: - A disk - Scissors - White or blue kitchen matches (they MUST be these colors!) - Clear nail polish - Carefully open up the diskette (3.5" disks are best for this!) - Remove the cotton covering from the inside. - Scrape a lot of match powder into a bowl (use a wooden scraper, metal might spark the matchpowder!) - After you have a lot, spread it evenly on the disk. - Using the nail polish, spread it over the match mixture - Let it dry - Carefully put the diskette back together and use the nail polish to seal it shut on the inside (where it came apart). - When that disk is in a drive, the drive head attempts to read the disk, which causes a small fire (ENOUGH HEAT TO MELT THE DISK DRIVE AND FUCK THE HEAD UP!!). ahahahahaha! Let the fuckhead try and fix THAT!!! -= Exodus =- How to make Potassium Nitrate by The Jolly Roger Potassium Nitrate is an ingredient in making fuses, among other things. Here is how you make it: Materials needed: -3.5 gallons of nitrate bearing earth or other material -1/2 cup of wood ashes -Bucket or other similar container about 4-5 gallons in volume -2 pieces of finely woven cloth, each a bit bigger than the bottom of the bucket -Shallow dish or pan at least as large in diameter as the bucket -Shallow, heat resistant container -2 gallons of water -Something to punch holes in the bottom of the bucket -1 gallon of any type of alcohol -A heat source -Paper & tape Procedure: - Punch holes on the inside bottom of the bucket, so that the metal is"puckered" outward from the bottom - Spread cloth over the holes from the bottom - Place wood ashes on the cloth. Spread it out so that it covers the entire cloth and has about the same thickness. - Place 2nd cloth on top of the wood ashes - Place the dirt or other material in the bucket - Place the bucket over the shallow container. NOTE: It may need support on the bottom so that the holes on the bottom are not blocked. - Boil water and pour it over the earth very slowly. Do NOT pour it all at once, as this will clog the filter on the bottom. - Allow water to run through holes into the shallow dish on the bottom. - Be sure that the water goes through ALL of the earth! - Allow water in dish to cool for an hour or so - Carefully drain the liquid in the dish away, and discard the sludge in the bottom - Boil this liquid over a fire for at least two hours. Small grains of salt will form - scoop these out with the paper as they form - When the liquid has boiled down to 1/2 its original volume let it sit - After 1/2 hour, add equal volume of the alcohol; when this mixture is poured through paper, small white crystals appear. This is the posassium nitrate. Purification: - Redissolve crystals in small amount of boiling water - Remove any crystals that appear - Pour through improvised filter then heat concentrated solution to dryness. - Spread out crystals and allow to dry Compiled by -= Exodus =- --LIGHTBULB BOMBS 2 4.14 -= Exodus =- An automatic reaction to walking into a dark room is to turn on thelight. This can be fatal, if a lightbulb bomb has been placed in the overhead light socket. A lightbulb bomb is surprisingly easy to make. It also comes with its own initiator and electric ignition system. On some lightbulbs, the lightbulb glass can be removed from the metal base by heating the base of a lightbulb in a gas flame, such as that of a blowtorch or gas stove. This must be done carefully, since the inside of a lightbulb is a vacuum. When the glue gets hot enough, the glass bulb can be pulled off the metal base. On other bulbs, it is necessary to heat the glass directly with a blowtorch or oxy-acetylene torch. In either case, once the bulb and/or base has cooled down to room temperature or lower, the bulb can be filled with an explosive material, such as black powder. If the glass was removed from the metal base, it must be glued back on to the base with epoxy. If a hole was put in then bulb, a piece of duct tape is sufficient to hold the explosive in the in the bulb. Then, after making sure that the socket has no power by checking with a working lightbulb, all that need be done is to screw the lightbulb bomb into the socket. Such a device has been used by terrorists or assassins with much success, since few people would search the room for a bomb without first turning on the light. Under water igniters by The Jolly Roger Materials needed: -Pack of 10 silicon diodes (available at Radio Shack. you will know you got the right ones if they are very, very small glass objects!) -Pack of matches -1 candle Procedure: - Light the candle and allow a pool of molten wax to form in the top. - Take a single match and hold the glass part of a single diode against the head. Bend the diode pins around the matchhead so that one wraps in an upward direction and thensticks out to the side. Do the same with the other wire, but in a downward direction. The diodes should now be hugging the matchhead, but its wires MUST NOT TOUCH EACH OTHER! - Dip the matchhead in wax to give it a water-proof coat. These work underwater - repeat to make as many as you want How to use them:When these little dudes are hooked across a 6v battery, the diode reaches what is called breakdown voltage. When most electrical components reach this voltage, they usually produce great amounts of heat and light, while quickly melting into a little blob. This heat is enough to ignite a matchhead. These are recommended for use underwater, where most other igniters refuse to work. ENJOY! -Exodus- Home-brew blast cannon by The Jolly Roger Materials needed: -1 plastic drain pipe, 3 feet long, at least 3 1/2 inches in diameter -1 smaller plastic pipe, about 6 inches long, 2 inches in diameter -1 large lighter, with fluid refills (this gobbles it up!) -1 pipe cap to fit the large pipe, 1 pipe cap to fit the small pipe -5 feet of bellwire -1 SPST rocker switch -16v polaroid pot-a-pulse battery -15v relay (get this at Radio Shack) -Electrical Tape -One free afternoon Procedure: - Cut the bell wire into three equal pieces, and strip the ends - Cut a hole in the side of the large pipe, the same diameter as the small pipe. Thread the hole and one end of the small pipe. they should screw together easily. - Take a piece of scrap metal, and bend it into an "L" shape, then attach it to the level on the lighter: /------------------------gas switch is here V /------ !lighter!!<---metal lever !!! !! Now, every time you pull the 'trigger' gas should flow freely from the lighter. You may need to enlarge the 'gas port' on your lighter, if you wish to be able to fire more rapidly. - Connect two wires to the two posts on the switch - Cut two holes in the side of the smaller tube, one for the switch on the bottom, and one for the metal piece on the top. Then, mount the switch in the bottom, running the wires up and out of the top. - Mount the lighter/trigger in the top. Now the switch should rock easily, and the trigger should cause the lighter to pour out gas. Re-screw the smaller tube into the larger one, hold down the trigger a bit, let it go, and throw a match in there. If all goes well, you should hear a nice big 'THUD!' - Get a hold of the relay, and take off the top. 1--------------- v/ 2--------------/<--- the center object is the metal finger inside 3 the relay cc-------------/ oo----------------4 ii ll----------------5 Connect (1) to one of the wires coming from the switch. Connect (2) to (4), and connect (5) to one side of the battery. Connect the remaining wire from the switch to the other side of the battery. Now you should be able to get the relay to make a little 'buzzing' sound when you flip the switch and you should see some tiny little sparks. - Now, carefully mount the relay on the inside of the large pipe, towards the back. Screw on the smaller pipe, tape the battery to the side of the cannon barrel (yes, but looks aren't everything!) - You should now be able to let a little gas into the barrel and set it off by flipping the switch. - Put the cap on the back end of the large pipe VERY SECURELY. You are now ready for the first trial-run! To Test:Put something very, very large into the barrel, just so that it fits 'just right'. Now, find a strong guy (the recoil will probably knock you on your ass if you aren't careful!). Put on a shoulderpad, earmuffs, and possibly some other protective clothing (trust the Jolly Roger! You are going to need it!). Hold the trigger down for 30 seconds, hold on tight, and hit the switch. With luck and the proper adjustments, you should be able to put a frozed orange through 1/4 or plywood at 25 feet.Have fun! -Exodus- Chemical Equivalency list by the Jolly Roger Acacia________________..Gum Arabic Acetic Acid________________Vinegar Aluminum Oxide_______________.Alumia Aluminum Potassium Sulphate___________..Alum Aluminum Sulfate_______________.Alum Ammonium Carbonate_____________Hartshorn Ammonium Hydroxide_____________..Ammonia Ammonium Nitrate_____________.Salt Peter Ammonium Oleate_____________Ammonia Soap Amylacetate______________..Bananna Oil Barium Sulfide______________.Black Ash Carbon Carbinate_______________Chalk Carbontetrachloride___________Cleaning Fluid Calcium Hypochloride__________Bleaching Powder Calcium Oxide________________.Lime Calcium Sulfate___________..Plaster of Paris Carbonic Acid_______________.Seltzer Cetyltrimethylammoniumbromide________Ammonium Salt Ethylinedichloride____________.Dutch Fluid Ferric Oxide_______________Iron Rust Furfuraldehyde______________..Bran Oil Glucose________________.Corn Syrup Graphite_______________..Pencil Lead Hydrochloric Acid____________Muriatic Acid Hydrogen Peroxide_____________..Peroxide Lead Acetate_____________..Sugar of Lead Lead Tero-oxide______________.Red Lead Magnesium Silicate______________..Talc Magnesium Sulfate_____________Epsom Salt Methylsalicylate___________.Winter Green Oil Naphthalene_______________.Mothballs Phenol_______________..Carbolic Acid Potassium Bicarbonate__________Cream of Tarter Potassium Chromium Sulfate__________Chromealum Potassium Nitrate_____________Salt Peter Sodium Oxide________________..Sand Sodium Bicarbonate____________.Baking Soda Sodium Borate________________Borax Sodium Carbonate____________..Washing Soda Sodium Chloride_______________..Salt Sodium Hydroxide_______________..Lye Sodium Silicate_______________.Glass Sodium Sulfate____________..Glauber's Salt Sodium Thiosulfate_________..Photographer's Hypo Sulfuric Acid_____________..Battery Acid Sucrose________________.Cane Sugar Zinc Chloride_____________Tinner's Fluid Zinc Sulfate_____________..White Vitriol Brought to you in the Anarchist's CookBook 4.14.. -= Exodus =- A different kind of Molitoff Cocktail by the Jolly Roger Here is how you do it: - Get a coke bottle & fill it with gasoline about half full - Cram a piece of cloth into the neck of it nice and tight - Get a chlorine tablet and stuff it in there. You are going to haveto force it because the tablets are bigger than the opening of the bottle. - Now find a suitable victim and wing it in their direction. When it hits the pavement or any surface hard enough to break it, and the chlorine and gasoline mix_.. BOOM!!!!!!Have fun! -Exodus- Hindenberg Bomb by the Jolly Roger Needed:1 Balloon 1 Bottle 1 Liquid Plumr 1 Piece Aluminum FoilL 1 Length Fuse Fill the bottle 3/4 full with Liquid Plumr and add a little piece of aluminum foil to it. Put the balloon over the neck of the bottle until the balloon is full of the resulting gas. This is highly flammable hydrogen. Now tie the baloon. Now light the fuse, and let it rise. When the fuse contacts the balloon, watch out!!! Calcium Carbide Bomb by The Jolly Roger This is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. Exercise extreme caution_. Obtain some calcium carbide. This is the stuff that is used in carbide lamps and can be found at nearly any hardware store. Take a few pieces of this stuff (it looks like gravel) and put it in a glass jar with some water. Put a lid on tightly. The carbide will react with the water to produce acetylene carbonate which is similar to the gas used in cutting torches. Eventually the glass with explode from internal pressure. If you leave a burning rag nearby, you will get a nice fireball! -----------Exodus How to Make Dynamite by The Jolly Roger Dynamite is nothing more than just nitroglycerin and a stablizing agent to make it much safer to use. For the sake of saving time, I will abbreviate nitroglycerin with a plain NG. The numbers are percentages, be sure to mix these carefully and be sure to use the exact amounts. These percentages are in weight ratio, not volume. no. ingredients amount --------------------------------------- #1 NG 32 sodium nitrate 28 woodmeal 10 ammonium oxalate 29 guncotten 1 #2 NG 24 potassium nitrate 9 sodium nitate 56 woodmeal 9 ammonium oxalate 2 #3 NG 35.5 potassium nitrate 44.5 woodmeal 6 guncotton 2.5 vaseline 5.5 powdered charcoal 6 #4 NG 25 potassium nitrate 26 woodmeal 34 barium nitrate 5 starch 10 #5 NG 57 potassium nitrate 19 woodmeal 9 ammonium oxalate 12 guncotton 3 #6 NG 18 sodium nitrate 70 woodmeal 5.5 potassium chloride 4.5 chalk 2 #7 NG 26 woodmeal 40 barium nitrate 32 sodium carbonate 2 #8 NG 44 woodmeal 12 anhydrous sodium sulfate 44 #9 NG 24 potassium nitrate 32.5 woodmeal 33.5 ammonium oxalate 10 #10 NG 26 potassium nitrate 33 woodmeal 41 #11 NG 15 sodium nitrate 62.9 woodmeal 21.2 sodium carbonate .9 #12 NG 35 sodium nitrate 27 woodmeal 10 ammonium oxalate 1 #13 NG 32 potassium nitrate 27 woodmeal 10 ammonium oxalate 30 guncotton 1 #14 NG 33 woodmeal 10.3 ammonium oxalate 29 guncotton .7 potassium perchloride 27 #15 NG 40 sodium nitrate 45 woodmeal 15 #16 NG 47 starch 50 guncotton 3 #17 NG 30 sodium nitrate 22.3 woodmeal 40.5 potassium chloride 7.2 #18 NG 50 sodium nitrate 32.6 woodmeal 17 ammonium oxalate .4 #19 NG 23 potassium nitrate 27.5 woodmeal 37 ammonium oxalate 8 barium nitrate 4 calcium carbonate .5 Keep this list handy at all times. If you can't seem to get one or more of the ingredients try another one. If you still can't, you can always buy small amounts from your school, or maybe from various chemical companies. When you do that, be sure to say as little as possible, if during the school year, and they ask, say it's for a experiment for school -------------Exodus------------- Firebombs by the Jolly Roger Most fire bombs are simply gasoline filled bottles with a fuel soaked rag in the mouth (the bottle's mouth, not yours). The original Molotov cocktail, and still about the best, was a mixture of one part gasoline and one part motor oil. The oil helps it to cling to what it splatters on. Some use one part roofing tar and one part gasoline. Fire bombs have been found which were made by pouring melted wax into gasoline.-------------Exodus------------- Fuse Ignition Bomb by The Jolly Roger A four strand homemade fuse is used for this. It burns like fury.It is held down and concealed by a strip of bent tin cut from a can.The exposed end of the fuse is dipped into the flare igniter. To use this one, you light the fuse and hold the fire bomb until the fuse has burned out of sight under the tin. Then throw it and when it breaks,the burning fuse will ignite the contents. -------------Exodus------------ see later file on these_ Generic Bomb by the Jolly Roger 1) Aquire a glass container 2) Put in a few drops of gasoline 3) Cap the top 4) Now turn the container around to coat the inner surfaces and then evaporates 5) Add a few drops of potassium permanganate (<-Get this stuff from a snake bite kit) 6) The bomb is detonated by throwing aganist a solid object. *AFTER THROWING THIS THING RUN LIKE HELL THIS THING PACKS ABOUT 1/2 STICK OF DYNAMITE* ---------------Exodus Portable Grenade Launcher by the Jolly Roger If you have a bow, this one is for you. Remove the ferrule from an aluminum arrow, and fill the arrow with black powder (I use grade FFFF, it burns easy)and then glue a shotshell primer into the hole left where the ferrule went. Next, glue a BB on the primer, and you are ready to go! Make sure no one is nearby_. Little shreds of aluminum go all over the place!! ------------Exodus---------- Harmless Bombs by the Jolly Roger To all those who do not wish to inflict bodily damage on their victims but only terror.These are weapons that should be used from high places. 1) The flour bomb. Take a wet paper towel and pour a given amount of baking flour in the center. Then wrap it up and put on a rubber band to keep it together. When thrown it will fly well but when it hits, it covers the victim with the flower or causes a big puff of flour which will put the victim in terror since as far as they are concerned, some strange white powder is all over them. This is a cheap method of terror and for only the cost of a roll of paper towels and a bag of flour you and your friends can have loads of fun watching people flee in panic. 2) Smoke bomb projectile. All you need is a bunch of those little round smoke bombs and a wrist rocket or any sling-shot. Shoot the smoke bombs and watch the terror since they think it will blow up! 3) Rotten eggs (good ones)Take some eggs and get a sharp needle and poke a small hole in the top of each one. Then let them sit in a warm place for about a week. Then you've got a bunch of rotten eggs that will only smell when they hit. 4) Glow in the dark terror.Take one of those tubes of glow in the dark stuff and pour the stuff on whatever you want to throw and when it gets on the victim,they think it's some deadly chemical or a radioactive substance so they run in total panic. This works especially well with flower bombs since a gummy, glowing substance gets all over the victim. 5) Fizzling panic.Take a baggie of a water-baking soda solution and seal it. (Make sure there is no air in it since the solution will form a gas and you don't want it to pop on you.) Then put it in a bigger plastic bag and fill it with vinegar and seal it. When thrown, the two substances will mix and cause a violently bubbling substance to go all over the victim. Updated-'94 ---------------Exodus----------------- Jug Bomb by the Jolly Roger Take a glass jug, and put 3 to 4 drops of gasoline into it. Then put the cap on, and swish the gas around so the inner surface of the jug is coated. Then add a few drops of potassium permanganate solution into it and cap it. To blow it up, either throw it at something, or roll it at something. ------------Exodus------------ Match Head Bomb by the Jolly Roger Simple safety match heads in a pipe, capped at both ends, make a devestating bomb. It is set off with a regular fuse. A plastic Baggie is put into the pipe before the heads go in to prevent detonation by contact with the metal.Cutting enough match heads to fill the pipe can be tedious work for one but an evening's fun for the family if you can drag them away from the TV. ------------Exodus---------- Napalm (Another way to make it_) by the Jolly Roger (See file #021 of Cookbook IV for an easy way to make it!!)About the best fire bomb is napalm. It has a thick consistancy,like jam and is best for use on vehilces or buildings.Napalms is simply one part gasoline and one part soap. The soap is either soap flakes or shredded bar soap. Detergents won't do.The gasoline must be heated in order for the soap to melt. The usual way is with a double boiler where the top part has at least a two-quart capicity. The water in the bottom part is brought to a boil and the double boiler is taken from the stove and carried to where there is no flame. Then one part, by volume, of gasoline is put in the top part and allowed to heat as much as it will and the soap is added and the mess is stirred until it thickens. A better way to heat gasoline is to fill a bathtub with water as hot as you can get it. It will hold its heat longer and permit a much larger container than will the double boiler. ------------Exodus----------- Nitroglycerin Recipe by the Jolly Roger Like all chemists I must advise you all to take the greatest care and caution when you are doing this. Even if you have made this stuff before. This first article will give you information on making nitroglyerin, the basic ingredient in a lot of explosives such as straight dynamites, and geletin dynamites. Making nitroglycerin 1. Fill a 75-milliliter beaker to the 13 ml. Level with fuming red nitric acid, of 98% pure concentration. 2. Place the beaker in an ice bath and allow to cool below room temp. 3. After it has cooled, add to it three times the amount of fuming sulferic acid (99% h2so4). In other words, add to the now-cool fuming nitric acid 39 ml. Of fuming sulferic acid. When mixing any acids, always do it slowly and carefully to avoid splattering. 4. When the two are mixed, lower thier temp. By adding more ice to the bath, about 10-15 degrees centigrade. (Use a mercury-operated thermometer) 5. When the acid solution has cooled to the desired temperature, it is ready for the glycerin. The glycerin must be added in small amounts using a medicine dropper. (Read this step about 10 times!) Glycerin is added slowly and carefully (i mean careful!) Until the entire surface of the acid it covered with it. 6. This is a dangerous point since the nitration will take place as soon as the glycerin is added. The nitration will produce heat, so the solution must be kept below 30 degrees centigrade! If the solution should go above 30 degrees, immediately dump the solution into the ice bath! This will insure that it does not go off in your face! 7. For the first ten minutes of nitration, the mixture should be gently stirred. In a normal reaction the nitroglycerin will form as a layer on top of the acid solution, while the sulferic acid will absorb the excess water. 8. After the nitration has taken place, and the nitroglycerin has formed on the top of the solution, the entire beaker should be transferred slowly and carefully to another beaker of water. When this is done the nitroglycerin will settle at the bottem so the other acids can be drained away. 9. After removing as much acid as posible without disturbing the nitroglycerin, remove the nitroglycerin with an eyedropper and place it in a bicarbonate of soda (sodium bicarbonate in case you didn't know) solution. The sodium is an alkalai and will nuetralize much of the acid remaining. This process should be repeated as much as necesarry using blue litmus paper to check for the presence of acid. The remaining acid only makes the nitroglycerin more unstable than it already is. 10. Finally! The final step is to remove the nitroglycerin from the bicarbonate. His is done with and eye- dropper, slowly and carefully. The usual test to see if nitration has been successful is to place one drop of the nitroglycerin on metal and ignite it. If it is true nitroglycerin it will burn with a clear blue flame. ** Caution ** Nitro is very sensative to decomposition, heating dropping, or jarring, and may explode if left undisturbed and cool. ---------Exodus-------- Unstable Explosives by the Jolly Roger Mix solid Nitric Iodine with househould ammonia. Wait overnight and then pour off the liquid. You will be left with a muddy substance. Let this dry till it hardens. Now throw it at something!!!! ------------Exodus----------- Sodium Chlorate by the Jolly Roger Sodium Chlorate is a strong oxidizer used in the manufacture of explosives. It can be used in place of Potassium Chlorate. Material Required Sources ----------------- ------- 2 carbon or lead rods (1 in. diameter Dry Cell Batteries by 5 in. long) (2-1/2 in. diameter by 7" long) or plumbing supply store Salt, or ocean water Grocery store or ocean Sulfuric acid, diluted Motor Vehicle Batteries Motor Vehicle Water 2 wires, 16 gauge (3/64 in. diameter approx.), 6 ft. long, insulated. Gasoline 1 gallon glass jar, wide mouth (5 in. diameter by 6 in. high approx.) Sticks String Teaspoon Trays Cup Heavy cloth Knife Large flat pan or tray Procedure --------- 1) Mix 1/2 cup of salt into the one gallon glass jar with 3 litres (3 quarts) of water. 2) Add 2 teaspoons of battery acid to the solution and stir vigorously for 5 minutes. 3) Strip about 4 inches of insulation from both ends of the two wires. 4) With knife and sticks, shape 2 strips of wood 1 by 1/8 by 1-1/2. Tie the wood strips to the lead or carbon rods so that they are 1-1/2 incles apart. 5) Connect the rods to the battery in a motor vehicle with the insulated wire. 6) Submerge 4-1/2 inches of the rods in the salt water solution. 7) With gear in neutral position, start the vehicle engine. Depress the accelerator approx. 1/5 of its full travel. 8) Run the engine with the accelerator in this position for 2 hours, then shut it down for 2 hours. 9) Repeat this cycle for a total of 64 hours while maintaining the level of the acid-salt water solution in the glass jar. CAUTION: This arrangement employs voltages which can be quite dangerous! Do not touch bare wire leads while engine is running!! 10) Shut off the engine. Remove the rods from the glass jar and disconnect wire leads from the battery. 11) Filter the solution through the heavy cloth into a flat pan or tray, leaving the sediment at the bottom of the glass jar. 12) Allow the water in the filtered solution to evaporate at room temperature (approx. 16 hours). The residue is approximately 60% or more sodium chlorate which is pure enough to be used as an explosive ingredient. -------Exodus------ CBIV, '94 MERCURY FULMINATE 2 - Exodus - Mercury fulminate is perhaps one of the oldest known initiating compounds. It can be detonated by either heat or shock, which would make it of infinite value to a terrorist. Even the action of dropping a crystal of the fulminate causes it to explode. A person making this material would probably use the following procedure: MATERIALS EQUIPMENT --------- --------- 5 g mercury glass stirring rod 35 ml concentrated 100 ml beaker (2) nitric acid ethyl alcohol (30 ml) adjustable heat source distilled water blue litmus paper funnel and filter paper Solvent alcohol must be at least 95% ethyl alcohol if it is used to make mercury fulminate. Methyl alcohol may prevent mercury fulminate from forming. Mercury thermometers are becoming a rarity, unfortunately. They may be hard to find in most stores as they have been superseded by alcohol and other less toxic fillings. Mercury is also used in mercury switches, which are available at electronics stores. Mercury is a hazardous substance, and should be kept in the thermometer or mercury switch until used. It gives off mercury vapors which will cause brain damage if inhaled. For this reason, it is a good idea not to spill mercury, and to always use it outdoors. Also, do not get it in an open cut; rubber gloves will help prevent this. 1) In one beaker, mix 5 g of mercury with 35 ml of concentrated nitric acid,using the glass rod. 2) Slowly heat the mixture until the mercury is dissolved, which is when the solution turns green and boils. 3) Place 30 ml of ethyl alcohol into the second beaker, and slowly and carefully add all of the contents of the first beaker to it. Red and/or brown fumes should appear. These fumes are toxic and flammable. 4) After thirty to forty minutes, the fumes should turn white, indicating that the reaction is near completion. After ten more minutes, add 30 ml of the distilled water to the solution. 5) Carefully filter out the crystals of mercury fulminate from the liquid solution. Dispose of the solution in a safe place, as it is corrosive and toxic. 6) Wash the crystals several times in distilled water to remove as much excess acid as possible. Test the crystals with the litmus paper until they are neutral. This will be when the litmus paper stays blue when it touches the wet crystals 7) Allow the crystals to dry, and store them in a safe place, far away from any explosive or flammable material. This procedure can also be done by volume, if the available mercury cannot be weighed. Simply use 10 volumes of nitric acid and 10 volumes of ethanol to every one volume of mercury. Improvised Black Powder by the Jolly Roger Black powder can be prepared in a simple, safe manner. It may be used as blasting or gun powder. Material Required ----------------- Potassium Nitrate, granulated, 3 cups (3/4 liter) Wood charcoal, powdered, 2 cups Sulfur, powdered, 1/2 cup Alcohol, 5 pints (2-1/2 liters) (whiskey, rubbing alcohol, etc.) Water, 3 cups (3/4 liter) Heat source 2 buckets - each 2 gallon (7-1/2 litres) capacity, at least one of which is heat resistant (metal, ceramic, etc.) Flat window screening, at least 1 foot (30 cm) square Large wooden stick Cloth, at leat 2 feet (60 cm) square Procedure: --------- 1) Place alcohol in one of the buckets. 2) Place potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur in the heat resistant bucket. Add 1 cup water and mix thoroughly with wooden stick until all ingrediants are dissolved. 3) Add remaining water (2 cups) to mixture. Place bucket on heat source and stir until small bubbles begin to form. CAUTION: DO NOT boil mixture. Be sure ALL mixture stays wet. If any is dry, as on sides of pan, it may ignite! 4) Remove bucket from heat and pour mixture into alcohol while stirring vigorously. 5) Let alcohol mixture stand about 5 minutes. Strain mixture through cloth to obtain black powder. Discard liquid. Wrap cloth around black powder and squeeze to remove all excess liquid. 6) Place screening over dry bucket. Place workable amount of damp powder on screen and granulate by rubbing solid through screen. NOTE: If granulated particles appear to stick together and change shape, recombine entire batch of powder and repeat steps 5 & 6. 7) Spread granulated black powder on flat, dry surface so that layer about 1/2 inch (1-1/4 cm) is formed. Allow to dry. Use radiator, or direct sunlight. This should be dried as soon as possible, preferably in an hour. The longer the drying period, the less effective the black powder. CAUTION: Remove from heat AS SOON AS granules are dry. Black powder is now ready to use. Used in CBIV, '94 -= Exodus =- Egg-based Gelled Flame Fuels by the Jolly Roger The white of any bird egg can be used to gel gasoline for use as a flame fuel which will adhere to target surfaces. Materials Required ------------------ Parts by Volume Ingredient How used Common Source -------- ---------- -------- ------------- 85 Gasoline Motor Fuel Gas Stations Stove Fuel Motor Vehicle Solvent 14 Egg Whites Food Food Store Industrial Farms Processes Any one of the following: 1 Table Salt Food Sea Water Industrial Natural Brine Processes Food Store 3 Ground Coffee Food Coffee Plant Food Store 3 Dried Tea Leaves Food Tea Plant Food Store 3 Cocoa Food Cacao Tree Food Store 2 Sugar Sweetening Sugar Cane foods Food Store 1 Saltpeter Pyrotechnics Natural (Potassium Explosives Deposits Nitrate) Matches Drug Store Medicine 1 Epsom Salts Medicine Natural Mineral Water Kisserite Industrial Drug Store Processes Food Store 2 Washing Soda Washing Cleaner Food Store (Sal Soda) Medicine Drug Store Photography Photo Supply Store 1 1/2 Baking Soda Baking Food Store Manufacturing Drug Store of: Beverages Medicines and Mineral Waters 1 1/2 Aspirin Medicine Drug Store Food Store Procedure: --------- CAUTION: Make sure that ther are no open flames in the area when mixing flame fuels! NO SMOKING!! 1) Seperate the egg white from the yolk. This can be done by breaking the egg into a dish and carefully removing the yolk with a spoon. 2) Pour egg white into a jar, bottle, or other container, and add gasoline. 3) Add the salt (or other additive) to the mixture and stir occasionally until gel forms (about 5 to 10 minutes). NOTE: A thicker gelled flame fuel can be obtained by putting the capped jar in hot (65 degrees Centegrade) water for about 1/2 hour and then letting them cool to room temperature. (DO NOT HEAT THE GELLED FUEL CONTAINING COFFEE!!) Courtesy of CBIV, '94. -= Exodus =- Improvised Black Powder by the Jolly Roger Black powder can be prepared in a simple, safe manner. It may be used as blasting or gun powder. Material Required ----------------- Potassium Nitrate, granulated, 3 cups (3/4 liter) Wood charcoal, powdered, 2 cups Sulfur, powdered, 1/2 cup Alcohol, 5 pints (2-1/2 liters) (whiskey, rubbing alcohol, etc.) Water, 3 cups (3/4 liter) Heat source 2 buckets - each 2 gallon (7-1/2 litres) capacity, at least one of which is heat resistant (metal, ceramic, etc.) Flat window screening, at least 1 foot (30 cm) square Large wooden stick Cloth, at leat 2 feet (60 cm) square Procedure: --------- 1)Place alcohol in one of the buckets. 2)Place potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur in the heat resistant bucket. Add 1 cup water and mix thoroughly with wooden stick until all ingrediants are dissolved. 3)Add remaining water (2 cups) to mixture. Place bucket on heat source and stir until small bubbles begin to form. CAUTION: DO NOT boil mixture. Be sure ALL mixture stays wet. If any is dry, as on sides of pan, it may ignite! 4) Remove bucket from heat and pour mixture into alcohol while stirring vigorously. 5) Let alcohol mixture stand about 5 minutes. Strain mixture through cloth to obtain black powder. Discard liquid. Wrap cloth around black powder and squeeze to remove all excess liquid. 6) Place screening over dry bucket. Place workable amount of damp powder on screen and granulate by rubbing solid through screen. NOTE: If granulated particles appear to stick together and change shape, recombine entire batch of powder and repeat steps 5&6. 7) Spread granulated black powder on flat, dry surface so that layer about 1/2 inch (1-1/4 cm) is formed. Allow to dry. Use radiator, or direct sunlight. This should be dried as soon as possible, preferably in an hour. The longer the drying period, the less effective the black powder. CAUTION: Remove from heat AS SOON AS granules are dry. Black powder is now ready to use.Used in CBIV, '94 -= Exodus =- NITRIC ACID -= Exodus =- '94 There are several ways to make this most essential of all acids for explosives. One method by which it could be made will be presented. Once again, be reminded that these methods SHOULD NOT BE CARRIED OUT!! Materials: Equipment: _________ _________ sodium nitrate or adjustable heat source potassium nitrate retort distilled water ice bath concentrated sulfuric acid stirring rod collecting flask with stopper 1) Pour 32 milliliters of concentrated sulfuric acid into the retort. 2) Carefully weigh out 58 grams of sodium nitrate, or 68 grams of potassium nitrate. and add this to the acid slowly. If it all does not dissolve,carefully stir the solution with a glass rod until it does. 3) Place the open end of the retort into the collecting flask, and place the collecting flask in the ice bath. 4) Begin heating the retort, using low heat. Continue heating until liquid begins to come out of the end of the retort. The liquid that forms is nitric acid. Heat until the precipitate in the bottom of the retort is almost dry, or until no more nitric acid is forming. CAUTION: If the acid is headed too strongly, the nitric acid will decompose as soon as it is formed. This can result in the production of highly flammable and toxic gasses that may explode. It is a good idea to set the above apparatus up, and then get away from it. Potassium nitrate could also be obtained from store-bought black powder, simply by dissolving black powder in boiling water and filtering out the sulfur and charcoal. To obtain 68 g of potassium nitrate, it would be necessary to dissolve about 90 g of black powder in about one litre of boiling water. Filter the dissolved solution through filter paper in a funnel into a jar until the liquid that pours through is clear. The charcoal and sulfur in black powder are insoluble in water, and so when the solution of water is allowed to evaporate, potassium nitrate will be left in the jar. Dust Bomb Instructions by the Jolly Roger An initiator which will initiate common material to produce dust explosions can be rapidly and easily constructed. This type of charge is ideal for the destruction of enclosed areas such as rooms or buildings. Material Required ----------------- A flat can, 3 in. (8 cm) in diameter and 1-1/2 in. (3-3/4 cm) high. A 6-1/2 ounce tuna can serves the purpose quite well. Blasting cap Explosive Aluminum (may be wire, cut sheet, flattened can, or powder) Large nail, 4 in. (10 cm) long Wooden rod - 1/4 in. (6 mm) diameter Flour, gasoline, and powder or chipped aluminum NOTE: Plastic explosive produce better explosions than cast explosives. Procedure: --------- 1) Using the nail, press a hole through the side of the tuna can 3/8 inch to 1/2 inch (1 to 1-1/2 cm) from the bottom. Using a rotating and lever action, enlarge the hole until it will accomodate the blasting cap. 2) Place the wooden rod in the hole and position the end of the rod at the center of the can. 3) Press explosive into the can, being sure to surround the rod, until it is 3/4 inch (2 cm) from the top of the can. Carefully remove the wooden rod. 4) Place the aluminum metal on top of the explosive. 5) Just before use, insert the blasting cap into the cavity made by the rod. The initiator is now ready to use. NOTE: If it is desired to carry the initiator some distance, cardboard may be pressed on top of the aluminum to insure against loss of material. How to Use: ---------- This particular unit works quite well to initiate charges of five pounds of flour, 1/2 gallon (1-2/3 litres) of gasoline, or two pounds of flake painters aluminum. The solid materials may merely be contained in sacks or cardboard cartons. The gasoline may be placed in plastic coated paper milk cartons, as well as plastic or glass bottles. The charges are placed directly on top of the initiator and the blasting cap is actuated electrically or by a fuse depending on the type of cap employed. this will destroy a 2,000 cubic feet enclosure (building 10 x 20 x 10 feet). Note: For larger enclosures, use proportionally larger initiators and charges. CBIV, '94, -= Exodus =- Carbon-Tet Explosive by the Jolly Roger A moist explosive mixture can be made from fine aluminum powder combined with carbon tetrachloride or tetrachloroethylene. This explosive can be detonated with a blasting cap. Material Required Source ----------------- ------ Fine aluminum bronzing powder Paint store Carbon Tetrachloride Pharmacy, or fire or extinguisher fluid tetrachloroethylene Dry cleaners, pharmacy Stirring rod (wood) Mixing container (bowl, bucket, etc.) Measuring container (cup, tablespoon, etc.) Storage container (jar, can, etc.) Blasting cap Pipe, can or jar Procedure: --------- 1) Measure out two parts aluminum powder to one part carbon tetrachloride or tetrachlorethylene liquid into mixing container, adding liquid to powder while stirring with the wooden rod. 2) Stir until the mixture becomes the consistency of honey syrup. CAUTION: Fumes from the liquid are dangerous and should not be inhaled. 3) Store explosive in a jar or similar water proof container until ready to use. The liquid in the mixture evaporates quicky when not confined. NOTE: Mixture will detonate in this manner for a period of 72 hours. How to Use: ---------- 1) Pour this mixture into an iron or steel pipe which has an end cap threaded on one end. If a pipe is not available, you may use a dry tin can or glass jar. 2) Insert blasting cap just beneath the surface of the explosive mix. NOTE: Confining the open end of the container will add to the effectiveness of the explosive. Compiled by: Exodus Making Picric Acid from Aspirin by the Jolly Roger Picric Acid can be used as a booster explosive in detonators, a high explosive charge, or as an intermediate to preparing lead picrate. Material Required ----------------- Aspirin tablets (5 grains per tablet) Alcohol, 95% pure Sulfuric acid, concentrated, (if battery acid, boil until white fumes disappear) Potassium Nitrate (see elsewhere in this Cookbook) Water Paper towels Canning jar, 1 pint Rod (glass or wood) Glass containers Ceramic or glass dish Cup Teaspoon Tablespoon Pan Heat source Tape Procedure: --------- 1) Crush 20 aspirin tablets in a glass container. Add 1 teaspoon of water and work into a paste. 2) Add approximately 1/3 to 1/2 cup of alcohol (100 millilitres) to the aspirin paste; stir while pouring. 3) Filter the alcohol-aspirin solution through a paper towel into another glass container. Discard the solid left in the paper towel. 4) Pour the filtered solution into a glass or ceramic dish. 5) Evaporate the alcohol and water from the solution by placing the dish into a pan of hot water. White powder will remain in the dish after evaporation. NOTE: The water in the pan should be at hot bath temperature, not boiling, approx. 160 to 180 degress farenheit. It should not burn the hands. 6) Pour 1/3 cup (80 millilitres) of concentrated sulfuric acid into a canning jar. Add the white powder to the sulfuric acid. 7) Heat canning jar of sulfuric acid in a pan of simmering hot water bath for 15 minutes; then remove jar from the bath. Solution will turn to a yellow-orange color. 8) Add 3 level teaspoons (15 grams) of potassium nitrate in three portions to the yellow-orange solution; stir vigorously during additions. Solution will turn red, then back to a yellow-orange color. 9) Allow the solution to cool to ambient room temperature while stirring occasionally. 10) Slowly pour the solution, while stirring, into 1-1/4 cup (300 millilitres) of cold water and allow to cool. 11) Filter the solution through a paper towel into a glass container. Light yellow particles will collect on the paper towel. 12) Wash the light yellow particles with 2 tablespoons (25 millilitres) of water. Discard the waste liquid in the container. 13) Place articles in ceramic dish and set in a hot water bath, as in step 5, for 2 hours. Compiled by: Exodus_ Reclamation of RDX from C-4 Explosives by the Jolly Roger RDX can be obtained from C-4 explosives with the use of gasoline. It can be used as a booster explosive for detonators or as a high explosive charge. Material Required ----------------- Gasoline C-4 explosive 2 - pint glass jars, wide mouth Paper towels Stirring rod (glass or wood) Water Ceramic or glass dish Pan Heat source Teaspoon Cup Tape NOTE: Water, Ceramic or glass dish, pan, & heat source are all optional. The RDX can be air dried instead. Procedure: --------- 1) Place 1-1/2 teaspoons (15 grams) of C-4 explosive in one of the pint jars. Add 1 cup (240 milliliters) of gasoline. NOTE: These quantities can be increased to obtain more RDX. For example, use 2 gallons of gasoline per 1 cup of C-4. 2) Knead and stir the C-4 with the rod until the C-4 has broken down into small particles. Allow mixture to stand for 1/2 hour. 3) Stir the mixture again until a fine white powder remains on the bottom of the jar. 4) Filter the mixture through a paper towel into the other glass jar. Wash the particles collected on the paper towel with 1/2 cup (120 milliliters) of gasoline. Discard the waste liquid. 5) Place the RDX particles in a glass or ceramic dish. Set the dish in a pan of hot water, not boiling and dry for a period of 1 hour. NOTE: The RDX particles may be air dried for a period of 2 to 3 hours.See later file_ CBIV. -= Exodus =- Clothespin Switch by the Jolly Roger A spring type clothespin is used to make a circuit closing switch to actuate explosive charges, mines, booby traps, and alarm systems. Material Required: ----------------- Spring type clothespin Sold copper wire -- 1/16 in. (2 mm) in diameter Strong string on wire Flat piece of wood (roughly 1/8 x 1" x 2") Knife Procedure: --------- 1) Strip four in. (10 cm) of insulation from the ends of 2 solid copper wires. Scrape the copper wires with pocket knife until the metal is shiny. 2) Wind one scraped wire tightly on jaw of the clothespin, and the other wire on the other jaw. 3) Make a hole in one end of the flat piece of wood using a knife, heated nail or drill. 4) Tie strong string or wire through the hole. 5) Place flat piece of wood between the jaws of the clothespin switch. Basic Firing Circuit: -------------------- ______________ | |---------------------------\ | initiator |----------\ | strong -------------- | | twine | | \ | _---------_________ | --------- | | \clothespin \ / \ / switch \ / \ / \ / + - ---------- | | | battery| ---------- When the flat piece of wood is removed by pulling the string, the jaws of the clothespin will close, completing the circuit. CAUTION: Do not attach the battery until the switch and trip wire have been emplaced and examined. Be sure that the flat piece of wood is seperating the jaws of the switch. Revised '94. -= Exodus =- Flexible Plate Switch by the Jolly Roger This flexible plate switch is used for initiating emplaced mines and explosives. Material Required: ----------------- Two flexible metal sheets one approximately 10 in. (25 cm) square one approximately 10 in. x 8 in. (20 cm) Piece of wood 10 in. square x 1 in. thick Four soft wood blocks 1 in. x 1 in. x 1/4 in. Eight flat head nails, 1 in. long Connecting wires Adhesive tape Procedure: --------- 1) Nail 10 in. by 8 in. metal sheet to 10 in. square piece of wood so that 1 in. of wood shows on each side of the metal. Leave one of the nails sticking up about 1/4 in. 2) Strip insulation from the end of one connecting wire. Wrap this end around the nail and drive the nail all the way in. 3) Place the four wood blocks on the corners of the wood base. 4) Place the 10 in. square flexible metal sheet so that it rests on the blocks in line with the wood base. 5) Drive four nails through the metal sheet and the blocks (1 per block) to fasten the sheet to the wood base. A second connecting wire is atached to one of the nails as in step #2. 6) Wrap the adhesive tape around the edges of the plate and wood base. This will assure that no dirt or other foreign matter will get between the plates and prevent the switch from operating. How to use: ---------- The switch is placed in a hole in the path of expected traffic and covered with a thin layer of dirt or other camouflaging material. The mine or other explosive device connected to the switch can be buried with the switch or emplaced elsewhere as desired.When a vehicle passes over the switch, the two metal plates make contact closing the firing circuit. Revised, '94. Exodus Low Signature Systems (Silencers) by the Jolly Roger Low signature systems (silencers) for improvised small arms weapons can be made from steel gas or water pipe and fittings. Material Required: ----------------- Grenade Container Steel pipe nipple, 6 in. (15 cm) long - (see table 1 for diameter) 2 steel pipe couplings - (see table 2 for dimensions) Cotton cloth - (see table 2) Drill Absorbent cotton Procedure: --------- 1) Drill hole in grenade container at both ends to fit outside diameter of pipe nipple. (see table 1) -> /----------------------\ / | | 2.75 in | ) ( <-holes dia. \ | | -> \-----------------------/ |-----------------------| 5 in. 2) Drill four rows of holes in pipe nipple. Use table 1 for diameter and location of holes. (Note: I suck at ASCII art!) 6 in. |-----------------------------------| _____________________________________ ___ | O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O | | C (nom. dia.) ------------------------------------- (size of hole) | \ / (space between) B (dia.) A 3) Thread one of the pipe couplings on the drilled pipe nipple. 4) Cut coupling length to allow barrel of weapon to thread fully into low signature system. Barrel should butt against end of the drilled pipe nipple. 5) Seperate the top half of the grenade container from the bottom half. 6) Insert the pipe nipple in the drilled hole at the base of the bottom half of the container. Pack theabsorbent cotton inside the container and around the pipe nipple. 7) Pack the absorbent cotton in top half of grenade container leaving hole in center. Assemble container to the bottom half. 8) Thread the other coupling onto the pipe nipple. Note: A longer container and pipe nipple, with same "A" and "B" dimensions as those given, will furthur reduce the signature of the system. How to use: ---------- 1) Thread the low signature system on the selected weapon securely. 2) Place the proper cotton wad size into the muzzle end of the system (see table 2) 3) Load weapon 4) Weapon is now ready for use TABLE 1 -- Low Signature System Dimensions ------------------------------------------ (Coupling) Holes per (4 rows) A B C D Row Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .45 cal 3/8 1/4 3/8 3/8 12 48 .38 cal 3/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 12 48 9 mm 3/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 12 48 7.62 mm 3/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 12 48 .22 cal 1/4 5/32 1/8* 1/8 14 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Extra Heavy Pipe (All dimensions in inches) TABLE 2 -- Cotton Wadding - Sizes --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Weapon Cotton Wadding Size ------------------------------------------------- .45 cal 1-1/2 x 6 inches .38 cal 1 x 4 inches 9 mm 1 x 4 inches 7.62 mm 1 x 4 inches .22 cal Not needed ------------------------------------------------- -=Exodus=-_ IMPROVED CIGARETTE DELAY (By Atur {THE pyromaniac }) A variation on the standard cigarette display was invented by my good friend Atur (THE Pyromaniac). Rather than inserting the fuse into the SIDE of the cigarette (and risk splitting it) half of the filter is cut off, and a small hole is punched THROUGH the remainder of the filter and into the tobacco. (Ill. 4.31.1) --------------------------------- |FIL|Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco fusefusefusefuse Tobacco Tobacco side view |TER|Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco --------------------------------- ___ / \ | o | filter end view \___/ (artwork by The Author) The fuse is inserted as far as possible into this hole, then taped or glued in place, or the cigarette can be cut and punched ahead of time and lit normally, then attached to the fuse at the scene.A similar type of device can be make from powdered charcoal and a sheet of paper. Simply roll the sheet of paper into a thin tube, and fill it with powdered charcoal. Punch a hole in it at the desired location, and insert a fuse. Both ends must be glued closed, and one end of the delay must be doused with lighter fluid before it is lit. Or, a small charge of gunpowder mixed with powdered charcoal could conceivably used for igniting such a delay. A chain of charcoal briquettes can be used as a delay by merely lining up a few bricks of charcoal so that they touch each other, end on end, and lighting the first brick. Incense, which can be purchased at almost any novelty or party supply store, can also be used as a fairly reliable delay. By wrapping the fuse about the end of an incense stick, delays of up to 1/2 an hour are possible. Fer the '94 CookBook. -= Exodus =- Nicotine by the Jolly Roger Nicotine is an abundant poison. Easily found in tobacco products, in concentrated form a few drops can quickly kill someone. Here is how to concentrate it: First get a can of chewing tobacco or pipe tobacco. Remove the contents and soak in water overnight in a jar (about 2/3 cup of water will doÉ). In the morning, strain into another jar the mixture through a porous towel. Then wrap the towel around the ball of tobacco and squeeze it until all of the liquid is in the jar. Throw away the tobacco--you will not need it anymore. Now you have two options. I recommend the first. It makes the nicotine more potent. 1) Allow to evaporate until a sticky syrup results in the jar. This is almost pure nicotine (hell, it is pure enough for sure!). 2) Heat over low flame until water is evaporated and a thick sticky syrup results (I don't know how long it takesÉ shouldn't ttake too long, though.) Now all you have to do, when you wish to use it, is to put a few drops in a medicine dropper or equivalent, and slip about 4 or 5 drops into the victim's coffee. Coffee is recommended since it will disguise the taste. Since nicotine is a drug, the victim should get quite a buzz before they turn their toes up to the daisies, so to speak. Note: If the syrup is too sticky, dilute it with a few drops of water. And while you are at it, better add an extra drop to the coffee just to be sure! Revised in '94,,É.. -= Exodus =- Dried Seed Timer by the Jolly Roger A time delay device for electrical firing circuits can be made using the principle of expansion of dried seeds. Material Required: ----------------- Dried peas, beans, or oter dehydrated seeds Wide-mouth glass jar with non-metal cap Two screws or bolts Thin metal plate Hand drill Screwdriver Procedure: --------- 1) Determine the rate of the rise of the dried seeds selected. This is necessary to determine the delay time of the timer. a) Place a sample of the dried seeds in the jar and cover with water. b) Measure the time it takes for the seeds to rise a given height. Most dried seeds increase 50% in one to two hours. 2) Cut a disc from thin metal plate. Disc should fit loosely inside the jar. NOTE: If metal is painted, rusty, or otherwise coated, it must be scraped or sanded to obtain a clean metal surface 3) Drill two holes in the cap of the jar about 2 inches apart. Diameter of holes should be such that screws or bolts will thread tightly into them. If the jar has a metal cap or no cap, a piece of wood or plastic (NOT METAL) can be used as a cover. 4) Turn the two screws or bolts through the holes in the cap. Bolts should extend about one in. (2 1/2 cm) into the jar. IMPORTANT: Both bolts must extend the same distance below the container cover. 5) Pour dried seeds into the container. The level will depend upon the previously measured rise time and the desired delay. 6) Place the metal disc in the jar on top of the seeds. How to use: ---------- 1) Add just enough water to completely cover the seeds and place the cap on the jar. 2) Attach connecting wires from the firing circuit to the two screws on the cap. Expansion of the seeds will raise the metal disc until it contacts the screws and closes the circuit. ------Exodus----- Nail Grenade by the Jolly Roger Effective fragmentation grenades can be made from a block of tnt or other blasting explosive and nails. Material Required: ----------------- Block of TNT or other blasting explosive Nails Non-electric (military or improvised) blasting cap Fuse Cord Tape, string, wire, or glue Procedure: --------- 1) If an explosive charge other than a standard TNT block is used, make a hole in the center of the charge for inserting the blasting cap. TNT can be drilled with relative safety. With plastic explosives, a hole can be made by pressing a round stick into the center of the charge. The hole should be deep enough that the blasting cap is totally within the explosive. 2) Tape, tie, or glue one or two rows of closely packed nails to the sides of the explosive block. Nails should completely cover the four surfaces of the block. 3) Place blasting cap on one end of the fuse cord and crimp with pliers.NOTE: To find out how long the fuse cord should be, check the time it takes a known length to burn. If 12 inches (30 cm) burns for 30 seconds, a 10 second delay will require a 4 inch (10 cm) fuse. 4) Insert the blasting cap in the hole in the block of explosive. Tape or tie fuse cord securly in place so that it will not fall out when the grenade is thrown. Alternate Use: ------------- An effective directional anti-personnel mine can be made by placing nails on only one side of the explosive block. For this case, an electric blasting cap can be used. Revised in '94. -= Exodus =- Chemical Fire Bottle Orig. by the Jolly Roger This incendiary bottle is self-igniting on target impact. Materials Required ------------------ How Used Common Source Sulphuric Acid Storage Batteries Motor Vehicles Material Processing Industrial Plants Gasoline Motor Fuel Gas Station or Motor Vehicles Potassium Chlorate Medicine Drug Stores Sugar Sweetening Foods Food Store Glass bottle with stopper (roughly 1 quart size) Small Bottle or jar with lid. Rag or absorbant paper (paper towels, newspaper) String or rubber bands Procedure: --------- 1) Sulphuric Acid MUST be concentrated. If battery acid or other dilute acid is used, concentrate it by boiling until dense white fumes re given off. Container used to boil should be of enamel-ware or oven glass. CAUTION: Sulphuric Acid will burn skin and destroy clothing. If any is spilled, wash it away with a large quantity of water. Fumes are also VERY dangerous and should not be inhaled. 2) Remove the acid from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. 3) Pour gasoline into the large (1 quart) bottle until it is approximately 1/3 full. 4) Add concentrated sulphuric acid to gasoline slowly until the bottle is filled to within 1" to 2" from top. Place the stopper on the bottle. 5) Wash the outside of the bottle thoroughly with clear water. CAUTION: If this is not done, the fire bottle may be dangerous to handle during use! 6) Wrap a clean cloth or several sheets of absorbant paper around the outside of the bottle. Tie with string or fasten with rubber bands. 7) Dissolve 1/2 cup (100 grams) of potassium chlorate and 1/2 cup (100 grams) of sugar in one cup (250 cc) of boiling water. 8) Allow the solution to cool, pour into the small bottle and cap tightly. The cooled solution should be approx. 2/3 crystals and 1/3 liquid. If there is more than this, pour off excess before using. CAUTION: Store this bottle seperately from the other bottle! How To Use: ---------- 1) Shake the small bottle to mix contents and pour onto the cloth or paper around the large bottle. Bottle can be used wet or after solution is dried. However, when dry, the sugar-Potassium chlorate mixture is very sensitive to spark or flame and should be handled accordingly. 2) Throw or launch the bottle. When the bottle breaks against a hard surface (target) the fuel will ignite. --------------Exodus--------------- Igniter from Book Matches by the Jolly Roger This is a hot igniter made from paper book matches for use with molotov cocktail and other incendiaries. Material Required: ----------------- Paper book matches Adhesive or friction tape Procedure: --------- 1) Remove the staple(s) from match book and seperate matches from cover. 2) Fold and tape one row of matches (fold in thirds) 3) Shape the cover into a tube with striking surface on the inside and tape. Make sure the folder cover will fit tightly around the taped match heads. Leave cover open at opposite end for insertion of the matches. 4) Push the taped matches into the tube until the bottom ends are exposed about 3/4 in. (2 cm) 5) Flatten and fold the open end of the tube so that it laps over about 1 in. (2-1/2 cm); tape in place. Use with a Molotov Cocktail: --------------------------- 1) Tape the "match end tab" of the igniter to the neck of the molotov cocktail. 2) Grasp the "cover and tab" and pull sharply or quickly to ignite. General Use: ----------- The book match igniter can be used by itself to ignite flammable liquids, fuse cords, and similar items requiring hot ignition. CAUTION: Store matches and completed igniters in moistureproof containers such as rubber or plastic bags until ready for use. Damp or wet paper book matches will not ignite. Courtesy of -= Exodus =- "Red or White Powder" Propellant by the Jolly Roger "Red or White Powder" Propellant may be prepared in a simple,safe manner. The formulation described below will result in approximately 2 1/2 pounds of powder. This is a small arms propellant and should only be used in weapons with 1/2 in. diameter or less (but not pistols!). Material Required: ----------------- Heat Source (Kitchen Stove or open fire) 2 gallon metal bucket Measuring cup (8 ounces) Wooden spoon or rubber spatula Metal sheet or aluminum foil (at least 18 in. sq.) Flat window screen (at least 1 foot square) Potassium Nitrate (granulated) 2-1/3 cups White sugar (granulated) 2 cups Powdered ferric oxide (rust) 1/8 cup (if available) Clear water, 1-1/2 cups Procedure: --------- 1) Place the sugar, potassium nitrate, and water in the bucket. Heat with a low flame, stirring occasionally until the sugar and potassium nitrate dissolve. 2) If available, add the ferric oxide (rust) to the solution. Increase the flame under the mixture until it boils gently. NOTE: The mixture will retain the rust coloration. 3) Stir and scrape the bucket sides occasionally until the mixture is reduced to one quarter of its original volume, then stir continuously. 4) As the water evaporates, the mixture will become thicker until it reaches the consistency of cooked breakfast cereal or homemade fudge. At this stage of thickness, remove the bucket from the heat source, and spread the mass on the metal sheet. 5) While the material cools, score it with a spoon or spatula in crisscrossed furrows about 1 inch apart. 6) Allow the material to dry, preferably in the sun. As it dries, resore it accordingly (about every 20 minutes) to aid drying. 7) When the material has dried to a point where it is moist and soft but not sticky to the touch, place a small spoonful on the screen. Rub the material back and forth against the screen mesh with spoon or other flat object until the material is granulated into small worm-like particles. 8) After granulation, return the material to the sun to allow to dry completely. See later powder filezÉÉ.. -= Exodus =- Pipe Hand Grenade by Exodus Hand Grenades can be made from a piece of iron pipe. The filler can be of plastic or granular military explosive, improvised explosive, or propellant from shotgun or small arms munition. Material Required: ----------------- Iron Pipe, threaded ends, 1-1/2" to 3" diameter, 3" to 8" long. Two (2) iron pipe caps Explosive or propellant Nonelectric blasting cap (Commercial or military) Fuse cord Hand Drill Pliers Procedure: --------- 1) Place blasting cap on one end of fuse cord and crimp with pliers. NOTE: To find out how long the fuse cord should be, check the time it takes a known length to burn. If 12 inches burns in 30 seconds, a 6 inch cord will ignite the grenade in 15 seconds. 2) Screw pipe cap to one end of the pipe. Place fuse cord with blasting cap into the opposite end so that the blasting cap is near the center of the pipe. NOTE: If plastic explosive is to be used, fill pipe BEFORE inserting blasting cap. Push a round stick into the center of the explosive to make a hole and then insert the blasting cap. 3) Pour explosive or propellant into pipe a little bit at a time. Tap the base of the pipe frequently to settle filler. 4) Drill a hole in the center of the unassembled pipe cap large enough for the fuse cord to pass through. 5) Wipe pipe threads to remove any filler material. Slide the drilled pipe cap over the fuse and screw handtight onto the pipe. Ready to go! Originally typed by the Jolly Roger. POTASSIUM BOMB This is one of my favorites. This creates a very unstable explosive in a very stable continer. You will need: 1) A two-ended bottle. These are kinda hard to find, you have to look around, but if you cant find one, you will need a similar container in which there are two totally seperate sides that are airtight and accessable at the ends, like this: !airtight seperator! ________________!_________________ | | | / | \ ---- | ---- | c | | |c | | a | | | a | |___p| | |__p_| \ | / | | | -----------------|----------------- the seperator MUST remain airtight/watertight so this doesn't blow off your arm in the process (believe me. it will if you are not exact) 2) Pure potassium. Not Salt Peter, or any shit like that. This must be the pure element. This again may prove hard to find. Try a school chemistry teacher. Tell her you need it for a project, or some shit like that. Try to get the biggest piece you can, because this works best if it a solid chuck, not a powder. You can also try Edmund Scientific Co. at: Dept. 11A6 C929 Edscorp Bldg. Barrington, NJ 08007 or call 1-(609)-547-8880 3) Cotton 4) Water Instructions: Take the cotton and stuff some into one end of the container lining one side of the seperator. Place some potassiun, about the size of a quarter or bigger (CAREFULLY, and make sure your hands are PERFECTLY DRY, this stuff reacts VERY VIOLENTLY with water) into that side and pack it in tightly with all the cotton you can fit. Now screw the cap on TIGHTLY. On the other side of the seperator, fill it with as much water as will fit, and screw that cap on TIGHTLY. You are now in possession of a compact explosive made somewhat stable. To explode, throw it at something! The water will react with the potassium, and BBBOOOOOOMMMM!!! Works great on windows or windshields, because the glass fragments go everywhere (stand back) and rip stuff apart. The bigger the piece, the bigger the boom. If no potassium can be found, thy looking for PURE Sodium, it works well too. EXODUS relenquishes any responsibility to anyone who attempts this. You are on your ownÉÉ. PS: you could also place this little sucker under the wheel of a car of someone you hateÉ(Wait till' they back over that one!!!). HAVE PHUNNN HEE HEE !!-----------EXODUS Down the Road' Missle This missle is aptly named because it travels best down a street or road. This is nothing more that harmless phun intended to scare the living shit out of oncoming cars. How To Make A Missle -------------------- All you need are : -Hairspray can, or something else with flammable propellant (don't use spraypaint dipshit, it makes a big mess!) -book of ordinary matches -tape (clear if possible, its thinner) -BB or pellet gun (use BB's if possible) Instructions: ------------- Tape the book of matches to the bottom of the can, y'know, the CONCAVE part. You might want to arrange the matches so that they are spread over a wide area of the bottom of the can, but close together. Shake the can up vigorously. Now place the can on its side with the nozzle of the can pointed in the direction you want it to go, down a road, off a ramp, at your sister, etc.. Now stand back a bit, and shoot at the matches.It should take off at about 30 ft per sec!! What happens in case you couldn't tell, is the BB hits the matches and causes a spark, and at roughly the same time, punctures the weak bottom of the can. As the propellant sprays out, it hopefully comes in contact with the spark, and presto. If you dont do it right you'll blow a lot of money because each can can only be used once, so experiment to find best results. In The Air Missle ----------------- Compile the rocket as stated before, and put it verticle on a stand of some sort with the bottom accessable. Place a section of PVC pipe 95 deg. preferred and shoot into the PVC pipe which should direct the BB upward, and the can should take off. Experiment w/ different cans, its hard to find ones that work perfectly, and still go higher than 30 ft. ----------EXODUS Drip Timer Another method of time delay for explosives that are detonated by electric means, is the drip timer. Fill a 'baggie' with water and then add as much salt as the water will hold. Seal it, leaving some air inside. Then, tape the two contact wires from which the circut has been broken, to the inside of a large cup. Place the baggie on the cup. Poke a hole in the top of the 'baggie', where there is air, and then make a hole in the bottom to let the water drain into the cup. As any Einstien figures, the salt water level in the cup will eventually cunduct electricity at the moment both wires touch water, thus completing the circut. I have yet to try this timer out, and I got the plans from a total idiot, phreaker nonetheless, and doubt it would work with any power source under 12v. ------------------007 ANARCHY 'N' EXPLOSIVES ==> PRELUDE VOLUME <== For you people that like blowing things up and shit like that, here's something that's not as dangerous or as difficult as more of the explosives available (or able to create)É It's called the LN2 Bomb (Short for Liquid Nitrogen Bomb). Very easy to make: Ingredients: 1 Plastic Two Litre Bottle Enough Liquid Nitrogen To Fill The Bottle Instructions: Fill the bottle with liquid nitrogen. Then cap as tightly as possible. The vaporization of the nitrogen will create enough pressure in the bottle (within 5-15 minutes) to break it with a quite strong explosive forceÉVery EasyÉ USE AT YOUR OWN RISKÉ. _________________________ |800 #'s to phuck with- | |Compiled by The Duelist| |_______________________| CALL JYER INC. xxx-xxx-xxxx Numers with a ? either call forward to take u on some trip thru swithces, but im sure if u fuck around with it enough u will get there tone somewhere. Have funÉÉ. Later! 800- 4261244 ? 6456561 VMS 2471753 ? 5244040 ? 6348026 ? 6677827 ? 8723425 ? (Extension dialer) 9928911 ? Modem 6242367 VMS (#) 4262468 ? 3389549 VMS 2220400 ? 5376001 ? 3439255 VMS (#) 8326979 ? 2339558 VMS 7299000 ? 5335545 ? 3332222 ? 3335555 VMS 3338888 ? =========== TOLL-FREE NUMBERS AND ON-LINE DATABASES ========== There are many toll-free assistance numbers and on-line databases available to federal, state, local, and private sector personnel. Some may be available through a federal or state agency, while others are publicly available on commercial systems or through private organizations. Except for their own, neither DOT nor FEMA endorses the following toll-free telephone numbers or on-line databases. 1. Federal and State Toll Free Technical Assistance Sources 2. Private Sector Toll Free Technical Assistance 3. Federal and State Agency Online Databases 4. Commercial and Private Online Databases ============================================================= ****************************************************************************** FEDERAL AND STATE TOLL FREE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SOURCES ****************************************************************************** U.S. Coast Guard - National Response Center: 1-800-424-8802 in Washington, D.C. - (202) 426-2675 (202) 267-2675 EPA REGIONAL HOTLINES EPA has now established a Hotline in each of it's regional offices to handle Title III reporting. Please make note of the number for the office in your area. Nation-wide - (800) 535-0202 In Alaska and D.C. - (202) 479-2449 In the Regional Offices: Region I - Boston, MA - (617) 565-3273 Region II - Edison, NJ - (201) 321-6765 Region III - Philadelphia, PA - (215) 597-1260 Region IV - Atlanta, GA - (404) 347-3222 Region V - Chicago, IL - (312) 886-6418 Region VI - Dallas, TX - (214) 655-7244 Region VII - Kansas City, KS - (913) 236-2806 Region VIII - Denver, CO - (303) 293-1730 Region IX - San Francisco, CA - (415) 974-7054 Region X - Seattle, WA - (206) 442-1270 **** Remember to report all hazardous materials releases to your Local Emergency Planning Committee representative and to your State Emergency Response Commission immediately! TOXIC RELEASE INVENTORY REPORTING CENTER EPA has established a reading room in the Toxic Inventory Reporting Center (TRC) located at 470 L'Enfant Plaza East, S.W., Suite 7103, Washington, D.C. 20024. The reading room provides a place for concerned citizens to review release data as supplied to the Environmental Protection Agency (through section 313 reporting). To date, the center has received more than 50,000 of the 300,000 release reports anticipated. The TRC's is intended to serve as a central receipt point, aid in the sorting recording and storage of release data reported under Title III. Additionally the TRC is to provide an easy method to facilitate public inquiries. Anyone can access the chemical information by logging onto a data base and calling the information up by using CAS number, state, city and/or facility name. Staff from Computer Based Systems, Inc. (EPA contractor) are on-hand to assist with system inquiries between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. To schedule an appointment, please call (202) 488-1501. CHEMICAL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM (CEPP) - 1-(800) 535-0202 (202) 479-2449 Contact: Chemical Emergency Preparedness Program (CEPP) Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Preparedness U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (WH-548A) 401 M Street, SW Washington, D.C. 20460 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CENTER (EMIC) - 1-800-638-1821 (301) 447-6771 ext 6032 Contact: EMIC Librarian, Learning Resource Center UNational Emergency Training Center 16825 South Seton Avenue Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727 FEMA established EMIC (Emergency Management Information Center) to assist faculty, staff, students and off-campus users of the National Emergency Training Center Learning Resource Center with their research and information needs. EMIC is a special collection of natural and technological case study documents that can be requested for loan to state level fire and emergency management officials by applying in writing, on official letterhead, to the EMIC librarian. Other requests will be referred back to appropriate states for handling. SUPERFUND AND RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND RECOVERY ACT - 1-800-424-9346 (202) 382-3000 Contact: For Superfund -- Office of Emergency and Remedial Response U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 401 M Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20460 For CERCLA -- Office of Waste Programs Enforcement U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 401 M Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20460 EPA established the toll free technical assistance hotline in 1980 to answer questions and provide documents to those needing information on the Superfund and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT (TSCA) - (202) 554-1404 Contact: Toxic Substances Control Act Assistance Office Office of Toxic Substances U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ****************************************************************************** PRIVATE SECTOR TOLL FREE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SUPPORT ****************************************************************************** CHEMTREC: 1-(800) 424-9300. Alaska, Hawaii and DC (202) 483-7616 Contact: Chemical Manufacturers Association 2501 M Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037. The Chemical Manufacturers Association set up the Chemical Transportation Emergency Center (CHEMTREC) to provide immediate assistance to those at the scene of accident, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. CHEMTREC maintains an online database on the chemical, physical, and toxicological properties and health effects of the thousands of products of the member companies. CHEMTREC operates in two stages: first, staff provide chemical information for use in onsite decisionmaking involving handling the early stages of the problem and, second, notifies the manufacturer of the product of the accident for more detailed information and appropriate follow-up. CHEMNET is activated by a call to CHEMTREC. If a member shipper cannot respond promptly to an incident and a chemical expert is required at a site,then the shipper can authorize a CHEMNET-contracted emergency response company to go in its place. CHLOREP: Emergency contact through CHEMTREC above. Contact: Chlorine Institute 342 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10017. The Chlorine Institute in 1972 established its Chlorine Emergency Plan (CHLOREP), a mutual-aid response network of chlorine manufacturers and packagers, to provide assistance at chlorine emergencies in the United States and Canada through telephone instructions to on-scene personnel or the dispatching of trained teams to sites. Response is activated by a call to CHEMTREC which in turn calls the designated CHLOREP contact, who notifies the appropriate team leader based upon CHLOREP's geographical sector team assignments. CAER: Community Awareness and Emergency Response information line. This is a 2 minute recorded message informing callers of upcoming events related to coordinated emergency response planning. The CAER information number is (202) 463-1599 and is updated twice a month. To submit an event to be publicized, send the materials to: Todd Miller CMA Communications Dept. 2501 M Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 The Center for Fire Research in the National Bureau of Standards has established a public access computer bulletin board. Contact: Doug Walton System Operator U(301) 975-6872 Information on the bulletin board includes: * a listing of the most recent reports from the Center for Fire Research; * information on upcoming activities at the Center for Fire Research such as conferences, seminars and workshops; and * information on FIREDOC, the Center's fire research bibliographic system. ****************************************************************************** FEDERAL AND STATE AGENCY ONLINE DATABASES ****************************************************************************** The Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER) bulletin board is intended to to ts orr communications and technology transfer among the Regions and with Headquarters staff involved in solid or hazardous waste regulation, permitting, or enforcement and with ORD scientists and engineers in Headquarters and laboratories who are supporting OSWER. The OWSER is operated under contract to the Office of Program Management Technology (OPMT). The OSWER BBS offers messages, bulletins, files and computer programs, databases, and conferences. Bulletins include OSWER technical training opportunities and ORD technology transfer seminars nationwide, new ORD technical publications, the top 25 compounds found at Superfund Sites, and the current status of the SITE technology demonstrations. Conferences include: Executive (for EPA managers only), Ground-Water Workstation, Ground-Water Monitoring and Remediation, Risk Management/Assessment, and Expert Systems/Geographic Information Systems. The BBS is primarily intended for EPA Regional, Headquarters, and ORD personnel, however, OSWER welcomes state and local government agencies and authorized EPA contractors. The BBS telephone number is (301) 589-8366, the voice line is (301) 589-8368. The Hazardous Materials Information Systems (HMIS) offers two menu-driven programs to assist state, local and Federal agencies. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Research and Special Programs Administration's (RSPA) project offers quick access to both exemptions information and informal interpretations. The exemptions menu provides access to the following: exemption numbers, exemption holders, expiration dates, container type and DOT specification, hazardous material, shipping name and class, and regulations affected. The interpretations menu provides access to informal interpretations issued by the Standards Division, Office of Hazardous Materials Transportation. Each search provides: requestor, subject, commodity, container and regulations affected. This service is provided FREE to state, local, and federal agencies. Private sector organizations cannot get an account on the HMIS but can call to receive printouts on information they need (there is a fee for the printout). In order to gain access to the HMIS you must FIRST ESTABLISH AN ACCOUNT by contacting: Lessie Graves Office of Hazardous Materials Transportation Information Services Unit FTS/COMM: (202) 366-4555 Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Computerized Information System (OCIS) is designed to aid OSHA, State OSHA Program, and OSHA Area Office staff in responding to employers' and employees' occupational safety and health problems by maintaining quick access to various computerized information files. OCIS files are maintained on a Digital Vax 11/750 computer at the Salt Lake City Laboratory; BASIS is the database management software; system is accessed from OSHA and State Program offices only; files are menu- riven; and new capabilities are under development. Questions and comments can be directed to: OCIS Help Desk (801) 524-5366 or 524-5896 FTS 588-5366 or 588-5896 The National Library of Medicine's (NLM) Toxicology Data Network (TOXNET) is a computerized system of toxicologically oriented data banks, offering a sophisticated search and retrieval package which permits efficient access to information on known chemicals and identifies unknown chemicals based on their characteristics. TOXNET files include: Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB), Toxicology Data Bank (TDB), and Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System (CCRIS). Regis orred NLM users can access TOXNET by direct dial or through TELENET or TYMNET telecommunications networks. ations verage search charges (per hour) are $75.00 for prime time. For detailed information on TOXNET contact: National Library of Medicine Specialized Information Services Biomedical Files Implementation Branch 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20894 (301) 496-6531 or 496-1131 ****************************************************************************** COMMERCIAL AND PRIVATE ONLINE DATABASES ****************************************************************************** FIREDOC: ations vailable From NBS The Center for Fire Research in the National Bureau of Standards has made its computerized bibliographic system, FIREDOC, available for searching on-line.The system can be accessed by telephone using a computer as a terminal. About 7,000 items from the Center's collection are currently entered in the FIREDOC system. For further information including instructions on access and use of FIREDOC, contact: Nora Jason Technical Information Specialist Center for Fire Research (301) 975-6862 CFRBBS is a public access computer bulletin board sponsored by: the Center for Fire Research, National Bureau of Standards, US Department of Commerce, in Gaithersburg, MD 20899. It features computer programs developed by the Center of Fire Research. Contents of the board include: fire simulation programs, information on FIREDOC (the Center for Fire Research bibliographic search system; FIREDOC users guide; and FIREDOC compatible communications package), information on upcoming activities at the Center for Fire Research, and a listing of the most recent year's reports from the center. There is no connect fee for using the board; however the user pays for the phone call. For more information contact Doug Walton, System Operator, at (301) 975-6872. Public Health Foundation's Public Health Network (PHN) users have full access to all GTE Medical Information Network (MINET) services, and can communicate directly with users in PHN and other divisions of MINET. Access to Surgeon General, NLM/NIH, CDC, and American Medical Association information services (e.g., Disease Information, Drug Information, Medical Procedure Coding, Socioeconomic Bibliography, Expert Medical Physician Information Retrieval and Education Service, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Continuing Medical Education, and AP Medical News Service) are available ranging in price from $21 to $39 an hour of connect time. Subscription fee, payable on a one-time basis is $500.00, each additional user is registered at $25.00, and a User's Guide costs $15.00. Connect time rates range from $14 an hour peak to $7 an hour off-peak, character transmission charges are $.05 per 1,000 characters. For detailed information on PHN or MINET contact: The Public Health Foundation 1220 L Street, N.W. Suite 350 Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 898-5600 Information Consultants, Inc.'s Chemical Information System (ICIS) and Chemical Information System, Inc.'s (Fein Marquart Associates) System (CIS) are two competing companies which offer approximately 35 databases each, some similar, others different. Databases available for searching include, for example: Oil and Hazardous Materials Technical Assistance Data System (OHMTADS) with emphasis on environmental and safety data for spills response; Chemical Evaluation Search and Retrieval (CEASARS) gives very detailed, evaluated profiles with physical/chemical, toxicological and environmental information; NIOSH Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS) with acute toxdata, TLV's, standards, aquatic tox, regulatory information, and NTP test status; Chemical Carcinogensis Research Information System (CCRIS) giving results of carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, tumor promotion and carcinogenicity tests under National Cancer Institute contract; GENETOX with genetic assay studies; AQUIRE with aquatic toxicity information; DERMAL with dermal toxicity information. Subscriber ($300 per year and $25-85 per hour of connect time) and non-subscriber ($50-115 per hour connect time) options exist. For detailed information contact: CIS, Inc. or Information Consultants, Inc. Fein Marquart Associates 1133 15th St., N.W. 7215 York Road Washington, D.C. 20005 Baltimore, MD 21212 (202) 822-5200 (800) 247-8737 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [] [] [] List of Toll Free Numbers [] [] for amusement [] [] and [] [] for an outlet of frustration [] [] [] [] [] [] Uploaded and written by [] [] [] [] Dr. |-| /-X |< |< E R [] [] [] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] You may ask "Now why would I want to know some obsolete, unused, utterly useless, toll free numbers" Well, what you use this information for is up to you, and if you want to use it for some thing likeÉ well, like, forcing that line to be busy for 2 straight days thus causing the company to lose money, is completely up to you. Magazines =-=-=-=-= Playgirl Advisor (800) 854-2878 (except CA) T.V. Guide (800) 523-7933 (except PA) Ladie's Home Journal (800) 327-8351 (except FA) Sports Illustrated (800) 621-8200 (except IL) Book Digest Magazine (800) 228-9700 (except Nebraska) Money (800) 621-8200 (except IL) Mail Order =-=-=-=-=- (bowling equip.) (800) 323-1812 (except IL) Edd the Florist, Inc. (800) 247-1075 (except IA) Golf Mail Order Co. (800) 327-1760 (except FA) Inflate-a-bed (800) 835-2246 (except KS) International Male (800) 854-2795 (except CA) Porta Yoga (c.c. orders)(800) 327-8912 (except FA) Unique Products Co. (800) 228-2049 (except Nebraska) Ski Resorts =-=-=-=-=-=HN) Concord (800) 431-2217 (only New England States) Mt. Snow (800) 451-4211 (Eas orrn Seabord) Ski Us at Franconia (800) 258-0366 (Eastern Seabord) Stevensville (800) 431-2211 (New England States) Mannequins =-=-=-=-=- Dann-Dee (800) 621-3904 (except IL) Car Rentals =-=-=-=-=-= A-Aaron, Inc. (800) 327-7513 (except FA) Airlines Rent-A/Car (800) 228-9650 (FA only) Dollar-A-Day (800) 421-6868 (except FA) Hertz (800) 261-1311 (Canada only) Sears Rent-A-Car (800) 228-2800 (except Nebraska) Thrifty Rent-A-Car (800) 331-4200 (except Oklahoma) Newspapers =-=-=-=-=- Globe Gazette (800) 392-6622 (IA only) Oil Daily (800) 223-6635 (except NY) Christian Science Motor (800) 225-7090 (except MS) Wall Street Journal (800) 257-0300 (except NJ) The National Observer (800) 325-5990 (except MO) Have fun. -= Exodus =- ANARCHY 'N' EXPLOSIVES =====> VOLUME 2 <===== This volume defines a few varieties of misc explosives, charges, and whatever I had in mind at that time. Anyway, these formulas are not as precise in measurements for they were given in brief summary. However, they will work, and if used correctly can be safe and "fun". FRENCH AMMONAL: ------------------- Type: Low Explosive Ingredients: 86% Ammonium Nitrate 6% Stearic Acid 8% Aluminum Powder Description: French ammonal is an easily improvised low explosive mixture. It is generally less effective than an equal weight of TNT. The material is loaded by pressing it into a suitable container. Initiation by an Engineer's special blasting cap is recommended. Comments: This material was tested. It is effective. References: TM 31-201-1, Unconventional Warfare Devices and Techniques, para 1401. TETRYTOL: ------------- Type: High Explosive Ingredients: 75% Tetryl 25% TNT Description: Tetryol is a high explosive bursting charge. It is used as a demolition explosive, a bursting charge for mines, and in artillery shells. The explosive force of tetrytol is approximately the same as that of TNT. It may be initiated by a blasting cap. Tetrytol is usually loaded by casting. Comments: This material was tested. It is effective. References: TM 9-1900, Ammunition, General, page 55. TM 9-1910, Military Explosives, page 188. IMPROVISED PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE FILLER: ---------------------------------------- Type: High Explosive Ingredients: Finely Powdered Potassium Chlorate Cdata bstals Petroleum Jelly **MIX THOUROUGHLY** Description: This plastic explosive filler can be detonated with a No. 8 commercial blasting cap or with any military blasting cap. The explosive must be stored in a waterproof container until ready to use. Comments: This material was tested. It is effective. References: TM 31-210, Improvised Munitions, sec I, No. 1. FLAMABILITY OF GASES: ------------------------- Type: Gas Explosive Ingredients: Explosive Gas Description: Under some conditions, common gases act as fuel. When mixed with air, they will burn rapidly or even explode. For some fuel-air mixtures, the range over which the explosion can occur is quite wide while for others the limits are narrow. The upper and lower amounts of common fuels that will cause an ignitable mixture are shown in the table below. The quantity shown is the percentage by volume of air. If the fuel-air mixture is too lean or too rich, it will not ignite. The amounts shown are therefore called limits of inflamability. Gases (% by volume of air) Fuel (Gas) Lower Limit Upper Limit ------------------------------- ----------- ----------- Water Gas Or Blue Gas 7.0 72 Natural Gas 4.7 15 Hydrogen 4.0 75 Acetylene 2.5 81 Propane 2.2 10 Butane 1.9 9 Comments: These fuels have been tested under labratory conditions. They are effective. Ignition depends on method of initiation, uniformity of mixture, and physical conditions. References: Bulletin 29, Limits of Inflammability of Gases and Vapors H.F. Coward and G.W. Jones, Bureau of Mines, U.S. Government Printing Offece, 1939. !!!WARNING!!! ! USE THESE FORMULAS AND OTHER FORMS OF ANARCHY/EXPLOSIVES AT YOUR OWN RISK ! More volumes of ANARCHY soon to come....... ===> DOCTOR DISSECTOR --------------------------------------- ANARCHY 'N' EXPLOSIVES =====> VOLUME 3 <===== This is the MOST important or one of the most important volumes regarding the various mixtures of anarchy that I will be "publishing" to the "public". Also, it may as well be the MOST DANGEROUS to prepare, the substance we will be dealing with is Trinitrotoluene, or short - TNT. This high expolosive is a VERY DANGEROUS, slightly unstable substance. The crystalized crude TNT is about the color of brown sugar and feels greasy to the touch. It is suitable for many uses as a high-explosive, but not for the use in high-explosive shells. It is also highly reactive to many other chemical substances. It can be incorporated into dynamite and many other explosives that will be explained in further detail later, in other volumes of ANARCHY. WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FINISH THIS PROJECT UNLESS YOU ARE FULLY CAPABLE SAFELY EXECUTING THE PROCESSES IN A SAFE ENVIRONMENT! IF YOU CHOOSE TO CONTINUE, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS COMPLETELY THROUGH BEFORE BEGINNING AND HAVE ALL MATERIALS AND TOOLS (INCLUDING SAFETY/EMERGENCY EQUIPTMENT) READY FOR USE WHEN OR IF THEY ARE NEEDED. THIS IS NOT A JOKE! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!! Preparation of Trinitrotoluene (Three Stages). A mixture of 294 grams of concentrated sulfuric acid (density 1.84) and 147 grams of nitric acid (density 1.42) is added slowly from a dropping funnel to 100 grams of toluene in a tall 600-cc. beaker, while the liquid is stirred vigorously with an electric stirrer and it's temperature is maintained at 30 to 40 degrees celsius by running cold water in the vessel in which the beaker is standing. The addition of acid will require from an hour to an hour and a half. The stirring is then continued for half an hour longer without cooling; the mixture is allowed to stand over night in a separatory funnel; the lower layer of spent acid is drawn off; and the crude mononitrotoluene is weighed. One-half of it, corresponding to 50 grams of toluene, is taken for the dinitration. The mononitrotoluene (MNT) is dissolved in 109 grams of concentrated sulfuric acid (d. 1.84) while the mixture is cooled in running water. The solution in a tall beaker is warmed to 50 degrees and a mixed acid, composed of 54.5 grams each of nitric acid (d. 1.50) and sulfuric acid (d. 1.84), is added slowly drop by drop from a dropping funnel while the mixture is stirred mechanically. The heat generated by the reaction raises the temperature, and the rate of addition of the acid is regulated so that the temperature of the mixture lies always between 90 degrees and 100 degrees. The addition of the acid will require about 1 hour. After the acid has been added, the mixture is stirred for 2 hours longer at 90-100 degrees to complete the nitration. Two layers seperate on standing. The upper layer consists largely of dinitrotoluene (DNT), but probobly contains a certain amount of TNT. The trinitration in the laboratory is converniently carried out without separating the DNT from the spent acid. While the dinitration mixture is stirred actively at a temperature of about 90 degrees, 145 grams of fuming sulfuric aced (oleum containing 15% free SO3) is added slowly by pouring from a beaker. A mixed acid, composed of 72.5 grams each of nitric acid (d. 1.50) and the 15% oleum, is now added drop by drop with good agitation while the heat of the reaction maintains the temperature at 100-115 degrees. After about three-quarters of the acid has been added, it will be found necessary to apply external heat to maintain the temperature. After all the acid has been added (taking 1 1/2 to 2 hours), the heating and stirring are continued for 2 hours longer at 100-115 degrees. After the material has stood overnight, the upper TNT layer will be found to have solidified to a hard cake, and the lower layer of spent acid to be filled with cdata bstals. The acid is filtered through a Buchner funnel (without filter paper), and the cake is broken up and washed with water on the same filter to remove excess of acid. The spent acid contains considerable amounts of TNT in solution; this is precipitated by pouring the acid into a large volume of water, filtered off, rinsed with water, and added to the main batch. All the of the product is washed three or four times by agitating it vigorously with hot water under which it is melted. After the last washing, the TNT is granulated by allowing it to cool slowly under hot water while the stirring is continued. The product, filtered off and dried at ordinary room temperature, is equal to a good commercial sample of crude TNT. It may be purified by dissolving in warm alcohol at 60 degrees and allowing to cool slowly, or it may be purified by digesting with 5 times its weight of 5% sodium hydrogen sulfite solution at 90 degrees for half an hour with vigorous stirring, washing with hot water until the washings are colorless, and finally granulating as before. The product of this last treatment is equal to a good commercial sample of purified TNT. Pure ALPHA-TNT, melting point 80.8 degrees, may be procured by recrystallizing this material once from nitric acid (d. 1.42) and once from alcohol. Well, that's it... AND REMEMBER MY WARNING! future editions of ANARCHY 'N' EXPLOSIVES comming soon..... (whenever I have time to type them up!) by Doctor Dissector of course! --------------------------------------- ANARCHY 'N' EXPLOSIVES =====> VOLUME 4 4 <===== In this particular volume, we will be discussing types of Dynamite, these high-explosives being one of the more important or destructive of the anarchist's formulas. Note that some of these mixtures are very unstable or shock ignited, and that care should be observed when handling these unstable mixtures. Some of these formulae deal with Trinitrotoluene (TNT) and th preparation for that is given under the volume 3, within this series. WARNING: THESE ARE REAL EXPLOSIVES AND MAY CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH UPON MISUSE. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PREPARE ANY AS SAMPLE IF YOU ARE NOT FULLY CAPABLE OF UNDERSTANDING THE DANGERS AND PRECAUTIONS OF THESE PRODUCTS. THESE FORMULAE ARE THE TRUE FORMULAE TO CREATE THESE MIXTURES AND ARE THEREFORE VERY DANGEROUS. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! Guhr Dynamite: Ingredients- 1 part Kieselguhr 3 parts Nitroglycerin Description- This dynamite is primarily used in blasting. It is fairly stable, in the drop test, it exploded by the fall of a 1 kg weight through 12 to 15 cm., or by the fall of a 2 kg weight through 7 cm. The frozen material is less sensitive: a drop of more than 20 cm. with a 1 kg weight is needed to explode it, and the 2 kg weight is necessary to explode it. Frozen or unfrozen, it can be detonated by shooting at it with a military rifle, when held in a paper cartridge. Generally, it is detonated with a steel-on-steel blow. Velicity of detonation vary from 6650 to 6800 meters per second at a density loading of 1.50. Extra-Dynamite: Ingredients- FORMULA 1 FORMULA 2 71% Nitroglycerin 62% Ammonium Nitrate 23% Amonium Nitrate 25% Nitroglycerin 4% Collodion 12% Charcoal ed to e% Charcoal 1% Collodion Description- This material is crumbly and plastic between the fingers. This material can be detonated with any detonating cap. Table Of Dynamite Formulae: INGREDIENT STRENGTH 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% Nitroglycerin.......... 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Combustible Material... 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 14 15 16 Sodium Nitrate......... 64 60 56 52 48 44 40 35 29 23 Calcium or Magnesium Carbonate........... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 **********AMOUNTS GIVEN IN PERCENTAGES******* Table Of More Dynamite Formulae: STRENGTH INGREDIENT ORDINARY LOW FREEZING 30% 35% 40% 50% 60% 30% 35% 40% 50% 60% Nitroglycerin.......... 15 20 22 27 35 13 17 17 21 27 Nitrosubstitution Compounds.......... 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 4 5 6 Ammonium Nitrate....... 15 15 20 25 30 15 15 20 25 30 Sodium Nitrate......... 51 48 42 36 24 53 49 45 36 27 Combustible Material... 18 16 15 11 10 15 14 13 12 9 Calcium Carbonate or Zinc Oxide......... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *****AMOUNTS GIVEN IN PERCENTAGES***** Master Table Of Dynamites: INGREDIENT FORMULA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Ammonium Nitrate.......... 52 53 60 61 66 73 78 83 0 0 0 0 Potassium Nitrate......... 21 0 0 0 0 2.8 5 7 30.5 34 0 0 Sodium Nitrate............ 0 12 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 30.5 24.5 Barium Nitrate............ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 1 0 0 Na or K Chloride.......... 0 0 21 20.5 22 15 8 0 0 0 0 0 Hydrated Ammonium Oxalate. 16 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ammonium Chloride......... 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cereal or Wood Meal....... 0 4 4 7.5 2 1 5 2 0 38.5 39.5 40.5 Glycerin.................. 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spent Tan Bark Meal....... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 1 0 0 Potassium Dichromate...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 Sodium Carbonate.......... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .5 .5 0 0 Powdered Coal............. 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nitrotoluene.............. 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dinitrotoluene............ 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 Trinitrotoluene........... 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 Nitroglycerin............. 5 5 4 4 4 3.2 4 4 25 25 25 30 ALL AMOUNTS ARE IN PERCENTAGES Well, that's it for now... have fun.... hehehehehe! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!! till later.... (future magazines comming soon!) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ANARCHY 'N' EXPLOSIVES VOLUME 5 -- 4/3/89 Well, hasn't it been long since Volume 4 of Anarchy 'n' Explosives? Well, I finally got around to typing up another volume. This one will be dedicated to the extremely simple and more accessible explosives and incendiaries to be prepared at home, or laboratory; depending upon the environment you have access to or are accustomed to. Anyway, getting back down to business, I must (again), put up this sign: WARNING: THESE EXPLOSIVES/INCENDIARIES ARE REAL, NOT TOYS. USE EXTREME CAUTION WHEN PREPARING AND APPLYING WHEN APPLICABLE. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN INJURY OR DEATH. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Enough of the warnings and notes; for further information and/or comments on this series of ever popular explosives, contact me (I don't sign these "publications") on the Knavery BBS at xxx-xxx-xxxx on the public message base, I should be reading some requests if you leave them. And, volume number 6 should be coming out sooner than the time between 4 and 5, but don't count on it. BULK POWDERS: ============= Bulk powders are types of gunpowders consisting of nitrocellulose and a mixture of other chemically explosive solutions. These nitrocellulose fibers are stuck together, but are not completely collided. Some contain little else but nitrocellulose; others contain, in addition to potassium and barium nitrates, camphor, vaseline, paraffin, lampblack, starch, dextrine, potassium dichromate or other oxidizing or deterrent salts, and diphenylamine for stabilization, and are colored in a variety of brilliant hues by means of col- tar dyes. Three typical bulk powders are made up according to the approximate formulas tabulated below: Nitrocellulose........................ 84.0 87.0 89.0 % N in nitrocellulose............... 13.2 12.9 12.9 Potassium nitrate..................... 7.5 6.0 6.0 Barium nitrate........................ 7.5 2.0 3.0 Starch................................ -.- -.- 1.0 Paraffin oil.......................... -.- 4.0 -.- Diphenylamine......................... 1.0 1.0 1.0 The mixture is mixed in warm water and dried thoroughly. Then either granulated or made into powder by crushing with a wooden block and screened through a 12-mesh sieve. The material is then stored in a moisture-resistant container for future or immediate use. MERCURY FULMINATE: ================== Mercury fulminate is an initiating explosive, commonly appearing as white or gray crystals. It is extremely sensitive to initiation by heat, friction, spark or flame, and impact. It detonates when initiated by any of these means. It is pressed into containers, usually at 3000 psi, for use in detonators and blasting caps. However, when compressed at greater and greater pressure (up to 30,000 psi), it becomes "dead pressed." In this condition, it can only be detonated by another initial detonating agent. Mercury fulminate gradually becomes inert when stored continuously above 100 degrees F. A dark- colored product of deterioration gives evidence of this effect. Mercury exfulminate is stored underwater except when there is danger of freezing. Then it is stored under a mixture of water and alcohol. Preparation of Mercury Fulminate. Five grams of mercury is addedExt55 cc. of nitric acid (specific gravity 1.42) in a 100-cc. Erlenmeyer flask, and the mixture is allowed to stand without shaking until the mercury has gone into solution. The acid liquid is then poured into 50 cc. of 90% alcohol in a 500-cc. beaker in the hood. The temperature of the mixture rises, a vigorous reaction commences, white fumes come off, and cdata bstals of fulminate soon begin to precipitate. Red fumes appear and the precipitation of the fulminate becomes more rapid, then white fumes again as the reaction moderates. After about 20 minutes, the reaction is over; water is added, and the cdata bstals are washed with water repeatedly by decantation until the washings are no longer acid to litmus. The product consists of grayish-yellow cdata bstals, and corresponds to a good grade of commercial fulminate. It may be obtained white and entirely pure by dissolving in strong ammonia water, filtering, and reprecipitating by the addition of 30% acetic acid. The pure fulminate is filtered off, washed several times with cold water, and stored under water, or, if a very small amount is desired for experimental purposes, it is dried in a desiccator. AMATOL: ======= Description: amatol is a high explosive, whit to buff in color. It is a mixture of ammonium nitrate and TNT, with a relative effectiveness slightly higher than that of TNT alone. Common compositions vary from 80% ammonium nitrate and 20% TNT to 40% ammonium nitrate and 60% TNT. Amatol is used as the main bursting charge in artillery shells and bombs. Amatol absorbs moisture and can form dangerous compounds with copper and brass. Therefore, it should not be housed in containers of such metals. BLACK POWDERS: ============== Black powders burn either quickly or very slowly depending on the composition of such a mixture; however, these powders produce smoke, often great amounts, and is most useful in applications where smoke is no object. It is the best for communicating fire and for producing a quick, hot flame. Black powder is used in both propellant charges for shrapnel shells, in saluting and blank fire charges, as the bursting charge of practice shells and bombs, as a propelling charge in certain pyrotechnic pieces, and, either with or without the admixture of other substances which modify the rate of burning, in the time-train rings and in other parts of fuses. Below is a list of black powders and their compositions. (Brown) Name Saltpeter Charcoal Sulfur England........................ 79 (18) 3 England........................ 77.4 (17.6) 5 Germany........................ 78 (19) 3 Germany........................ 80 (20) - France......................... 78 (19) 3 Forte...........e...........e.. 72 15 13 | Blasting Lente.......................... 40 30 30 |- Black Ordinaire...........e.......... 62 18 20 | Powders FBI raids major Ohio computer bulletin board; action follows joint investigation with SPA The Federation Bureau of Investigation on Saturday, Jan. 30, 1993, raided "Rusty & Edie's," a computer bulletin board located in Boardman, Ohio, which has allegedly been illegally distributing copyrighted software programs. Seized in the raid on the Rusty & Edie's bulletin board were computers, hard disk drives and telecommunications equipment, as well as financial and subscriber records. For the past several months, the Software Publishers Association ("SPA") has been working with the FBI in investigating the Rusty & Edie's bulletin board, and as part of that investigation has downloaded numerous copyrighted business and entertainment programs from the board. The SPA investigation was initiated following the receipt of complaints from a number of SPA members that their software was being illegally distributed on the Rusty & Edie's BBS. The Rusty & Edie's bulletin board was one of the largest private bulletin boards in the country. It had 124 nodes available to callers and over 14,000 subscribers throughout the United States and several foreign countries. To date, the board has logged in excess of 3.4 million phone calls, with new calls coming in at the rate of over 4,000 per day. It was established in 1987 and had expanded to include over 19 gigabytes of storage housing over 100,000 files available to subscribers for downloading. It had paid subscribers throughout the United States and several foreign countries, including Canada, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. A computer bulletin board allows personal computer users to access a host computer by a modem-equipped telephone to exchange information, including messages, files, and computer programs. The systems operator (Sysop) is generally responsible for the operation of the bulletin board and determines who is allowed to access the bulletin board and under what conditions. For a fee of $89.00 per year, subscribers to the Rusty & Edie's bulletin board were given access to the board's contents including many popular copyrighted business and entertainment packages. Subscribers could "download" or receive these files for use on their own computers without having to pay the copyrighted owner anything for them. "The SPA applauds the FBI's action today," said Ilene Rosenthal, general counsel for the SPA. "This shows that the FBI recognizes the harm that theft of intellectual property causes to one of the U.S.'s most vibrant industries. It clearly demonstrates a trend that the government understands the seriousness of software piracy." The SPA is actively working with the FBI in the investigation of computer bulletin boards, and similar raids on other boards are expected shortly. Whether it's copied from a program purchased at a neighborhood computer store or downloaded from a bulletin board thousands of miles away, pirated software adds to the cost of computing. According to the SPA, in 1991, the software industry lost $1.2 billion in the U.S. alone. Losses internationally are several billion dollars more. "Many people may not realize that software pirates cause prices to be higher, in part, to make up for publisher losses from piracy," says Ken Wasch, executive director of the SPA. In addition, they ruin the reputation of the hundreds of legitimate bulletin boards that serve an important function for computer users." The Software Publishers Association is the principal trade association of the personal computer software industry. It's over 1,000 members represent the leading publishers in the business, consumer and education software markets. The SPA has offices in Washington DC, and Paris, France. CONTACT: Software Publishers Association, Washington Ilene Rosenthal, 202/452-1600 Ext. 318 Terri Childs, 202/452-1600 Ext. 320 BUYING EXPLOSIVES AND PROPELLANTS Almost any city or town of reasonable size has a gun store and one or more pharmacies. These are two of the places that potential terrorists visit in order to purchase explosive material. All that one has to do is know something about the non- explosive uses of the materials. Black powder, for example, is used in blackpowder firearms. It comes in varying "grades", with each different grade being a slightly different size. The grade of black powder depends on what the calibre of the gun that it is used in; a fine grade of powder could burn too fast in the wrong caliber weapon. The rule is: the smaller the grade, the faster the burn rate of the powder. BLACK POWDER Black powder is generally available in three grades. As stated before, the smaller the grade, the faster the powder burns. Burn rate is extremely important in bombs. Since an explosion is a rapid increase of gas volume in a confined environment, to make an explosion, a quick-burning powder is desirable. The three common grades of black powder are listed below, along with the usual bore width (calibre) of what they are used in. Generally, the fastest burning powder, the FFF grade is desirable. However, the other grades and uses are listed below: GRADE BORE WIDTH EXAMPLE OF GUN ÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ F .50 or greater model cannon; some rifles FF .36 - .50 large pistols; small rifles FFF .36 or smaller pistols; derringers The FFF grade is the fastest burning, because the smaller grade has more surface area or burning surface exposed to the flame front. The larger grades also have uses which will be discussed later. The price range of black powder, per pound, is about $8.50 - $9.00. The price is not affected by the grade, and so one saves oneself time and work if one buys the finer grade of powder. The major problems with black powder are that it can be ignited accidentally by static electricity, and that it has a tendency to absorb moisture from the air. To safely crush it, a one would use a plastic spoon and a wooden salad bowl. Taking a small pile at a time, he or she would apply pressure to the powder through the spoon and rub it in a series of strokes or circles, but not too hard. It is fine enough to use when it is about as fine as flour. The fineness, however, is dependant on what type of device one wishes to make; obviously, it would be impracticle to crush enough powder to fill a 1 foot by 4 inch radius pipe. Any adult can purchase black powder, since anyone can own black powder firearms in the United States. PYRODEX Pyrodex is a synthetic powder that is used like black powder. It comes in the same grades, but it is more expensive per pound. However, a one pound container of pyrodex contains more material by volume than a pound of black powder. It is much easier to crush to a very fine powder than black powder, and it is considerably safer and more reliable. This is because it will not be set off by static electricity, as black can be, and it is less inclined to absorb moisture. It costs about $10.00 per pound. It can be crushed in the same manner as black powder, or it can be dissolved in boiling water and dried. ROCKET ENGINE POWDER One of the most exciting hobbies nowadays is model rocketry. Estes is the largest producer of model rocket kits and engines. Rocket engines are composed of a single large grain of propellant. This grain is surrounded by a fairly heavy cardboard tubing. One gets the propellant by slitting the tube length- wise, and unwrapping it like a paper towel roll. When this is done, the gray fire clay at either end of the propellant grain must be removed. This is usually done gently with a plastic or brass knife. The material is exceptionally hard, and must be crushed to be used. By gripping the grain in the widest setting on a set of pliers, and putting the grain and powder in a plastic bag, the powder will not break apart and shatter all over. This should be done to all the large chunks of powder, and then it should be crushed like black powder. Rocket engines come in various sizes, ranging from 1/4 A - 2T to the incredibly powerful D engines. The larger the engine, the more expensive. D engines come in packages of three, and cost about $5.00 per package. Rocket engines are perhaps the single most useful item sold in stores to a terrorist, since they can be used as is, or can be cannibalized for their explosive powder. RIFLE/SHOTGUN POWDER Rifle powder and shotgun powder are really the same from a practicle standpoint. They are both nitrocellulose based propellants. They will be referred to as gunpowder in all future references. Smokeless gunpowder is made by the action of concentrated nitric and sulfuric acid upon cotton or some other cellulose material. This material is then dissolved by solvents and then reformed in the desired grain size. When dealing with smokeless gunpowder, the grain size is not nearly as important as that of black powder. Both large and small grained smokeless powder burn fairly slowly compared to black powder when unconfined, but when it is confined, gunpowder burns both hotter and with more gaseous expansion, producing more pressure. Therefore, the grinding process that is often necessary for other propellants is not necessary for smokeless powder. owder costs about $9.00 per pound. In most states any citizen with a valid driver's license can buy it, since there are currently few restrictions on rifles or shotguns in the U.S. There are now ID checks in many states when purchasing powder at a retail outlet. Mail-orders aren't subject to such checks. Rifle powder and pyrodex may be purchased by mail order, but UPS charges will be high, due to DOT regulations on packaging. -= Exodus =- LIST OF USEFUL HOUSEHOLD CHEMICALS AND THEIR AVAILABILITY Anyone can get many chemicals from hardware stores, supermarkets, and drug stores to get the materials to make explosives or other dangerous compounds. A would-be terrorist would merely need a station wagon and some money to acquire many of the chemicals named here. Chemical Used In Available at ________ _______ ____________ alcohol, ethyl * alcoholic beverages liquor stores solvents (95% min. for both) hardware stores ammonia + CLEAR household ammonia supermarkets/7-eleven ammonium instant-cold paks, drug stores, nitrate fertilizers medical supply stores nitrous oxide pressurizing whip cream party supply stores poppers (like CO2 ctgs.) Head shops (The Alley at Belmont/Clark, Chgo) magnesium firestarters surplus/camping stores lecithin vitamins pharmacies/drug stores mineral oil cooking, laxative supermarket/drug stores mercury mercury thermometers supermarkets, hardware stores sulfuric acid uncharged car batteries automotive stores glycerine pharmacies/drug stores sulfur gardening gardening/hardware store charcoal charcoal grills supermarkets gardening stores sodium nitrate fertilizer gardening store cellulose (cotton) first aid drug medical supply stores strontium nitrate road flares surplus/auto stores, fuel oil kerosene stoves surplus/camping stores, bottled gas propane stoves surplus/camping stores, potassium permanganate water purification purification plants hexamine or hexamine stoves surplus/camping stores methenamine (camping) nitric acid ^ cleaning printing printing shops plates photography stores Iodine disinfectant (tinture) Pharmacy, OSCO sodium perchlorate solidox pellets hardware stores (VERY impure) for cutting torches ^ Nitric acid is very difficult to find nowadays. It is usually stolen by bomb makers, or made by the process described in a later section. A desired concentration for making explosives about 70%. & The iodine sold in drug stores is usually not the pure crystaline form that is desired for producing ammonium triiodide crystals. To obtain the pure form, it must usually be acquired by a doctor's prescription, but this can be expensive. Once again, theft is the means that terrorists result to. -= Exodus =- '94 NITROGLYCERINE Nitroglycerine is one of the most sensitive explosives, if it is not the most sensitive. Although it is possible to make it safely, it is difficult. Many a young anarchist has been killed or seriously injured while trying to make the stuff. When Nobel's factories make it, many people were killed by the all-to-frequent factory explosions. Usually, as soon as it is made, it is converted into a safer substance, such as dynamite. An idiot who attempts to make nitroglycerine would use the following procedure: MATERIAL EQUIPMENT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ distilled water eye-dropper table salt 100 ml beaker sodium bicarbonate 200-300 ml beakers (2) concentrated nitric ice bath container acid (13 ml) ( a plastic bucket serves well ) concentrated sulfuric centigrade thermometer acid (39 ml) glycerine blue litmus paper 1) Place 150 ml of distilled water into one of the 200-300 ml beakers. 2) In the other 200-300 ml beaker, place 150 ml of distilled water and about a spoonful of sodium bicarbonate, and stir them until the sodium bicarbonate dissolves. Do not put so much sodium bicarbonate in the water so that some remains undissolved. 3) Create an ice bath by half filling the ice bath container with ice, and adding table salt. This will cause the ice to melt, lowering the overall temperature. 4) Place the 100 ml beaker into the ice bath, and pour the 13 ml of concentrated nitric acid into the 100 ml beaker. Be sure that the beaker will not spill into the ice bath, and that the ice bath will not overflow into the beaker when more materials are added to it. Be sure to have a large enough ice bath container to add more ice. Bring the temperature of the acid down to about 20 degrees centigrade or less. 5) When the nitric acid is as cold as stated above, slowly and carefully add the 39 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid to the nitric acid. Mix the two acids together, and cool the mixed acids to 10 degrees centigrade. It is a good idea to start another ice bath to do this. 6) With the eyedropper, slowly put the glycerine into the mixed acids, one drop at a time. Hold the thermometer along the top of the mixture where the mixed acids and glycerine meet. DO NOT ALLOW THE TEMPERATURE TO GET ABOVE 30 DEGREES CENTIGRADE; IF THE TEMPERATURE RISES ABOVE THIS TEMPERATURE, WATCH OUT !! The glycerine will start to nitrate immediately, and the temperature will immediately begin to rise. Add glycerine until there is a thin layer of glycerine on top of the mixed acids. It is always safest to make any explosive in small quantities. 7) Stir the mixed acids and glycerine for the first ten minutes of nitration, adding ice and salt to the ice bath to keep the temperature of the solution in the 100 ml beaker well below 30 degrees centigrade. Usually, the nitroglycerine will form on the top of the mixed acid solution, and the concentrated sulfuric acid will absorb the water produced by the reaction. 8) When the reaction is over, and when the nitroglycerine is well below 30 degrees centigrade, slowly and carefully pour the solution of nitroglycerine and mixed acid into the distilled water in the beaker in step 1. The nitroglycerine should settle to the bottom of the beaker, and the water-acid solution on top can be poured off and disposed of. Drain as much of the acid- water solution as possible without disturbing the nitroglycerine. 9) Carefully remove the nitroglycerine with a clean eye-dropper, and place it into the beaker in step 2. The sodium bicarbonate solution will eliminate much of the acid, which will make the nitroglycerine more stable, and less likely to explode for no reason, which it can do. Test the nitroglycerine with the litmus paper until the litmus stays blue. Repeat this step if necessary, and use new sodium bicarbonate solutions as in step 2. 10) When the nitroglycerine is as acid-free as possible, store it in a clean container in a safe place. The best place to store nitroglycerine is far away from anything living, or from anything of any value. Nitroglycerine can explode for no apparent reason, even if it is stored in a secure cool place. -= Exodus =- PRODUCING CELLULOSE NITRATE (From andrew at CMU) I used to make nitrocellulose, though. It was not guncotton grade, because I didn't have oleum (H2SO4 with dissolved SO3); nevertheless it worked. At first I got my H2SO4 from a little shop in downtown Philadelphia, which sold soda-acid fire extinguisher refills. Not only was the acid concentrated, cheap and plentiful, it came with enough carbonate to clean up. I'd add KNO3 and a little water (OK, I'd add the acid to the water - but there was so little water, what was added to what made little difference. It spattered concentrated H2SO4 either way). Later on, when I could purchase the acids, I believe I used 3 parts H2SO4 to 1 part HNO3. For cotton, I'd use cotton wool or cotton cloth. Runaway nitration was commonplace, but it is usually not so disasterous with nitrocellulose as it is with nitroglycerine. For some reason, I tried washing the cotton cloth in a solution of lye, and rinsing it well in distilled water. I let the cloth dry and then nitrated it. (Did I read this somewhere?) When that product was nitrated, I never got a runaway reaction. BTW, water quenched the runaway reaction of cellulose. The product was washed thoroughly and allowed to dry. It dissolved (or turned into mush) in acetone. It dissolved in alcohol/ether. WARNINGS All usual warnings regarding strong acids apply. H2SO4 likes to spatter. When it falls on the skin, it destroys tissue - often painfully. It dissolves all manner of clothing. Nitric also destroys skin, turning it bright yellow in the process. Nitric is an oxidant - it can start fires. Both agents will happily blind you if you get them in your eyes. Other warnings also apply. Not for the novice. Nitrocellulose decomposes very slowly on storage if it isn't stablized. The decomposition is auto- catalyzing, and can result in spontaneous explosion if the material is kept confined over time. The process is much faster if the material is not washed well enough. Nitrocellulose powders contain stabilizers such as diphenyl amine or ethyl centralite. DO NOT ALLOW THESE TO COME INTO CONTACT WITH NITRIC ACID!!!! A small amount of either substance will capture the small amounts of nitrogen oxides that result from decomposition. They therefore inhibit the autocatalysis. NC eventually will decompose in any case. Again, this is inherently dangerous and illegal in certain areas. I got away with it. You may kill yourself and others if you try it. Commercially produced Nitrocellulose is stabilized by: ------------------------------------------------------ 1. Spinning it in a large centrifuge to remove the remaining acid, which is recycled. 2. Immersion in a large quantity of fresh water. 3. Boiling it in acidulated water and washing it thoroughly with fresh water. If the NC is to be used as smokeless powder it is boiled in a soda solution, then rinsed in fresh water. The purer the acid used (lower water content) the more complete the nitration will be, and the more powerful the nitrocellulose produced. There are actually three forms of cellulose nitrate, only one of which is useful for pyrotechnic purposes. The mononitrate and dinitrate are not explosive, and are produced by incomplete nitration. If nitration is allowed to proceed to complete the explosive trinatrate is formed. (Ill. 3.22.2) CH OH CH ONO | 2 | 2 2 | | C-----O HNO C-----O /H \ 3 /H \ -CH CH-O- --> -CH CH-O- \H H/ H SO \H H/ C-----C 2 4 C-----C | | | | OH OH ONO ONO 2 2 CELLULOSE CELLULOSE TRINITRATE Ahh, fer the NEW CookbookÉ. -= Exodus =- '94 FUEL-OXODIZER MIXTURES -- (AKA: Starter Explosives) There are nearly an infinite number of fuel-oxodizer mixtures that can be produced by a misguided individual in his own home. Some are very effective and dangerous, while others are safer and less effective. A list of working fuel- oxodizer mixtures will be presented, but the exact measurements of each compound are debatable for maximum effectiveness. A rough estimate will be given of the percentages of each fuel and oxodizer: oxodizer, % by weight | fuel, % by weight | speed # | notes ============================================================================== potassium chlorate 67% sulfur 33% 5 friction/impact sensitive; unstable potassium chlorate 50% sugar 35% 5 fairly slow burning; charcoal 15% unstable potassium chlorate 50% sulfur 25% 8 extremely magnesium or unstable! aluminum dust 25% potassium chlorate 67% magnesium or 8 unstable aluminum dust 33% sodium nitrate 65% magnesium dust 30% ? unpredictable sulfur 5% burn rate potassium permanganate 60% glycerine 40% 4 delay before ignition depends WARNING: IGNITES SPONTANEOUSLY WITH GLYCERINE!!! upon grain size potassium permanganate 67% sulfur 33% 5 unstable potassium permangenate 60% sulfur 20% 5 unstable magnesium or aluminum dust 20% potassium permanganate 50% sugar 50% 3 ? potassium nitrate 75% charcoal 15% 7 this is sulfur 10% black powder! potassium nitrate 60% powdered iron 1 burns very hot or magnesium 40% potassium chlorate 75% phosphorus 8 used to make strike- sesquisulfide 25% anywhere matches ammonium perchlorate 70% aluminum dust 30% 6 solid fuel for and small amount of space shuttle iron oxide potassium perchlorate 67% magnesium or 10 flash powder (sodium perchlorate) aluminum dust 33% potassium perchlorate 60% magnesium or 8 alternate (sodium perchlorate) aluminum dust 20% flash powder sulfur 20% barium nitrate 30% aluminum dust 30% 9 alternate potassium perchlorate 30% flash powder barium peroxide 90% magnesium dust 5% 10 alternate aluminum dust 5% flash powder potassium perchlorate 50% sulfur 25% 8 slightly magnesium or unstable aluminum dust 25% potassium chlorate 67% red phosphorus 27% 7 very unstable calcium carbonate 3% sulfur 3% impact sensitive potassium permanganate 50% powdered sugar 25% 7 unstable; aluminum or ignites if magnesium dust 25% it gets wet! potassium chlorate 75% charcoal dust 15% 6 unstable sulfur 10% ================================================================================ NOTE: Mixtures that uses substitutions of sodium perchlorate for potassium perchlorate become moisture-absorbent and less stable. The higher the speed number, the faster the fuel-oxodizer mixture burns AFTER ignition. Also, as a rule, the finer the powder, the faster the rate of burning. As one can easily see, there is a wide variety of fuel-oxodizer mixtures that can be made at home. By altering the amounts of fuel and oxodizer(s), different burn rates can be achieved, but this also can change the sensitivity of the mixture. ExoDuS FLASH POWDER (By Dr. Tiel) Here are a few basic precautions to take if you're crazy enough to produce your own flash powder: (1) Grind the oxidizer (KNO3, KClO3, KMnO4, KClO4 etc) separately in a clean vessel. (2) NEVER grind or sift the mixed composition. (3) Mix the composition on a large paper sheet, by rolling the composition back and forth. (4) Do not store flash compositions, especially any containing Mg. (5) Make very small quantities at first, so you can appreciate the power of such mixtures. KNO3 50% (by weight) Mg 50% It is very important to have the KNO3 very dry, if evolution of ammonia is observed then the KNO3 has water in it. Very pure and dry KNO3 is needed. KClO3 with Mg or Al metal powders works very well. Many hands, faces and lives have been lost with such compositions. KMnO4 with Mg or Al is also an extremely powerful flash composition. KClO4 with Al is generally found in comercial fireworks, this does not mean that it is safe, it is a little safer than KClO3 above. K2Cr2O7 can also be used as an oxidizer for flash powder. The finer the oxidizer and the finer the metal powder the more powerful the explosive. This of course will also increase the sensetivity of the flash powder. For a quick flash small quantities can be burnt in the open. Larger quantities (50g or more) ignited in the open can detonate, they do not need a container to do so. NOTE: Flash powder in any container will detonate. Balanced equations of some oxidizer/metal reactions. Only major products are considered. Excess metal powders are generally used. This excess burns with atmospheric oxygen. 4 KNO3 + 10 Mg --> 2 K2O + 2 N2 + 10 MgO + energy KClO3 + 2 Al --> KCl + Al2O3 + energy 3 KClO4 + 8 Al --> 3 KCl + 4 Al2O3 + energy 6 KMnO4 + 14 Al --> 3 K2O + 7 Al2O3 + 6 Mn + energy Make Black Powder first if you have never worked with pyrotechnic materials, then think about this stuff. Dr. Van Tiel- Ph.D. Chemistry Potassium perchlorate is a lot safer than sodium/potassium chlorate. Compiled By: -= Exodus =- '94 The Firey Explosive Pen Written by Blue Max of Anarchist-R-Us ----------------------- Materials Needed Here's a GREAT little trick to play on 1] One Ball Point `Click` pen your best fiend (no thats not a typo) at 2] Gun Powder skool, or maybe as a practial joke on a 3] 8 or 10 match heads friend! 4] 1 Match stick 5] a sheet of sand paper (1 1/2" X 2") 1] Unscrew pen and remove all parts but leave the button in the top. 2] Stick the match stick in the part of the pen clicker where the other little parts and the ink fill was. 3] Roll sand paper up and put around the match stick that is in the clicker. 4] Put the remaining Match Heads inside the pen, make sure that they are on the inside on the sand paper. 5] Put a small piece of paper or something in the other end of the pen where the ball point comes out. 6] Fill the end with the piece of paper in it with gun powder. The paper is to keep the powder from spilling. The Finished pen should look like this: Small Paper Clog Gun Powder Matches & Sandpaper \ | | \ | | \ _________________|____________________|________ <_______________________________|_______________|=== call the RIPCO bulletin board, 'a hell of a bbs' at (xxx) xxx-xxxx -= Exodus=- makin' more for '94 PIPE BOMBS FROM SOFT METAL PIPES -= Exodus =- First, one flattens one end of a copper or aluminum pipe carefully, making sure not to tear or rip the piping. Then, the flat end of the pipe should be folded over at least once, if this does not rip the pipe. A fuse hole should be drilled in the pipe near the now closed end, and the fuse should be inserted. Next, the bomb- builder would partially fill the casing with a low order explosive, and pack it with a large wad of tissue paper. He would then flatten and fold the other end of the pipe with a pair of pliers. If he was not too dumb, he would do this slowly, since the process of folding and bending metal gives off heat, which could set off the explosive. A diagram is presented below: (Ill. #1) ÚÂÄÄÄÄÄÄż ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄŮł ł ł ł o ł ł ŔÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄżł ł ŔÁÄÄÄÄÄÄŮ fig. 1 pipe with one end flattened and fuse hole drilled (top view) (Ill. #2) ÚÄÄÂÄÄż ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄŮ ł ł ł ł ł ł o ł ł ŔÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄż ł ł ŔÄÄÁÄÄŮ fig. 2 pipe with one end flattened and folded up (top view) (Ill. #3) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ fuse hole ł ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄoÄÄÄÄż ÚÄÄÄÄż ł Ŕż ŔÄÄż ł ł ŔÄÄÄÄŮ ł ł ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄŮ ł ÚŮ ŔÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄŮ fig. 3 pipe with flattened and folded end (side view) (Revised ill. 4.14) AMMONIUM TRIIODIDE CRYSTALS Ammonium triiodide crystals are foul-smelling purple colored crystals that decompose under the slightest amount of heat, friction, or shock, if they are made with the purest ammonia (ammonium hydroxide) and iodine. Such crystals are said to detonate when a fly lands on them, or when an ant walks across them. Household ammonia, however, has enough impurities, such as soaps and abrasive agents, so that the crystals will detonate when thrown,crushed, or heated. Ammonia, when bought in stores comes in a variety of forms. The pine and cloudy ammonias should not be bought; only the clear ammonia should be used to make ammonium triiodide crystals. Upon detonation, a loud report is heard, and a cloud of purple iodine gas appears about the detonation site. Whatever the unfortunate surface that the crystal was detonated upon will usually be ruined, as some of the iodine in the crystal is thrown about in a solid form, and iodine is corrosive. It leaves nasty, ugly, permanent brownish-purple stains on whatever it contacts. Iodine gas is also bad news, since it can damage lungs, and it settles to the ground and stains things there also. Touching iodine leaves brown stains on the skin that last for about a week, unless they are immediately and vigorously washed off. While such a compound would have little use to a serious terrorist, a vandal could utilize them in damaging property. Or, a terrorist could throw several of them into a crowd as a distraction, an action which would possibly injure a few people, but frighten almost anyone, since a small crystal that may not be seen when thrown produces a rather loud explosion. Ammonium triiodide crystals could be produced in the following manner: Materials Equipment ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ iodine crystals funnel and filter paper paper towels clear ammonia (ammonium hydroxide, two throw-away glass jars for the suicidal) 1) Place about two teaspoons of iodine into one of the glass jars. The jars must both be throw away because they will never be clean again. 2) Add enough ammonia to completely cover the iodine. 3) Place the funnel into the other jar, and put the filter paper in the funnel. The technique for putting filter paper in a funnel is taught in every basic chemistry lab class: fold the circular paper in half, so that a semi-circle is formed. Then, fold it in half again to form a triangle with one curved side. Pull one thickness of paper out to form a cone, and place the cone into the funnel. 4) After allowing the iodine to soak in the ammonia for a while, pour the solution into the paper in the funnel through the filter paper. 5) While the solution is being filtered, put more ammonia into the first jar to wash any remaining crystals into the funnel as soon as it drains. 6) Collect all the purplish crystals without touching the brown filter paper, and place them on the paper towels to dry for about an hour. Make sure that they are not too close to any lights or other sources of heat, as they could well detonate. While they are still wet, divide the wet material into eight pieces of about the same size. 7) After they dry, gently place the crystals onto a one square inch piece of duct tape. Cover it with a similar piece, and gently press the duct tape together around the crystal, making sure not to press the crystal itself. Finally, cut away most of the excess duct tape with a pair of scissors, and store the crystals in a cool dry safe place. They have a shelf life of about a week, and they should be stored in individual containers that can be thrown away, since they have a tendency to slowly decompose, a process which gives off iodine vapors, which will stain whatever they settle on. One possible way to increase their shelf life is to store them in airtight containers. To use them, simply throw them against any surface or place them where they will be stepped on or crushed. -= Exodus =- SULFURIC ACID by Exodus Sulfuric acid is far too difficult to make outside of a laboratory or industrial plant. However, it is readily available in an uncharged car battery. A person wishing to make sulfuric acid would simply remove the top of a car battery and pour the acid into a glass container. There would probably be pieces of lead from the battery in the acid which would have to be removed, either by boiling or filtration. The concentration of the sulfuric acid can also be increased by boiling it; very pure sulfuric acid pours slightly faster than clean motor oil. AMMONIUM NITRATE Ammonium nitrate is a very powerful but insensitive high-order explosive. It could be made very easily by pouring nitric acid into a large flask in an ice bath. Then, by simply pouring household ammonia into the flask and running away, ammonium nitrate would be formed. After the materials have stopped reacting, one would simply have to leave the solution in a warm place until all of the water and any unneutralized ammonia or acid have evaporated. There would be a fine powder formed, which would be ammonium nitrate. It must be kept in an airtight container, because of its tendency to pick up water from the air. The crystals formed in the above process would have to be heated VERY gently to drive off the remaining water. BLACK POWDER 3 First made by the Chinese for use in fireworks, black powder was first used in weapons and explosives in the 12th century. It is very simple to make, but it is not very powerful or safe. Only about 50% of black powder is converted to hot gasses when it is burned; the other half is mostly very fine burned particles. Black powder has one major problem: it can be ignited by static electricity. This is very bad, and it means that the material must be made with wooden or clay tools. Anyway, a misguided individual could manufacture black powder at home with the following procedure: MATERIALS EQUIPMENT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ potassium clay grinding bowl nitrate (75 g) and clay grinder or or sodium wooden salad bowl nitrate (75 g) and wooden spoon sulfur (10 g) plastic bags (3) charcoal (15 g) 300-500 ml beaker (1) distilled water coffee pot or heat source 1) Place a small amount of the potassium or sodium nitrate in the grinding bowl and grind it to a very fine powder. Do this to all of the potassium or sodium nitrate, and store the ground powder in one of the plastic bags. 2) Do the same thing to the sulfur and charcoal, storing each chemical in a separate plastic bag. 3) Place all of the finely ground potassium or sodium nitrate in the beaker, and add just enough boiling water to the chemical to get it all wet. 4) Add the contents of the other plastic bags to the wet potassium or sodium nitrate, and mix them well for several minutes. Do this until there is no more visible sulfur or charcoal, or until the mixture is universally black. 5) On a warm sunny day, put the beaker outside in the direct sunlight. Sunlight is really the best way to dry black powder, since it is never too hot, but it is hot enough to evaporate the water. 6) Scrape the black powder out of the beaker, and store it in a safe container. Plastic is really the safest container, followed by paper. Never store black powder in a plastic bag, since plastic bags are prone to generate static electricity. Another addition to the CookBookÉÉ -= Exodus =- '94 NITROCELLULOSE -= Exodus =- Nitrocellulose is usually called "gunpowder" or "guncotton". It is more stable than black powder, and it produces a much greater volume of hot gas. It also burns much faster than black powder when it is in a confined space. Finally, nitrocellulose is fairly easy to make, as outlined by the following procedure: MATERIALS EQUIPMENT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ cotton (cellulose) two (2) 200-300 ml beakers concentrated funnel and filter paper nitric acid blue litmus paper concentrated sulfuric acid distilled water 1) Pour 10 cc of concentrated sulfuric acid into the beaker. Add to this 10 cc of concentrated nitric acid. 2) Immediately add 0.5 gm of cotton, and allow it to soak for exactly 3 minutes. 3) Remove the nitrocotton, and transfer it to a beaker of distilled water to wash it in. 4) Allow the material to dry, and then re-wash it. 5) After the cotton is neutral when tested with litmus paper, it is ready to be dried and stored. R.D.X. 2 R.D.X., also called cyclonite, or composition C-1 (when mixed with plasticisers) is one of the most valuable of all military explosives. This is because it has more than 150% of the power of T.N.T., and is much easier to detonate. It should not be used alone, since it can be set off by a not-too severe shock. It is less sensitive than mercury fulminate, or nitroglycerine, but it is still too sensitive to be used alone. NO 2 | N / \ RDX MOLECULE / \ H C H C / 2 2 / | O N N--NO 2 \ / 2 \ / \ / CH 2 R.D.X. can be made by the surprisingly simple method outlined hereafter. It is much easier to make in the home than all other high explosives, with the possible exception of ammonium nitrate. MATERIALS EQUIPMENT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ hexamine 500 ml beaker or methenamine glass stirring rod fuel tablets (50 g) funnel and filter paper concentrated nitric acid (550 ml) ice bath container (plastic bucket) distilled water centigrade thermometer table salt blue litmus paper ice ammonium nitrate 1) Place the beaker in the ice bath, (see section 3.13, steps 3-4) and carefully pour 550 ml of concentrated nitric acid into the beaker. 2) When the acid has cooled to below 20 degrees centigrade, add small amounts of the crushed fuel tablets to the beaker. The temperature will rise, and it must be kept below 30 degrees centigrade, or dire consequences could result. Stir the mixture. 3) Drop the temperature below zero degrees centigrade, either by adding more ice and salt to the old ice bath, or by creating a new ice bath. Or, ammonium nitrate could be added to the old ice bath, since it becomes cold when it is put in water. Continue stirring the mixture, keeping the temperature below zero degrees centigrade for at least twenty minutes 4) Pour the mixture into a litre of crushed ice. Shake and stir the mixture, and allow it to melt. Once it has melted, filter out the crystals, and dispose of the corrosive liquid. 5) Place the crystals into one half a litre of boiling distilled water. Filter the crystals, and test them with the blue litmus paper. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the litmus paper remains blue. This will make the crystals more stable and safe. 6) Store the crystals wet until ready for use. Allow them to dry completely using them. R.D.X. is not stable enough to use alone as an explosive. 7) Composition C-1 can be made by mixing 88.3% R.D.X. (by weight) with 11.1% mineral oil, and 0.6% lecithin. Kneed these material together in a plastic bag. This is one way to desensitize the explosive. 8) H.M.X. is a mixture of T.N.T. and R.D.X.; the ratio is 50/50, by weight. it is not as sensitive, and is almost as powerful as straight R.D.X. 9) By adding ammonium nitrate to the crystals of R.D.X. after step 5, it should be possible to desensitize the R.D.X. and increase its power, since ammonium nitrate is very insensitive and powerful. Soduim or potassium nitrate could also be added; a small quantity is sufficient to stabilize the R.D.X. 10) R.D.X. detonates at a rate of 8550 meters/second when it is compressed to a density of 1.55 g/cubic cm. -= Exodus =- PICRIC ACID Brought to you by: -= Exodus =- Picric acid, also known as Tri-Nitro-Phenol, or T.N.P., is a military explosive that is most often used as a booster charge to set off another less sensitive explosive, such as T.N.T. It another explosive that is fairly simple to make, assuming that one can acquire the concentrated sulfuric and nitric acids. Its procedure for manufacture is given in many college chemistry lab manuals, and is easy to follow. The main problem with picric acid is its tendency to form dangerously sensitive and unstable picrate salts, such as potassium picrate. For this reason, it is usually made into a safer form, such as ammonium picrate, also called explosive D. A social deviant would probably use a formula similar to the one presented here to make picric acid. MATERIALS EQUIPMENT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ phenol (9.5 g) 500 ml flask concentrated adjustable heat source sulfuric acid (12.5 ml) 1000 ml beaker concentrated nitric or other container acid (38 ml) suitable for boiling in distilled water filter paper and funnel glass stirring rod 1) Place 9.5 grams of phenol into the 500 ml flask, and carefully add 12.5 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid and stir the mixture. 2) Put 400 ml of tap water into the 1000 ml beaker or boiling container and bring the water to a gentle boil. 3) After warming the 500 ml flask under hot tap water, place it in the boiling water, and continue to stir the mixture of phenol and acid for about thirty minutes. After thirty minutes, take the flask out, and allow it to cool for about five minutes. 4) Pour out the boiling water used above, and after allowing the container to cool, use it to create an ice bath, similar to the one used in section 3.13, steps 3-4. Place the 500 ml flask with the mixed acid an phenol in the ice bath. Add 38 ml of concentrated nitric acid in small amounts, stirring the mixture constantly. A vigorous but "harmless" reaction should occur. When the mixture stops reacting vigorously, take the flask out of the ice bath. 5) Warm the ice bath container, if it is glass, and then begin boiling more tap water. Place the flask containing the mixture in the boiling water, and heat it in the boiling water for 1.5 to 2 hours. 6) Add 100 ml of cold distilled water to the solution, and chill it in an ice bath until it is cold. 7) Filter out the yellowish-white picric acid crystals by pouring the solution through the filter paper in the funnel. Collect the liquid and dispose of it in a safe place, since it is corrosive. 8) Wash out the 500 ml flask with distilled water, and put the contents of the filter paper in the flask. Add 300 ml of water, and shake vigorously. 9) Re-filter the crystals, and allow them to dry. 10) Store the crystals in a safe place in a glass container, since they will react with metal containers to produce picrates that could explode spontaneously. CHEMICAL FIRE BOTTLE The chemical fire bottle is really an advanced molotov cocktail. Rather than using the burning cloth to ignite the flammable liquid, which has at best a fair chance of igniting the liquid, the chemical fire bottle utilizes the very hot and violent reaction between sulfuric acid and potassium chlorate. When the container breaks, the sulfuric acid in the mixture of gasoline sprays onto the paper soaked in potassium chlorate and sugar. The paper, when struck by the acid, instantly bursts into a white flame, igniting the gasoline. The chance of failure to ignite the gasoline is less than 2%, and can be reduced to 0%, if there is enough potassium chlorate and sugar to spare. MATERIALS EQUIPMENT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ potassium chlorate 12 bottle (2 teaspoons) sugar (2 teaspoons) cap for bottle, w/plastic inside conc. sulfuric acid (4 oz.) cooking pan with raised edges gasoline (8 oz.) paper towels glass or plastic cup and spoon 1) Test the cap of the bottle with a few drops of sulfuric acid to make sure that the acid will not eat away the bottle cap during storage. If the acid eats through it in 24 hours, a new top must be found and tested, until a cap that the acid does not eat through is found. A glass top is excellent. 2) Carefully pour 8 oz. of gasoline into the glass bottle. 3) Carefully pour 4 oz. of concentrated sulfuric acid into the glass bottle. Wipe up any spills of acid on the sides of the bottle, and screw the cap on the bottle. Wash the bottle's outside with plenty of water. Set it aside to dry. 4) Put about two teaspoons of potassium chlorate and about two teaspoons of sugar into the glass or plastic cup. Add about 1/2 cup of boiling water, or enough to dissolve all of the potassium chlorate and sugar. 5) Place a sheet of paper towel in the cooking pan with raised edges. Fold the paper towel in half, and pour the solution of dissolved potassium chlorate and sugar on it until it is thoroughly wet. Allow the towel to dry. 6) When it is dry, put some glue on the outside of the glass bottle containing the gasoline and sulfuric acid mixture. Wrap the paper towel around the bottle, making sure that it sticks to it in all places. Store the bottle in a place where it will not be broken or tipped over. 7) When finished, the solution in the bottle should appear as two distinct liquids, a dark brownish-red solution on the bottom, and a clear solution on top. The two solutions will not mix. To use the chemical fire bottle, simply throw it at any hard surface. 8) NEVER OPEN THE BOTTLE, SINCE SOME SULFURIC ACID MIGHT BE ON THE CAP, WHICH COULD TRICKLE DOWN THE SIDE OF THE BOTTLE AND IGNITE THE POTASSIUM CHLORATE, CAUSING A FIRE AND/OR EXPLOSION. 9) To test the device, tear a small piece of the paper towel off the bottle, and put a few drops of sulfuric acid on it. The paper towel should immediately burst into a white flame. BOTTLED GAS EXPLOSIVES Bottled gas, such as butane for refilling lighters, propane for propane stoves or for bunsen burners, can be used to produce a powerful explosion. To make such a device, all that a simple-minded anarchist would have to do would be to take his container of bottled gas and place it above a can of Sterno or other gelatinized fuel, light the fuel and run. Depending on the fuel used, and on the thickness of the fuel container, the liquid gas will boil and expand to the point of bursting the container in about five minutes. In theory, the gas would immediately be ignited by the burning gelatinized fuel, producing a large fireball and explosion. Unfortunately, the bursting of the bottled gas container often puts out the fuel, thus preventing the expanding gas from igniting. By using a metal bucket half filled with gasoline, however, the chances of ignition are better, since the gasoline is less likely to be extinguished. Placing the canister of bottled gas on a bed of burning charcoal soaked in gasoline would probably be the most effective way of securing ignition of the expanding gas, since although the bursting of the gas container may blow out the flame of the gasoline, the burning charcoal should immediately re-ignite it. Nitrous oxide, hydrogen, propane, acetylene, or any other flammable gas will do nicely. During the recent gulf war, fuel/air bombs were touted as being second only to nuclear weapons in their devastating effects. These are basically similar to the above devices, except that an explosive charge is used to rupture the fuel container and disperse it over a wide area. a second charge is used to detonate the fuel. The reaction is said to produce a massive shockwave and to burn all the oxygen in a large area, causing suffocation. Another benefit of a fuel-air explosive is that the gas will seep into fortified bunkers and other partially-sealed spaces, so a large bomb placed in a building would result in the destruction of the majority of surrounding rooms, rendering it structurally unsound. Exodus '94 Fun with dry iceÉ LOTS of fun with dry ice. (from the Usenet.) --------------------------------------------- There is no standard formula for a dry ice bomb, however a generic form is as follows: Take a 2-liter soda bottle, empty it completely, then add about 3/4 Lb of Dry Ice (crushed works best) and (optional) a quantity of water. Depending on the condition of the bottle, the weather, and the amount and temperature of the bottle the bomb will go off in 30 seconds - 5 minutes. Without any water added, the 2-liter bottles will go often in 3-7 minutes if dropped into a warm river, and in 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours in open air. The explosion sounds equivalent to an M-100. _Plastic_ 16 oz. soda bottles and 1 liter bottles work almost as well as do the 2-liters, however glass bottles aren't nearly as loud, and can produce dangerous shrapnel. Remember, these are LOUD! A classmate of mine set up 10 bottles in a nearby park without adding water. After the first two went off (there was about 10 minutes between explosions) the Police arrived and spent the next hour trying to find the guy who they thought was setting off M-100's all around themÉ USES FOR DRY ICE Time Bombs: 1. Get a small plastic container with lid (we used the small plastic cans that hold the coaters used for large-format Polaroid film). A film canister would probably work; the key is, it should seal tightly and take a fair amount of effort to open). Place a chunk of dry ice in the can, put on the lid without quite sealing it. Put the assembled bomb in your pocket, or behind your back. Approach the mark and engage in normal conversation. When his attention is drawn away, quickly seal the lid on the bomb, deposit it somewhere within a few feet of the mark, out of obvious sight, then leave. Depending on variables (you'll want to experiment first), you'll hear a loud "pop" and an even louder "Aarrggghhh!" within a minute, when the CO2 pressure becomes sufficient to blow off the lid. In a cluttered lab, this is doubly nasty because the mark will proabably never figure out what made the noise. 2. Put 2-3 inches of water in a 2-liter plastic pop bottle. Put in as many chunks of dry ice as possible before the smoke gets too thick. Screw on the cap, place in an appropriate area, and run like hell. After about a minute (your mileage may vary), a huge explosion will result, spraying water everywhere, along with what's left of the 2-liter bottle. More things to do with Dry Ice: Has anyone ever thrown dry ice into a public pool? As long as you chuck it into the bottom of the deep end, it's safe, and it's really impressive if the water is warm enough "Fun stuff. It SCREAMS when it comes into contact with metalÉ" "You can safely hold a small piece of dry ice in your mouth if you KEEP IT MOVING CONSTANTLY. It looks like you're smoking or on fire." Editor's Note: Dry ice can be a lot of fun, but be forewarned: Using anything but plastic to contain dry ice bombs is suicidal. Dry ice is more dangerous than TNT, because it's extremely unpredictable. Even a 2-liter bottle can produce some nasty shrapnel: One source tells me that he caused an explosion with a 2-liter bottle that destroyed a metal garbage can. In addition, it is rumored that several kids have been killed by shards of glass resulting from the use of a glass bottle. For some reason, dry ice bombs have become very popular in the state of Utah. As a result, dry ice bombs have been classified as infernal devices, and possession is a criminal offense. A classic for the Book.. -= Exodus =- '94 IGNITION DEVICES There are many ways to ignite explosive devices. There is the classic "light the fuse, throw the bomb, and run" approach, and there are sensitive mercury switches, and many things in between. Generally, electrical detonation systems are safer than fuses, but there are times when fuses are more appropriate than electrical systems; it is difficult to carry an electrical detonation system into a stadium, for instance, without being caught. A device with a fuse or impact detonating fuze would be easier to hide. FUSE IGNITION The oldest form of explosive ignition, fuses are perhaps the favorite type of simple ignition system. By simply placing a piece of waterproof fuse in a device, one can have almost guaranteed ignition. Modern waterproof fuse is extremely reliable, burning at a rate of about 2.5 seconds to the inch. It is available as model rocketry fuse in most hobby shops, and costs about $3.00 for a nine-foot length. Cannon Fuse is a popular ignition system for pipe bombers because of its simplicity. All that need be done is light it with a match or lighter. Of course, if the Army had fuses like this, then the grenade, which uses fuse ignition, would be very impracticle. If a grenade ignition system can be acquired, by all means, it is the most effective. But, since such things do not just float around, the next best thing is to prepare a fuse system which does not require the use of a match or lighter, but still retains its simplicity. One such method is described below: MATERIALS _________ strike-on-cover type matches electrical tape or duct tape waterproof fuse 1) To determine the burn rate of a particular type of fuse, simply measure a 6 inch or longer piece of fuse and ignite it. With a stopwatch, press the start button the at the instant when the fuse lights, and stop the watch when the fuse reaches its end. Divide the time of burn by the length of fuse, and you have the burn rate of the fuse, in seconds per inch. This will be shown below: Suppose an eight inch piece of fuse is burned, and its complete time of combustion is 20 seconds. 20 seconds / 8 inches = 2.5 seconds per inch. If a delay of 10 seconds was desired with this fuse, divide the desired time by the number of seconds per inch: 10 seconds / 2.5 seconds per inch = 4 inches NOTE: THE LENGTH OF FUSE HERE MEANS LENGTH OF FUSE TO THE POWDER. SOME FUSE, AT LEAST AN INCH, SHOULD BE INSIDE THE DEVICE. ALWAYS ADD THIS EXTRA INCH, AND PUT THIS EXTRA INCH AN INCH INTO THE DEVICE!!! 2) After deciding how long a delay is desired before the explosive device is to go off, add about 1/2 an inch to the premeasured amount of fuse, and cut it off. 3) Carefully remove the cardboard matches from the paper match case. Do not pull off individual matches; keep all the matches attached to the cardboard base. Take one of the cardboard match sections, and leave the other one to make a second igniter. 4) Wrap the matches around the end of the fuse, with the heads of the matches touching the very end of the fuse. Tape them there securely, making sure not to put tape over the match heads. Make sure they are very secure by pulling on them at the base of the assembly. They should not be able to move. 5) Wrap the cover of the matches around the matches attached to the fuse, making sure that the striker paper is below the match heads and the striker faces the match heads. Tape the paper so that is fairly tight around the matches. Do not tape the cover of the striker to the fuse or to the matches. Leave enough of the match book to pull on for ignition. _____________________ \ / \ / ------ match book cover \ / | M|f|M ---|------- match head | A|u|A | | T|s|T | | C|e|C | |tapeH|.|Htape| | |f| | |#####|u|#####|-------- striking paper |#####|s|#####| \ |e| / \ |.| / \ |f| / \ |u| / |ta|s|pe| |ta|e|pe| |.| |f| |u| |s| |e| |.| |_| The match book is wrapped around the matches, and is taped to itself. The matches are taped to the fuse. The striker will rub against the matcheads when the match book is pulled. 6) When ready to use, simply pull on the match paper. It should pull the striking paper across the match heads with enough friction to light them. In turn, the burning matcheads will light the fuse, since it adjacent to the burning match heads. HOW TO MAKE BLACKMATCH FUSE: ---------------------------- Take a flat piece of plastic or metal (brass or aluminum are easy to work with and won't rust). Drill a 1/16th inch hole through it. This is your die for sizing the fuse. You can make fuses as big as you want, but this is the right size for the pipe bomb I will be getting to later. To about 1/2 cup of black powder add water to make a thin paste. Add 1/2 teaspoon of corn starch. Cut some one foot lengths of cotton thread. Use cotton, not silk or thread made from synthetic fibers. Put these together until you have a thickness that fills the hole in the die but can be drawn through very easily. Tie your bundle of threads together at one end. Separate the threads and hold the bundle over the black powder mixture. Lower the threads with a circular motion so they start curling onto the mixture. Press them under with the back of a teaspoon and continue lowering them so they coil into the paste. Take the end you are holding and thread it through the die. Pull it through smoothly in one long motion. To dry your fuse, lay it on a piece of aluminum foil and bake it in your 250 degree oven or tie it to a grill in the oven and let it hang down. The fuse must be baked to make it stiff enough for the uses it will be put to later. Air drying will not do the job. If you used Sodium Nitrate, it will not even dry completely at room temperatures. Cut the dry fuse with sissors into 2 inch lengths and store in an air tight container. Handle this fuse carefuly to avoid breaking it. You can also use a firecracker fuse if you have any available. The fuses can usually be pulled out without breaking. To give yourself some running time, you will be extending these fuses (blackmatch or firecracker fuse) with sulfured wick. Finally, it is possible to make a relatively slow-burning fuse in the home. By dissolving about one teaspoon of black powder in about 1/4 a cup of boiling water, and, while it is still hot, soaking in it a long piece of all cotton string, a slow-burning fuse can be made. After the soaked string dries, it must then be tied to the fuse of an explosive device. Sometimes, the end of the slow burning fuse that meets the normal fuse has a charge of black powder or gunpowder at the intersection point to insure ignition, since the slow-burning fuse does not burn at a very high temperature. A similar type of slow fuse can be made by taking the above mixture of boiling water and black powder and pouring it on a long piece of toilet paper. The wet toilet paper is then gently twisted up so that it resembles a firecracker fuse, and is allowed to dry. HOW TO MAKE SULFURED WICK ------------------------- Use heavy cotton string about 1/8th inch in diameter. You can find some at a garden supply for tieing up your tomatoes. Be sure it's cotton. You can test it by lighting one end. It sould continue to burn after the match is removed and when blown out will have a smoldering coal on the end. Put some sulfur in a small container like a small pie pan and melt it in the oven at 250 degrees. It will melt into a transparent yellow liquid. If it starts turning brown, it is too hot. Coil about a one foot length of string into it. The melted sulfur will soak in quickly. When saturated, pull it out and tie it up to cool and harden. It can be cut to desired lengths with sissors. 2 inches is about right. These wicks will burn slowly with a blue flame and do not blow out easily in a moderate wind. They will not burn through a hole in a metal pipe, but are great for extending your other fuse. They will not throw off sparks. Blackmatch generates sparks which can ignite it along its length causing unpredictable burning times. --IMPACT IGNITION Impact ignition is an excellent method of ignition for spontaneous terrorist activities. The problem with an impact-detonating device is that it must be kept in a very safe container so that it will not explode while being transported to the place where it is to be used. This can be done by having a removable impact initiator. The best and most reliable impact initiator is one that uses factory made initiators or primers. A no. 11 cap for black powder firearms is one such primer. They usually come in boxes of 100, and cost about $2.50. To use such a cap, however, one needs a nipple that it will fit on. Black powder nipples are also available in gun stores. All that a person has to do is ask for a package of nipples and the caps that fit them. Nipples have a hole that goes all the way through them, and they have a threaded end, and an end to put the cap on. A cutaway of a nipple is shown below: ________________ | | _ | | | | |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\| _______| |^^^^^^^| | ___________| | | no. 11 |_______| percussion _______ ------- threads for screwing cap : here |__________ nipple onto bomb |____ | | |^^^^^^^^^| |_| |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/| | | |_________________| When making using this type of initiator, a hole must be drilled into whatever container is used to make the bomb out of. The nipple is then screwed into the hole so that it fits tightly. Then, the cap can be carried and placed on the bomb when it is to be thrown. The cap should be bent a small amount before it is placed on the nipple, to make sure that it stays in place. The only other problem involved with an impact detonating bomb is that it must strike a hard surface on the nipple to set it off. By attaching fins or a small parachute on the end of the bomb opposite the primer, the bomb, when thrown, should strike the ground on the primer, and explode. Of course, a bomb with mercury fulminate in each end will go off on impact regardless of which end it strikes on, but mercury fulminate is also likely to go off if the person carrying the bomb is bumped hard. ---MAGICUBE IGNITOR A VERY SENSITIVE and reliable impact iniator can be produced from the common MAGICUBE ($2.40 for 12) type flashbulbs. Simply crack the plastic cover off, remove the reflector, and you will see 4 bulbs, each of which has a small metal rod holding it in place. CAREFULLY grasp this rod with a pair of needle-nose pliers, and pry gently upwards, making sure that NO FORCE IS APPLIED TO THE GLASS BULB. Each bulb is coated with plastic, which must be removed for them to be effective in our application. This coating can be removed by soaking the bulbs in a small glass of acetone for 30-45 minutes, at which point the plastic can be easily peeled away. The best method to use these is to dissolve some nitrocellulose based smokeless powder in acetone and/or ether, forming a thich glue-like paste. Coat the end of the fuse with this paste, then stick the bulb (with the metal rod facing out) into the paste. About half the bulb should be completely covered, and if a VERY THIN layer of nitrocellulose is coated over the remainder then ignition should be very reliable. To insure that the device lands with the bulb down, a small streamer can be attached to the opposite side, so when it is tossed high into the air the appropriate end will hit the ground first. ---ELECTRICAL IGNITION Electrical ignition systems for detonation are usually the safest and most reliable form of ignition. Electrical systems are ideal for demolition work, if one doesn't have to worry so much about being caught. With two spools of 500 ft of wire and a car battery, one can detonate explosives from a "safe", comfortable distance, and be sure that there is nobody around that could get hurt. With an electrical system, one can control exactly what time a device will explode, within fractions of a second. Detonation can be aborted in less than a second's warning, if a person suddenly walks by the detonation sight, or if a police car chooses to roll by at the time. The two best electrical igniters are military squibs and model rocketry igniters. Blasting caps for construction also work well. Model rocketry igniters are sold in packages of six, and cost about $1.00 per pack. All that need be done to use them is connect it to two wires and run a current through them. Military squibs are difficult to get, but they are a little bit better, since they explode when a current is run through them, whereas rocketry igniters only burst into flame. Most squibs will NOT detonate KClO3/petroleum jelly or RDX. This requires a blasting cap type detonation in most cases. There are, however, military explosive squibs which will do the job. Igniters can be used to set off black powder, mercury fulminate, or guncotton, which in turn, can set of a high order explosive. ---HOW TO MAKE AN ELECTRIC FUZE (By Capt. Hack & GW) Take a flashlight bulb and place it glass tip down on a file. Grind it down on the file until there is a hole in the end. Solder one wire to the case of the bulb and another to the center conductor at the end. Fill the bulb with black powder or powdered match head. One or two flashlight batteries will heat the filament in the bulb causing the powder to ignite. ---ANOTHER ELECTRIC FUZE Take a medium grade of steel wool and pull a strand out of it. Attach it to the ends of two pieces of copper wire by wrapping it around a few turns and then pinch on a small piece of solder to bind the strand to the wire. You want about 1/2 inch of steel strand between the wires. Number 18 or 20 is a good size wire to use. Cut a 1/2 by 1 inch piece of cardboard of the type used in match covers. Place a small pile of powdered match head in the center and press it flat. place the wires so the steel strand is on top of and in contact with the powder. Sprinkle on more powder to cover the strand. The strand should be surounded with powder and not touching anything else except the wires at its ends. Place a piece of blackmatch in contact with the powder. Now put a piece of masking tape on top of the lot, and fold it under on the two ends. Press it down so it sticks all around the powder. The wires are sticking out on one side and the blackmatch on the other. A single flashlight battery will set this off. ---ELECTRO-MECHANICAL IGNITION Electro-mechanical ignition systems are systems that use some type of mechanical switch to set off an explosive charge electrically. This type of switch is typically used in booby traps or other devices in which the person who places the bomb does not wish to be anywhere near the device when it explodes. Several types of electro-mechanical detonators will be discussed ---Mercury Switches Mercury switches are a switch that uses the fact that mercury metal conducts electricity, as do all metals, but mercury metal is a liquid at room temperatures. A typical mercury switch is a sealed glass tube with two electrodes and a bead of mercury metal. It is sealed because of mercury's nasty habit of giving off brain-damaging vapors. The diagram below may help to explain a mercury switch. ______________ A / \ B _____wire +______/_________ \ \ ( Hg )| / \ _(_Hg___)|___/ | | wire - | | | When the drop of mercury ("Hg" is mercury's atomic symbol) touches both contacts, current flows through the switch. If this particular switch was in its present position, A---B, current would be flowing, since the mercury can touch both contacts in the horizontal position. If, however, it was in the | position, the drop of mercury would only touch the + contact on the A side. Current, then couldn't flow, since mercury does not reach both contacts when the switch is in the vertical position. This type of switch is ideal to place by a door. If it were placed in the path of a swinging door in the verticle position, the motion of the door would knock the switch down, if it was held to the ground by a piece if tape. This would tilt the switch into the verticle position, causing the mercury to touch both contacts, allowing current to flow through the mercury, and to the igniter or squib in an explosive device. ---Tripwire Switches A tripwire is an element of the classic booby trap. By placing a nearly invisible line of string or fishing line in the probable path of a victim, and by putting some type of trap there also, nasty things can be caused to occur. If this mode of thought is applied to explosives, how would one use such a tripwire to detonate a bomb. The technique is simple. By wrapping the tips of a standard clothespin with aluminum foil, and placing something between them, and connecting wires to each aluminum foil contact, an electric tripwire can be made, If a piece of wood attached to the tripwire was placed between the contacts on the clothespin, the clothespin would serve as a switch. When the tripwire was pulled, the clothespin would snap together, allowing current to flow between the two pieces of aluminum foil, thereby completing a circuit, which would have the igniter or squib in it. Current would flow between the contacts to the igniter or squib, heat the igniter or squib, causing it it to explode. Make sure that the aluminum foil contacts do not touch the spring, since the spring also conducts electricity. ---Radio Control Detonators In the movies, every terrorist or criminal uses a radio controlled detonator to set off explosives. With a good radio detonator, one can be several miles away from the device, and still control exactly when it explodes, in much the same way as an electrical switch. The problem with radio detonators is that they are rather costly. However, there could possibly be a reason that a terrorist would wish to spend the amounts of money involved with a RC (radio control) system and use it as a detonator. If such an individual wanted to devise an RC detonator, all he would need to do is visit the local hobby store or toy store, and buy a radio controlled toy. Taking it back to his/her abode, all that he/she would have to do is detach the solenoid/motor that controls the motion of the front wheels of a RC car, or detach the solenoid/motor of the elevators/rudder of a RC plane, or the rudder of a RC boat, and re-connect the squib or rocket engine igniter to the contacts for the solenoid/motor. The device should be tested several times with squibs or igniters, and fully charged batteries should be in both he controller and the receiver (the part that used to move parts before the device became a detonator). ---DELAYS A delay is a device which causes time to pass from when a device is set up to the time that it explodes. A regular fuse is a delay, but it would cost quite a bit to have a 24 hour delay with a fuse. This section deals with the different types of delays that can be employed by a terrorist who wishes to be sure that his bomb will go off, but wants to be out of the country when it does. ---FUSE DELAYS It is extremely simple to delay explosive devices that employ fuses for ignition. Perhaps the simplest way to do so is with a cigarette. An average cigarette burns for between 8-11 minutes. The higher the "tar" and nicotine rating, the slower the cigarette burns. Low "tar" and nicotine cigarettes burn quicker than the higher "tar" and nicotine cigarettes, but they are also less likely to go out if left unattended, i.e. not smoked. Depending on the wind or draft in a given place, a high "tar" cigarette is better for delaying the ignition of a fuse, but there must be enough wind or draft to give the cigarette enough oxygen to burn. People who use cigarettes for the purpose of delaying fuses will often test the cigarettes that they plan to use in advance to make sure they stay lit and to see how long it will burn. Once a cigarettes burn rate is determined, it is a simple matter of carefully putting a hole all the way through a cigarette with a toothpick at the point desired, and pushing the fuse for a device in the hole formed. |=| |=| ---------- filter |=| | | | | |o| ---------- hole for fuse cigarette ------------ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_| ---------- light this end ---TIMER DELAYS Timer delays, or "time bombs" are usually employed by an individual who wishes to threaten a place with a bomb and demand money to reveal its location and means to disarm it. Such a device could be placed in any populated place if it were concealed properly. There are several ways to build a timer delay. By simply using a screw as one contact at the time that detonation is desired, and using the hour hand of a clock as the other contact, a simple timer can be made. The minute hand of a clock should be removed, unless a delay of less than an hour is desired. The main disadvantage with this type of timer is that it can only be set for a maximum time of 12 hours. If an electronic timer is used, such as that in an electronic clock, then delays of up to 24 hours are possible. By removing the speaker from an electronic clock, and attaching the wires of a squib or igniter to them, a timer with a delay of up to 24 hours can be made. All that one has to do is set the alarm time of the clock to the desired time, connect the leads, and go away. This could also be done with an electronic watch, if a larger battery were used, and the current to the speaker of the watch was stepped up via a transformer. This would be good, since such a timer could be extremely small. The timer in a VCR (Video Cassette Recorder) would be ideal. VCR's can usually be set for times of up to a week. The leads from the timer to the recording equipment would be the ones that an igniter or squib would be connected to. Also, one can buy timers from electronics stores that would be work well. Finally, one could employ a digital watch, and use a relay, or electro-magnetic switch to fire the igniter, and the current of the watch would not have to be stepped up. ---CHEMICAL DELAYS Chemical delays are uncommon, but they can be extremely effective in some cases. These were often used in the bombs the Germans dropped on England. The delay would ensure that a bomb would detonate hours or even days after the initial bombing raid, thereby increasing the terrifying effect on the British citizenry. If a glass container is filled with concentrated sulfuric acid, and capped with several thicknesses of aluminum foil, or a cap that it will eat through, then it can be used as a delay. Sulfuric acid will react with aluminum foil to produce aluminum sulfate and hydrogen gas, and so the container must be open to the air on one end so that the pressure of the hydrogen gas that is forming does not break the container. _ _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____________| | | | | | | | sulfuric | | | | | | | | acid | | | | | |---------- aluminum foil | |_____________| | (several thicknesses) |_________________| The aluminum foil is placed over the bottom of the container and secured there with tape. When the acid eats through the aluminum foil, it can be used to ignite an explosive device in several ways. 1) Sulfuric acid is a good conductor of electricity. If the acid that eats through the foil is collected in a glass container placed underneath the foil, and two wires are placed in the glass container, a current will be able to flow through the acid when both of the wires are immersed in the acid. 2) Sulfuric acid reacts very violently with potassium chlorate. If the acid drips down into a container containing potassium chlorate, the potassium chlorate will burst into flame. This flame can be used to ignite a fuse, or the potassium chlorate can be the igniter for a thermite bomb, if some potassium chlorate is mixed in a 50/50 ratio with the thermite, and this mixture is used as an igniter for the rest of the thermite. 3) Sulfuric acid reacts with potassium permangenate in a similar way. -= Exodus =- --FILM CANISTERS 2 (Originally By Bill) For a relatively low shrapnel explosion, I suggest pouring it into an empty 35mm film cannister. Poke a hole in the plastic lid for a fuse. These goodies make an explosion audible a mile away easily. 1) Poke the hole before putting the flash powder into the cannister. 2) Don't get any powder on the lip of the cannister. 3) Only use a very small quantity and work your way up to the desired result. 4) Do not pack the powder, it works best loose. 5) Do not grind or rub the mixture - it is friction sensitive. 6) Use a long fuse. -= Exodus =- --BOOK BOMBS Exodus Concealing a bomb can be extremely difficult in a day and age where perpetrators of violence run wild. Bags and briefcases are often searched by authorities whenever one enters a place where an individual might intend to set off a bomb. One approach to disguising a bomb is to build what is called a book bomb; an explosive device that is entirely contained inside of a book. Usually, a relatively large book is required, and the book must be of the hardback variety to hide any protrusions of a bomb. Dictionaries, law books, large textbooks, and other such books work well. When an individual makes a bookbomb, he/she must choose a type of book that is appropriate for the place where the book bomb will be placed. The actual construction of a book bomb can be done by anyone who possesses an electric drill and a coping saw. First, all of the pages of the book must be glued together. By pouring an entire container of water-soluble glue into a large bucket, and filling the bucket with boiling water, a glue-water solution can be made that will hold all of the book's pages together tightly. After the glue-water solution has cooled to a bearable temperature, and the solution has been stirred well, the pages of the book must be immersed in the glue-water solution, and each page must be thoroughly soaked. It is extremely important that the covers of the book do not get stuck to the pages of the book while the pages are drying. Suspending the book by both covers and clamping the pages together in a vise works best. When the pages dry, after about three days to a week, a hole must be drilled into the now rigid pages, and they should drill out much like wood. Then, by inserting the coping saw blade through the pages and sawing out a rectangle from the middle of the book, the individual will be left with a shell of the book's pages. The pages, when drilled out, should look like this: ________________________ | ____________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__________________| | |______________________| (book covers omitted) This rectangle must be securely glued to the back cover of the book. After building his/her bomb, which usually is of the timer or radio controlled variety, the bomber places it inside the book. The bomb itself, and whatever timer or detonator is used, should be packed in foam to prevent it from rolling or shifting about. Finally, after the timer is set, or the radio control has been turned on, the front cover is glued closed, and the bomb is taken to its destination. ---PHONE BOMBS -= Exodus =- The phone bomb is an explosive device that has been used in the past to kill or injure a specific individual. The basic idea is simple: when the person answers the phone, the bomb explodes. If a small but powerful high explosive device with a squib was placed in the phone receiver, when the current flowed through the receiver, the squib would explode, detonating the high explosive in the person's hand. Nasty. All that has to be done is acquire a squib, and tape the receiver switch down. Unscrew the mouthpiece cover, and remove the speaker, and connect the squib's leads where it was. Place a high explosive putty, such as C-1 (see section 3.31) in the receiver, and screw the cover on, making sure that the squib is surrounded by the C-1. Hang the phone up, and leave the tape in place. When the individual to whom the phone belongs attempts to answer the phone, he will notice the tape, and remove it. This will allow current to flow through the squib. Note that the device will not explode by merely making a phone call; the owner of the phone must lift up the receiver, and remove the tape. It is highly probable that the phone will be by his/her ear when the device explodesÉ --IMPROVED PHONE BOMB The above seems overly complicated to meÉ it would be better to rig the device as follows: _________ FIRST UNPLUG THE PHONE FROM THE WALL /|-------|\ Wire the detonator IN LINE with the wires going to the earpiece, ~ | | ~ (may need to wire it with a relay so the detonator can receive @@@@@@@@ the full line power, not just the audio power to the earpiece) @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ Pack C4 into the phone body (NOT the handset) and plug it back in. When they pick up the phone, power will flow through the circuit to the detonatorÉ. SPECIAL AMMUNITION FOR BLOWGUNS The blowgun is an interesting weapon which has several advantages. A blowgun can be extremely accurate, concealable, and deliver an explosive or poisoned projectile. The manufacture of an explosive dart or projectile is not difficult. To acquire a blowgun, please contact the editor at one of the addresses given in the introduction. Perhaps the most simple design for such involves the use of a pill capsule, such as the kind that are taken for headaches or allergies. Empty gelatin pill capsules can be purchased from most health-food stores. Next, the capsule would be filled with an impact-sensitive explosive, such as mercury fulminate. An additional high explosive charge could be placed behind the impact sensitive explosive, if one of the larger capsules were used. Finally, the explosive capsule would be reglued back together, and a tassel or cotton would be glued to the end containing the high explosive, to insure that the impact-detonating explosive struck the target first. Such a device would probably be about 3/4 of an inch long, not including the tassel or cotton, and look something like this: ____________________ /mercury | \----------------------- (fulminate| R.D.X. )---------------------- } tassels \________|___________/----------------------- Care must be taken- if a powerful dart went off in the blowgun, you could easily blow the back of your head off. SPECIAL AMMUNITION FOR WRISTROCKETS AND SLINGSHOTS A modern wristrocket is a formidable weapon. It can throw a shooter marble about 500 ft. with reasonable accuracy. Inside of 200 ft., it could well be lethal to a man or animal, if it struck in a vital area. Because of the relatively large sized projectile that can be used in a wristrocket, the wristrocket can be adapted to throw relatively powerful explosive projectiles. A small segment of aluminum pipe could be made into an impact-detonating device by filling it with an impact-sensitive explosive material. Also, such a pipe could be filled with a low-order explosive, and fitted with a fuse, which would be lit before the device was shot. One would have to make sure that the fuse was of sufficient length to insure that the device did not explode before it reached its intended target. Finally, .22 caliber caps, such as the kind that are used in .22 caliber blank guns, make excellent exploding ammunition for wristrockets, but they must be used at a relatively close range, because of their light weight. SPECIAL AMMUNITION FOR FIREARMS When special ammunition is used in combination with the power and rapidity of modern firearms, it becomes very easy to take on a small army with a single weapon. It is possible to buy explosive ammunition, but that can be difficult to do. Such ammunition can also be manufactured in the home. There is, however, a risk involved with modifying any ammunition. If the ammunition is modified incorrectly, in such a way that it makes the bullet even the slightest bit wider, an explosion in the barrel of the weapon will occur. For this reason, NOBODY SHOULD EVER ATTEMPT TO MANUFACTURE SUCH AMMUNITION. SPECIAL AMMUNITION FOR HANDGUNS If an individual wished to produce explosive ammunition for his/her handgun, he/she could do it, provided that the person had an impact-sensitive explosive and a few simple tools. One would first purchase all lead bullets, and then make or acquire an impact-detonating explosive. By drilling a hole in a lead bullet with a drill, a space could be created for the placement of an explosive. After filling the hole with an explosive, it would be sealed in the bullet with a drop of hot wax from a candle. A diagram of a completed exploding bullet is shown below. _o_ ------------ drop of wax /|*|\ | |*|-|----------- impact-sensitive explosive | |_| | |_____| This hollow space design also works for putting poison in bullets. In many spy thrillers, an assassin is depicted as manufacturing "exploding bullets" by placing a drop of mercury in the nose of a bullet. Through experimentation it has been found that this will not work. Mercury reacts with lead to form a inert silvery compound. SPECIAL AMMUNITION FOR SHOTGUNS Because of their large bore and high power, it is possible to create some extremely powerful special ammunition for use in shotguns. If a shotgun shell is opened at the top, and the shot removed, the shell can be re-closed. Then, if one can find a very smooth, lightweight wooden dowel that is close to the bore width of the shotgun, a person can make several types of shotgun-launched weapons. Insert the dowel in the barrel of the shotgun with the shell without the shot in the firing chamber. Mark the dowel about six inches away from the end of the barrel, and remove it from the barrel. Next, decide what type of explosive or incendiary device is to be used. This device can be a chemical fire bottle (sect. 3.43), a pipe bomb (sect 4.42), or a thermite bomb (sect 3.41 and 4.42). After the device is made, it must be securely attached to the dowel. When this is done, place the dowel back in the shotgun. The bomb or incendiary device should be on the end of the dowel. Make sure that the device has a long enough fuse, light the fuse, and fire the shotgun. If the projectile is not too heavy, ranges of up to 300 ft are possible. A diagram of a shotgun projectile is shown below: ____ || | || | || | ----- bomb, securely taped to dowel || | ||__| || | || | ------- fuse || | || || || || --------- dowel || || || || --------- insert this end into shotgun || || Special "grenade-launcher blanks" should be used- use of regular blank ammunition may cause the device to land perilously close to the user. SPECIAL AMMUNITION FOR COMPRESSED AIR/GAS WEAPONS This section deals with the manufacture of special ammunition for compressed air or compressed gas weapons, such as pump B.B guns, CO2 B.B guns, and .22 cal pellet guns. These weapons, although usually thought of as kids toys, can be made into rather dangerous weapons. SPECIAL AMMUNITION FOR B.B GUNS A B.B gun, for this manuscript, will be considered any type of rifle or pistol that uses compressed air or CO2 gas to fire a projectile with a caliber of .177, either B.B, or lead pellet. Such guns can have almost as high a muzzle velocity as a bullet-firing rifle. Because of the speed at which a .177 caliber projectile flies, an impact detonating projectile can easily be made that has a caliber of .177. Most ammunition for guns of greater than .22 caliber use primers to ignite the powder in the bullet. These primers can be bought at gun stores, since many people like to reload their own bullets. Such primers detonate when struck by the firing pin of a gun. They will also detonate if they are thrown at a hard surface at a great speed. Usually, they will also fit in the barrel of a .177 caliber gun. If they are inserted flat end first, they will detonate when the gun is fired at a hard surface. If such a primer is attached to a piece of thin metal tubing, such as that used in an antenna, the tube can be filled with an explosive, be sealed, and fired from a B.B gun. A diagram of such a projectile appears below: _____ primers _______ | | | | | | V V ______ ______ | ________________________ |------------------- | ****** explosive ******* |------------------- } tassel or | ________________________ |------------------- cotton |_____ _____|------------------- ^ | | |_______ antenna tubing The front primer is attached to the tubing with a drop of super glue. The tubing is then filled with an explosive, and the rear primer is glued on. Finally, a tassel, or a small piece of cotton is glued to the rear primer, to insure that the projectile strikes on the front primer. The entire projectile should be about 3/4 of an inch long. SPECIAL AMMUNITION FOR .22 CALIBER PELLET GUNS A .22 caliber pellet gun usually is equivalent to a .22 cal rifle, at close ranges. Because of this, relatively large explosive projectiles can be adapted for use with .22 caliber air rifles. A design similar to that used in section 5.12 is suitable, since some capsules are about .22 caliber or smaller. Or, a design similar to that in section 5.31 could be used, only one would have to purchase black powder percussion caps, instead of ammunition primers, since there are percussion caps that are about .22 caliber. A #11 cap is too small, but anything larger will do nicely. -= Exodus =- ROCKETS AND CANNONS Rockets and cannon are generally thought of as heavy artillery. Perpetrators of violence do not usually employ such devices, because they are difficult or impossible to acquire. They are not, however, impossible to make. Any individual who can make or buy black powder or pyrodex can make such things. A terrorist with a cannon or large rocket is, indeed, something to fear. ROCKETS Rockets were first developed by the Chinese several hundred years before the myth of christ began. They were used for entertainment, in the form of fireworks. They were not usually used for military purposes because they were inaccurate, expensive, and unpredictable. In modern times, however, rockets are used constantly by the military, since they are cheap, reliable, and have no recoil. Perpetrators of violence, fortunately, cannot obtain military rockets, but they can make or buy rocket engines. Model rocketry is a popular hobby of the space age, and to launch a rocket, an engine is required. Estes, a subsidiary of Damon, is the leading manufacturer of model rockets and rocket engines. Their most powerful engine, the "D" engine, can develop almost 12 lbs. of thrust; enough to send a relatively large explosive charge a significant distance. Other companies, such as Centuri, produce even larger rocket engines, which develop up to 30 lbs. of thrust. These model rocket engines are quite reliable, and are designed to be fired electrically. Most model rocket engines have three basic sections. The diagram below will help explain them. _________________________________________________________ |_________________________________________________________| -- cardboard \ clay | - - - - - - - - - - | * * * | . . . .|c| casing \_______| - - - - - - - - - | * * * | . . . |l| _______ - - - thrust - - - | smoke | eject |a| / clay | - - - - - - - - - | * * * | . . . .|y| /________|_____________________|_______|________|_|_______ |_________________________________________________________| -- cardboard casing The clay nozzle is where the igniter is inserted. When the area labeled "thrust" is ignited, the "thrust" material, usually a large single grain of a propellant such as black powder or pyrodex, burns, forcing large volumes of hot, rapidly expanding gasses out the narrow nozzle, pushing the rocket forward. After the material has been consumed, the smoke section of the engine is ignited. It is usually a slow-burning material, similar to black powder that has had various compounds added to it to produce visible smoke, usually black, white, or yellow in color. This section exists so that the rocket will be seen when it reaches its maximum altitude, or apogee. When it is burned up, it ignites the ejection charge, labeled "eject". The ejection charge is finely powdered black powder. It burns very rapidly, exploding, in effect. The explosion of the ejection charge pushes out the parachute of the model rocket. It could also be used to ignite the fuse of a bombÉ Rocket engines have their own peculiar labeling system. Typical engine labels are: 1/4A-2T, 1/2A-3T, A8-3, B6-4, C6-7, and D12-5. The letter is an indicator of the power of an engine. "B" engines are twice as powerful as "A" engines, and "C" engines are twice as powerful as "B" engines, and so on. The number following the letter is the approximate thrust of the engine, in pounds. the final number and letter is the time delay, from the time that the thrust period of engine burn ends until the ejection charge fires; "3T" indicates a 3 second delay. NOTE: an extremely effective rocket propellant can be made by mixing aluminum dust with ammonium perchlorate and a very small amount of iron oxide. The mixture is bound together by an epoxy. BASIC ROCKET BOMB A rocket bomb is simply what the name implies: a bomb that is delivered to its target by means of a rocket. Most people who would make such a device would use a model rocket engine to power the device. By cutting fins from balsa wood and gluing them to a large rocket engine, such as the Estes "C" engine, a basic rocket could be constructed. Then, by attaching a "crater maker", or CO2 cartridge bomb to the rocket, a bomb would be added. To insure that the fuse of the "crater maker" (see sect. 4.42) ignited, the clay over the ejection charge of the engine should be scraped off with a plastic tool. The fuse of the bomb should be touching the ejection charge, as shown below. ____________ rocket engine | _________ crater maker | | | | V | _______________________________V_ |_______________________________| ______________________ \ | - - - - - -|***|::::| /# # # # # # # # # # # \ \__| - - - - - -|***|::::| ___/ # # # # # # # # # # # \ __ - - - - - -|***|::::|---fuse--- # # explosive # # ) / | - - - - - -|***|::::| ___ # # # # # # # # # # # / /___|____________|___|____|____ \_______________________/ |_______________________________| thrust> - - - - - - smoke> *** ejection charge> :::: Duct tape is the best way to attach the crater maker to the rocket engine. Note in the diagram the absence of the clay over the ejection charge Many different types of explosive payloads can be attached to the rocket, such as a high explosive, an incendiary device, or a chemical fire bottle. Either four or three fins must be glued to the rocket engine to insure that the rocket flies straight. The fins should look like the following diagram: |\ | \ | \ | \ <--------- glue this to rocket engine | \ | \ | \ | | | | | | leading edge | -------> | | | | | trailing edge | | <-------- | | | | | | | | \_____/ The leading edge and trailing edge should be sanded with sandpaper so that they are rounded. This will help make the rocket fly straight. A two inch long section of a plastic straw can be attached to the rocket to launch it from. A clothes hanger can be cut and made into a launch rod. The segment of a plastic straw should be glued to the rocket engine adjacent to one of the fins of the rocket. A front view of a completed rocket bomb is shown below. | fin | <------ fin | | | | | | | __|__ | V / \ V ---------------| |--------------- \_____/ |o <----------- segment of plastic straw | | | <------ fin | | By cutting a coat hanger at the indicated arrows, and bending it, a launch rod can be made. After a fuse is inserted in the engine, the rocket is simply slid down the launch rod, which is put through the segment of plastic straw. The rocket should slide easily along a coathanger, such as the one illustated on the following page: ____ / \ | | cut here _____ | | | | | | / \ V / \ _________________/ \________________ / \ / \ /____________________________________________\ ^ | | and here ______| Bend wire to this shape: _______ insert into straw | | | V ____________________________________________ \ \ \ \ \ <--------- bend here to adjust flight angle | | | | | | <---------- put this end in ground | LONG RANGE ROCKET BOMB Long range rockets can be made by using multi-stage rockets. Model rocket engines with an "0" for a time delay are designed for use in multi-stage rockets. An engine such as the D12-0 is an excellent example of such an engine. Immediately after the thrust period is over, the ejection charge explodes. If another engine is placed directly against the back of an "0" engine, the explosion of the ejection charge will send hot gasses and burning particles into the nozzle of the engine above it, and ignite the thrust section. This will push the used "0" engine off of the rocket, causing an overall loss of weight. The main advantage of a multi-stage rocket is that it loses weight as travels, and it gains velocity. A multi-stage rocket must be designed somewhat differently than a single stage rocket, since, in order for a rocket to fly straight, its center of gravity must be ahead of its center of drag. This is accomplished by adding weight to the front of the rocket, or by moving the center of drag back by putting fins on the rocket that are well behind the rocket. A diagram of a multi-stage rocket appears on the following page: ___ / \ | | | C | | M | ------ CM: Crater Maker | | | | |___| | | | | | | | C | ------ C6-5 rocket engine /| 6 |\ / | | | \ / | 5 | \ / |___| \ ---- fin / /| |\ \ / / | | \ \ / / | | \ \ / / | C | \ \ | / | 6 | \ | | / | | | \ | | / | 0 | \ | |/ |___| \| | / \ | \______/ ^ \______/ ------- fin | | | | C6-0 rocket engine The fuse is put in the bottom engine. Two, three, or even four stages can be added to a rocket bomb to give it a longer range. It is important, however, that for each additional stage, the fin area gets larger. -= Exodus =- '94 BASIC PIPE CANNON -= Exodus =- A simple cannon can be made from a thick pipe by almost anyone. The only difficult part is finding a pipe that is extremely smooth on its interior. This is absolutely necessary; otherwise, the projectile may jam. Copper or aluminum piping is usually smooth enough, but it must also be extremely thick to withstand the pressure developed by the expanding hot gasses in a cannon. If one uses a projectile such as a CO2 cartridge, since such a projectile can be made to explode, a pipe that is about 1.5 - 2 feet long is ideal. Such a pipe MUST have walls that are at least 1/3 to 1/2 an inch thick, and be very smooth on the interior. If possible, screw an endplug into the pipe. Otherwise, the pipe must be crimped and folded closed, without cracking or tearing the pipe. A small hole is drilled in the back of the pipe near the crimp or endplug. Then, all that need be done is fill the pipe with about two teaspoons of grade blackpowder or pyrodex, insert a fuse, pack it lightly by ramming a wad of tissue paper down the barrel, and drop in a CO2 cartridge. Brace the cannon securely against a strong structure, light the fuse, and run. If the person is lucky, he will not have overcharged the cannon, and he will not be hit by pieces of exploding barrel. Such a cannon would look like this: __________________ fuse hole | | V ________________________________________________________________ | |_____________________________________________________________| |endplug|powder|t.p.| CO2 cartridge | ______|______|____|____________________________________________ |_|______________________________________________________________| An exploding projectile can be made for this type of cannon with a CO2 cartridge. It is relatively simple to do. Just make a crater maker, and construct it such that the fuse projects about an inch from the end of the cartridge. Then, wrap the fuse with duct tape, covering it entirely, except for a small amount at the end. Put this in the pipe cannon without using a tissue paper packing wad. ___ When the cannon is fired, it ( ) will ignite the end of the |C | fuse, and shoot the CO2 | M| cartridge. The | | explosive-filled cartridge | | will explode in about three \ / seconds, if all goes well. [] <--- taped fuse Such a projectile would look [] like this: [] ! <--- Bare fuse (add matchheads) ROCKET FIRING CANNON ___ A rocket firing cannon can be made exactly like a / \ normal cannon; the only difference is the ammunition. A | | rocket fired from a cannon will fly further than a rocket | C | alone, since the action of shooting it overcomes the | M | initial inertia. A rocket that is launched when it is | | moving will go further than one that is launched when it | | is stationary. Such a rocket would resemble a normal |___| rocket bomb, except it would have no fins. It would look | E | like the image to the left. | N | | G | the fuse on such a device would, obviously, be short, | I | but it would not be ignited until the rocket's ejection | N | charge exploded. Thus, the delay before the ejection | E | charge, in effect, becomes the delay before the bomb |___| explodes. Note that no fuse need be put in the rocket; the burning powder in the cannon will ignite it, and simultaneously push the rocket out of the cannon at a high velocity. REINFORCED PIPE CANNON In high school, a friend and I built cannons and launched CO2 cartridges, etc, etc. However, the design of the cannon is what I want to add here. It was made from plain steel water pipe, steel wire, and lead. Here is a cross section: _______ | | | xxxxx_____________________________________________ 2" ID pipe | |_________________________________________________ | | ÉÉÉÉÉÉ.. <- steel wire } | | _____ } 3/4" ID pipe this | | | xxx______________________________________}_________________ wire | | | |__________________________________________________________ holds | |É.| | it up |>|É.| | in the| | | |__________________________________________________________ cooker| | | xxx________________________________________________________ | | |____ } | | ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ } <- cast lead | |_______________________________________________}_ | | _____________________________________________ | xxxxx |_____| We dug into the side of a sand pile and built a chimney out of firebrick. Then we stood the assembled pipe and wire on end in the chimney, sitting on some bricks. We then had a blowtorch heating up the chimney, so that the pipe was red hot. Then we poured molten lead into the space between the pipes. If the caps aren't screwed on real tight, some of the lead will leak out. If that happens, turn off the blowtorch and the pipe will cool enough and the lead will stiffen and stop the leak. We used homemeade and commercial black powder, and slow smokeless shotgun powder in this thing. After hundreds of shots we cut it up and there was no evidence of cracks or swelling of the inner pipe. SMOKE BOMBS 4.14 -= Exodus =- One type of pyrotechnic device that might be employed by a terrorist in many way would be a smoke bomb. Such a device could conceal the getaway route, or cause a diversion, or simply provide cover. Such a device, were it to produce enough smoke that smelled bad enough, could force the evacuation of a building, for example. Smoke bombs are not difficult to make. Although the military smoke bombs employ powdered white phosphorus or titanium compounds, such materials are usually unavailable to even the most well-equipped terrorist. Instead, he/she would have to make the smoke bomb for themselves. Most homemade smoke bombs usually employ some type of base powder, such as black powder or pyrodex, to support combustion. The base material will burn well, and provide heat to cause the other materials in the device to burn, but not completely or cleanly. Table sugar, mixed with sulfur and a base material, produces large amounts of smoke. Sawdust, especially if it has a small amount of oil in it, and a base powder works well also. Other excellent smoke ingredients are small pieces of rubber, finely ground plastics, and many chemical mixtures. The material in road flares can be mixed with sugar and sulfur and a base powder produces much smoke. Most of the fuel-oxodizer mixtures, if the ratio is not correct, produce much smoke when added to a base powder. The list of possibilities goes on and on. The trick to a successful smoke bomb also lies in the container used. A plastic cylinder works well, and contributes to the smoke produced. The hole in the smoke bomb where the fuse enters must be large enough to allow the material to burn without causing an explosion. This is another plus for plastic containers, since they will melt and burn when the smoke material ignites, producing an opening large enough to prevent an explosion. --SIMPLE SMOKE The following reaction should produce a fair amount of smoke. Since this reaction is not all that dangerous you can use larger amounts if necessary 6 pt. ZINC POWDER 1 pt. SULFUR POWDER Insert a red hot wire into the pile, step back. ---COLORED FLAMES Colored flames can often be used as a signaling device for terrorists. by putting a ball of colored flame material in a rocket; the rocket, when the ejection charge fires, will send out a burning colored ball. The materials that produce the different colors of flames appear below. COLOR MATERIAL USED IN red strontium road flares, salts red sparklers (strontium nitrate) green barium salts green sparklers (barium nitrate) yellow sodium salts gold sparklers (sodium nitrate) blue powdered copper blue sparklers, old pennies white powdered magnesium firestarters, or aluminum aluminum foil purple potassium permanganate purple fountains, treating sewage ** FIRECRACKERS ** A simple firecracker can be made from cardboard tubing and epoxy. The instructions are below: 1) Cut a small piece of cardboard tubing from the tube you are using. "Small" means anything less than 4 times the diameter of the tube. 2) Set the section of tubing down on a piece of wax paper, and fill it with epoxy and the drying agent to a height of 3/4 the diameter of the tubing. Allow the epoxy to dry to maximum hardness, as specified on the package. 3) When it is dry, put a small hole in the middle of the tube, and insert a desired length of fuse. 4) Fill the tube with any type of flame-sensitive explosive. Flash powder, pyrodex, black powder, potassium picrate, lead azide, nitrocellulose, or any of the fast burning fuel-oxodizer mixtures will do nicely. Fill the tube almost to the top. 5) Pack the explosive tightly in the tube with a wad of tissue paper and a pencil or other suitable ramrod. Be sure to leave enough space for more epoxy. 6) Fill the remainder of the tube with the epoxy and hardener, and allow it to dry. 7) For those who wish to make spectacular firecrackers, always use flash powder, mixed with a small amount of other material for colors. By crushing the material on a sparkler, and adding it to the flash powder, the explosion will be the same color as the sparkler. By adding small chunks of sparkler material, the device will throw out colored burning sparks, of the same color as the sparkler. By adding powdered iron, orange sparks will be produced. White sparks can be produced from magnesium shavings, or from small, LIGHTLY crumpled balls of aluminum foil. Example: Suppose I wish to make a firecracker that will explode with a red flash, and throw out white sparks. First, I would take a road flare, and finely powder the material inside it. Or, I could take a red sparkler, and finely powder it. Then, I would mix a small amount of this material with the flash powder. (NOTE: FLASH POWDER MAY REACT WITH SOME MATERIALS THAT IT IS MIXED WITH, AND EXPLODE SPONTANEOUSLY!) I would mix it in a ratio of 9 parts flash powder to 1 part of flare or sparkler material, and add about 15 small balls of aluminum foil I would store the material in a plastic bag overnight outside of the house, to make sure that the stuff doesn't react. Then, in the morning, I would test a small amount of it, and if it was satisfactory, I would put it in the firecracker. 8) If this type of firecracker is mounted on a rocket engine, professional to semi-professional displays can be produced. --SKYROCKETS An impressive home made skyrocket can easily be made in the home from model rocket engines. Estes engines are recommended. 1) Buy an Estes Model Rocket Engine of the desired size, remembering that the power doubles with each letter. (See sect. 6.1 for details) 2) Either buy a section of body tube for model rockets that exactly fits the engine, or make a tube from several thicknesses of paper and glue. 3) Scrape out the clay backing on the back of the engine, so that the powder is exposed. Glue the tube to the engine, so that the tube covers at least half the engine. Pour a small charge of flash powder in the tube, about 1/2 an inch. 4) By adding materials as detailed in the section on firecrackers, various types of effects can be produced. 5) By putting Jumping Jacks or bottle rockets without the stick in the tube, spectacular displays with moving fireballs or M.R.V.'s can be produced. 6) Finally, by mounting many home made firecrackers on the tube with the fuses in the tube, multiple colored bursts can be made. ---ROMAN CANDLES Roman candles are impressive to watch. They are relatively difficult to make, compared to the other types of home-made fireworks, but they are well worth the trouble. 1) Buy a 1/2 inch thick model rocket body tube, and reinforce it with several layers of paper and/or masking tape. This must be done to prevent the tube from exploding. Cut the tube into about 10 inch lengths. 2) Put the tube on a sheet of wax paper, and seal one end with epoxy and the drying agent. About 1/2 of an inch is sufficient. 3) Put a hole in the tube just above the bottom layer of epoxy, and insert a desired length of water proof fuse. Make sure that the fuse fits tightly. 4) Pour about 1 inch of pyrodex or gunpowder down the open end of the tube. 5) Make a ball by powdering about two 6 inch sparklers of the desired color. Mix this powder with a small amount of flash powder and a small amount of pyrodex, to have a final ratio (by volume) of 60% sparkler material / 20% flash powder / 20% pyrodex. After mixing the powders well, add water, one drop at a time, and mixing continuously, until a damp paste is formed. This paste should be moldable by hand, and should retain its shape when left alone. Make a ball out of the paste that just fits into the tube. Allow the ball to dry. 6) When it is dry, drop the ball down the tube. It should slide down fairly easily. Put a small wad of tissue paper in the tube, and pack it gently against the ball with a pencil. 7) When ready to use, put the candle in a hole in the ground, pointed in a safe direction, light the fuse, and run. If the device works, a colored fireball should shoot out of the tube to a height of about 30 feet. This height can be increased by adding a slightly larger powder charge in step 4, or by using a slightly longer tube. 8) If the ball does not ignite, add slightly more pyrodex in step 5. 9) The balls made for roman candles also function very well in rockets, producing an effect of falling colored fireballs. -= Exodus =- '94 -------**>> LISTS OF SUPPLIERS AND MORE INFORMATION <<**-------- Most, if not all, of the information in this publication can be obtained through a public or university library. There are also many publications that are put out by people who want to make money by telling other people how to make explosives at home. Adds for such appear frequently in paramilitary magazines and newspapers. This list is presented to show the large number of places that information and materials can be purchased from. It also includes fireworks companies and the like. COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS WHAT COMPANY SELLS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ FULL AUTO CO. INC. EXPLOSIVE RECIPES, P.O. BOX 1881 PAPER TUBING MURFREESBORO, TN 37133 UNLIMITED CHEMICALS AND FUSE BOX 1378-SN HERMISTON, OREGON 97838 AMERICAN FIREWORKS NEWS FIREWORKS NEWS MAGAZINE WITH SR BOX 30 SOURCES AND TECHNIQUES DINGMAN'S FERRY, PENNSYLVANIA 18328 BARNETT INTERNATIONAL INC. BOWS, CROSSBOWS, ARCHERY MATERIALS, 125 RUNNELS STREET AIR RIFLES P.O. BOX 226 PORT HURON, MICHIGAN 48060 CROSSMAN AIR GUNS AIR GUNS P.O. BOX 22927 ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14692 R. ALLEN PROFESSIONAL FIREWORKS CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 146 BOOKS & FORMULAS WILLOW GROVE, PA 19090 MJ DISTRIBUTING FIREWORKS FORMULAS P.O. BOX 10585 YAKIMA,WA 98909 EXECUTIVE PROTECTION PRODUCTS INC. TEAR GAS GRENADES, 316 CALIFORNIA AVE. PROTECTION DEVICES RENO, NEVADA 89509 COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS WHAT COMPANY SELLS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ BADGER FIREWORKS CO. INC. CLASS "B" AND "C" FIREWORKS BOX 1451 JANESVILLE, WISCONSIN 53547 NEW ENGLAND FIREWORKS CO. INC. CLASS "C" FIREWORKS P.O. BOX 3504 STAMFORD, CONNECTICUTT 06095 RAINBOW TRAIL CLASS "C" FIREWORKS BOX 581 EDGEMONT, PENNSYLVANIA 19028 STONINGTON FIREWORKS INC. CLASS "C" AND "B" FIREWORKS 4010 NEW WILSEY BAY U.25 ROAD RAPID RIVER, MICHIGAN 49878 WINDY CITY FIREWORKS INC. CLASS "C" AND "B" FIREWORKS P.O. BOX 11 (GOOD PRICES!) ROCHESTER, INDIANA 46975 BOOKS ÄÄÄÄÄ THE ANARCHIST COOKBOOK II-IV (highly circulated) THE IMPROVISED MUNITIONS MANUAL (formulas work, but put maker at risk) MILITARY EXPLOSIVES Two manuals of interest: Duponts "Blaster's Handbook", a $20 manual mainly useful for rock and seismographic operations. Atlas's "Powder Manual" or "Manual of Rock Blasting" (I forget the title, it's in the office). This is a $60 book, well worth the cash, dealing with the above two topics, plus demolitions, and non-quarry blasting. -= Exodus =- CHECKLIST FOR RAIDS ON LABS by: Exodus In the end, the serious terrorist would probably realize that if he/she wishes to make a truly useful explosive, he or she will have to steal the chemicals to make the explosive from a lab. A list of such chemicals in order of priority would probably resemble the following: LIQUIDS SOLIDS _______ ______ ____ Nitric Acid ____ Potassium Perchlorate ____ Sulfuric Acid ____ Potassium Chlorate ____ 95% Ethanol ____ Picric Acid (usually a powder) ____ Toluene ____ Ammonium Nitrate ____ Perchloric Acid ____ Powdered Magnesium ____ Hydrochloric Acid ____ Powdered Aluminum ____ Potassium Permanganate GASES ____ Sulfur (flowers of) _______ ____ Mercury ____ Potassium Nitrate ____ Hydrogen ____ Potassium Hydroxide ____ Oxygen ____ Phosphorus ____ Chlorine ____ Sodium Azide ____ Carbon Dioxide ____ Lead Acetate ____ Barium Nitrate Print this sheet out and carry it with you! Memorize it, anything. It is INVALUABLE. All of these chemicals should be carried in your school lab. Happy hunting. :) - Exodus - MISC ANARCHY! PART 2 - Tennis ball cannons ------ Information from the Usenet. The Usenet is a worldwide network of 15,000 machines and over 500,000 people- And growing! Addendum by The Editor: If you aren't in the Chicago area, check a local BBS list. If you see a BBS which runs under UNIX, odds are it carries usenet. The appropriate place to look is rec.pyrotechnics. At this time (twelve years ago) most soft drink cans were rolled tin rather than the molded aluminum. We would cut the tops and bottoms off of a bunch of them and tape them together with duct tape, forming a tube of two feet or more. At the end we would tape a can with the bottom intact, more holes punched (with a can opener) around the top, and a small hole in the side at the base. We then fastened this contraption to a tripod so we could aim it reliably. Any object that came somewhat close to filling the tube was then placed therein. In the shop, we used the clock as a target and an empty plastic solder spool as ammunition, with tape over the ends of the center hole and sometimes filled with washers for weight. When taken to parties or picnics, we would use whatever was handy. Hot dog rolls or napkins filled with potato chips provided spectacular entertainment. Once loaded, a small amount of lighter fluid was poured into the hole in the side of the end can and allowed to vaporize for a few moments. The "fire control technician" would announce "Fire in the Hole" and ignite it. BOOM! Whoosh! The clock never worked after that! ---------- Our version of the potato chip cannon, originally designed around the Pringles potato chip can, was built similarly. Ours used coke cans, six with the top and bottom removed, and the seventh had Bottle opener holes all around one end, the top of this can was covered with a grid or piece of wire screening to keep the tennis ball from falling all the way to the bottom. This was spiral wrapped with at least two rolls of duct tape. A wooden shoulder rest and forward hand grip was taped to the tube. For ignition we used lantern batteries to a model-t coil, actuated by a push button on the hand grip. A fresh wilson tennis ball was stuffed all the way back to the grid, and a drop or two of lighter fluid was dropped in one of two holes in the end. The ignition wire was poked through the other hole. We would then lie in ambush, waiting for somthing to move. When fired with the proper air/fuel mixture, a satisfying thoomp! At maximum range the ball would travel about 100 yards with a 45 degree launch angle. Closer up the ball would leave a welt on an warring opponent. When launched at a moving car the thud as it hit the door would generally rattle anyone inside. Luckily we never completed the one that shot golf balls. PART 4 More Fun Stuff for Terrorists Carbide Bomb This is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. Exercise extreme cautionÉ. Obtain some calcium carbide. This is the stuff that is used in carbide lamps and can be found at nearly any hardware store. Take a few pieces of this stuff (it looks like gravel) and put it in a glass jar with some water. Put a lid on tightly. The carbide will react with the water to produce acetylene carbonate which is similar to the gas used in cutting torches. Eventually the glass with explode from internal pressure. If you leave a burning rag nearby, you will get a nice fireball! Auto Exhaust Flame Thrower For this one, all you need is a car, a sparkplug, ignition wire and a switch. Install the spark plug into the last four or five inches of the tailpipeby drilling a hole that the plug can screw into easily. Attach the wire (this is regular insulated wire) to one side of the switch and to the spark plug. The other side of the switch is attached to the positive terminal on the battery. With the car running, simply hit the switch and watch the flames fly!!! Again be careful that no one is behind you! I have seen some of these flames go 20 feet!!! PART 5- This is all various files I gleaned from BBS's. (Added 8-23-90) Balloons are fun to play with in chem lab, fill them with the gas that you get out of the taps on the lab desks, then tie up the balloon tight, and drop it out the window to the burnouts below, you know, the ones that are always smoking, they love to pop balloons with lit cigaretteÉ. get the picture? GoodÉ -= Exodus =- PYROTECHNICAL DELIGHTS WRITTEN BY RAGNER ROCKER Many of you out there probably have fantasies of revenge against teachers, principals and other people who are justassholes. depending on your level of hatred of this person i would advise that you do some of these following experiments: (1) Pouring dishsoap into the gas tank of your enemy- many of you already know that gasoline + dishsoap(e.g. joy, palmolive, etc.) form a mixture called napalm. now napalm is a jelly-like substance used in bombs, flamethrowers, etc. now you can only guess what this mixture would do to someone's fuel line!!!! (2) Spreading dirty motor oil/castor oil on someone's exhaust pipe- when the exhaust pipe heats up(and it will!!)the motor oil or castor oil on the pipe will cause thick, disgusting smoke to ooze forth from the back of that car. Who knows maybe he/she might be pulled over and given a ticket!! (3) Light Bulb Bomb- see part one of the file (4) Simple smoke/stink bomb- you can purchaase sulphur at a drugstore under the name flowers of sulphur. now when sulphur burns it will give off a very strong odor and plenty of smoke. now all you need is a fuse from a firecracker, a tin can, and the sulphur. fill the can with sulphur(pack very lightly), put aluninum foil over the top of the can, poke a small hole into the foil, insert the wick, and light it and get out of the room if you value your lungs. you can find many uses for this( or at least i hope so. FUN WITH ALARMS A fact I forgot to mention in my previous alarm articles is that one can also use polyurethane foam in a can to silence horns and bells. You can purchase this at any hardware store as insulation. it is easy to handle and dries faster. Many people that travel carry a pocket alarm with them. this alarm is a small device that is hung around the door knob, and when someone touches the knob his body capacitance sets off the alarm. these nasty nuisences can be found by walking down the halls of a hotel and touching all the door knobs very quickly. if you happen to chance upon one, attach a 3' length of wire or other metal object to the knob. this will cause the sleeping business pig inside to think someone is breaking in and call room service for help. all sorts of fun and games will ensue. Some high-security instalations use keypads just like touch-tone pads (a registered trade mark of bell systems) to open locks or disarm alarms. most use three or four digits. to figure out the code, wipe the key-pad free from all fingerprints by using a rag soaked in rubbing alcohol. after the keypad has been used just apply finger print dust and all four digits will be marked. now all you have to do is figure out the order. if you want to have some fun with a keypad, try pressing the * and # at the same time. many units use this as a panic button. This will bring the owner and the cops running and ever-one will have a good time. never try to remove these panels from the wall, as they have built-in tamper switches. On the subject of holdups, most places (including supermarkets, liqour stores, etc.) have what is known as a money clip. these little nasties are placed at the bottom of a money drawer and when the last few bills are with-drawn a switch closes and sets the alarm off. that's why when you make your withdrawl it's best to help yourself so you can check for these little nasties. if you find them, merely insert ones underneath the pile of twenties, and then pull out the twenties, leaving the one-dollar bill behind to prevent the circuit from closing. SOFT DRINK CAN BOMB AN ARTICLE FROM THE BOOK: THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND BY KURT SAXON This is an anti-personnel bomb meant for milling crowds. the bottom of a soft drink can is half cut out and bent back. a giant firecracker or other explosive is put in and surrounded with nuts and bolts or rocks. the fuse is then armed with a chemical delay in a plastic drinking straw. ! ! After first making sure there are no ! ! children nearby, the acid or glycerine ! ! <-CHEMICAL INGITER is put into the straw and the can is set ---- ---- down by a tree or wall where it will not ! !1! ! be knocked over. the delay should give ! ===== ! you three to five minutes. it will then !* ! ! "! have a shattering effect on passersby. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !<- BIG FIRECRACKER ! ! !% ! ! ==== ! ! ! ! # ! It is hardly likely that anyone would ! --- ! pick up and drink from someone else's ! ! ! <- NUTS & BOLTS soft drink can. but if such a crude ! / ! person should try to drink from your ! ! bomb he would break a nasty habit --------- fast! Pyro Book ][ by Capt Hack and Grey Wolf TIME DELAYED CHEMICAL FUSE 1) Put 1 teaspoon full of of potassium permanganate in a tin can. 2) add a few drops of glycerine 3) wait 3-4 min. 4) get the hell out.. the stuff will smoke, then burst into flame.. ** potasium permanganate stains like iodine but worse [it's purple] ** the reaction will spatter a bit ->it can be messyÉ ** it doesn't matter if the amounts are uneven [ie. 1 part to 3 parts] EXPLOSIVES AND INCENDIARIES by THE RESEARCHER INTRODUCTION: The trouble with text books on chemistry and explosives is the attitude with which they are written. They don't say, "Now I know you would like to blow holy hell out of something just for the fun of it so here is how to whip up something in your kitchen to do it". They tell you how Dupont does it or how the anchient Chinese did it but not how you can do it with the resourses and materials available to you. Even army manuals on field expedient explosives are almost useless because they are just outlines written with the understanding that an instructor is going to fill in the blanks. It is a fun game to search out the materials that can be put together to make something go "boom". You can find what you need in grocery stores, hardware stores, and farm supplies. An interesting point to remember is that it is much easier to make a big e explosion than a small one. It is very difficult for a home experimenter to make a firecracker, but a bomb capable of blowing the walls out of a building is easy. HOW TO MAKE ROCKET FUEL This is easy to make and fun to play with. Mix equal parts by volume Potassium or Sodium Nitrate and granulated sugar. Pour a big spoonful of this into a pile. Stick a piece of blackmatch fuse into it; light; and step back. This is also a very hot incendiary. A little imagination will suggest a lot of experiments for this. ANOTHER ROCKET FUEL Mix equal parts by volume of zinc dust and sulfur. Watch out if you experiment with this. It goes off in a sudden flash. It is not a powerful explosive, but is violent stuff even when not confined because of its fast burning rate. --- As I continue from this point some of the ingredients are going to be harder to get without going through a chemical supply. I try to avoid this. I happen to know that B. Prieser Scientific (local to my area) has been instructed by the police to send them the names of anyone buying chemicals in certain combinations. For example, if a person were to buy Sulfuric acid, Nitric acid and Toluene (the makings for TNT) in one order the police would be notified. I will do the best I can to tell you how to make the things you need from commonly available materials, but I don't want to leave out something really good because you might have to scrounge for an ingredient. I am guessing you would prefer it that way. HOW TO MAKE AN EXPLOSIVE FROM COMMON MATCHES Pinch the head near the bottom with a pair of wire cutters to break it up; then use the edges of the cutters to scrape off the loose material. It gets easy with practice. You can do this while watching TV and collect enough for a bomb without dying of boredom. Once you have a good batch of it, you can load it into a pipe instead of black powder. Be careful not to get any in the threads, and wipe off any that gets on the end of the pipe. Never try to use this stuff for rocket fuel. A science teacher was killed that way. Just for fun while I'm on the subject of matches, did you know that you can strike a safety match on a window pane? Hold a paper match between your thumb and first finger. With your second finger, press the head firmly against a large window. Very quickly, rub the match down the pane about 2 feet while maintaining the pressure. The friction will generate enough heat to light the match. Another fun trick is the match rocket. Tightly wrap the top half of a paper match with foil. Set it in the top of a pop bottle at a 45 degree angle. Hold a lighted match under the head until it ignites. If you got it right, the match will zip up and hit the ceiling. I just remembered the match guns I used to make when I was a kid. These are made from a bicycle spoke. At one end of the spoke is a piece that screws off. Take it off and screw it on backwards. You now have a piece of stiff wire with a small hollow tube on one end. Pack the material from a couple of wooden safety matches into the tube. Force the stem of a match into the hole. It sould fit very tightly. Hold a lighted match under the tube until it gets hot enough to ignite the powder. It goes off with a bang. HOW TO MAKE CONCENTRATED SULFURIC ACID FROM BATTERY ACID Go to an auto supply store and ask for "a small battery acid". This should only cost a few dollars. What you will get is about a gallon of dilute sulfuric acid. Put a pint of this into a heat resistant glass container. The glass pitchers used for making coffee are perfect. Do not use a metal container. Use an extension cord to set up a hotplate out doors. Boil the acid until white fumes appear. As soon as you see the white fumes, turn off the hot plate and let the acid cool. Pour the now concentrated acid into a glass container. The container must have a glass stopper or plastic cap -- no metal. It must be air tight. Otherwize, the acid will quickly absorb moisture from the air and become diluted. Want to know how to make a time bomb that doesn't tick and has no wires or batteries? Hold on to your acid and follow me into the next installment. HOW TO MAKE A CHEMICAL TIME DELAY FUSE: To get an understanding of how this is going to work, mix up equal parts by volume Potassium chlorate and granulated sugar. Pour a spoonful of the mixture in a small pile and make a depression in the top with the end of a spoon. Using a medicine dropper, place one drop of concentrated sulfuric acid in the depression and step back. It will snap and crackle a few times and then burst into vigorous flames. To make the fuse, cut about 2 inches off a plastic drinking straw. Tamp a small piece of cotton in one end. On top of this put about an inch of the clorate/sugar mixture. Now lightly tamp in about a quarter inch of either glass wool or asbestos fibers. Secure this with the open end up and drop in 3 or 4 drops of sulfuric acid. After a few minutes the acid will soak through the fibers and ignite the mixture. The time delay can be controled by the amount of fiber used and by varying how tightly it is packed. Don't use cotton for this. The acid will react with cotton and become weakened in the process. By punching a hole in the side of the straw, a piece of blackmatch or other fuse can be inserted and used to set off the device of your choice. Potassium chlorate was very popular with the radical underground. It can be used to make a wide variety of explosives and incendiaries, some of them extremely dangerous to handle. The radicals lost several people that way. But, don't worry. I am not going to try to protect you from yourself. I have decided to tell all. I will have more to say about Potassium chlorate, but for now, let's look at a couple of interesting electric fuses. PEROXYACETONE PEROXYACETONE IS EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE AND HAS BEEN REPORTED TO BE SHOCK SENSITIVE. MATERIALS- 4ML ACETONE 4ML 30% HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 4 DROPS CONC. HYDROCHLORIC ACID 150MM TEST TUBE Add 4ml acetone and 4ml hydrogen peroxide to the test tube. then add 4 drops concentrated hydrochloric acid. In 10-20 minutes a white solid should begin to appear. if no change is observed, warm the test tube in a water bath at 40 celsius. Allow the reaction to continue for two hours. Swirl the slurry and filter it. Leave out on filter paper to dry for at least two hours. To ignite, light a candle tied to a meter stick and light it (while staying at least a meter away) . I would like to give credit to a book by shakashari entitled "Chemical demonstrations" for a few of the precise amounts of chemicals in some experiments. ÉZAPHOD BEEBLEBROX/MPG! THE CHEMIST'S CORNER #2: HOUSEHOLD CHEMICALS, BY ZAPHOD BEEBLEBROX/MPG This article deals with instructions on how to do some interesting experiments with common household chemicals. Some may or may not work depending on the concentration of certain chemicals in different areas and brands. I would suggest that the person doing these experiments have some knowledge of chemistry, especially for the more dangerous experiments. I am not responsible for any injury or damage caused by people using this information. It is provided for use by people knowledgable in chemistry who are interested in such experiments and can safely handle such experiments. I. A LIST OF HOUSEHOLD CHEMICALS AND THEIR COMPOSITION VINEGAR: 3-5% ACETIC ACID BAKING SODA: SODIUM BICARBONATE DRAIN CLEANERS: SODIUM HYDROXIDE SANI-FLUSH: 75% SODIUM BISULFATE AMMONIA WATER: AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE CITRUS FRUIT: CITRIC ACID TABLE SALT: SODIUM CHLORIDE SUGAR: SUCROSE MILK OF MAGNESIA-MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE TINCTURE OF IODINE- 4% IODINE RUBBING ALCOHOL- 70 OR 99% (DEPENDS ON BRAND) ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL (DO NOT DRINK!) GENERATING CHLORINE GAS This is slightly more dangerous than the other two experiments, so you shouild know what you're doing before you try thisÉ Ever wonder why ammonia bottles always say 'do not mix with chlorine bleach', and visa-versa? That's because if you mix ammonia water with ajax or something like it, it will give off chlorine gas. To capture it, get a large bottle and put ajax in the bottom. then pour some ammonia down into the bottle. since the c hlorine is heavier than air, it will stay down in there unless you use large amounts of either ajax or ammonia (don't!). CHLORINE + TURPENTINE Take a small cloth or rag and soak it in turpentine. Quickly drop it into the bottle of chlorine. It should give off a lot of black smoke and probably start burningÉ GENERATING HYDROGEN GAS To generate hydrogen, all you need is an acid and a metal that will react with that acid. Try vinegar (acetic acid) with zinc, aluminum, magnesium, etc. You can collect hydrogen in something if you note that it is lighter than airÉ. light a small amount and it burns with a small *pop*. Another way of creating hydrogen is by the electrolysis of water. this involve sseperating water (H2O) into hydrogen and oxygen by an electric current. To do this, you need a 6-12 volt battery (or a DC transformer), two test tubes, a large bowl, two carbon electrodes (take them out of an unworking 6-12 volt battery), and table salt. Dissolve the salt in a large bowl full of water. Submerge the two test tubes in the water and put the electrodes inside them, with the mouth of the tube aiming down. Connect the battery to some wire going down to the electrodes. This will work for a while, but chlorine will be generated along with the oxygen which will corrode your copper wires leading to the carbon electrodesÉ (the table salt is broken up into chlorine and sodium ions, the chlorine comes off as a gas with oxygen while sodium reacts with the water to form sodium hydroxideÉ.). therefore, if you can get your hands on some sulfuric acid, use it instead. it will not affect the reaction other than making the water conduct electricity. WARNING: DO NOT use a transformer that outputs AC current! Not only is AC inherently more dangerous than DC, it also produces both Hydrogen and Oxygen at each electrode. HYRDOGEN + CHLORINE Take the test tube of hydrogen and cover the mouth with your thumb. Keep it inverted, and bring it near the bottle of chlorine (not one that has reacted with turpentine). Say "goodbye test tube", and drop it into the bottle. The hydrogen and chlorine should react and possibly explode (depending on purity and amount of each gas). An interesting thing about this is they will not react if it is dark and no heat or other energy is around. When a light is turned on, enough energy is present to cause them to reactÉ PREPARATION OF OXYGEN Get some hydrogen peroxide (from a drug store) and manganese dioxide (from a battery- it's a black powder). Mix the two in a bottle, and they give off oxygen. If the bottle is stoppered, pressure will build up and shoot it off. Try lighting a wood splint and sticking it (when only glowing) into the bottle. The oxygen will make it burst into flame. The oxygen will allow things to burn betterÉ IODINE Tincture of iodine contains mainly alcohol and a little iodine. To seperate them, put the tincture of iodine in a metal lid to a bottle and heat it over a candle. Have a stand holding another metal lid directly over the tincture (about 4-6 inches above it) with ice on top of it. The alcohol should evaporate, and the iodine should sublime, but should reform iodine crystals on the cold metal lid directly above. If this works (I haven't tried), you can use the iodine along with household ammonia to form nitrogen triiodide. ÉZAPHOD BEEBLEBROX/MPG! I have found that Pool Chlorine tablets with strong household ammonia react to produce LOTS of chlorine gas and heatÉ also mixing the tablets with rubbing alcohol produces heat, a different (and highly flammable) gas, and possibly some sort of acid (it eats away at just about anything it touches) David Richards TRIPWIRES by The Mortician Well first of all I reccommend that you read the file on my board about landminesÉ If you can't then here is the concept. You can use an m-80,h-100, blockbuster or any other type of explosive that will light with a fuse. Now the way this works is if you have a 9 volt battery, get either a solar igniter (preferably) or some steel wool you can create a remote ignition system. What you do it set up a schematic like this. ------------------>+ batery steel || ->- batery wool || / :==:--- <--fuse \ || / ---- spst switch--\ So when the switch is on the currnet will flow through the steel wool or igniter and heat up causing the fuse to light. Note: For use with steel wool try it first and get a really thin piece of wire and pump the current through it to make sure it will heat up to light the explosive. Now the thing to do is plant your explosive wherever you want it to be,bury it and cover the wires. Now take a fishing line (about 20 lb. test) and tie one end to a secure object. Have your switch secured to something and make a loop on the other end on the line. Put the loop around the switch such that when pulled it will pull the switch and set off the explosive. To ignite the explosiveÉ The thing to do is to experiment with this and find your best methodÉ Let me know on any good kills, or new techniquesÉ On my boardÉ (201)376-4462 BOOBY TRAP TRIP WIRESÉÉ BY Vlad Tepes (of Chgo C64 fame) Here is a method for constructing boobytraps which I personally invented, and which I have found to work better than any other type of release booby trap. There are many possible variations on this design, but the basic premise remains the same. What you'll need: 3-4 nails each 2 inches long and soft enough to bend easily (galvanized iron works well) 6 feet of wire or fishing line 5-15 feet of strong string or rope 1 really sick mind. Hammer two of the nails into the trunk of a tree (about one inch apart) so they form a horizontal line. They should be angled slightly upward, about 30 degrees. Bend each nail Downward about one inch out from the trunk. Take your nefarious device (say a small rock suspended in a tree) and rig a rope or string so the line comes DOWN towards the two nails. Tie a loop in the string so the loop *just* reaches between the two nails, and pass a third nail between the two nails with the loop around this nail between the two others (see diagrams) bent nails / || ^ slight upward tension # /\ || #/ @ || @ ( @ are the two nails, head on) # ------!----()------ # trip wire \ / Trunk third nail Now tie one end of the fishing line to the head of the third nail, and the other end around another tree or to a nail (in another tree, a root or a stump etc). When somebody pulls on the trip wire, the nail will be pulled out and your sick creation will be released to do it's damage (try tying it to a firing pin). There are several possible variations. More than one trip wire can be attached to the same nail, or this device can be used to arm a second trip wire. Large wire staples or hook and eye loops can be used to replace the two bent nails. A more interesting variation uses a straight piece of metal rod with a hole at each end, or with a short wire loop welded to each end. One end is attached to the tripwire, the other is attached to a spring. || */\/\/\/\/\-===()=======--------------------------------------* SPRING BOLT Trip wire With this design the loop will be released if the tripwire is pulled or if it is broken. The spring should be under moderate tension and well oiled. Improvised Explosives Gelatine Explosive from Anti-Freeze Written by: The Lich CAUTION: THIS FORMULA ASSUMES THAT THE MAKER HAS NO QUALMS ABOUT KILLING HIS/HER SELF IN THE PROCESS. This explosive is almost the same as the nitro-gelatin plastique explosive exept that it is supple and pliable to -10 to -20 deg. C Antifreeze is easier to obtain than glycerine and is usually cheaper. It needs to be freed of water before the manufacture and this can be done by treating it with calcium chloride until a specific gravity of 1.12 @ o deg. C. or 1.11 @ 20 deg. C. is obtained. This can be done by adding calcium chloride to the antifreeze and checking with a hydrometer and continue to add calcium chloride until the proper reading is obtained. The antifreeze is then filtered to remove the calcium chloride from the liquid. This explosive is superior to nitro-gelatin in that it is easier to collidon the IMR smokeless powder into the explosive and that the 50/50 ether ethyl alcohol can be done away with. It is superior in that the formation of the collidon is done very rapidly by the nitroethelene glycol. It's detonation properties are practically the same as the nitro-gelatine. Like the nitro-gelatine it is highly flammable and if caught on fire the chances are good that the flame will progress to detonation. In this explosive as in nitro-gelatine the addition of 1% sodium carbonate is a good idea to reduce the chance of recidual acid being present in the final explosive. The following is a slightly different formula than nitro-gelatine: Nitro-glycol 75% Guncotton (IMR) 6% Potassium Nitrate 14% Flour 5% In this process the 50/50 step is omitted. Mix the potassium nitrate with the nitro-glycol. Remember that this nitro-glycol is just as sensitive to shock as is nitroglycerin. The next step is to mix in the baking flour and sodium carbonate. Mix these by kneading with gloved hands until the mixture is uniform. This kneading should be done gently and slowly. The mixture should be uniform when the IMR smokeless powder is added. Again this is kneaded to uniformity. Use this explosive as soon as possible. If it must be stored, store in a cool, dry place (0-10 deg. C.). This explosive should detonate at 7600-7800 m/sec.. These two explosives are very powerful and should be sensitive to a #6 blasting cap or equivelent. These explosives are dangerous and should not be made unless the manufacturer has had experience with this type compound. The foolish and ignorant may as well forget these explosives as they won't live to get to use them. Don't get me wrong, these explosives have been manufactured for years with an amazing record of safety. Millions of tons of nitroglycerine have been made and used to manufacture dynamite and explosives of this nature with very few mis haps. Nitroglycerin and nitroglycol will kill and their main victims are the stupid and foolhardy. Before manufacturing these explosives take a drop of nitroglycerin and soak into a small piece of filter paper and place it on an anvil. Hit this drop with a hammer and don't put any more on the anvil. See what I mean! This explosive compound is not to be taken lightly. If there are any doubts DON'T. Improvised Explosives Plastique Explosive from Aspirin by: The Lich This explosive is a phenol dirivative. It is HIGHLY toxic and explosive compounds made from picric acid are poisonous if inhaled, ingested, or handled and absor- bed through the skin. The toxicity of this explosive restrict's its use due to the fact that over exposure in most cases causes liver and kidney failure and sometimes death if immediate treatment is not obtained. This explosive is a cousin to T.N.T. but is more powerful than it's cousin. It is the first explosive used militarily and was adopted in 1888 as an artillery shell filler. Originally this explosive was derived from coal tar but thanks to modern chemistry you can make this explosive easily in approximately three hours from acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin purified). This procedure involves dissolving the acetylsalicylic acid in warm sulfuric acid and adding sodium or potassium nitrate which nitrates the purified aspirin and the whole mixture drowned in water and filtered to obtain the final product. This explosive is called trinitrophenol. Care should be taken to ensure that this explosive is stored in glass containers. Picric acid will form dangerous salts when allowed to contact all metals exept tin and aluminum. These salts are primary explosive and are super sensitive. They also will cause the detonation of the picric acid. To make picric acid obtain some aspirin. The cheaper brands work best but buffered brands should be avoided. Powder these tablets to a fine consistancy. To extract the acetylsalicylic acid from this powder place this powder in methyl alcohol and stir vigorously. Not all of the powder will dissolve. Filter this powder out of the alcohol. Again wash this powder that was filtered out of the alcohol with more alcohol but with a lesser amount than the first extraction. Again filter the remaining powder out of the alcohol. Combine the now clear alcohol and allow it to evaporate in a pyrex dish. When the alcohol has evaporated there will be a surprising amount of crystals in the bottom of the pyrex dish. Take forty grams of these purified acetylsalicylic acid crystals and dissolve them in 150 ml. of sulfuric acid (98%, specify gravity 1.8) and heat to diss- olve all the crystals. This heating can be done in a common electric frying pan with the thermostat set on 150 deg. F. and filled with a good cooking oil. When all the crystals have dissolved in the sulfuric acid take the beaker, that you've done all this dissolving in (600 ml.), out of the oil bath. This next step will need to be done with a very good ventilation system (it is a good idea to do any chemistry work such as the whole procedure and any procedure on this disk with good ventilation or outside). Slowly start adding 58 g. of sodium nitrate or 77 g. of potassium nitrate to the acid mixture in the beaker very slowly in small portions with vigorous stirring. A red gas (nitrogen trioxide) will be formed and this should be avoided. The mixture is likely to foam up and the addition should be stopped until the foaming goes down to prevent the overflow of the acid mixture in the beaker. When the sodium or potassium nitrate has been added the mixture is allowed to cool somewhat (30- 40 deg. C.). The solution should then be dumped slowly into twice it's volume of crushed ice and water. The brilliant yellow crystals will form in the water. These should be filtered out and placed in 200 ml. of boiling distilled water. This water is allowed to cool and then the crystals are then filtered out of the water. These crystals are a very, very pure trinitrophenol. These crystals are then placed in a pyrex dish and places in an oil bath and heated to 80 deg. C. and held there for 2 hours. This temperature is best maintained and checked with a thermometer. The crystals are then powdered in small quantities to a face powder consistency. These powdered crystals are then mixed with 10% by weight wax and 5% vaseline which are heated to melting temperature and poured into the crystals. The mixing is best done by kneading together with gloved hands. This explosive should have a useful plsticity range of 0-40 deg. C.. The detonation velocity should be around 7000 m/sec.. It is toxic to handle but simply made from common ingredients and is suitable for most demolition work requiring a moderately high detonation velocity. It is very suitable for shaped charges and some steel cutting charges. It is not as good an explosive as C-4 or other R.D.X. based explosives but it is much easier to make. Again this explosive is very toxic and should be treated with great care. AVOID HANDLING BARE-HANDED, BREATHING DUST AND FUMES, AVOID ANY CHANCE OF INGESTION. AFTER UTENSILS ARE USED FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF THIS EXPLOSIVE RETIRE THEM FROM THE KITCHEN AS THE CHANCE OF POISONING IS NOT WORTH THE RISK. THIS EXPLOSIVE, IF MANUFACTURED AS ABOVE, AHOULD BE SAFE IN STORAGE BUT WITH ANY HOMEMADE EXPLOSIVE STORAGE OS NOT RECOMENDED AND EXPLOSIVES SHOULD BE MADE UP AS NEEDED. Improvised Explosives Plastique Explosive from Bleach by: The Lich This explosive is a potassium chlorate explosive. This explosive and explosives of similar composition were used in World War II as the main explosive filler in gernades, land mines, and mortar used by French, German, and other forces involoved in that conflict. These explosives are relatively safe to manufacture. One should strive to make sure these explosives are free of sulfur, sulfides, and picric acid. The presence of these compounds result in mixtures that are or can become highly sensitive and possibly decompose ex- plosively while in storage. The manufacture of this explosive from bleach is given as just an expediant method. This method of manufacturing potassium chlorate is not economical due to the amount of energy used to boil the solution and cause the 'dissociation' reaction to take place. This procedure does work and yields a relatively pure and a sulfur/sulfide free product. These explosives are very cap sensitive and require only a #3 cap for instigating detonation. To manufacture potassium chlorate from bleach (5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution) obtain a heat source (hot plate etc.) a battery hydrometer, a large pyrex or enameled steel container (to weigh chemicals), and some potassium chloride (sold as salt substitute). Take one gallon of bleach, place it in the container and begin heating it. While this solution heats, weigh out 63 g. potassium chloride and add this to the bleach being heated. Bring this solution to a boil and boiled until when checked by a hydrometer the reading is 1.3 (if a battery hydrometer is used it should read full charge). When the reading is 1.3 take the solution and let it cool in the refrigerator until it's between room temperature and 0 deg. C.. Filter out the crystals that have formed and save them. Boil the solution again until it reads 1.3 on the hydrometer and again cool the solution. Filter out the crystals that have formed and save them. Boil this solution again and cool as before. Filter and save the crystals. Take these crystals that have been saved and mix them with distilled water in the following proportions: 56 g. per 100 ml. distilled water. Heat this solution until it boils and allow it to cool. Filter the solution and save the crystals that form upon cooling. The process if purifi- cation is called fractional crystalization. These crystals should be relatively pure potassium chlorate. Powder these to the consistency of face powder (400 mesh) and heat gently to drive off all moisture. Melt five parts vasoline and five parts wax. Dissolve this in white gasoline (camp stove gasoline) and pour this liquid on 90 parts potassium chlorate (the crystals from the above operation) in a plastic bowl. Knead this liquid into the potassium chlorate until immediately mixed. Allow all the gasoline to evaporate. Place this explosive in a cool, dry place. Avoid friction, sulfur, sulfide, and phosphorous compounds. This explosive is best molded to the desired shape and density (1.3g./cc.) and dipped in wax to water proof. These block type charges guarantee the highest detonation velocity. This explosive is really not suited to use in shaped charge applications due to its relatively low detonation velocity. It is comparable to 40% ammonia dynamite and can be considered the same for the sake of charge computation. If the potassium chlorate is bought and not made it is put into the manufacture pro- cess in the powdering stages preceding the addition of the wax/vaseline mix- ture. This explosive is bristant and powerful. The addition of 2-3% aluminum powder increases its blast effect. Detonation velocity is 3300 m/sec.. Plastique Explosives From Swimming Pool Chlorinating Compound By the Lich This explosive is a chlorate explosive from bleach. This method of production of potassium or sodium chlorate is easier and yields a more pure product than does the plastique explosive from bleach process. In this reaction the H.T.H. (calcium hypochlorite CaC10) is mixed with water and heated with either sodium chloride (table salt, rock salt) or potassium chloride (salt substitute). The latter of these salts is the salt of choice due to the easy crystalization of the potassium chlorate. This mixture will need to be boiled to ensure complete reaction of the ingredients. Obtain some H.T.H. swimming pool chlorination compound or equivilant (usually 65% calcium hypochlorite). As with the bleach process mentioned earlier the reaction described below is also a dissociation reaction. In a large pyrex glass or enamled steel container place 1200g. H.T.H. and 220g. potassium chloride or 159g. sodium chloride. Add enough boiling water to dissolve the powder and boil this solution. A chalky substance (calcium chloride) will be formed. When the formation of this chalky substance is no longer formed the solution is filtered while boiling hot. If potassium chloride was used potassium chlorate will be formed. This potassium chlorate will drop out or crystalize as the clear liquid left after filtering cools. These crystals are filtered out when the solution reaches room temperature. If the sodium chloride salt was used this clear filtrate (clear liquid after filter- ation) will need to have all water evaporated. This will leave crystals which should be saved. These crystals should be heated in a slightly warm oven in a pyrex dish to drive off all traces of water (40-75 deg. C.). These crystals are ground to a very fine powder (400 mesh). If the sodium chloride salt is used in the initial step the crystalization is much more time consuming. The potassium chloride is the salt to use as the resulting product will crystalize out of the solution as it cools. The powdered and completely dry chlorate crystals are kneaded together with vaseline in a plastic bowl. ALL CHLORATE BASED EXPLOSIVES ARE SENSITIVE TO FRICTION AND SHOCK AND THESE SHOULD BE AVOIDED. If sodium chloride is used in this explosive it will have a tendancy to cake and has a slightly lower detonation velocity. This explosive is composed of the following: potassium/sodium chlorate 90% vaseline 10% Simply pour the powder into a plastic baggy and knead in the vaseline carefully. this explosive (especially if the Sodium Chlorate variation is used) should not be exposed to water or moisture. The detonation velocity can be raised to a slight extent by the addition of 2-3% aluminum substituted for 2-3% of the vaseline. This addition of this aluminum will give the explosive a bright flash if set off at night which will ruin night vision for a short while. The detonation velocity of this explosive is approximately 3200 m/sec. for the potassium salt and 2900 m/sec. for the sodium salt based explosive. Addendum 4/12/91: It was claimed above that this explosive degrades over time. I would assume that this occurs due to the small amount of water present in the vaseline, and that a different type of fuel would be better than the vaseline. ASSORTED NASTIES: Sweet-Oil In this one you open there hood and pour some honey in their oil spout. if you have time you might remover the oil plug first and drain some of the oil out. I have tried this one but wasn't around to see the effects but I am sure that I did some damage. Slow Air Ok, sneak up the victims car and poke a small hole somewhere in 2 of his/her tires. They only have 1 spare. Now if the hole is small but there then there tire will go flat some where on the road. You could slice the tire so this is blows out on the road wih a razor blade. Cut a long and fairly deep (don't cut a hole all the way through) and peel a little bit of the rubber back and cut that off. Now very soon there tires will go flat or a possible blow out at a high speed if your lucky. Vanishing Paint Spread a little gas or paint thiner on the victims car and this will make his paint run and fade. Vodka will eat the paint off and so will a little 190. Eggs work great on paint if they sit there long enough. Loose Wheel Loosen the lugs on you victums tires so that they will soon fall off. This can really fuck some one up if they are cruising when the tire falls off. Dual Neutral This name sucks but pull the 10 bolt or what ever they have there off. (On the real wheels, in the middle of the axle) Now throw some screws, blots, nuts and assorted things in there and replace the cover. At this point you could chip some of the teeth off the gears. Un-Midaser Crawl under there car with a rachet and losen all the nuts on their exhaust so that it hangs low and will fall off soon. This method also works on transmissions but is a little harder to get all bolts off, but the harder you work the more you fuck them over. LAUGHING GAS Learn how to make laughing gas from ammonium nitrate. Laughing gas was one of the earliest anaesthetics. After a little while of inhaling the gas the patient became so happy [ain't life great?] he couldn't keep from laughing. Finally he would drift off to a pleasant sleep. Some do-it-yourselfers have died while taking laughing gas. This is because they has generated it through plastic bags while their heads were inside. They were simply suffocating but were too bombed out to realize it. The trick is to have a plastic clothes bag in which you generate a lot of the gas. Then you stop generating the gas and hold a small opening of the bag under your nose, getting plenty of oxygen in the meantime. Then, Whee! To make it you start with ammonium nitrate bought from a chemical supply house or which you have purified with 100% rubbing or wood alcohol. First, dissolve a quantity of ammonium nitrate in some water. Then you evaporate the water over the stove, while stirring, until you have a heavy brine. When nearly all the moisture is out it should solidify instantly when a drop is put on an ice cold metal plate. When ready, dump it all out on a very cold surface. After a while, break it up and store it in a bottle. A spoonful is put into a flask with a one-hole stopper, with a tube leading into a big plastic bag. The flask is heated with an alcohol lamp. When the temperature in the flask reaches 480 F the gas will generate. If white fumes appear the heat should be lowered as the stuff explodes at 600 F. When the bag is filled, stop the action and get ready to turn on. CAUTION: N2O supplants oxygen in your blood, but you don't realize it. It's easy to die from N2O because you're suffocating and your breathing reflex doesn't know it. Do not put your head in a plastic bag (duhhÉ) because you will cheerfully choke to death. PIPE OR "ZIP" GUNS Commonly known as "zip" guns, guns made from pipe have been used for years by juvenile punks. Today's Militants make them just for the hell of it or to shoot once in an assassination or riot and throw away if there is any danger of apprehension. They can be used many times but with some, a length of dowel is needed to force out the spent shell. There are many variations but the illustration shows the basic design. First, a wooden stock is made and a groove is cut for the barrel to rest in. The barrel is then taped securely to the stock with a good, strong tape. The trigger is made from galvanized tin. A slot is punched in the trigger flap to hold a roofing nail, which is wired or soldered onto the flap. The trigger is bent and nailed to the stock on both sides. The pipe is a short length of one-quarter inch steel gas or water pipe with a bore that fits in a cartridge, yet keeps the cartridge rim from passing through the pipe. The cartridge is put in the pipe and the cap, with a hole bored through it, is screwed on. Then the trigger is slowly released to let the nail pass through the hole and rest on the primer. To fire, the trigger is pulled back with the left hand and held back with the thumb of the right hand. The gun is then aimed and the thumb releases the trigger and the thing actually fires. Pipes of different lengths and diameters are found in any hardware store. All caliber bullets, from the .22 to the .45 are used in such guns. Some zip guns are made from two or three pipes nested within each other. For instance, a .22 shell will fit snugly into a length of a car's copper gas line. Unfortunatey, the copper is too weak to withstand the pressure of the firing. So the length of gas line is spread with glue and pushed into a wider length of pipe. This is spread with glue and pushed into a length of steel pipe with threads and a cap. Using this method, you can accomodate any cartridge, even a rifle shell. The first size of pipe for a rifle shell accomodates the bullet. The second accomodates its wider powder chamber. A 12-gauge shotgun can be made from a 3/4 inch steel pipe. If you want to comply with the gun laws, the barrel should be at least eighteen inches long. Its firing mechanism is the same as that for the pistol. It naturally has a longer stock and its handle is lengthened into a rifle butt. Also, a small nail is driven half way into each side of the stock about four inches in the front of the trigger. The rubber band is put over one nail and brought around the trigger and snagged over the other nail. In case you actually make a zip gun, you should test it before firing it by hand. This is done by first tying the gun to a tree or post, pointed to where it will do no damage. Then a string is tied to the trigger and you go off several yards. The string is then pulled back and let go. If the barrel does not blow up, the gun is (probably) safe to fire by hand. Repeat firings may weaken the barrel, so NO zip gun can be considered "safe" to use. Astrolite and Sodium Chlorate Explosives By: Future Spy & The Fighting Falcon Note: Information on the Astrolite Explosives were taken from the book 'Two Component High Explosive Mixtures' By Desert Pub'l Some of the chemicals used are somewhat toxic, but who gives a fuck! Go ahead! I won't even bother mentioning 'This information is for enlightening purposes only'! I would love it if everyone made a gallon of astrolite and blew their fucking school to kingdom scum! Astrolite The astrolite family of liquid explosives were products of rocket propellant research in the '60's. Astrolite A-1-5 is supposed to be the world's most powerful non-nuclear explosive -at about 1.8 to 2 times more powerful than TNT. Being more powerful it is also safer to handle than TNT (not that it isn't safe in the first place) and Nitroglycerin. Astrolite G "Astrolite G is a clear liquid explosive especially designed to produce very high detonation velocity, 8,600MPS (meters/sec.), compared with 7,700MPS for nitroglycerin and 6,900MPS for TNTÉIn addition, a very unusual characteristic is that it the liquid explosive has the ability to be absorbed easily into the ground while remaining detonatableÉIn field tests, Astrolite G has remained detonatable for 4 days in the ground, even when the soil was soaked due to rainy weather" know what that means?É.Astrolite Dynamite! To make (mix in fairly large container & outside) Two parts by weight of ammonium nitrate mixed with one part by weight 'anhydrous' hydrazine, produces Astrolite GÉSimple enough eh? I'm sure that the 2:1 ratio is not perfect,and that if you screw around with it long enough, that you'll find a better formula. Also, dunno why the book says 'anhydrous' hydrazine, hydrazine is already anhydrousÉ Hydrazine is the chemical you'll probably have the hardest time getting hold of. Uses for Hydrazine are: Rocket fuel, agricultural chemicals (maleic hydra-zide), drugs (antibacterial and antihypertension), polymerization catalyst, plating metals on glass and plastics, solder fluxes, photographic developers, diving equipment. Hydrazine is also the chemical you should be careful with. Astrolite A/A-1-5 Mix 20% (weight) aluminum powder to the ammonium nitrate, and then mix with hydrazine. The aluminum powder should be 100 mesh or finer. Astrolite A has a detonation velocity of 7,800MPS. Misc. info You should be careful not to get any of the astrolite on you,if it happens though, you should flush the area with water. Astrolite A&G both should be able to be detonated by a #8 blasting cap. Sodium Chlorate Formulas Sodium Chlorate is similar to potassium chlorate,and in most cases can be a substitute. Sodium chlorate is also more soluble in water. You can find sodium chlorate at Channel or any hardware/home improvement store. It is used in blowtorches and you can get about 3lbs for about $6.00. Sodium Chlorate Gunpowder 65% sodium chlorate, 22% charcoal, 13% sulfur, sprinkle some graphite on top. Rocket Fuel 6 parts sodium chlorate mixed *THOROUGHLY* with 5 parts rubber cement. Rocket Fuel 2 (better performance) 50% sodium chlorate, 35% rubber cement ('One-Coat' brand), 10% epoxy resin hardener, 5% sulfur You may want to add more sodium chlorate depending on the purity you are using. Incendiary Mixture 55% aluminum powder (atomized), 45% sodium chlorate, 5% sulfur Impact Mixture 50% red phosphorus, 50% sodium chlorate Unlike potassium chlorate,sodium chlorate won't explode spontaneously when mix- ed with phosphorus. It has to be hit to be detonated. Filler explosive 85% sodium chlorate, 10% vaseline, 5% aluminum powder Nitromethane formulas I thought that I might add this in since it's similar to Astrolite. Nitromethane (CH3NO2) specific gravity:1.139 flash point:95f auto-ignite:785f Derivation: reaction of methane or propane with nitric acid under pressure. Uses: Rocket fuel; solvent for cellulosic compounds, polymers, waxes, fats, etc. To be detonated with a #8 cap, add: 1) 95% nitromethane + 5% ethylenediamine 2) 94% nitromethane + 6% aniline Power output: 22-24% more powerful than TNT. Detonation velocity of 6,200MPS. Nitromethane 'solid' explosives 2 parts nitromethane, 5 parts ammonium nitrate (solid powder) soak for 3-5 min. when done,store in an air-tight container. This is supposed to be 30% more powerful than dynamite containing 60% nitro-glycerin, and has 30% more brilliance. MERCURY BATTERY BOMB! By Phucked Agent! Materials: 1 Mercury Battery (1.5 or 1.4 V Hearing Aid), 1 working lamp with on/off switch It is VERY SIMPLE!!! Hurray! Kids under 18 shouldn't considered try this one or else they would have mercuric acid on their faces! 1. Turn the lamp switch on to see if lite-bulb lights up. 2. If work, leave the switch on and unplug the cord 3. Unscrew the bulb (Dont touch the hot-spot!) 4. Place 1 Mercury Battery in the socket and make sure that it is touching the Hot-spot contact. 5. Move any object or furniture - Why? There may be sparx given off! 6. Now your favorite part, stand back and plug in cord in the socket. 7. And you will have fun!! Like Real Party!!! All credits go to their respective creators.. -= Exodus =- 1994 Release 4.14 PrimoPyro1990 .... Thermite Incendiaries and Formulas .... DISCLAIMER : The making and possesion of the following devices and mixtures is probably illegal in most communities. The incendiaries are capable of burning in excess of 5400 degrees F. and are next to impossible to extinguish. If you make them you accept all responsibility for their possesion and use. You also accept all responsibility for your own stupidity and carelessness. This information is intended solely to educate. All Formulas are by Weight Thermites are a group of pyrotechnics mixtures in which a reactive metal reduces oxygen from a metallic oxide. This produces a lot of heat, slag and pure metal. The most common themite is ferroaluminum thermite, made from aluminum (reactive metal) and iron oxide (metal oxide). When it burns it produces aluminum oxide (slag) and pure iron. Thermite is usually used to cut or weld metal. As an experiment, a 3lb. brick of thermite was placed on an aluminum engine block. After the thermite was done burning, only a small portion of block was melted. However, the block was very warped out of shape plus there were cracks all through the block. Ferro-thermite produces about 930 calories per gram The usual proportions of ferro-thermite are 25% aluminum and 75% iron oxide The iron oxide usually used is not rust (Fe2O3) but iron scale (Fe3O4).Rust will work but you may want to adjust the mixture to about 77% rust. The aluminum is usually coarse powder to help slow down the burning rate. The chemicals are mixed together thoroughly and compressed into a suitable container. A first fire mix is poured on top and ignited. NOTE: Thermites are generally very safe to mix and store. They are not shock or friction sensitive and ignite at about 2000 degrees F. A first fire mix is a mixture that ignites easier than thermite and burns hot enough to light the thermite reliably. A very good one is : Potassium Nitrate 5 parts Fine ground Aluminum 3 parts Sulfur 2 parts Mix the above thoroughly and combine 2 parts of it with 1 part of finely powdered ferro-thermite. The resulting mixture can be light by safety fuse and burns intensely. One problem with thermites is the difference in weight between the aluminum and the oxide. This causes them to separate out rendering the thermite useless. One way to fix this is to use a binder to hold the chemicals to each other. Sulfur is good for this. Called Diasite, this formula uses sulfur to bind all the chemicals together. It's drawback is the thermite must be heated to melt the sulfur. Iron Oxide 70 % Aluminum 23 % Sulfur 7 % Mix the oxide and aluminum together and put them in an oven at 325 degrees F. and let the mix heat for a while. When the mixture is hot sprinkle the sulfur over it and mix well. Put this back in the oven for a few minutes to melt all the sulfur. Pull it back out and mix it again. While it is still hot, load into containers for use. When it cools, drill out the diasite to hold about 10 - 15 grams of first fire mix. When diasite burns it forms sulfide compounds that release hydrogen sulfide when in contact with water. This rotten egg odor can hamper fire fighting efforts. Thermite can be made not to separate by compressing it under a couple of tons pressure. The resulting pellet is strong and burns slower than thermite powder. CAST THERMITE: This formula can be cast into molds or containers and hardens into a solid mass. It does not produce as much iron as regular ferro-thermite , but it makes a slag which stays liquid a lot longer. Make a mixtures as follows. Plaster of Paris 2 parts Fine and Coarse Mixed Aluminum 2 parts Iron Oxide 3 parts Mix together well and and enough water to wet down plaster. Pour it into a mold and let it sit for 1/2 hour. Pour off any extra water that seperates out on top. Let this dry in the sun for at least a week. Or dry in the sun for one day and put in a 250 degree F. oven for a couple of hours. Drill it out for a first fire mix when dry. THERMITE BOMB: Thermite can be made to explode by taking the cast thermite formula and substituting fine powdered aluminum for the coarse/fine mix. Take 15 grams of first fire mix and put in the center of a piece of aluminum foil. Insert a waterproof fuse into the mix and gather up the foil around the fuse. Waterproof the foil/fuse with a thin coat of wax. Obtain a two- piece spherical mold with a diameter of about 4-5 inches. Wax or oil the inside of the mold to help release the thermite. Now, fill one half of the mold with the cast thermite. Put the first fire/fuse package into the center of the filled mold. Fill the other half of the mold with the thermite and assemble mold. The mold will have to have a hole in it for the fuse to stick out. In about an hour, carefully separate the mold. You should have a ball of thermite with the first fire mix in the center of it, and the fuse sticking out of the ball. Dry the ball in the sun for about a week. DO NOT DRY IT IN AN OVEN ! The fuse ignites the first fire mix which in turn ignites the thermite. Since the thermite is ignited from the center out, the heat builds up in the thermite and it burns faster than normal. The result is a small explosion. The thermite ball burns in a split second and throws molten iron and slag around. Use this carefully ! THERMITE WELL: To cut metal with thermite, take a refractory crucible and drill a 1/4 in. hole in the bottom. Epoxy a thin (20 ga.) sheet of mild steel over the hole. Allow the epoxy to dry. Fill the crucible with ferro-thermite and insert a first fire igniter in the thermite. Fashion a standoff to the crucible. This should hold the crucible about 1 1/2 in. up. Place the well over your target and ignite the first fire. The well works this way. The thermite burns, making slag and iron. Since the iron is heavier it goes to the bottom of the well. The molten iron burns through the metal sheet. This produces a small delay which gives the iron and slag more time to separate fully. The molten iron drips out through the hole in the bottom of the crucible. The standoff allows the thermite to continue flowing out of the crucible. The force of the dripping iron bores a hole in the target. A 2 lb. thermite well can penetrate up to 3/4 in. of steel. Experiment with different configurations to get maximum penetration. For a crucible, try a flower pot coated with a magnesium oxide layer. Sometimes the pot cracks however. Take the cast thermite formula and add 50% ferro-thermite to it. This produces a fair amount of iron plus a very liquid slag. THERMITE FUEL-AIR EXPLOSION: This is a very dangerous device. Ask yourself if you really truly want to make it before you do any work on it. It is next to impossible to give any dimensions of containers or weights of charges because of the availability of parts changes from one person to the next. However here is a general description of this device affectionately known as a HELLHOUND. Make a thermite charge in a 1/8 in. wall pipe. This charge must be electrically ignited. At the opposite end of the pipe away from the ignitor side put a small explosive charge of flash powder weighing about 1 oz. Drill a small hole in a pipe end cap and run the wires from the ignitor through the hole. Seal the wires and hole up with fuel proof epoxy or cement. Try ferrule cement available at sporting goods stores. Dope the threads of the end caps with a good pipe dope and screw them onto the pipe. This gives you a thermite charge in an iron pipe arranged so that when the thermite is electrically ignited, it will burn from one end to the other finally setting of the flash powder charge. Place this device in a larger pipe or very stout metal container which is sealed at one end. Use a couple of metal "spiders" to keep the device away from the walls or ends of the larger container. Run the wires out through the wall of the container and seal the wires with the fuel proof epoxy. Fill the container with a volatile liquid fuel. Acetone or gasoline works great. Now seal up the container with an appropriate end cap and it is done. The device works like this: Attach a timer-power supply to the wires. When the thermite is ignited it superheats the liquid fuel. Since the container is strong enough to hold the pressure the fuel does not boil. When the thermite burns down to the explosive, it explodes rupturing the container and releasing the superheated fuel. The fuel expands, cooling off and making a fine mist and vapor that mixes with the surrounding air. The hot thermite slag is also thrown into the air which ignites the fuel-air mix. The result is obvious. Try about 1 1/2 lbs of thermite to a gallon of fuel. For the pressure vessel, try an old pressure cooker. Because the fuel may dissolve the epoxy don't keep this device around for very long. But ask yourself, do you really want to make this? EXOTIC THERMITES: Thermites can also be made from teflon-magnesium or metal flourides-magnesium or aluminum. If there is an excess of flouride compound in the mixture, flourine gas can be released. Flourine is extremely corrosive and reactive. The gas can cause organic material to burst into flames by mere contact. For teflon-magnesium use 67% teflon and 33% magnesium A strong first fire igniter should be used to ignite this mixture. Both the teflon and the magnesium should be in powdered form. Do not inhale any smoke from the burning mixture. If you use metal-florides instead of teflon, use flourides of low energy metals. Lead flouride is a good example. Try using 90% lead flouride and 10% aluminum. Warning: Flouride compounds can be very poisonous. They are approximately equal to cyanide compounds. Another exotic mix is tricalcium orthophosphate and aluminum. When this burns,it forms calcium phosphide which when contacts water releases hydrogen phosphide which can ignite spontaneously in air. Tricalcium orthophosphate has the formula Ca3(PO4)2 and is known as white- lockite. Use about 75% orthophosphate and 25% aluminum. This ratio may have to be altered for better burning as I have not experimented with it much and don't know if more aluminum may reduce the calcium better. It does work but it is a hard to ignite mixture. A first fire mix containing a few percent of magnesium works well. Fighting thermite fires: Two ways to fight thermite fires are either smothering the thermite with sand. This doesn't put out the thermite but it does help contain it and block some of the heat. The other way is to flood the thermite with a great amount of water. This helps to break the thermite apart and stop the reaction. If you use a small amount of water, an explosion may result as the thermite may reduce the water and release hydrogen gas. Thermite can start fires from the heat radiating from the reaction. Nearby flammable substances can catch fire even though no sparks or flame touch them. *** Kilroy was here *** Compiled for the '94 CookBook 4.14 -- Exodus %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Improvised Munitions % % Black Book file #1 % % by: Eric The Red % % Tiger's Lair (206)874-4115 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I-26 Acetone Peroxide Explosive -------------------------- Acetone Peroxide is a primary explosive that can be made from hair bleach (Hydrogen Peroxide), acetone, and sulfuric acid. This explosive is to be used in the fabrication of detonators. MATERIAL REQUIRED: SOURCES: ----------------- ------- Hydrogen peroxide Hair bleach (15-25 volume content) Drug stores and hair supply houses Acetone Hardware stores, drug stores Sulfuric acid Clear battery acid boiled until white fumes appear Eye dropper or syringe with glass tube Drug store Graduated cylinder (cc or ml) or other measuring device Thermometer (0 to 100 degrees C) Glass containers, beakers Large pan Ice and salt Water Paper towels or coffee filters PROCEDURE: --------- 1) Measure 30 milliliters of acetone and 50 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide into a glass container and mix thoroughly. 2) Cool the acetone/peroxide mixture by placing its container in a larger one containing a mixture of water, salt, and ice. Note: Because of the lighter inner container being buoyant in the larger outer container, it is necessary to secure it so that it wont fall over into the ice, salt, and water mixture. 3) Cool the acetone/peroxie mixture to 5 degrees C. 4) Add 2.5 milliliters of concentrated sulfuric acid to the acetone/peroxide mixture slowly, drop by drop, with the use of an eye dropper. Stir the mixture during the addition of the sulfuric acid with a thermometer, keeping the temperature between 5 and 10 degrees C. Should the mixture rise above 10 degrees C, stop adding the sulfuric acid and continue stirring until the temperature drops again to 5 degrees C, then continue adding the sulfuric acid. 5) After all the sulfuric acid has been added, continue stirring the mixture for another 5 minutes. 6) Let the acetone/peroxide/sulfuric acid mixture stand in the ice/water/salt bath or remove the inner container and place it in an ice box for 12 to 24 hours. 7) After 12 hours white crystals of acetone peroxide will precipitate out of the once clear solution. Precipitation should be complete after 24 hours. Caution: At this point the mixture is a primary explosive. Keep away from shock, friction, and flame. 8) Filter the mixture through a paper towel or coffee filter to collect the solid particles. 9) Wash the solid particles collected in the paper towel or coffee filter with small amounts of ice cold water poured over them. Discard the liquid in the container. 10) Place these explosive crystals in a container and allow to dry. Caution: Handle the dry explosive with great care. Do not scrape or handle it roughly. Keep away from sparks or open flame. Store in a cool, dark, dry place. I-27 Bullseye (Low-High) Explosive ----------------------------- A highly effective and powerful low-high explosive can be obtained by simply using a fast burning, double based, smokeless pistol powder called Bullseye. This propellant is used to reload pistol and revolver cartriges and contains a sensitive mixture of nitroglycerin and nitrocellulose. MATERIAL REQUIRED: SOURCES: ----------------- ------- Bullseye smokeless pistol powder Gun and sport shops Piece of pipe with end caps Hardware store Compound detonator or time fuse HOW TO USE: ---------- 1) To use as a low explosive, simply pour the powder into a pipe with end caps and ignite with a time fuse. When ignited, the pipe will explode into many fragments traveling at a velocity of approximately 600 feet per second. The fragmentation can be increased by filing rings around the pipe with a strong metal file. 2) To use as a high explosive, just pour the powder into a pipe with end caps, insert a compound detonator with a fusing mechanism and detonate. When detonated, the pipe will fragment into many small fragments travelling at a velocity in excess of 20,000 feet per second. Note: Because of the unique mixture of nitroglycerin with nitrocellulose (double-base), Bulleseye is one of the few propellants that can be detonated with a blasting cap. When detonted, it is as powerful as military TNT and should be used to defeat hard targets. I-28 HTH/Naphtha Explosive --------------------- An explosive munition can be made from granular calcium hypochlorite (HTH, swimming pool bleach) and petroleum naphtha. This explosive can be detonated with a compound detonator. MATERIAL REQUIRED SOURCES: ----------------- ------- Granular calcium hypochlorite 70% HTH swimming pool purifier, Swimming pool supply places Benzine (petroleum naphtha) Hardware and paint stores, cleaning fluid, paint thinner Mixing container (bowl, bucket, etc.) Storage container (jar, can) with tight fitting lid Blasting cap, compound detonator required Strong pipe with end caps Hardware stores PROCEDURE: --------- 1) Measure out 32 part by volume, 27 parts by weight, of calcium hypochlorite to 1 part by volume, 1 part by weight, of petroleum naphtha into the mixing container. 2) Stir until thoroughly mixed with wooden stirring rod HOW TO USE: ---------- 1) This mixture forms a low power/brisant high explosive which should be used under strong confinement and only as an explosive filler for antipersonnel fragmentation bombs. To use, spoon this mixture into an iron or steel pipe which has an end cap on one end. 2) Insert a compound detonator just beneath the surface of the explosive and screw the other end cap on with a hole for the fuse. Note: Take care not to tamp or shake the mixture in the pipe. If the mixture becomes tightly packed, one cap will not be sufficient to detonate the explosive. I-29 Potassium Permanganate/Aluminum Explosive ----------------------------------------- An explosive munition can be made from potassium permanganate and aluminum powder. This explosive can be detonated with a compound detonator. MATERIAL REQUIRED: SOURCES: ----------------- ------- Potassium Permangante Chemical and photography stores Fine aluminum bronzing powder Paint stores Measuring container (cup, tablespoon, etc.) Mixing container with a tight fitting lid such as a canning jar Storage container (jar or can with tight fitting lid) Two flat boards (one should be held in the hand comfortably like a piece of 2x4 and one very large like a piece of 36"x36" piece of plywood) Compound detonator, blasting cap required Strong pipe with end caps PROCEDURE: --------- 1) Spread a handful at a time of potassium permanganate on the large flat board and rub vigorously with the other flat board or rolling pin until the large particles are crushed into a very fine powder (approximately 10 minutes per handful). Caution: Thoroughly clean and dry both boards before using again with a different substance. 2) Measure two volumes (cups, tablespoons, whatever), 60% by weight, of potass- ium permanganate with 3 volumes, 40% by weight, of fine aluminum powder into a mixing container with a tight fitting lid. 3) Secure the lid tightly and shake the mixture for approximately five minutes to mix thoroughly. 4) Store the explosive in the mixing container or similar water proof container until ready to use. Before using, shake the contents once again to remix any settled particles. HOW TO USE: ---------- 1) This mixture forms a low power/brisant high explosive which should be used under strong confinement and only as an explosive filler for antipersonnel fragmentation bombs. To use, spoon this mixture into an iron or steel pipe which has an end cap on one end. 2) Insert compound detonator just beneath the surface of the explosive and screw the other end cap on with a hole drilled through for the fuse. I-30 Potassium Chlorate/Sulfur Explosive ----------------------------------- An impact sensitive explosive can be made from potassium chlorate and sulfur. This explosive can be used as a filler when making reuseable primers or as a filler when making impact sensitive fragmentation bombs. MATERIAL REQUIRED: SOURCES: ----------------- ------- Potassium chlorate Drug stores and chemical supply houses Sulfur Drug stores Measuring container (cup, tablespoon, etc.) Mixing container (jar, can) with tight fitting lid Two flat boards (like in section I-29 above) PROCEDURE --------- 1) Spread a handful at a time of potassium chlorate on the large flat board and rub vigorously with the other flat board or rolling pin until the large particles are crushed into a very fine powder (approximately 10 minutes per handful). Caution: Thoroughly clean and dry both boards before using again with a different substance. 2) Repeat this process using the sulfur. 3) Measure 7 parts by volume, 11 parts by weight, of powdered potassium chlorate and 1 part by volume, 1 part by weight, of powdered sulfur into the mixing container. Caution: This mixture forms an extremely shock sensitive explosive, especially between two metal surfaces. Reasonable care should be exercised from this point on. 4) Gently tumble the mixing container between the hands until the ingredients are thoroughly mixed together. 5) Place the mixed explosive in a tightly sealed storage container until ready to use. Caution: Do not store the mixed explosive more than 5 days before using. KEEP THIS EXPLOSIVE DRY AT ALL TIMES! HOW TO USE ---------- 1) This explosive can be used either to fill primer caps for reloading ammunition or it can be used to make the following palm-sized fragmentation bombs: A) Obtain a short section of threaded water pipe with two end caps. B) Thread one end cap onto the pipe and fill 1/4 full with steel ball bearings. C) Fill the remaining space with potassium chlorate/sulfur mixture and screw the remaining end cap on. Note: Maintain a loose mixture between the ball bearings and explosive by not over-tamping the explosive into the pipe. This will allow the ball bearings to move and impact together. D) GENTLY tumble the pipe between the hands to mix the ball bearings with the explosive. E) When ready to use, throw against or near the target area. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % End of Black Book file #1 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ACID PRESSURE BOMB ---- -------- ---- Materials: 2 liter coke bottle Muriatic Acid (POOLACID) Aluminum Foil Pour some acid in the bottle about one or two inches high. Put the cap on. Go to the bombing sight. Have some rolled up pieces of foil that are the size of a cigarette. Have about 15 of them ready. Take the cap off the bottle and put all the foil in the acid. Close bottle tight and run like hell. There is no fire involved, only a pressure explosion. You can slide these into mailboxes which tear the box apart! Fun with Aeresol Cans --------------------- by Author Dent Have you ever read the side of those aeresol spray cans? I have. The words "Highly Flammable" and "Contents Under Pressure" plainly appear. Now, I'm not gonna go into the stupid details about how to hold a match in front of it. But, rather, how to make it into a nasty little explosive. Method #1 (effective, but not recommended) --------- Place the aeresol can in a wooded area and shoot it with a shotgun. This is a pretty generic thing to do. But if you want spend an afternoon pissing off maples and forrest rangers, then this is for you. For those a bit above that, look into... Method #2 --------- Add heat. Although this may sound a little complicated, don't worry, I'll talk you through it. One way you can accomplish this is to hold your Bic underneath it for awhile. Now watch closely. When the temp. reaches between 120 and 140 degress F, you will die. This is also not recommended unless your name is Tim Burton then we will even supply the materials for you. A method for the less self-destructive of us, is to use thermite or other such burning materials to give you enough time to get your ass away. Method #3 --------- Would make a nice addition to any pipe bomb. Since all of the reactions taking place in the pipe are of an exothermic nature, and the explosion may add its hand in, you can cause some lovely devastation with it. Method #4 --------- Last, but not least, for the a-hole who just bought a new Porsche, but won't let you drive, sit in, look at, smell, or dream about it. This could be the thing for you: Firmly affix your handy aeresol can to the exhaust manifold. This may you won't even be around when his car gets the finger. NOTE: For those of you wondering just how many blocks to stand away, Ohio is recommended (unless, of course, you live there). Four ounces of deoderant is the equivalent of one stick of dynamite. Eight ounces is about two sticks, and twelve, well figure it out. (There is an equation to all this, we just haven't figured it out yet.) Author Dent =============================================================================== >--TCS Presents--> - HOW TO MAKE A GOOD CHERRY BOMB - <<< By Lord Zombie >>> =============================================================================== How to make a good cherry bomb. I am sure you have all made little cherry bombs that go 'KAPUT'. Not this one, however. Just follow my instructions and you will have a great cherry bomb. Things you will need: 1. Black powder - Gun Powder for all those simpletons that don't know what black powder is. 2. A ping pong ball, Best when they are straight out of the box. 3. Cannon Fuse - Also known as 'green fuse', you know the stuff found on good rockets. Approximately 3+ inches. 4. Ice pick. * 5. Nail Polish. * 6. Tape, Scotch, electrical, whathaveyou. * denotes optional. Instructions: Get your ping bong ball and poke a hole in it with the ice pick. Now, place as much black powder in the ping bong ball as possible and then the fuse through the hole. Now place in safe place and light fuse, then run. Options: Cover the entire ball with nail polish and/or tape. This will give it an extra bang. Remember: This bomb is very flammable because after the explosion the ping pong ball will consume itself in flame. Recommended uses: Waking someone up. Dropping in a gas tank - very large expolsion. Maybe a few iron bits in the ball - good chrapnel. Look for more expolsive G-Files from Lord Zombie and -TCS-.. ====================================-TCS-===================================== (c) Copyright 1988 TCS, all rights worth jack shit. 12/28/88 - 2 ====================================-TCS-===================================== Angry Brigade: Documents and Chronology, 1967-1984 Table of Contents: Introduction Communiques Chronology The Struggle Continues... Bibliographical Information Bibliographical Info: From the Elephant Editions edition, published 1985. Original edition published 1978 by Bratach Dubh Anarchist Pamphlets. Introduction by Jean Weir. Elephant Editions BM Elephant London WCIN 3XX Scanned and converted to HTML by Peter Jaques, October 28-29, 1994. I have not altered the text in any way. Since this text was scanned, there may be errors. If you find any, please send me e-mail. Last modified: October 31, 1994. Peter Jaques ANGRY BRIGADE Introduction The eight libertarian militants on trial in the Old Bailey in 1972 who were chosen by the British State to be the `conspirators' of the Angry Brigade, found themselves facing not only the class enemy with all its instruments of repression, but also the obtusity and incomprehension -- when not condemnation -- of the organised left. Described as `mad', `terrorists', `adventurists', or at best authors of `gestures of a worrying desperation', the Angry Brigade were condemned without any attempt to analyse their actions or to understand what they signified in the general context of the class struggle in course. The means used to justify this were simple: by defining the actions of the Angry Brigade as `terrorist', and equating this with `individualist', the movement organisations -- whose tendency is to see the relationship between individual and mass as something in contrast -- neatly excluded them from their concerns. Strangely enough this attitude was not limited to the broad left but was also prevalent within the anarchist movement, where still today there is a tendency to ignore the role of the individual within the mass, and the role of the specific group within the mass movement. When the question is raised, it is usually in the form of an absolute condemnation. For example, in an article entitled `Terrorism' (sic) we read: "If a few people take it upon themselves to engage in 'Armed Struggle', this spells out for us, besides the usual public hostility, police harassment, arrests and defence campaigns, the loss of all our political lessons, gains and strengths." (Class War) The problems encountered by the comrades of the Angry Brigade were similar to those of other groups active at the time who had refused the limits of struggle delineated by the State -- the so-called limits of legality, beyond which the repressive mechanism is is unleashed -- and taken as their points of reference the level of mass struggle. This decision was in defiance of the State's definition of the struggle's confines. It also defied the limits imposed by the official workers' movement and the extraparliamentary organisations, including the anarchist movement. The Symbionese Liberation Army in the US, the RAF in Germany, the first of the Red Brigades in Italy, were all isolated by the `revolutionary' organisations, condemned as agitators, provocateurs, individualist terrorists threatening the growth of the mass movement. On the attitude to the SLA, Martin Sostre was to write in America: "The denunciation of the SLA by the movement press is indistinguishable from that of the ruling class. Each left organisation seems to be competing with the others for their legitimacy by denouncing the SLA...Conspicuously absent from the denunciations is any discussion of the role of armed struggle. Revolutionary violence is seen as something repulsive that should be shunned. The left movement press would have one believe that to overthrow the criminal ruling class we have merely to organise mass movements, demonstrations of protest and repeat revolutionary slogans." One such paper in this country -- the Trotskyist Red Mole -- distinguished itself by calling for solidarity with the comrades accused in the Angry Brigade trial. With the following reservation -- "It is no use the organised left criticising the politics of the Angry Brigade, unless we also recognise why a lot of potentially very good comrades reject the various leninist organisations, and indeed resort to bomb-throwing -- until you are caught -- by itself an easy option that does not deal with the problem of helping to change the political understanding of millions of people." Understandable enough in view of the Leninist programme. But from the anarchist perspective? We read on the front page of a fairly recent issue of Freedom, "Even the bombing campaign carried out by the Angry Brigade which was technically brilliant...achieved absolutely nothing because, in direct contradiction with their spoken ideals, they were trying to act as an elite vanguard leaving ordinary people as passive spectators of their actions. Far from this resulting in an `awakening' of the masses' it resulted in a fear of anarchism and anarchist ideas which has significantly contributed to our current impotence." As we can see, the old preoccupation persists: that of protecting the movement (especially the anarchist one) from the `adventurists'. In fact the movement of the exploited is not and never has been one monolithic mass, all acting together with the same level of awareness. The struggle against capital has from the beginning been characterised by a dichotomy between the official workers' movement on the one hand, with its various organisations -- parties, unions, etc, channelling dissent into a manageable form of quantitive mediation with the bosses. And on the other hand, the often less visible movement of `uncontrollables' who emerge from time to time in explicit organisational forms, but who often remain anonymous, responding at individual level by sabotage, expropriation, attacks on property, etc, in the irrecuperable logic of insurrection. There is no distinct or fixed dividing line between the two movements. They often affect each other, the surge from the base obliging the big official organisations to take a certain direction, or the inverse, where the latter put a brake on autonomous struggles. Many of those who make up the mass of union membership, are also extremely active in extra-union (and by definition extra-legal) forms of struggle. Each side, however, has its own heritage: on the one a heritage of deals and sell-outs, the great victories that are real defeats on the workers' backs; on the other, a heritage of direct action, riots, organised insurrections or individual actions which all together form part of the future society we all desire, and without which it would be nothing but a utopian dream. A brief look at the development of the struggle in this country shows this duality quite clearly. The organised anti-capitalist movement as we know it today began to take shape at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Unlike the other European capitalist countries developing at the same time, there was only a minor communist influence both at organisational and ideological level. Traditional British anti-intellectualism and `common sense' were perhaps fundamental to a more pragmatic form of organisation which took the form of trades unions. These unions were from the start reformist, although at times, through pressure from the base, some knew insurrectional moments. The changes the unions proposed were however usually intended to come about using non-violent methods within the constitutional limits. The most numerically significant of the early workers' movements was the Chartist one, which began around 1838. Recognised as the first modern mass movement, the first Chartist petition had one and a quarter million signatures. This is clearly not a qualitative assessment of active adherents. Even this movement was marked by two opposing currents: on the one hand those preaching non-violence and the constitutional road to universal suffrage as a solution; on the other, those who spoke of ~and carried out) rebellion and armed direct action. These were the so- called `moral force' and the `physical force'. They were linked to the division between the tradesmen and unskilled workers and were never never reconciled, possibly accounting for the short duration of the movement. During and immediately preceding this period there also existed forms of autonomous revolt, such as that of the many artisans in the textile industry who, under threat of losing their jobs or of being reduced to non-specialised labourers, organised in armed groups. The most significant of these insurrectional movements was that known as Luddism, which took place between 1810-1820. During this period an immense amount of property was destroyed, including vast numbers of textile frames redesigned to produce inferior, shoddy goods. The Luddites, taking the name of Ned Ludd who had taken a sledge hammer to the frames at hand, organised themselves locally and even federally with great coordination, and in spite of vast deployments of soldiers especially in West Riding and Yorkshire where the movement was strongest, generalised insurrection was approached on more than one occasion. As John Zerzan* points out, this was not the despairing outburst of workers having no other outlet, as a long tradition of unionism was in existence among textile workers and others prior to and during the Luddite uprisings. * John Zerzan -- Creation and Its Enemies: "The Revolt Against Work". MutualistBooks. In the early 1830's it was the turn of agricultural workers become casual labourers to organise in the `army' of Captain Swing, a mythical figure adopted as a symbol of the farmworkers who burned ricks and barns, threatening their oppressors -- farmers, vicars, justices of the peace alike -- with the same fate. Where the Luddites were extremely organised, the Swing men lacked secrecy. Nineteen of them were hanged (sixteen for arson), 644 jailed, and 481 deported to Australia. Along with the inevitable development in the forces of repression in the form of police and army, we see the development of the unions as an attempt to instill order from within the work situation itself. By their division by trades, and by specialised and non-specialised workers, they had the effect not only of controlling but also of fragmenting the struggle and diffusing it along these artificial divisions. By 1910 there were over 50 unions in the engineering industry alone. The revolutionary movement that subsequently developed began partly as a destruction of the old forms of organisation. Three important movements developed. The evolutionary syndicalist movement under the French influence; the industrial syndicalists (IWW) from America, and the shop stewards movement, which was particularly active in the Clydeside in Scotland. They struggled for the control of industry by the workers and against the failure of the orthodox trade unions and left parliamentarianism to get any improvement in working conditions. But these movements, although strong at local level, and capable of organising important strikes and revolts, never went beyond the limits of the engineering and transport industries and the mines. The war years saw a pact between trade unions and the government. Both combined to forcibly instill a sense of patriotism in the workers to prepare them for the great massacre that was to come. Strikes became illegal as a result of this deal, showing clearly how the borderline between legality and illegality is a malleable instrument in the hands of power. Not all went willingly to the slaughter, and the many desertions and mutinies which were savagely put down are still part of the proletariat's unwritten history. The Communist Party, formed in 1920 during the post war depression, was authoritarian and centralised. Although the party never gained the support that its continental counterparts did, it nevertheless carried out its role of policing the struggles in course. For example it entered the struggles of the unemployed who were organised in local groups expropriating food, squatting, etc, and channelled them into reformist demands on the State and large demonstrations such as the Jarrow hunger marches. The General Strike was emblematic of the contrast between the mass of workers and the unions and parties who claimed to represent them. However, with the recovery and development of heavy industry, the main energies of the exploited were concentrated at the workplace, the only place they now found themselves together. The shop stewards' movement was revived in the fifties and sixties in the so-called boom years. But, although nearer to the base of the workers, it broke up the area of struggle even further than the already single trades orientated unions. The growing division of labour caused increasing divisions in struggle, with the result that solidarity between the various sectors was limited, even between workers in the same factory. While the unions were working to develop industry along with the bosses, the base were developing different, uncontrollable forms of struggle such as go-slows, wildcat strikes, sit-ins, etc. For example, of the 421 strikes in the docks at the beginning of the sixties, 410 were unofficial. These same workers had already experienced troops being moved into the docks by a Labour government, and TGWU officials giving evidence against their own members ten years before. Acceleration in automation, work pace, and alienation, especially in the fast developing car industry, created struggles which went against the union/management work ethic. Against bargaining and negotiation, car workers and dockers in particular were carrying out sabotage on the assembly lines, wildcat strikes and occupations. At times they succeeded in pushing their `defence' organisations into situations of attack and across the frontiers of sectionalism and trades differences into which they had been conscripted. But the economism of the unions was one of capital's strongest arms. At a time when industrial riots and even insurrections were spreading all over Europe, each starting from a minority with its own objectives and spreading to other categories of workers in the same industry, then beyond, using pickets, workers' committees, assemblies, etc, the unions were the only organs capable of negotiating with the management and getting workers to return to work under great slogans of unity. This dualism in the workers' movement between elements of the base struggling directly and spontaneously within a precise economic situation, and the representatives of the national politics of the official workers' movement always ready to put a brake on and formalise struggles (e.g. boycotts, strikes and even `working to rule'), turning them into instruments of negotiation with the industries, has always existed. But not all the actions of the base can be instrumentalised, and the thrust towards illegality can never be fully stifled. At times it might seem so. But even during the relative `lulls', there exists a perpetual movement of absenteeists, expropriators, and saboteurs. This movement from below, which emerged in force at the end of the sixties, dispelled the myth of the passive, stable English working class, just as the image of the traditional worker changed with the increase in the number of women and immigrant workers in productive work and the rapidly expanding service industries. At the same time a new movement was growing in the schools and colleges. One of the main points of reference for this movement was the Vietnam war. In every college and university various groups were struggling for political space. For a period there was an attempt to form a unified students movement, the Revolutionary Students Federation. The most significant groups were of a Trotskyist tendency, Maoism having little influence in this country. But the sterile politics of the straight left (Trotskyists and other Leninists) could not contain the new anti-authoritarian movement that was beginning to develop. The politics of everyday life -- organising around one's own oppression, trying to overcome the division between workers and students, between men and women, forming groups around precise problems as opposed to under political banners -- was in full development. A vast movement of claimants, squatters, feminists, etc, emerged expressing not the Right to Work but the Refusal of Work, not employing the waiting tactics of unionist education but taking, Here and Now, what was being refused, and refusing what was being offered. A critique of the nuclear family as a firm bastion of capitalist power led to many experiences of communal living. This movement in all its complexity, not so much a students movement, but a widespread one comprising of young workers, students and unemployed, could be called the libertarian movement of the time. This movement was comprised of autonomous groups acting outside the stagnant atmosphere of the traditional anarchist movement with its own microscopic power centres which, as Bakunin so astutely pointed out, are just as nefarious as any other power structure. A parallel can therefore be drawn between the dichotomy within the workers movement, and that which exists within the anarchist movement. On the one hand there are the comrades who hold positions of power, not carrying out any precise activity to contribute to the revolutionary consciousness of the mass, but who spend their time presiding over meetings and conferences aimed at influencing younger comrades through the incantation of abstract principles. These principles are upheld as the only true tenets of anarchism, and are adhered to by those who, either by laziness or weakness, accept them acritically. The manifestations of these islands of power usually take the form of publications that are long standing and repetitive. They have the external semblance of an `open forum' for the use of the movement as a whole, but the basic ideology -- that of conservation and stasis -- is filtered through from behind the flurry of `helpers' carrying out the task of `filling' and physically producing the publication. These publications are the first to condemn autonomous actions that take their points of reference from the illegal movement of the exploited. They are the first to denounce them, accusing them of bringing police repression down on the anarchist movement. In their reveries they have forgotten that repression always exists, and that only in its most sophisticated form creates the peaceful graveyard of acquiescence, where only ghosts are allowed to tread. Many of the most forceful of recent social rebellions have been fired and spread by the popular response to police repression. The traditional anarchist movement finds itself threatened therefore by the other movement of anarchists, the autonomous groups and individuals who base their actions on a critical appraisal of past methods and up to date theory and analysis. They too use the traditional instruments of leaflets, newspapers and other publications, but use them as tools of revolutionary critique and information, trying always to go towards the mass struggle and contribute to it personally and methodologically. It is quite coherent -- and necessary if they are to be active participants in the struggle -- that they also apply the instruments of direct action and armed struggle. These groups refuse the logic of the power centre and 'voluntary helpers'. Each individual is responsible for his or her action which is based on decisions reached through the endless task of acquiring information and understanding. Some of this can also be gained from the older or more experienced comrades in the group, but never as something to be revered and passed down acritically. Just as there are no immovable boundaries between the two workers' movements, nor are there within the two anarchist movements. Nor is there a fixed boundary between the latter anarchist movement and the insurrectionalist workers' movement. When the struggle heightens these movements come close together and intermingle, the anarchists however always with the aim of pushing the struggle to a revolutionary conclusion and offering libertarian methods to prevent its being taken over by authoritarian structures. The other, traditional, anarchist movement has shown all too often in the past its willingness to form alliances with structures of the official workers' movement. Given the situation at the end of the sixties and beginning of the seventies, with its wave of industrial unrest at the level of the base, the students' struggles in the universities, the struggles of the unemployed, women and so on, the Angry Brigade emerge both as a product of this reality, and as revolutionary subjects acting within it. To reject them as some form of social deviance is to close one's eyes to the reality of the struggle at that time. The fact that their actions deliberately took place in the field of illegality, soliciting others to do the same, does not in any way disqualify them from what was in its very essence an illegal movement. It is possible to see this even in the context of the bombings alone that took place in these years (although by doing so we do not intend to reduce the vast and varied instruments of illegality to that of the bomb): Major Yallop, head of the Laboratories at Woolwich Arsenal, main witness for the prosecution in the trial of the supposed Angry Brigade, was forced to admit that in addition to the 25 bombings between 1968 and mid 1971 attributed to them, another 1,075 had come through his laboratory. Looking at the bombings claimed by the Angry Brigade, we see that they focus on two areas of struggle that were highly sensitive at the time. The first was the struggle in industry: the bombing of the Dept. of Employment and Productivity on the day of a large demonstration against the Industrial Relations Bill; the bombing of Carr's house on the day of an even larger demonstration; the bombing of William Batty's home during a Ford strike at Dagenham; the bombing of John Davies', Minister of Trade and Industry, during the Upper Clyde Shipbuilders crisis; the bombing of Bryant's home during a strike at one of his building works. To complement these attacks, there were the bombs aimed directly at the repressive apparatus of the State at a time when repression was increasing heavily in response to the upsurge in all areas of struggle. The bombing of the home of Commissioner Waldron, head of Scotland Yard. The bombing of the police computer at Tintagel House; the home of Attorney General Peter Rawlinson, and, finally, that of a Territorial Army Recruitment Centre just after internment was introduced in Northern Ireland fall into this category. The bombing of the high street boutique, Biba's and that of the BBC van the night before the Miss World contest was an attempt to push further in the direction of destroying the stereotyping and alienation of the spectacle of consumerism and role playing. "Sit in the drugstore, look distant, empty, bored, drinking some tasteless coffee? or perhaps BLOW IT UP OR BURN IT DOWN." (Communique 8) By their actions the Angry Brigade also became a part of that spectacle, but a part that took form in order to contribute to its destruction. Their actions as presented here find a place therefore not as some old commodity to be taken out and dusted, then put back on the shelf like a relic that belongs to the past. The work they carried out -- and which five libertarians paid for in heavy prison sentences -- is a contribution to the ongoing struggle which is changing form as the strategies of capital change in order for it to restructure and preserve itself. A critical evaluation of the Angry Brigade must therefore take place elsewhere than on the sterile pages of this pamphlet. It must take place in the active considerations of a movement that has a task to fulfil, and that does not take heed of the condemnation and defamation by those whose ultimate aim is to protect themselves. Many problems are raised by a rereading of the actions and experiences of the Angry Brigade -- clandestinity or not, symbolic action or direct attack, anonymous actions or the use of communiques to be transmitted by the media -- to name but a few. The pages that follow help to highlight these questions, whose solution will only be found in the concrete field of the struggle. Jean Weir ANGRY BRIGADE COMMUNIQUES First Communique BROTHERS & SISTERS: We expect the news of the machine-gunning of the Spanish Embassy in London on Thursday night to be suppressed by the bourgeois Press... It's the third time over the last month that the system has dropped the mask of the so-called `freedom of information' and tried to hide the fact of its vulnerability. `They' know the truth behind the BBC the day before the Miss World farce; `they' know the truth behind the destruction of property of High Court judges; `they' know the truth behind the four Barclays Banks which were either burned or badly destroyed; `they' also know that active opposition to their system is spreading. The Angry Brigade doesn't claim responsibility for everything. We can make ourselves heard in one way or another. We machine-gunned the Spanish Embassy last night in solidarity with our Basque brothers and sisters. We were careful not to hit the pigs guarding the building as representatives of British capital in fascist Spain. If Britain co-operates with France over this `legal' Iynching by shutting the truth away, we will take more careful aim next time. SOLIDARITY & REVOLUTION LOVE Communique, The Angry Brigade Communique 1 Fascism & oppression will be smashed Embassies (Spanish Embassy machine gunned Thursday) High Pigs Spectacles Judges Property Communique 1 The Angry Brigade Communique 2 Success Min. E. & Prod. Communique 2 The Angry Brigade Communique 3 (Only extracts of Communique 3 are available from l.T. 94 and l.T. 95) The statement claims the bombing of the Department of Employment and Productivity Wages Council Office. They described it as part of `a planned series of attacks on capitalist and government property'. It ends `we will answer their force with our class violence'. Communique 4 Robert Carr got it tonight. We're getting closer. Communique 4 The Angry Brigade Communique 4 Communiques Communique 6 Contents Communique 5 We are no mercenaries. We attack property not people. Carr, Rawlinson, Waldron, would all be dead if we had wished. Fascists and government agents are the only ones who attack the public -- the fire-bombing of the West Indian party in South London, the West End cinema bomb. British democracy is based on more blood, terror, and exploitation than any empire in history. Has a brutal police force whose crimes against people the media will not report. Now its government has declared vicious class war. Carr's Industrial Relations Bill aims to make it a one-sided war. We have started to fight back and the war will be won by the organised working class, with bombs. Communique 5 The Angry Brigade Communique 5 Communiques Communique 7 Contents Communique 6 FELLOW REVOLUTIONARIES... We have sat quietly and suffered the violence of the system for too long. We are being attacked daily. Violence does not only exist in the army, the police and the prisons. It exists in the shoddy alienating culture pushed out by TV films and magazines, it exists in the ugly sterility of urban life. It exists in the daily exploitation of our Labour, which gives big Bosses the power to control our lives and run the system for their own ends. How many Rolls Royce... how many Northern Irelands... how many anti-Trade Union bills will it take to demonstrate that in a crisis of capitalism the ruling class can only react by attacking the people politically? But the system will never collapse or capitulate by itself. More and more workers now realise this and are transforming union consciousness into offensive political militancy. In one week, one million workers were on strike... Fords, Post Office, BEA, oil delivery workers... Our role is to deepen the political contradictions at every level. We will not achieve this by concentrating on `issues' or by using watered down socialist platitudes. In Northern Ireland the British army and its minions has found a practising range: the CS gas and bullets in Belfast will be in Derby and Dagenham tomorrow. OUR attack is violent... Our violence is organised. The question is not whether the revolution will be violent. Organised militant struggle and organised terrorism go side by side. These are the tactics of the revolutionary class movement. Where two or three revolutionaries use organised violence to attack the class system... there is the Angry Brigade. Revolutionaries all over England are already using the name to publicise their attacks on the system. No revolution was ever won without violence. Just as the structures and programmes of a new revolutionary society must be incorporated into every organised base at every point in the struggle, so must organised violence accompany every point of the struggle until, armed the revolutionary working class overthrows the capitalist system. Communique 6 The Angry Brigade Communique 6 Communiques Communique 8 Contents Communique 7 COMRADES! Two months ago we blew up Carr's house. Revolutionary violence through the high walls of English liberalism. Apart from a short communique we remained silent since... Why?... who is the Angry Brigade... what are its political objectives... a lot of criticism was directed toward vague directions... they called us the Special Branch, the Front, Anarcho-nuts, Commies, Bomb-mob, the lot... we believe that the time has come for an honest dialogue... with any comrade who cares to address us...through the Underground Press... through anything. Look around you brother and sister... look at the barriers... don't breathe... don't love, don't don't strike, don't make trouble... DON'T. The politicians, the leaders, the rich, the big bosses, are in command... THEY control. WE, THE PEOPLE, SUFFER... THEY have tried to make us mere functions of a production process. THEY have polluted the world with chemical waste from their factories. THEY shoved garbage from their media down our throats. THEY made us absurd sexual caricatures, all of us, men and women. THEY killed, napalmed, burned us into soap, mutilated us, raped us. It's gone on for centuries. Slowly we started understanding the BIG CON. We saw that they had defined `our possibilities'. They said: You can demonstrate... between police lines. You can have the normal position and as a commodity; commodities are good. You can rally in defence of the TUC... The `leadership' is wise. THEY used confusing words like `public' or the `National Interest'. Is the Public some kind of `Dignified Body' which we belong to, only until we go on strike? Why are we reduced then to dreaded scroungers, ruining the country's economy? Is `National Interest' anything more than THEIR interest? Lately we started seeing through another kind of con: There is a certain kind of professional who claims to represent us... the MPs, the Communist Party, the Union leaders, the Social Workers, the old-old leeft... All these people peopl presumed to act on our behalf. All these people have certain things in common...THEY always sell us out... THEY are all afraid of us... THEY'LL preach towards keeping the peace... and we are bored... poor... and very tired of keeping the peace. THE ANGRY BRIGADE BECAME A REALITY we knew that every moment of badly paid boredom in a production line was a violent crime. We had rejected all the senile hierarchies and ALL the structures, the liars, the poverty pimps, the Carrs, the Jacksons, the Rawlinsons, the Bob Hopes, the Waldrons... To believe that OUR struggle could be restricted to the channels provided to us by the pigs, WAS THE GREATEST CON. And we started hitting them. January 12 was important...we shattered the blackouts of the yellow Press...hundreds of years of Imperialism... millions of victims of colonisation were breaking up... all the suppressed frustration, all the glow of unleashed energy was blowing our minds... Carr was totally unimportant... he was just a symbol...we could have killed the bastard... or Powell or Davies... or any pig. Then we were scared... like any newly born baby opening our eyes to a gigantic glow -- we got frightened... every knock, every word became a menace... but simultaneously we realised that our panic was minute compared to the panic of the Mirrors and the Habershons AND IT FLASHED: WE WERE INVlNClBLE... because we were everybody. THEY COULD NOT JAIL US FOR WE DID NOT EXIST We started daring out into the open, talking to friends, to neighbours, to people in the pubs, in football games... and we knew we were not alone... WE WERE ALIVE AND GROWING ! COMRADES! Brothers and sisters we hardly know have been picked up, framed, intimidated, harassed. The McCarthy's, the Prescotts, the Purdies are all INNOCENT. The pigs need scapegoats. Our Power is the 6 Conservative Offices petrol bombed on January 13, the Altringham generator which was blown out are all answers of the Revolutionary movement to our call. We are certain that every single day that these comrades stay behind bars will be avenged...Even if it means that some of the Pigs will lose their lives. Three weeks ago we nearly blew up Jackson's headquarters. We knew he had to sell out. We wanted to hit him BEFORE he did the damage. But inside us we carry the remnants of liberalism and irrationality... burdens of our past we have tried to shed. He beat us to it... HE SOLD OUT ... Let the working brothers and sisters be our jury. This time we knew better: it's FORD TONIGHT. We are celebrating the hundred years of the Paris Commune. We are celebrating our REVOLUTION which won't be controlled. Our revolution is autonomous rank and file action -- we create it OURSELVES. We have confidence now... we don't have to wait for them to dangle something tempting like a Powell, a Bill, or a bad apple in front of our faces, before we jump like rabbits. We don't clutch desperately at the illusion of FREEDOM. Our strategy is clear: How can we smash the system? How can the people take Power? We must ATTACK, we cannot delegate our desire to take the offensive. Sabotage is a reality... getting out of the factory is not the only way to strike... stay in and take over. We are against any external structure, whether it's called Carr, Jackson, IS, CP, or SLL is irrelevant -- they're all one and the same. WE BELIEVE IN THE AUTONOMOUS WORKING CLASS. WE ARE PART OF IT. AND WE ARE READY TO GIVE OUR LIVES FOR OUR LIBERATION. POWER TO THE PEOPLE Communique 7 The Angry Brigade Communique 9 WE are getting closer. We are slowly destroying the long tentacles of the oppressive State machine... secret files in the universities work study in the factories the census at home social security files computers TV Giro passports work permits insurance cards. Bureaucracy and technology used against the people... to speed up our work to slow down our minds and actions to obliterate the truth. Police computers cannot tell the truth. They just record our `crimes'. The pig murders go unrecorded. Stephen McCarthy Peter Savva, David Owale -- The murder of these brothers is not written on any secret card. We will avenge our brothers. If they murder another brother or sister, pig blood will flow in the streets. 168 explosions last year. Hundreds of threatening telephone calls to govt, bosses, leaders. The AB is the man or woman sitting next to you. They have guns in their pockets and anger in their minds. We are getting closer. Off the system and its property. Power to the people. Communique 9 The Angry Brigade Communique 10 JOHN DILLON'S IN; WE WON BATTY AND HIS TRANSFORMER'S OUT; WE WON AGAIN PUT THE BOOT IN BOGSIDE -- CLYDESIDE SUPPORT THE ANGRY SIDE SPREAD THE WORD POWER TO THE PEOPLE Communique 10 The Angry Brigade Communique 10 Communiques Twelfth Communique Contents Communique 11 DAVIES IS A LYING BASTARD He hides the deliberate rundown of heavy industry, the rundown of investment in the traditionally depressed areas, that's never been much anyway, by saying that the closures at UCS are just the result of bad management. And the bloody management won't suffer anyway. The conditions he's made for the new company are tough only for the workers who have to sign once and for all a contract they can't fight according to the Industrial Relations Bill. Davies `courageously' says the government won't support lame ducks. Yet 2 weeks ago the government put a massive investment in Harland and Wolff. A political move to keep capitalism going at any cost in the face of the people's uprising. VICTORY TO THE WORKERS ON THE CLYDESIDE. We'd like to say to you to watch out for all the vultures who'll be flying to Clydeside to tell you what to do. The same people who signed the productivity deals that started the redundancy ball rolling are now trying to feed off your struggle. If there's going to be an occupation it's got to be for real. Take the yards from the bosses and keep them. The Labour Party, the Unions and their minions, the CP with its productivity craze, the same bastards who always sell us out, will try to fob you off with gestures like one day strikes and one day occupations, petitions, etc., which will achieve bugger all. YOU ARE YOUR OWN LEADERS. HAVE YOUR OWN TACTICS. CONTROL YOUR OWN STRUGGLE -- SOLIDARITY BOGSIDE, CLYDESIDE, JOIN THE ANGRY SIDE Communique 11 The Angry Brigade Twelfth Communique Over 5,500 refugees, 2,000 homeless, over 20 dead in 2 days, 230 imprisoned without charge or trial, the six occupied counties of Ireland are terrorised by the gunmen in khaki. This war of terror is carried out in the name of the British people. THIS IS A SLANDEROUS LIE. The British Imperialist Campaign in Ireland is waged only to safeguard the fat profits of a few rich pigs and power crazy politicians. We warn all unemployed brothers and sisters. Do not be fooled by the army recruiting campaign. An army career isn't fun in the sun and learning a useful trade, if you join you'll be trained in Belfast, Derry and all the other working class ghettos in Northern Ireland to murder and brutalise ordinary working class people. The training will come in useful when the boss class sends the troops into Clydeside, Merseyside, Tyneside, Birmingham, London and all the working class districts throughout Britain. To any unemployed worker thinking of joining up we ask you one question: -- WHICH WAY WILL YOU POINT YOUR GUN WHEN THE OFFICERS ORDER YOU AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF YOUR OWN TOWN?.. Who will you shoot when your parents, brothers and sisters are in sight of your gun? The British boss class has lined its pockets with the accumulated profits of 700 years of exploitation of the Irish working people. Now they are killing to defend these profits. THE ANGRY BRIGADE ADVISES THE BRITISH RULING CLASSES TO GET OUT OF IRELAND AND TAKE THEIR PUPPETS (LYNCH, FAULKNER, ETC) WITH THEM. ANGRY BRIGADE MOONLIGHTER'S CELL POINT YOUR GUN Thirteenth Communique The Angry Brigade bombing of Chris Bryant's home in Birmingham has brought attention to the activities of the Bryant building combine. For two weeks workers on a Bryant site have been on strike demanding a flat rate of one pound an hour and the end of `the lump' -- a pool of self-employed non-union men available for hire. The blast badly damaged the front of Bryant's six bedroomed house but as with other AB bombings, didn't hurt anyone. Capitalism is a vicious circle. People's sweat and blood is used and exploited. They make us produce shit...they give us next to nothing while their class pockets huge profits... the ruling class... the Bryan of this world. Then, when we put the overalls aside, we clean up the muck from our faces and we take the boring bus or train home and they suddenly transform us into consumers. In other words when we are not working they make us buy... the same shit we produced. The miserable wage packet they gave us they make us spend on useless food, on machines specially designed to break down and on houses we know look and feel like prisons. Prisons we helped build. And paid (more specifically promised to pay over the next twenty years for we never have enough dough to pay for a house or a car or anything for that matter -- they have to exploit us even more by making us pay interest) for them. We build the prisons and then we live in them. We produce shit and then we eat it. Producers of shit -- consumers of shit. There are many of our brothers and sisters inside. An old revolutionary once called prisons `an occupational hazard'. A hazard which may hit any person who chooses to take a action. But to lose a finger, a limb, your lungs -- any accident at work -- this too is an occupational hazard. Look at the safety precautions on Bryant's sites -- none at all. Not only a limb but your life. So what's the bloody difference? Chris Bryant made Ł1,714,857 profit last year -- a 25 per cent rise on 1969. He does it by a cocktail of high society, high finance and a lot of corruption. He has clinched his deals for the redevelopment of Birmingham on the golf courses of Solihull with Corporation Councillors. The Councillors oblige by charging high rents on the Council estates -- like Chelmsley Wood -- to pay high prices to Bryant for his contracts. Now he's buying up land around Solihull to sell to the same Council who will give him the contracts to develop it, with our money. No one should be conned that the Birmingham Mail is anything other than the Bryant broadsheet either. A man who lives in a mock Tudor village ('Windways', Jacobean Road, Knowle) doesn't have to worry about the next HP installment, doesn't have to nick a can of paint from work to make his house look decent, doesn't have to worry about draughts. (But today... did we say Windways?) We'll hit million for million... We'll follow him from Tudor village to Tudor village. 25 years we've waited in Birmingham for a building strike. Bryant hit us and bullied us with the lump. By hitting Bryant we're hitting the lump too. The Woodgate Valley stands for class solidarity and Revolution. The Workers have taken their stand. Sabotage in the place of work is a reality. The bosses are beginning to feel the undiluted power of the people. The people are hitting back. The Brigade is hitting back. Now we are too many to know each other. Yet we recognise all those charged with crimes against property as our brothers and sisters. The Stoke-Newington 6, the political prisoners in Northern Ireland are all prisoners of the class war. We are not in a position to say whether any one person is or isn't a member of the Brigade. All we say is: the Brigade is everywhere. Without any Central Committee and no hierarchy to classify our members, we can only know strange faces as friends through their actions. We love them, we embrace them as we know others will. Other cells, sections, groups. Let ten men and women meet who are resolved on the lightening of violence rather than the long agony of survival; from this moment despair ends and tactics begin. Power to the people. THE BRIGADE IS ANGRY ANGRY BRIGADE CHRONOLOGY 1969 February 3 Unexploded dynamite charges discovered on the premises of the Bank of Bilbao and the Bank of Spain in London. February 9 Bank of Spain in Liverpool bombed. March 15 Two anarchists, Alan Barlow and Phil Carver, arrested immediately following a powerful explosion at the Bank of Bilbao in London. In their possession was a letter claiming the action on behalf of the 1st of May Group. August 16 Home of Duncan Sandys, Tory MP, fire-bombed. August 17 Ulster Office in London firebombed. August 19 Bomb explodes after being thrown into army recruiting office, Brighton. October 9 Petrol bombs found in left luggage locker in London. October 15 Imperial War Museum gutted by incendiary device. 1970 January 28 Bomb attack on offices of the Spanish Cultural attache in Paris. February 10 Ian Purdie is imprisoned for 9 months for throwing a petrol bomb at the Ulster Office in Saville Row during an Irish Civil Rights Campaign march. February 20 3 students captured as they are about to firebomb Barclays Bank. February 28 Bomb attack on the Bank of Bilbao and the Spanish State Railways in Paris. March 28 Time bomb found at Waterloo Station. May 4 American Embassy, London, firebombed. May 10 Incendiary device discovered aboard Iberian Airliner at Heathrow. Similar devices are found in other European capitals on planes belonging to Iberia. May 19 Wembley Conservative Association firebombed. May 22 High explosive device discovered at a new police station in Paddington. This was later claimed by the prosecution in the trial of the Stoke Newington Eight to be the first action undertaken by `The Angry Brigade'. June 10 Brixton Conservative Association firebombed. June 11 Stuart Christie's home raided with explosives warrant. June 18 Lambeth Court firebombed. June 30 Army depot, Kimber Road, London, firebombed. June 30 Ian Purdie is released from Albany prison (Isle of Wight). July 3 Simultaneous bomb attacks in Paris and London against Spanish State Tourist offices, and the Spanish and Greek Embassies. July 7 Army recruiting office, South London, firebombed. Army Officer Training Centre, Holborn, London, firebombed. July 10 Home of a retired policeman in Stoke Newington firebombed. August 18 The London offices of Iberia Airlines, Spanish State airline, bombed. August 30 The London home of the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Sir John Waldron, is damaged by a bomb blast. The bombing is not reported in the national press. September 8 The London home of Attorney General, Sir Peter Rawlinson, in Chelsea, is bombed. Again this goes unreported . September 17 Jake Prescott paroled from Albany Prison, Isle of Wight. September 21 Wimbledon Conservative Association firebombed. September 26 Hampstead Conservative Association firebombed. September 26 Bomb exploded outside Barclays Bank, Heathrow. September 26 Simultaneous bomb attacks against Iberia in Geneva, Frankfurt, Paris and London airports. October 7 BOAC Air terminal at Victoria, booby trap hand grenade found. October 8 Second explosion at Rawlinson's home. October 9 Italian Trade Centre, Exhibition Building, Cork Street, London, bombed. Attacks simultaneously in Manchester, Birmingham and Paris against Italian State buildings. The attacks were claimed on behalf of Giuseppe Pinelli the Italian anarchist murdered by the police in 1969. October 24 During the Council workers' strike a bomb explodes in the cleansing dept head office, Greenford. October 26 Administration building on Keele University campus firebombed. October 26 Barclays Bank at Stoke Newington firebombed. Newspaper report says: `Police are investigating several similar incidents at other branches'. November 20 A BBC van outside the Albert Hall in London covering the Miss World contest is bombed at 2,30 am. The prosecution claimed that Jake Prescott was responsible for this explosion, but also brought a witness who vouched that Jake was in fact in Edinburgh at the time. They were forced to drop this charge. December 3 Spanish Embassy in London machine gunned following international protests against the trial of the Basque nationalists, the Burgos Six. This was not reported. December 8 Big demonstrations against the Tory Government's Industrial Relations Bill. In the early hours of December 9 the Department of Employment and Productivity in St James Square, London, is bombed. The police had searched the building and no sooner left it than it went off. Action claimed by the Angry Brigade. 1971 January 12 Thousands of people strike and march against the Industrial Relations Bill. The home of Robert Carr, Minister of Employment, in Hadley Green Road, Barnet, is bombed. First explosion is at 10:05 pm, the second at 10:20 pm. The action is claimed by the Angry Brigade. "One man the police particularly want... is a Scot in his twenties who is suspected of being involved in the bomb attack at the Iberia Airlines office in London last August. This man was believed to be in Paris yesterday." (The Times) The hunt for Stuart Christie as a likely `candidate for outrage' was on. His history as an anarchist and his involvement with the movement in Spain made him a superb candidate for a fit-up. Police searches extend over the whole of the London area. A number of people were dragged up to Barnet Police Station for questioning. "Special Branch were watching members of a group believed to be connected with the ex-plosions". All those questioned at Barnet in the early part of the week were released, apart from a man and a woman who were handed over to the police in other parts of London in connection with other offences. In the week after the Carr bomb a police guard was provided for Justice Melford Stevenson after he had received a phone call saying that a bomb was to be placed at his house. This was Melford the hanging judge who was to sentence Jake Prescott to 15 years. Secret orders have been issued to police and security guards that members of the organisation must be flushed out as a matter of top priority. An undercover squad of Special Branch officers has been formed to pursue full-time investigation into the group. Full-time guards have been placed on Cabinet Ministers. These are angry times... Peter Walker (environment Minister), Melford Stevenson, Tory MP Hugh Fraser, Tory Prime Minister Heath and many others have received threatening calls. A communique sent to the Express newspaper says: "THE ANGRY BRIGADE IS AFTER HEATH NOW. WE'RE GETTING CLOSER". January 18 Glasgow South African Airways office firebombed. January 19 Jake Prescott was arrested on a cheque charge in Notting Hill. On January 20 he appeared in Marylebone Court, where he was questioned by Habershon. In the time he was inside on remand, he was put in cells with Messrs A, B and C. Habershon had an interview with Mr A at Camberwell Court, which he took up again on February 9. Mr A made a statement that Jake "had admitted the bombings at the DEP, Carr's home and the Miss World Contest"... Very convenient! But unfortunately for Habershon, the jury at Jake's trial were not prepared to believe the police witness (perhaps they had in mind the Ł10,000 reward that had been offered by the Daily Mirror for police informants)... This part of the police evidence was rejected as a frame-up. At this time the police were being given full rein to do what they liked. In the midst of the hysteria that was generated by the idea that the opposition might be armed, in the midst of the fear that came after a cabinet minister had his front door blown off, a manhunt was taking place `leaving no stone unturned'. Stuart Christie was particularly a victim of this. The London evening newspapers were trumpeting from day to day about the `young Scottish anarchist recently returned from Spain' whom they had branded as the most likely... people were disappearing off the streets for questioning. The police visit offices of leading newspapers and take photographers off to Barnet to identify people from the photos that were taken outside Carr's house on the night of the January 12 bombing. On February 3 Jake Prescott was released on bail. Ian Purdie was in court at the time, as he had been for Jake's previous remands. Then, on February 11, Jake and a Dutch friend were seized from a pub in North London and dragged off to Barnet. They were refused any access to lawyers for two days. Jake was interrogated by Habershon and Allard for hours. On February 12 Jake's defence counsel began preparations for a writ of habeas corpus on the police, which would require them to either charge Jake or release him. On February 13 Jan Oudenaarden, the Dutchman, was released after "the most frightening experience of my life". Jake however was not released. He was charged with causing an explosion at Carr's home and those at the DEP and the Miss World contest. Jake and Jan had been `detained for questioning' for 3 days. In the court at Barnet, Habershon is challenged to produce `grounds for arrest' and is threatened with legal action. It is claimed that he had tried to persuade Jake to change his lawyer -- presumably to one who would not cause trouble for the police... January 25 Home of the Lord Provost of Glasgow bombed. January 27 Communique 5 received by the Press Association. The police were forced to admit that earlier bombings (which they had covered up) had taken place. The police, however, imposed a press blackout on the course of the investigations. At the same time the Daily Mirror offers a Ł10,000 reward to anybody giving information leading to a conviction. January 29 The Times reports: "Scotland Yard and security officials are becoming increasingly embarrassed and annoyed by the activities of the Angry Brigade, who cannot now be dismissed as a group of cranks. Some senior officers credit the group with a degree of professional skill that has seldom been experienced". In the weeks after the Carr bombing, the Barnet Brigade, headed by Roy Habershon (explosives expert), Commander Bond and Commander Dace, thundered all over London with squad cars, dogs, photographers, raiding houses of 'known left wing extremists'. Their concern (as was clear from the number of address books, magazines, letters, etc that they took) was to draw up a picture of the extra- parliamentary left, whose activities they were now forced to take seriously, and whose structures they were more or less ignorant of. These were raids of the political police in action. The raids included: January 13: Chris Reed, Huddleston Road, London, N7 January 14: Stuart Roche, Schools Union activist. January 15: Ian Purdie's brother, Robert is taken up to Barnet and questioned. The police are looking for Ian. January 17: The house of Ann Lamche (Cinema Action) is raided. Two people are taken off for questioning. The Agitprop house in Muswell Hill (which the police were eager to look round) address book copied. January 19: 4 known raids in which nothing is found. Joe Keith and Tony Swash questioned by Habershon. January 20: Ian Purdie questioned by Palmer-Hall at Bedford Gardens. January 21: Paul Lewis of International Times is questioned by Habershon. Office and home searched. January 22: Chris Allen is questioned by Edinburgh CID. Habershon goes to Edinburgh for three days. January 23: Another raid in Edinburgh. January 24: Police raid a house in London and two men, Ross Flett and Phil Carver were dragged off to Barnet for questioning. Barnet refuses them access to a lawyer who was present outside the station. The papers start to talk of a Scottish anarchist. Two men are seized by police in London and taken to Barnet for questioning concerning `about 30 unpublicised attacks on Establishment property' including banks, the home of Tory racist Duncan Sandys and various Conservative Party offices. January 29 The Evening News reports that: "... in the latest report of HM Inspector of Explosives, `there was again a substantial increase in the number of cases involving homemade devices. There is evidence of the increasing use of such devices in the furtherance of political activities' ". January 30 Slough Conservative Office firebombed. February 3 Jake Prescott is released on bail and yet is arrested on the 11th. He is interrogated, denied access to a lawyer for three days, and is accused of the attacks on Carr's home and the BBC van. February 9 The Jersey home of a local managing director firebombed. February 11 The house in Grosvenor Avenue, Islington, where Jake Prescott had been staying, is raided by the police. The house is searched for explosives. Diaries, address books, newspapers and other articles are taken away, despite protests that this does not come into the terms of the police warrants. Press reports now make Grosvenor Avenue the centre of the conspiracy. The nearest thing they can find... February 11 Earlier in the day Habershon and his gang had disrupted the trial of the people who were involved in the demonstration at the Miss World contest in November 1970. They removed by force four of the defence witnesses who were due to give evidence in the trial. They were taken off to Barnet, where they were questioned and denied all access to legal representation. Habershon comes forth in true democratic light when he says "I am not concerned with legal niceties". Charges are brought against Scotland Yard for assault (of those dragged away from Bow Street) and for wrongful arrest and imprisonment. The Special Branch were present at the Miss World trial. February 13 Searches at the homes of Hilary Creek, John Barker, Kate McLean, Chris Allen and others in a hunt for explosives. Jake Prescott is charged with conspiracy to cause explosions between July 30 1970 and December 1971, and with the specific bombings of Carr's home, the Dept of Employment and the Miss World contest. February 15 Cannock Street is raided again. February 19 Habershon goes to Edinburgh. Two houses are raided and Jane and Chris Allen are questioned. The same day The Times prints Communique 6 from the Angry Brigade. There was also a telephone call from an Angry Brigade spokesman to the Havering Recorder in Essex, saying that from Saturday next a campaign of violence would be conducted against Conservative Party policies in South Africa. THE RAIDS CONTINUE February 20 Mike Kane's house is raided. March 5 House in Talbot Road, Notting Hill raided. March 6 12 midnight, house in Tyneham Road, SW11, raided. Ian Purdie was there and was arrested. Habershon said at Barnet that "the raid was to find explosives and Ian Purdie. They are synonymous as far as I am concerned." He admitted in court that he had ordered Ian to be arrested for questioning, which is illegal. March 7 Ian Purdie is charged, along with Jake Prescott, accused of the two Angry Brigade bombings. They are both in the top security wing at Brixton Prison -- as class A prisoners -- and are kept in their cells for 23 hours a day. March 10 The Guardian reports on police excesses in their investigations. March 18 During a major strike of Ford workers in England the main offices of the Ford Motor Company at Gants Hill, Ilford, on the outskirts of London, is wrecked by a powerful explosion. A thousand word communique (Communique no 7) is delivered shortly after. ... A man walks into a London bank and demands Ł5,000 with the threat of a bomb that he had with him (a biscuit tin full of coal). The bomb at Fords on March 18 sparks off another wave of raids: March 20 House in Notting Hill raided. Defence documents seized. March 23 Grosvenor Avenue raided for the second time. Dogs and ten pigs. March 24 Two houses in East London raided. First, Ron Bailey's with explosives warrant -- impression of typewriter taken. Second, Digger Walsh's with explosives warrant, by Cremer and Bentley. April 1 Two houses in Notting Hill raided. More defence files for the Powis Square trial are seized. Throughout the period since their arrest, Ian and Jake have been kept in solitary in Brixton Prison, allowed out for only one hour each day. Their defence lawyers can only gain access to them after bargaining with Habershon. When the defence counsel asks for evidence of arrests to be produced, he is told this can't be done without the permission of the Attorney General. In addition Ł10,000 bail for each of the defendants is refused by the magistrate at Barnet. April 1 The home of the headmaster of Roydale School is firebombed. April 5 Arson attempt at Gosport Tory Club. (Evening Standard says "this is the latest in a series of incidents involving this club in the last six months.") April 5 Bomb left in Leicester Square. April 22 Committal proceedings for Jake and Ian start at Barnet Court. The committal is to decide whether or not the magistrate feels there is enough evidence against the two of them for a trial to be set at the Old Bailey. There is no doubt that he will find so, but nevertheless proceedings proceed... interminably... until May 27. Jake had been presented (April 15) with three more charges: having conspired with Ian to cause explosions `with others' between July 1970 and March 1971 and having actually caused the Miss World and DEP bombings. April 22 Arson at Whitechapel Barclays Bank. April 23 Booby trap incendiary envelope posted to MP at House of Commons. April 24 Second police raid in Wivenhoe, Essex. Charges: possession of drugs -- shown photos of Jim Greenfield and Anna Mendelson and 2 others. April 26 3rd raid on Cannock Street. Chris arrested on cheques charges. April 28 The Times receives a liquid bomb through the post. It had a message: "From the Vengeance Squad, the Angry Brigade, The People's Army. We will use these. Many of them in June and July. Revolution now." April 29 Sabotage at Nuclear Power Station, Berkeley, Gloucester (3rd such incident within three months). April/May The IS printers had an intimidating visit, asking about women's newspaper. Raids on IS members in London. May 1 Mayday, a bomb explodes in the Biba boutique in trendy Kensington. It was accompanied by Communique 8. May 4 Bomb found strapped to the underside of Lady Beaverbrook's car. Inquiries range through Kent, Essex and Oxfordshire. May 4 Four home-made bombs found near the Sidcup and Chislehurst Grammar School, where Prime Minister Heath received the Freedom of Bexley on Friday. May 22 Bomb attack on Scotland Yard Computer Room at Tintagel House, London. This is accompanied by simultaneous attacks by the Angry Brigade, the International Solidarity Movement, and the Marius Jacob group against British Rail, Rolls Royce and Rover offices in Paris. May Harris Gleckman, Alan Barlow, and Smith raided for the second time at Agitprop, Muswell Hill. June 1 A letter is sent to The Times: "If Heath and Rippon contrive to enter the Common Market without seeking the opinion of the British people they will be on the receiving end of a bullet. This is no idle threat. Signed: The Angry Brigade." July 22 During a dispute between Ford management and the militant shop steward John Dillon, in the Ford Liverpool plant, the Angry Brigade blow up the home of Ford's managing director, William Batty, in Essex. The same night a bomb damages a transformer at the Dagenham plant of the Ford Motor Company. By this time Scotland Yard is hopping mad. Sir John Waldron holds a conference there, where senior police officers are told of the order that has come from the Prime Minister, via Home Secretary Maudling, that "The Angry Brigade must be found and smashed"... "We have been ordered to treat the Angry Brigade as Public Enemy Number 1. This is a top priority job." In the words of the Sunday Telegraph: "YARD WILL GET THE ANGRY BRIGADE.... A special team of 20 hand-picked detectives from the Flying Squad and Special Branch, working with army bomb disposal experts and Home Office scientists. Their leader, a commander, whose name is being kept secret for his own safety... is known as rough and ready... The squad is taking a tough line. It will raid hippy communes, question avowed members of the `underground' and build up a complete file on the sub-culture that threatens the present social order." July 19 Factory at Dordan damaged by several fires started by incendiary devices. July 25 Intimidation of a claimant in North London when police with explosives warrant smash door in. July 26 Ian Purdie refused bail of Ł17,500 by Melford Stevenson. July 31 Despite close police protection in the home of the Secretary for Trade and Industry, John Davies, is badly damaged by a powerful explosion in London. This action followed close on Davies' announcement of his intention to close Upper Clyde Shipbuilders, throwing thousands of men out of work. This is accompanied by the 11th Communique from the Angry Brigade. August 2 Two houses in Essex searched with explosives warrant. Judge Argyll of the OZ trial is threatened in his Midlands home. The trial date for Jake Prescott and Ian Purdie is set for September 7, and now the police's concern is to do everything possible to wreck and intimidate any support action that might be planned for them. Various houses are raided and material and addresses related to the Ian and Jake defence is seized. One of the places raided was the Agitprop collective in Bethnal Green, London, where material was seized . August 15 More raids: Hungerford Road, Dave Garfinkel taken for questioning. Beresford Terrace, N5 -- documents seized. Crystal Palace -- Sally Keith's house, floorboards ripped up. August 15 Following the announcement by the British Government that internment was to be introduced in Ireland, there was a powerful explosion at the Army recruiting centre in Holloway Road, North London. This was accompanied by a Communique signed `Angry Brigade Moonlighters Cell'. August 16 Agitprop, Bethnal Green again raided with explosives warrant. August 17 Wilson and Habershon raid house in Talbot Road, Notting Hill, with warrant for stolen goods. August 21 House in Amhurst Road, London, raided by Special Branch and CID. Jim Greenfield, Anna Mendelson, John Barker and Hilary Creek are arrested. The four are taken to the `Bomb Squad' HQ in Albany Street, London, where the two men are subjected to a brutal beating-up to extract a confession from them. August 21 Stuart Christie arrested at Amhurst Road, London, while visiting the house. One hour later Chris Bott is also arrested at the same place. Both are taken to join the others at Albany Street Police Station. Incriminating evidence in the form of two detonators is planted by police officers in Christie's car. Both men are also verballed. August 23 All are charged at Albany Street Police Station with: 1. Conspiring to cause explosions between January 1 1968 and August 21 1971. 2. Possessing explosive substances for an unlawful purpose. 3. Possessing a pistol without a firearms certificate. 4. Possessing eight rounds of ammunition without a firearms certificate. 5. Possessing two machine guns without the authority of the Secretary of State. 6. Possessing 36 rounds of ammunition without a firearms certificate. 7. Jim: attempting to cause an explosion in May 1970. 8. Anna and Jim: attempting to cause an explosion in Manchester, October 1970. 9. Stuart: possessing one round of ammunition without a firearm certificate. (This was dated back 2 years when a bullet was taken from his flat. No charges were preferred against him at the time.) 10. John, Jim and Stuart: possessing explosive substances. 11. Jim, John and Hilary: receiving stolen vehicle. 12. Stuart: possessing explosive substances. (The two detonators planted by the police). All are refused bail and remanded in custody to await trial. August 29 Military wing of Edinburgh Castle bombed. September 10 Ipswich Courthouse bombed. September 16 Bomb discovered in officers' mess inside Dartmoor prison. (News not released for two weeks). September 20 Support of Chelsea Bridge opposite army barracks bombed. (Blast heard three miles away.) September 24 Despite the fact that the police claim to have arrested all the Angry Brigade, the Albany Street Army Barracks (near the Bomb Squad HQ) is bombed by the Angry Brigade in protest against the actions of the British Army in Northern Ireland. October 15 Maryhill Barracks Army HQ, Glasgow, firebombed. October 20 Home of Bryant, Birmingham building boss, bombed while his workers are on strike. Communique issued by the Angry Brigade. October 30 Post Office Tower in London is bombed by the Angry Brigade. October 30 'The Cunning Man' Pub, Reading, which refused to serve workers from the M4 site, bombed. November 1 Army Tank HQ in Everton Street, London, bombed by the Angry Brigade. November 6 Amsterdam: attack against Lloyds Bank; Basle: Italian Consulate attacked; Rome: British Embassy attacked; Barcelona: British Embassy attacked. All in support of the `Stoke Newington Eight' and the Italian anarchists imprisoned on trumped-up charges of 'conspiracy' and subversion. November 11 Haverstock Street, Islington, raided. Angie Weir arrested, taken to Albany Street and charged with conspiracy to cause explosions. November 17 89 Talbot Road raided: Chris Allen ends up similarly charged. November 26 Pauline Conroy arrested in her flat in Powis Square and charged. November 29 Broadstairs Courthouse firebombed. December 1 Trial of Ian Purdie and Jake Prescott ends. Ian Purdie found not guilty on all charges. Jake Prescott found not guilty of specific bombings, but guilty of conspiracy to cause bombings on the basis of having written three envelopes, and was sentenced to fifteen years. December 15 Jordanian Ambassador, London, machine-gunned in his car. December 18 Kate McLean arrested and charged along with Angela Weir, Chris Allen and Pauline Conroy, who had been arrested during the course of November. of having conspired with the six people already arrested on conspiracy charges. Shortly before the opening of Committal proceedings against the ten militants, Attorney General, Sir Peter Rawlinson, the victim of one of the Angry Brigade attacks, decided there was insufficient evidence for a case to be made against Pauline Conroy and Chris Allen, and they were released from custody. 1972 January 22 Explosive letter sent to MP at House of Commons. February 1 Rhodesia House in London firebombed. February 3 Kirkgate, Huddersfield, Army Recruiting Office destroyed by firebombs. February 17 Bonhill Street Social Security Office, London, firebombed. Liverpool Army HQ, Edge Lane, bombed. Severe damage. February 22 Aldershot Paras HQ bombed -- 7 killed. March 10 South African Airways, London, firebombed. March 15 (Approx) Prison officer shot outside Wandsworth Prison. March 20 Two shots fired through the front of the Army Recruiting Office, Slough, Bucks. March Four members of the Workers' Party of Scotland sentenced to a total of 81 years as a result of an expropriation carried out against the Bank of Scotland in June, 1971. The comrades, who defended their actions politically in court, were dealt the highest sentences ever by a Scottish court for robbery: William McPherson, 26 years, Matt Lygate, 25 years, and Ian Doran were virtually ignored by the revolutionary left. March 30 Bomb containing 13 sticks of gelignite planted on railway line near Stranraer, Glasgow, used by the Army to transport men and equipment to ferry for N. Ireland. April 6 2nd bomb (13 sticks) planted on rail link near Glasgow. April 24 Homemade bomb planted at police headquarters at Sleaford, Lancs. 15 year old boy held. April 26 Bomb blast and fire at Tory HQ, Billericay, Essex. May 1 Explosion at CS gas factory. May 30 Trial of `Stoke Newington Eight' accused of conspiracy to cause Angry Brigade bombings, begins in No 1 Court at the Old Bailey in London. This was to be the longest trial in the history of the British legal system. Excerpt from a Stoke Newington Eight Defence Bulletin: THE TRIAL SO FAR... Has been four months of prosecution, four months of police witness after witness contradicting each other, changing their story, LYING, broken only for four weeks when the judge had his holiday... A CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE The Press have reported nothing of all this -- just as they never reported the bombings until it suited them. What are they scared of? WHAT CONSPIRACY? The only concrete evidence is the guns and gelignite `found' by the police in the flat where 4 of the defendants lived. At first the police said that 2 of the 4 were there throughout the raid; then they admitted that at one point they were taken out of the flat then brought back. WHY? The fingerprint expert admitted that there were no prints on the guns and explosives. WHY NOT? The prosecution's story changed from day to day. It emerged that the police would have fallen flat over the guns and gelly as they came into the flat if it had been where they said it was, instead of 'finding' it ten minutes later; so they suddenly `remembered' for the first time -- a year later -- that it had been covered with clothes. POLICE CONSPIRACY One detective was forced to admit that he had altered his notebook during the trial. Another gave the game away altogether when he said that he and a colleague sat down in the kitchen and `decided' what happened in the raid. NO CONSPIRACY The rest of the evidence against the eight is research, letter and articles written by the defendants for different underground papers ( Frendz, Strike) and broadsheets. The prosecution call them proof of conspiracy because they mention such political targets as the Industrial Relations Act, Fair Rents Act, Miss World contest, etc. Their scientific experts' tried to pin 25 of the bombings that took place in England between 1968 and 1971 on to these people, claiming that these bombings were `associated' -- disregarding other similar bombings and covering up the differences between the 25. But the explosions were claimed by groups as different as the 1st of May group, the Angry Brigade, The Wild Bunch and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. And the `set' didn't include 3 claimed by the Angry Brigade AFTER Amhurst Road was raided. Now the defence is beginning, the truth can come out: the only conspiracy there's been is a STATE CONSPIRACY. Police explosives expert testifies that between March 1968 and August 1971 there had been 123 known attacks on property. November 24 During his summing up Mr Justice James directed the jury to ignore the defence's protestations that it was a political trial. He said: "It is not (a political trial) and I direct you to have none of it. Political trials are trials of people for their political views. We do not have them in this country." December 6 The trial ends. Jim Greenfield, Anna Mendleson, Hilary Creek and John Barker are sentenced to 10 years for `conspiracy to cause explosions'. The other four charged are acquitted, and the sentence of Jake Prescott is reduced to 10 years. December 7 After the Angry Brigade sentences the previous day, Scotland Yard names two more people they want in connection with the bombings: Gerry Osner and Sarah Poulikakou, both living abroad at the time. 300 people marched in protest to Holloway Prison. In all, 12 people were arrested and charged -- 2 had the charges against them withdrawn, 5 were acquitted, five were convicted and imprisoned for conspiracy. Following the trial Commander Bond was promoted to Deputy Assistant Commissioner at Scotland Yard. Det. Chief Superintendent Habershon was made Commander and seconded to the Home Office's Research and Planning Office in 1973. In June 1974 he headed the police investi- gation into the killing of Kevin Gateley, the Warwick Uni- versity student, in Red Lion Square on June 5th 1974 -- as a result of which the police were absolved of all respon- sibility. In April 1975 Commander Habershon was appoint- ed head of the Bomb Squad, replacing Robert Huntley. The Struggle Continues... The situation today is very different to that of the late sixties and early seventies. New comrades are taking up the struggle, which has spread to that of attacks on NATO installations and nuclear power stations as well as other manifestations of the increasing militarism in Europe and the US and Canada. There are no structures today that correspond to the old RAF, Action Directe, the Red Brigades as they once were, or other forms of fairly structured armed groups. The signatures and emblems are still used, but the comrades using them have hardly any direct relationship with others doing the same. What is apparent is that there is a will to act against the new and old forms of repression, and in doing so, to also criticise the old forms of organisation. It is in this light that we see the following communiques that have appeared in this country over the past three years. Another opening towards armed struggle appears on the horizon. It finds its roots in the mass illegality of the present, and seeks to go further in terms of creating a new specific revolutionary armed attack. It is time to take a position and to act. Getting Angrier! (Communique sent to the Conservative Party, 1983) WE PLANTED the small bombs in your northern headquarters at at Manchester and Leeds as a reminder to you of the active resistance which exists in this country. We have had enough of you ruining our lives. You commit the worst forms of violence in our society and you don't care. We are thrown out of work, abused by the DHSS and the police, deported and exploited -- and still it's not enough for you. Every day we are subjected to greater repression; police powers are increased, more racist laws introduced, 20 years of gains by women are eroded in three, the organised labour movement is under attack, and now we see a policy of summary execution. You think you can crush us, but you're wrong. We will not remain silent in the face of this onslaught -- we are fighting back. So far our actions have been aimed at property and not people, but our patience is wearing thin. WE ARE GETTING CLOSER. ANGRY BRIGADES RESISTANCE MOVEMENT IRSM (Feb 1983) "Overcrowding in the prisons, general repression and the murder of Barry Prosser earlier this year by screws in Winson Green Prison are some of the reasons given by a group calling itself the `Angry Brigade Resistance Movement', for the bomb attack on property belonging to the Prison Officers Training College in Wakefield. ...... One London-based ATS officer is reported to have said that it was unlikely that the Angry Brigade had reformed. ..... it is not possible for the Angry Brigade to `re-form'. It wasn't an organisation, nor was it a single grouping -- but an expression of the anger and contempt many people up and down the country had for the State and its institutions. In this sense the Angry Brigade is with us all the time (the man or the woman sitting next to you?) -- it neither appears or disappears (or re-forms) but is the natural manifestation of revolt when that revolt is directed at the heart of all that causes suffering: the State." Black Flag Vol V11 No 2 Feb 1983 Angry Words (1984) We decided to plant the explosives on the electricity pylon north of Maltby in order to damage the pylon, disrupt the Supergrid link from the Midlands to the North East, and to show that the system is vulnerable. We see the State employing here the techniques of repression developed and practised against the people of Ireland. But we too have learnt lessons from the Irish struggle. As we move towards open CLASS WAR, you will not find us unprepared! VICTORY TO THE HIT SQUADS. Teeside, Humberside, join the ANGRY SIDE. ANGRY BRIGADES RESISTANCE MOVEMENT IRSM Anarchist-Communist Federation Aims and Principles 1.The Anarchist-Communist Federation is an organisation of revolutionary class struggle anarchists. We aim for the abolition of all hierarchy, and work for the creation of a world-wide classless society: anarchists communism. 2.Capitalism is based on the exploitation of the working class by the ruling class. But inequality and exploitation are also expressed in terms of race, gender, sexuality, health, ability and age, and in these ways one section of the working class oppresses another. This divides us, causing a lack of class unity in struggle that benefits the ruling class. Oppressed groups are strengthened by autonomous action which challenges social and economic power relationships. To achieve our goal we must relinquish power over each other on a personal as well as a political level. 3.We believe that fighting racism and sexism is as important as other aspects of the class struggle. Anarchist-communism cannot be achieved while sexism and racism still exist. In order to be effective in their struggle against their oppression both within society and within the working class, women and black people may at times need to organise independently. However, this should be as working class women and black people as cross-class movements hide real class differences and achieve little for them. Full emancipation cannot be achieved without the abolition of capitalism. 4.We are opposed to the ideology of national liberation movements which claims that there is some common interest between native bosses and the working class in face of foreign domination. We do support working class struggles against racism, genocide, ethnocide and political and economic colonialism. We oppose the creation of any new ruling class. We reject all forms of nationalism, as this only serves to redefine divisions in the international working class. The working class has no country and national boundaries must be eliminated. We seek to build an anarchist international to work with other libertarian revolutionaries throughout the world. 5.As well as exploiting and oppressing the majority of people, Capitalism threatens the world through war and the destruction of the environment. 6.It is not possible to abolish Capitalism without a revolution, which will arise out of class conflict. The ruling class must be completely overthrown to achieve anarchist communism. Because the ruling class will not relinquish power without the use of armed force, this revolution will be a time of violence as well as liberation. 7.Unions by their very nature cannot become vehicles for the revolutionary transformation of society. They have to be accepted by capitalism in order to function and so cannot play a part in its overthrow. Trades unions divide the working class (between employed and unemployed, trade and craft, skilled and unskilled, etc). Even syndicalist unions are constrained by the fundamental nature of unionism. The union has to be able to control its membership in order to make deals with management. Their aim, through negotiation, is to achieve a fairer form of exploitation of the workforce. The interests of leaders and representatives will always be different from ours. The boss class is our enemy, and while we must fight for better conditions from it, we have to realise that reforms we may achieve today may be taken away tomorrow. Our ultimate aim must be the complete abolition of wage slavery. Working within the unions can never achieve this. However, we do not argue for people to leave unions until they are made irrelevant by the revolutionary event. The union is a common point of departure for many workers. Rank and file initiatives may strengthen us in the battle for anarchist-communism. What's important is that we organise ourselves collectively, arguing for workers to control struggles themselves. 8.Genuine liberation can only come about through the revolutionary self-activity of the working class on a mass scale. An anarchist communist society means not only co-operation between equals, but active involvement in the shaping and creating of that society during and after the revolution. In times of upheaval and struggle, people will need to create their own revolutionary organisations controlled by everyone in them. These autonomous organisations will be outside the control of political parties, and within them we will learn many important lessons of self-activity. 9.As anarchists we organise in all areas of life to try to advance the revolutionary process. We believe a strong anarchist organisation is necessary to help us to this end. Unlike other so-called socialists or communists we do not want power or control for our organisation. We recognise that the revolution can only be carried out directly by the working class. However, the revolution must be preceded by organisations able to convince people of the anarchist communist alternative and method. We participate in struggle as anarchist communists, and organise on a federative basis. We reject sectarianism and work for a united revolutionary anarchist movement. WIND CHILL FACTOR 9.3 March 1994 electronic version Wind Chill Factor is a zine for ideas, action, news, anger, creativity, and more. The project is anarchist/autonomist/anti-authoritarian in content, process, and organization. Contributions, letters, hate mail, etc, are all welcome. We can especially use $donations$! For further info on WCF, contact us at: WCF, PO Box 81961, Chicago, IL 60681, U$A (312) 384-2991, email: Use those addresses to also contact: Collective Chaos, Anarchist Black Cross--Chicago, Food Not Bombs--Chicago, and the Baklava Autonomist Collective. Those of you familiar with previous issues of Wind Chill Factor will find this unusual. Well, while we would love to be able to publish on a regular monthly schedule, the reality is that we are far too busy with our other projects, and the cost of printing 5000+ copies per issue on newsprint is prohibitive. So we did some brainstorming, fretted and wrung our hands, and then stole some ideas and decided on this: In between our regular newsprint issues (the next of which will be #10) which we hope to put out every 3 months or so, we will be putting out WCF Info-Bulletins, such as this one which you are now reading. These info-bulletins will be numbered as decimals (ergo, WCF 9.3), and will be available in 3 formats: as a page in the local radical monthly rag Lumpen Times, as a streetsheet distributed separately around the city, and as this electronic newsletter for Internet & BBS distribution (request it from (MAL)CONTENTS , issue 9.3 1) Dedication: Oscar Collazo 2) Paint Panthers Strike! 3) Glass House Squat Evicted 4) Cleveland Clobbers KKK 5) Combat 18 -- Back to Basics 6) Treason To Whiteness Is Loyalty To Humanity 7) Anarchist Black Cross -- Support Anti-Fascist Activists -- Justice for Danny Cahill -- Minnesota 8 Emergency 8) Women in the EZLN 9) Calendar of Events 10) Special Notice: Conference on Counter-Institutions & Networking in Detroit 1) DEDICATION: OSCAR COLLAZO This issue of WCF is dedicated to Oscar Collazo, one of the heroes of the Puerto Rican independence movement, who died on the island Feb. 20 of a stroke. He was 80 years old. On Nov. 1, 1950, Collazo and Griserio Torresola staged a daring armed attack on the Blair House, President Harry Truman's temporary residence. In the attempt, Torresola was killed and Collazo was wounded and captured. Originally sentenced to death, Collazo won a commutation to life in prison. After serving 29 years behind bars--and never once renouncing his commitment to his country's freedom struggle--Collazo was freed in 1979 along with Lolita Lebron, Irving Flores and Rafael Cancel Miranda, the other Puerto Rican political prisoners incarcerated in U.S. jails for a quarter of a century. Collazo, Lebron, Miranda, Flores and Andres Figueroa Cordero--who was released years earlier because of terminal cancer--were known as the Five Puerto Rican Nationalists. The struggle to get them out of prison was a major rallying point for the Puerto Rican independence movement and their supporters. Torresola and Collazo's action was part of the insurrection in Puerto Rico known as the Jayuya Uprising, which began on Oct. 26. The insurrection was directed against U.S. colonialist control of the Puerto Rican nation. The struggle on the island was then led by the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party under the leadership of Pedro Albizu Campos. The Nationalists were being targeted for severe repression by Washington. Collazo was the head of the party's New York branch. Collazo will be truly missed, but his example of struggle will live on forever. He is survived by two daughters and several grandchildren. 2) PAINT PANTHERS STRIKE! >From People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (310.770.PETA): A person identified as a member of a radical anti-fur group called the "Paint Panthers" called early the morning of Feb. 10 notifying PETA of vandalism of two fur stores in Chicago: Chicago Fur Outlet, 777 W. Diversey and American Fur Mart, 3131 N. Broadway. The group claims to have left the messages "Blood Money", "Fur Scum", and the "PP" initials in giant letters in red paint on the front of the fur salons. The Paint Panthers is a direct action league with members across the country. They "don't believe in physical violence but feel that spraying fur shops is the best way to combat those who profit from animal agony for the sake of a luxury item." Attacks began last winter and have continued in Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, New York, Montreal, Illinois, Ohio, Florida, Colorado, Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia. 3) GLASS HOUSE EVICTED Lower East Side, Manhattan, NYC--After a protracted struggle against evictions, the Glass House squat was finally assaulted by fire fighters and cops. The eviction was apparently sparked (so to speak) by a report of smoke by a neighbor. When the person who answered the door refused to let the fire fighters in to check out the cause of the smoke, they broke down the door. Panic apparently ensued and many objects were thrown out of windows at fire fighters and the truck, including a joist which caused quite a bit of damage. One fire fighter was hurt. Cops arrived on the scene almost immediately and cleared the house (whose door was now broken down). Several people were arrested and at least one person is rumored to be charged with attempted murder (for throwing the joist at the cop). Glass House arose to prominance last fall when it was the location of a planned AIDS hospice, a political project of slimy city council member Antonio Pagan. ACT-UP denounced the plan as poverty pimping and the then-residents of the house kept their space, but Pagan vowed to evict them. Residents report that firefighters had come to the house at least twice before after receiving smoke calls from neighbors and that each time they were shown the wood burning stoves that caused the smoke. Why they would return only days after they had investigated the same situation and break down the door is unknown. In a possibly related situation, three other squats have lost their (unofficial) connections to ConEd electricity. ConED trucks are currently parked in front of at least one other squat and may be monitoring electric usage. Rudolph Guliani, the mayor of new york, has repeatedly invoked harsh language to describe how the city intends to deal with its homeless population. it would not be suprising if these attacks on the LES squats were part of that anti-homeless effort. [note: this report was typed hurriedly and although it looks like an official report, most of the facts are not checked as thoroughly as they should be . i was at glass house after the eviction, but only briefly, and have only talked to about 3 of the people involved.] 4) CLEVELAND CLOBBERS KKKLAN On Saturday, March 5th at least a thousand anti-racist demonstrators gave the white-power movement a beating it will never forget. This is not an embellishment. This witness saw some individuals get bent-up for life. That, however, is not the most important point. The unity and passionate determination of the various groups involved was without question the most hopeful development that the Midwest has seen thus far in the anti-racist movement. Militant demonstrators took to the streets in the midst of a "peaceful protest" organized by an ad-hoc committee of anti-racist activists. When the locals who were involved in the initial protest realized that large numbers of people were ready for radical action, most of them put down the peace signs and got busy. Without question, this gave the local youth the momentum to confront the racists--and shit hit the fan. Proving that the only way to depose a physical threat is to oppose it physically, racists were addressed, chased, and beaten silly. Finally, others got the picture and left on their own accord. SMARTEST THING THEY'VE EVER DONE IN THEIR LIVES I'LL BET!! The local youth were joined by various groups from around the Midwest in shouting down the klan, throwing ice and mudballs, and generally intimidating the knuckleheads. One protestor was heard shouting "If I see your ugly head in my neighborhood I'm going to put a fucking bullet in it," after taking pictures of a white-power supporter, who didn't know how to react to another "white" man speaking to him this way. The demonstration took place in Plainesville, OH, about 20 minutes outside of Cleveland, near a gazebo reserved for the klan. Cops stood between the klan and the demonstrators but did not interfere with the thrashings. With metal detectors at the entrance, and only two exits, the militant anti-racists made it clear who controlled the area. It seems that, though cliche, the slogan "You cannot hide behind free speech, when genocide is what you preach" is the fitting theme to be attributed to the events of March 5th in Cleveland. 5) COMBAT 18 -- BACK TO BASICS As Anti-Fascist Action (AFA) predicted, the fascist Blood and Honour concert organized as a tribute to dead fascist Ian Stewart and planned for January 15/94 ended as a replay of The Battle of Waterloo (a major rout for Blood and Honour in September 1992), this time between fascist stewards and the riot police. After their first choice venue in Beckontree had been rumbled by AFA, Combat 18 (the militant fascist group organizing the show) directed their supporters to the Wellington (an old British Movement pub from the 80s), near Waterloo Station. Earlier in the day at around 4.30 pm. one hundred and fifty AFA militants took advantage of the confusion caused by other anti-fascist groups (the Anti-Nazi League and Youth Against Racism in Europe) and the concentration of police at Beckontree and Barking, and descended unexpectedly on the Little Driver pub in Bow Road, the nerve centre of the fascist operation on the day. Police managed to stop the AFA advance just yards from the pub, when the fascists scattered as a flare fired from the advance hit a nearby bridge. After Waterloo, C18 took over security for Blood and Honour events, talking of a "back to basics" return to secret gigs organized on a word of mouth basis. The events of January 15/94 were a disaster in turn for C18 and the "back to basics" strategy. The arrival of AFA at the centre of operations caused total panic and confusion with one of C18's leading activists seeking refuge in the back of a police car. AFA militants were forced by the police into a sealed train and taken from Bow Road to Earls Court, throwing the rail network into chaos. Later in the evening, about 8.00 pm., the ANL were attacked by the police at Earls Court. In the confusion AFA regrouped and re-emerged at 9.30 pm., at Waterloo where the fascists were attempting to hold their gig. Police later described the ability of AFA to find the opposition as "uncanny". News of the arrival of over one hundred AFA militants in the immediate vicinity caused C18 organisation at the Wellington to internally combust. Initially the fascists wanted to get out, seconds later the riot police smashed their way in. Badly beaten fascists, covered in blood, were dragged face down from the pub and laid on the pavement. The pub smashed, the gig was cancelled. Fascists attempting to flee the Wellington met a similar fate, at the hands of AFA militants in the area. For C18 and Blood and Honour this has to be seen as a major disaster. For AFA, with all the players - ANL, YRE, C18, Blood and Honour and the Met in the arena - it is a triumph. It was AFA's intelligence gathering capacity which revealed the redirection points and the planned venues. On the day AFA controlled the play, were ahead of the game and made all the decisive moves. info from an AFA Press Release, via Arm The Spirit Contact: Anti-Fascist Action, BM Box 1734, London, WC1N 3XX, England 6) TREASON TO WHITENESS IS LOYALTY TO HUMANITY The following is an excerpt from an editorial in the journal Race Traitor: Treason to Whiteness Is Loyalty To Humanity. We felt it raised several interesting points and was a good follow-up piece to the article in WCF 9.2 about the KKK rally in Springfield. Race Traitor is available for $6 postpaid from PO Box 603, Cambridge, MA 02140. "Two points define the position of Race Traitor: first, that the "white race" is not a natural but a historical category; second, that what was historically constructed can be undoneÉ The white race is like a private club, which grants privileges to certain people in return for obedience to its rules. It is based on one huge assumption: that all those who look white are, whatever their complaints or reservations, fundamentally loyal to it. What happened to Rodney King was not exceptional. All over the world, cops beat poor people; that is their job. What is unusual is that they do not routinely beat some people for whom every mark save one--their color--would indicate a beating. For those in power, the privileges granted to whites are a small price to pay for the stability of an unjust social system. What if the white skin lost its usefulness as a badge of loyalty? What if the cop, the judge, the social worker, the schoolteacher, and the other representatives of official society could no longer recognize a loyal person merely by looking, how would it affect their behavior? And if color no longer served as a handy guide to the dispensing of favors, so that ordinary whites began experiencing the sort of treatment to which they are normally immune, how would this affect their outlook?É The need to maintain racial solidarity imposes a stifling conformity on whites, on any subject even remotely touching on race. The way to abolish the white race is to disrupt that conformity. If enough people who look white violate the rules of whiteness, so flagrantly that they jeopardize their white standing, their existence cannot be ignored. If it becomes impossible for the upholders of white rules to speak in the name of all who look white, the white race will cease to existÉ How many will it take? No one can say for sure. It is a bit like the problem of currency: how much counterfeit money has to circulate in order to destroy the value of the official currency? The answer is, nowhere near a majority--just enough to undermine public confidence in the official stuff. When it comes to abolishing the white race, the task is not to win over more whites to oppose "racism"; there are "anti-racists" enough already to do the jobÉ We know how devilishly difficult it is for individuals to escape whiteness. The white race does not voluntarily surrender a single, member, so that even those who step outside of it in one situation find it virtually impossible not to step back in later, if for no other reason than the assumptions of others. But we also know that when there comes into being a critical mass of people who, though they look white, have ceased to act white, the white race will explode, and former whites will be able to take part, together with others, in building a new human community. The December issue of the anarchist paper Love & Rage carries several comments on a recent attempt to stop a group of self-proclaimed nazis from holding a "gay-bashing" fest in New Hope,Pennsylvania. The entire story is too long to recount here (we advise readers to obtain a copy of this excellent publication by sending $1 to PO Box 853, Stuyvesant Stn., NY, NY 10009), but, briefly, what happened is this: on learning that the nazis planned to march and rally, a group of their opponents called a counter-rally. The nazis, fearful for their safety, called off their march, but proceeded with the rally, which took place as scheduled behind a wall of police, who protected them from the hostile crowd. The report states, "Residents of New Hope and anti-fascist organizers alike claimed the cancellation of the march as a victory for anti-fascist organizers. By creating the possibility of hundreds or thousands of counter-protestors willing to physically confront the nazis, we made it impossible for them to march. This strategy, of organizing for the possibility of physical confrontation, and bringing hundreds of people willing to carry it out, is clearly a successful one and needs to be pursued in the future." We are not so sure. That the cancellation of the march was a defeat for the nazis we have no doubt; but it seems to us it wasmore a victory for the state than for the anti-fascist organizers, because the state was able to emerge as the defender of both free speech and law-and-order, marginalizing the "extremists" on both sides--those who want to build death camps and those who want to prevent their construction. We are inclined to agree with another commentator who called the counter-demonstration "ineffective." We favor beating nazis off the street wherever they appear; and confronting "racists" or other reactionaries of the right (or left). But we ask, what is the purpose of this "strategy"? If it is to do material damage to the fascists, then it takes no genius to point out that such damage can be done to them more effectively on virtually any day of the year other than when they appear in public surrounded by an army of cops and television cameras. If it is to win people out of the nazi ranks, we have no way of knowing how effective such actions are. If the aim is to expose the state as defender of the nazis, that is only a very partial truth; the state is the defender of public order, and has shown itself quite willing to repress nazis and other white supremacist groups who threaten that order. And if the purpose is to win people to a vision of a world without race barriers, then we must say that any action which aims to crush the nazis physically and fails to do so because of state intervention has the effect of reinforcing the authority of the state, which, as we said, is the most important agency maintaining race barriers." 7) ANARCHIST BLACK CROSS The ABC is an international network of autonomous groups dedicated to supporting political, class war, and social prisoners and involved in other prison issues. Contact Chicago ABC c/o WCF. SUPPORT MINNEAPOLIS ANTI-FASCIST ACTIVIST Longtime anti-racist/anti-fascist activist and Love and Rage Federation member Kieran Frazier Knutson is facing up to 10 years in prison and $20,000 in fines for allegedly hitting a neo-nazi Northern Hammer skinhead with a flashlight. There are two trumped-up assault charges, both felonies, that Kieran is facing. On January 19th the state offered a plea bargain of six months in the workhouse and probably years of probation. Kieran turned it down and pleaded not guilty to both charges. We need to make sure Kieran doesn't get sent to prison, and that the state can't limit anti-fascist protest. The Anti-Fascist Defense Committee, a politically diverse group, has been initiated by Minneapolis ABC and is beginning to meet regularly to focus on political action for Kieran's defense. We are planning a demonstration for Monday, April 11th at 12:00 noon and Tuesday, April 12th at noon as well. The trial starts on April 12th at 9:00 AM and will probably last two or three days. We want to make sure that the courtroom is filled with people who refuse to see Kieran railroaded into prison, so we are asking for regional assistance to anyone who can come up. We can provide places to stay. If in need of transportation contact us and we'll see if we can hook you up. Contact Emma Center at 612-729-5498. We are also calling for a phone zap on April 1st. Call County Attorney Mike Freeman between 9am and 4pm at 612-348-5550 and demand that the case against Kieran be dropped! We are also asking for any donations people can make to the defense campaign. Checks can be made out to Love and Rage Supporters and sent to the ABC PO Box listed below. Minneapolis ABC, c/o Agitator Index / PO Box 7075 / Minneapolis, MN 55407. email to: JUSTICE FOR DANNY CAHILL! Danny Cahill, a prisoner in Lebanon, Ohio, was thrown in segregation and has now gone on a hunger strike due to prisoncrats locking him up for being involved in "gang activities" via possession of an Anarchist Black Cross draft proposal and fliers regarding the construction of the Supermax prison in Ohio. Danny's comrades at Lucasville prison are asking for help protesting this treatment and to demand that he be released from segregation by contacting the warden and governor of Ohio. Addresses: William H. Dallman, warden, Lebanon Prison State Route 38 Lebanon, OH 45036 George V. Voinovich, governor of Ohio State House Columbus, OH 43215 Send your support to Danny. Don't let the screws break him down! Danny Cahill # 251641 PO Box 56 Lebanon, OH 45036 --Minneapolis ABC c/o Agitator Index PO Box 7075 Mpls, MN 55407 MINNESOTA EIGHT EMERGENCY! Date: Thursday 23 February 1994 A.C. Ford, one of the eight African-American men railroaded after the shooting of a Minneapolis cop, has been thrown into segregation -- "the hole" -- at Oak Park Heights state prison. So have 12 other prisoners. The prisoncrats claim he and 12 other prisoners in his complex "rioted" by refusing to take their short recreation time outside in sub-zero weather. The riot squad roughed up A.C. and others; A.C. is charged with riot, inciting to riot, unlawful assembly, disorderly conduct, and disobeying a direct order. The hearing officer, the prosecutor, the witnesses, and the "social worker" in this hearing are all prison bosses. If the prison finds him guilty, A.C. will be sentenced to 200 days to a year in the hole. No books are allowed in the hole. Call: Warden Holbeck - 612-779-1400. Ms. Freer, P.R. - 612-779-1400. Dick Hagelberger, prosecutor in this hearing - 612-779-1407 Michael Green, social worker in complex 5 - 612-779-1400 Frank Woods, MN state komisar of corrections- 612-642-0200 Demand: 1. An outside investigation into the riot squad's brutality in Complex 4; 2. Dropping of charges against 13 inmates accused of rioting, etc.; 3. Immediate release of the 13 from "the hole;" 4. The provision of proper legal representation for the 13, and outside observers allowed to witness the hearings; 5. A guarantee of the safety prisoners, and a guarantee that no one will be targeted for reprisals For more info contact Minneapolis ABC. 8) WOMEN IN THE EZLN The following is an excerpt from the article "THE CHIAPAS UPRISING AND THE FUTURE OF CLASS STRUGGLE IN THE NEW WORLD ORDER" by Harry Cleaver, University of Texas at Austin, Full text of this article, as well as tons of other EZLN-related information is available from us at WCF. The struggle for the "survival" of Indian culture has also involved the struggle for its transformation from within the well-known patriarchal character of Mexican society. In traditional Indian society, before Indians were pushed into poor forest lands often far away from good water sources, life was not so hard. Indian agricultural practices were often land intensive rather than labor intensive and Indians were able to reap an abundant and diverse harvest. But as Indian land was stolen it became harder and harder to survive on fewer and fewer resources; life became increasingly difficult, especially for women. It is generally Indian women who must be up at the crack of dawn to grind corn for the day's tortillas. It is generally Indian women who haul water for cooking, drinking cleaning and bathing. It is generally Indian women who cut firewood and haul it home for cooking. It is generally Indian women who cook, and care for the children and the sick. But hard work makes strong women--if it doesn't kill them--and such women have challenged their traditional roles. Their challenge found support in the EZLN (Zapatista Army of National Liberation) and acceptance from its leaders. Not only were women encouraged to join the EZLN but they have been, according to all accounts, treated as equals. Many women have officer status and men and women are expected to carry the burdens of work and fighting equally. When Indian women organized in dozens of communities to produce a code of women's rights, the EZLN leadership composed of Mayan leaders adopted the code unanimously. The "Women's Law" included the rights of all women, including pay equity, health and nutrition rights, choice marriage and number of children, and freedom from violence from relatives and strangers. The Women's Law claims severe punishment for rape and attempted rape, and was translated into all the Mayan languages. The passage of this Bill of Rights reflects both the problems and ongoing struggles of women within the diverse Indian cultures of Chiapas. What is unusual and exciting about these developments is how those struggles are not marginalized or subordinated to "class interests" but are accepted as integral parts of the revolutionary project. 9) CALENDAR OF EVENTS All events subject to constant change. March 4-26: The Resistance Theater presents Spike Heels, a comedy by Theresa Rebeck. Thurs-Sat, 8pm, $10 (pay what u can on Thur), Eclipse Theatre, 2072 N. Leavitt, 862-9700. March 4-26: SisterSerpents Demolishing Domesticity show at Woman Made Gallery, 4646 N. Rockwell. March 16 (Wed): Freedom of Information Day forum on "Opening the Information Superhighway to Everyone", with several panelists and the video "Staking Our Claim in Cyberspace", at Harold Washington Library, 400 S. state, 5:30-8:30. Free. March 18 (Fri): "For Those Of Us Who Dare", a Celebration of Women Political Prisoners, 2747 W. Lemoyne. Dinner at 7, Program at 8. $5. March 18 (Fri): Hip Hop Party at the A-Zone. The JAM crew invites CBS down for a birthday battle of breakin' & rap. 9pm-2am, $4, good food & drink, with DJ's Kew-1, 2D, and 33 & 1/3. At the Autonomous Zone, 1726 W. Division. March 19 (Sat): Oppose the SS Action Group's yearly march in Annarbor, MI. Call (312)384-2991 for info on this and other upcoming anti-fascist activities. March 21 (Mon): Phone Blitz! Call Attorney General Janet Reno (202)616-6070 and demand amnesty for all Puerto Rican Prisoners Of War and Political Prisoners. March 24-May 14: The Making Of Frued, a new play by Theater Ooobleck. Thurs-Sats, 8pm, at Chicago Filmmakers, 1543 W. Division. $6, more if ya got it, free if broke. 784-8983 for info. March 25 (Fri): Lorenzo Ervin will speak on his history with SNCC, the Black Panthers, and as a political prisoner, and on his book Anarchism & The Black Revolution. At the Autonomous Zone, 1726 W. Division. We will possibly be showing a video about the case of Fred Hampton Jr. as well. Call 384-2991 for info. March 26 (Sat): Lorenzo Ervin speaking, first at Triple XXX, corner of North, Damen, & Milwaukee, 2-4pm, then again at New World Resource Center 1476 W. Irving Park Rd., 5-7pm. There will likely be other events with Lorenzo as well, call 384-2991 for info. March 26 (Sat): SisterSerpents Last Supper, women only 3-course vegan dinner and performance. 7:30pm, by reservation, 588-4317. March 31 (Thur): Stop Apache Genocide! Protest the Vatican's Mt. Graham "Columbus" telescope project with Women of All Red Nations. 4pm, at the Chicago Archdiocese, 155 E. Superior. March 31-May 7: Boy Basement Battles the Demons of Sleep, Curious Theater Branch, 1836 W. North. Thurs-Sat, 8pm, $7 or pay what you can. 276-1147. April 1 (Sun): Phone Zap for anti-fascist activist Kieran Frazier. See article. April 2 (Sat): Oppose the KKK rally in Crawfordsville, IN. Call (312) 384-2991 for info on this & other anti-fascist activities. April 11 & 12: Demonstrate in Minneapolis for anti-fascist activist Kieran Frazier. See article. April 14 (Thur): Stop the Genocide & Eco-cide! International Day of Protest against Hydro-Quebec's flooding of Cree & Innu homelands and Endangered Wildlife Habitat of the James Bay Watershed. Noon-2pm, Canadian Consulate, 310 S. Michigan. April 21-24: Western Shoshone Defense Project Spring Gathering, call (702)468-0230 for details. April 21-27: World Animal Liberation WeekÉ April 22 (Fri): Earth Day/Earth Night. Go out and do something good for the EarthÉ April 25 (Mon): Phone Blitz! Call President Clinton (202)456-1111 and demand amnesty for all Puerto Rican Prisoners Of War and Political Prisoners. May 1 (Sun): Curious Theater Anniversary Benefit, theater workers of the world unite! 10) SPECIAL NOTICE: COUNTER-INSTITUTIONAL & NETWORKING CONFERENCE May 26-May 30, Detroit The Trumbull Theater and 404 Willis folks will be hosting a conference for those who participate in the many antiauthoritarian community building spaces and projects. The conference is not limited to people who have a space, but is also open to those who are planning a similar project or who want to discuss the dynamics of this approach to community building. *This is NOT an anarchist gathering,* but is a focused weekend of dialogue and networking. Last December, the Chicago A-Zone folks hosted a spontaneous "Autonomous Zone 'Show and Tell.'" It was a much needed night of dialogue on things like gender tensions, community building strategy, and more. This helped all of us to see our projects not as "lifestylism," but as a growing number of people using this method to create stronger communities. In May, we hope to further this and expand our network of those active on this level, so that others will be able to see that there is a growing grassroots movement of community centers. We hope and expect that people from other spaces will facilitate workshops and discussions, and participate by giving us their ideas and opinions. The event is free, of course, but the Trumbull folks do ask that people who are attending give us a rough idea of how many people from each group will come (as soon as possible, please, as we're trying to arrange housing), and provide some vegetarian food for the rest of the gathering (if it's possible to let us know what you will be bringing, that would also be helpful, as we are trying to plan meals). For more information, contact WCF, or contact the Trumbull Theater at 4202 Trumbull, Detroit, MI 48208, or phone us at (313) 832-3251 or (313) 832-0114. You can reach us via email at :) END WIND CHILL FACTOR 9.3 CLASS WAR WHAT WE BELIEVE WHY CLASS WAR? Class War is not just another party seeking to gain power or a new way of telling people what to do. Class war is what happens when ordinary people have had enough of being pushed around and decide to fight back. If you're one of the people who've swallowed the crap about "we're all middle class now" or "we live in a classless society" this is the time to stop reading! We live in a society severely split along the lines of class,where capitalism,the State and the ruling class dominate us. So what do we mean by this? Capitalism Capitalism is an economic system run purely for profit in the interests of a small class - the capitalists - at the expense of a larger class - the working class. The whole of our present society is geared to the needs of capitalism. It is the mechanism whereby we sell our labour, in exchange for money,to purchase the goods and services we need, which we also happen to have produced in the first place! However,we only get a proportion of the wealth that our labour produces, the rest goes to the capitalists in profit. This is fundamental to capitalism - in order for it to work the many must produce wealth for the few. Western style capitalism is often hailed as being the free market,all it means is that they are "free" to exploit us. The situation is exactly the same in the so-called "planned economies" of the "Communist" countries. Karl Marx suggested that capitalism is a machine governed by natural laws - it isn't. It's an economic system run by a group of people who compete fiercely with each other for the right to rip us off. Capitalism has nothing to offer us except an endless cycle of war,famine,recession and unemployment. It is not inevitable that it will die of it's own accord,it could linger on for centuries yet,lurching from crisis to crisis,therefore it must be destroyed. The State Although capitalism is the major form of social organisation in terms of production,there are things that it can't do. Broadly speaking it cannot supply the `social' organisation of society, this hole is filled by something else - the State. The State is the means by which a tiny minority control and dominate the rest of us,in the interests of the ruling power in our society - the capitalists. To give you an idea of how small a minority we are talking about,the often quoted figures are still true - that 7% of the population owns 84% of the wealth. The state is a set of institutions and bodies through which government is exercised e.g. parliament, local government, ministries, civil service ,police,law,education, and the church. The aim of government is to keep the lid on class conflict, and to contol competition between the capitalist,to make sure of the smooth running of society. It does this by enforcing the laws of private property, and the right of capitalists to buy and sell it. It does'nt matter whether that propety is land,food,health,sex,factories, houses or anything else that takes their fancy. But the State came before capitalism, and it has always been a form of control and oppression in th interests of whatever ruling class is in power, and whatever economic system they choose to use. In Britain we are given the `choice',every five years or so, of what Party we'd like to govern us. This, like many other `choices', is a false on, a con trick to fool us into thinking we can change things through the vote. It also gives us politicians, as figureheads,to blame for our difficulties. But the reality is that the power of the state lies with the capitalists, and the states own officials - they pull the strings. With power concentrated like it is there is always the risk that a small group can mount an attempt to gain control of the state. For example Fascist or Lenin-inspired communists. This would be nothing more than swapping one set of bosses for another - we want to sweep the lot of them away. Class The Ruling Class About 5% of the population. Some examples: Owners of major companies, landowners judges ,top cops, church leaders and the aristocracy including the Royal Family. The Middle Class About 20% of the population Some examples :professionals eg journalists,doctors,teachers,management,social workers Also priests officers in the armed forces and the owners of small businesses The Working Class About 75% of the population Some examples: Factory shop and office workers,nurses,technicians agricultural workers, soldiers up to NCO level and the unemployed The above figures are not the invention of Class War - they come from the State's own figures and were updated after the 1981 census. *The Ruling Class * In general there are two main factors that give you your place in the class system : wealth and powere. The ruling class rule but they don't actually govern - that is left to the State's politicians and officials They don't all sit around in smoke filled rooms conspiring to opppress us, they don't need to most of the time. So how do they keep us in our place? By the old trick of divide and rule - settng white against black, men against women and worker against worker. This breaks down any sense of class solidarity, identity and unity - without which a revolution is an impossible dream. *The Middle Class* Contact between the ruling class and the working class is very rare Most inter-class contact comes between the working and middle classes. The middle class is made up of many sub-sections and layers, all performing different roles and functions necessary for capitalist society to run. Basically speaking they manage us in the interests of the ruling class. The most recognisable role for the middle class is the economic management of business and industry e.g. work/factory managers, and accountants. These are the top dogs, the highest earners in the middle class,because Without their services capitalism would rapidly collapse. By it's very nature capitalism is filled with brutatlity and inequality. If left to it's devices it would end in either barbarism or class revolution. Neither is any good to the ruling class, so this must be preventedby capitalism putting on a `human face` - the caring side of capitalism! a large section of the middle class provide this function. Mopping up the casualties of class society, and providing a `buffer' for class anger, and sometime channelling it into minor tinkering with social conditions. they also provide the vitual services we need, but at a cost to us - they have virtual control over whole areas of our lives. A not so obvious role of the middle class is to provide and intellectual and cultural framework in which ideas that serve the interests of the ruling class become part of our everyday thoughts. The endless repeating of certain ideas, stereotypes and myths try to stifle our class consciousness and turn us into `model citizens'. These can be the crude lies like ` all blacks are lazy and thick' or the more sophisticated crap about the so-called `classless society'. Examples would be the media and advertising industry, education and religion. Capitalism must have a constant supply of new ideas to create new markets to sustain its profits. It must also evolve in order to survive. Middle class researchers and intellectuals provide the information necessary to make this possible. This is true right from university professors to the new so-called `green' entrepreneurs. Because of the varied roles of the middle classes there is often conflict and contradictions within its ranks. When the class struggle comes to a head it would split them, forcing them to take sides. As a general rule those near the top would side with the bosses,having the most to lose. Those who come on our side can only do so on our terms. Whish is to join us as equals, and not in their usual role as leaders. *The Working Class * The briefest way of describing our class is to say we are everyone who is not in the middle and ruling class! This is not just a smart arse remark. Ingeneral the working class are people who live by their labour, the ownership of property that generates wealth is the dividing line - if you have enough property or money not to work then you are not working class. The other part of class identity is `social power'. The working classes do not have the power, we are the ones who are told what to do. We are defined not by what we do,but by what is done to us. But this does not mena that we are powerless - far from it. The state spends vast amounts of money and energy to keep us in our place. Also,because our work is at the very centre of everyday practical economic activity it is fair to say that everything hinges around whether we want to `play the game' or not . Class is a much disputed topic. the ruling class need to confuse the issue in order tosurvive. If the majority of people have a clear idea of the workings of a class society, social control would be impossible and the ruling class would be toppled from their positions of wealth privilege and power. As captialism developedand class society became a feature of people's lives , the ruling class found it necessary to stifle class conciousness, and even to get working class people to identify with capitalism. Myths like ` we're all middle class now' or ` we live in a classless society' , are laughable and contradictory. These are the rantings of middle class journalists, ad-men and politicians, who want to wish away class conflict and try to create a false idea of equality. With the rise of the `Consumer Society' and the easy availablity of credit,more and more working class people can afford things like their own house,car,holidays abroad etc, But this increase of personal wealth does in no way increase your social power. At the end of the day these extra goods all rely on your abilty to work. The day you lose your job and can't keep up the payments, they all go out the window along with the easy credit that made them available. and at the same time when we can afford a few extra goodies, the wealth of the already rich and powerful rises fantastically. What counds is not token improvements in our life-styles but the gross inequality in the overall distribution of wealth and power. With the running down of the traditional heavy industries, the old image of the working class has dramatically changed - massively so during the 1980's. In its place are more white collar workers, and the rise in service industry,high tech and part time employment. But it's ridiculous to say that just becuse there is a more diverse labour market the working class has disappered! It has't, it's just that to the middle class politicians,media people and journalists if you don't wear overalls, a cloth cap, and get your hands dirty at work you aren't working class. That's how thick they really are! The end of class society can only come about through working class revolution. This is because the working class is the only social group capable of this massive transformation of society, by virtue of the fact that we are the overwhelming majority and because we have the interest, motivation and ability to do so. History has shown us many examples of the working class's revoutionary ability, there is no good reason for thinking that this will be any different in the future. Class Struggle As we said earlier, once you are aware of how crap this society is you either: 1)Do nothing about it because you belong to the ruling class or middle class and have a lot to lose through a revolution 2)Take a cynical `why bother' attitude, believe that this is the way it will always be and go back to sticking your head in the sand 3)Or you believe that things should change and that we have to organise and fight back to do so. How you go about doing number three depends on how much `change' you actually want, and what exactly you are prepared to do. Some people feel thay are changing society by voting Labour, joining CND, becoming a vegetarian or joining the Green party. There's nothing wrong with being a Green, vegitarian member of CND, but it is being criminally naive if you think it will really change the overall structure of society. The same goes for those who think that by `dropping out' and living some sort of `alternative lifestyle' they are doing something to change society. They aren't. The State can tolerate millions of its's citizens wandering off and living in teepees. and would probably prefer them to do so since they would then be not harmless , and no threat to the State. Others think that by voting Labour they'll achieve change. We don't. Class War doesn't prattle on about `waiting for a Labour Government" or electing Socialist Councils because the Labour Party is about as revolutionary as a pond full of ducks! It's political aims and ideas are just a `soft' version of capitalism. It also has a negative and destructive influence because it pretends to be the political voice of the working class. The reality is that it' s run by a motley collection of bloated, corrupt union offficals and trendy-lefty social worker types who are nothing more than a load of parasitical, careerist bureaucrats, easing their `radical consciouness' by naming tower blocks after obscure Latin American freedom figherters and drinking Nicaraguan coffee at their smart parties,in their smart houses in Hampstead and Holland Park. Some people join Left-wing groups like the Socialist Workers Party, or Militant. They do want to change society and realise(well some do) that it will only change through a revolution. Class War believers this too ,but how these groups see the coming about of a revolution, and what type of society will be formed and by who, is fundamentally different to what we think and want. Firstly Class War is not another `Party" trying to gain power. We don't want to swap one set of bosses for another,no matter how `radical and progressive 'they pretend to be. They talk about `democratic centralism' and how the working class needs `their leadership' - What a joke! We don't need them anymore than we need the Tories or Labour - THEY NEED US! We have no intention of destroying capitalism just so that it can be replaced by a NEW state, and new laws. Quite apart from anything else, the very nature of these tiny bands of `revolutionaries' who seem to form new groups, and splinter groups, at the drop of a hat means they usually have an exclusively middle class membership. The working class members soon leave. As a result they launch endless new `fron organisations' to try to recruit members. Based around issues such as the war in Ireland,anti racism and sexism and gay rights etc. The damage that has been done by their guilt-ridden brands of anti-racism and anti-sexism, in particular, is a disgrace to see. In reality though, these obscure left wing groups are little more than a talking shop wherer their members prattle away to their hearts content about `the political relevance of one-legged tea pickers in Tibet'. While the rela world passes them byÉ Unlike the Left we see the community as of crucial importance to our class. It is obvious no what any major industrial battles will not succeed without massive community support, such as during the Miners Strike. Crime and other anti-social behavior,racism and sexism must be fought from within our communities, we can't sit back waiting for someone to do it for us. This is what the Left want us to do, leave everything to them and they will sort it our for us. But what usually happens is that as soon as something else appears on the horizon they're off like a shot! A good example of this is the Poll Tax - as soon as it was annouced that it was going to be scrapped they dropped it like a hot potato, probably relieved that their would be no more riots in Trafalgar Square that would threaten their cozy lifestyles. To the Left the working class are there to be ordered about because we are too thick to think for ourselves. The new concerns of the Left in this country relect the political,economic and cultural hopes of the middle class more than ever before. Tragically any decent revolutionaries within these groups usually become burnt out, disillusioned and are wasted. Class War makes no `revolutionary demands' on behalf for the working class. But we do see the need to play up the revoutionary elements witnin our struggles, towards an objective of creating a popular `culture of resisitance'. This is the popularisation of the ideas of class struggle, class pride and identity, and the values of solidarity, self-management and internationalism. Fundamentally this is about bringing politics into all areas of peoples lives. At present the capitalists invade all areas of our lives - in turn we will have to retrieve every part of them. Class War makes no "revolutionary demands" on behalf of the working class. But we do see the need to play up the revolutionary elements within our struggles, towards an objective of creating a popular "culture of resistance". This is the popularisation of the ideas of class struggle,class pride and identity, and the values of solidarity ,self management and internationalism. Fundamentally this is about bringing politics into all areas of peoples lives. At present the capitalists invade all areas of our lives - in turn we will have to retrieve every part of them. This development will become the foundation and energy behind any possible revolutionary movement. In areas of the world where this has happened,like Spain,Italy and Russia, the traditions have lingered on generations after the orginal movements were crushed - its powerful stuff! Get in touch SCOTLAND: PO Box 1021, Edinburgh EH8 9PW WEST SCOTLAND: Glasgow CW, PO Box 1008, Glagow G42 8AA NORTH EAST: Leeds CW, PO Box HH57 Leeds LS8 5XG EAST AND WEST MIDLANDS: PO box 2531,Smethwick,Warley,B66 2NH WALES : c/o CSG PO Box 368,Cardiff CS2 1SQ EAST ANGLIA: PO Box 467, London E8 3QX, LONDON: As above SOUTH EAST: Temporarily use above London Address SOUTH WEST: PCW PO Box 108 Plymouth,Devon IRELAND:PO Box 5,Derry,Ireland BT48 6PD NATIONAL SECRETARY:PO Box HH57 Leeds LS8 5XG INTERNATIONAL ADDRESSES: Contact International Secretary CLASS WAR internationals Secretary: See National Secretary Address. Class War is active in most UK towns and cities. If you want to find out more and get involved in your area. Write to your closest regional secretary. NEWS FROM JAPAN Two convicted murderers were hanged on 1,December, juridical sources said, the first executions since those of four men in November 1993. They were also the first executions carried out under the administration of Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayanma, who assumed the premiership in June. Kazumi Sasaki, 66,was executed at a prison in Sendai,the sources said. Sasaki was given the death penalty in 1985. Though his lawyer appealed through the courts, Sasaki himself withdrew the appeal. Sasaki was convicted of stabbing to death the owner of a Japanese-style inn and a company employee in Aomori Prefecture in September 1984. The other murderer, Yukio Ajima, 44, was executed at a Tokyo prison, the sources said. He was sentenced to die in 1978, and the Supreme Court upheld that decision in 1985. Ajima was found guilty of stabbing to death his fiancee, her sister and aunt in Gumma Prefecture in April 1977 after the woman's parents and others opposed their marriage. Executions in Japan are carried out hanging. Juridical authorities have not pfficially announced the two executions. Seven men were executed last year-the four in November and three men in March. Justice Minister Isao Maeda, a Liberal-Democratic Party parliamentalian, said in his inaugural press conference in June that he intended to deal with the capital punishment issue carefully and fairly on the basis of the law, respecting the judgement of the courts. After news of the executions came out 1.December, Prime Minister Murayama told reports that "the justice minister is the proper person to handle" the execution issue. Some politicians and human rights groups have strongly urged that capital punishment be abolished in Japan. A nonpartisan league of more that 100 Diet members opposing the death penalty petitioned Murayama in early November to suspend the execution of criminals on death row. According to one citizens group, there are 59 inmates on death row in Japan. A government survey released last week showed that almost three out of four pollees supported capital punishment, while only 13.8 percent thougt it should be abolished. SOURCE-Mainich Daily News/3. dec. 1994 Stay Radikal! "It was never about illegality as such, rather the promotion of free communication and the conveyance of radical political content." - Interview With A Radikal Group, 1989 Statement From Radikal On June 13, 1995, federal police in Germany carried out a major coup against left-radical structures. At six in the morning, around 50 homes and leftist projects all across Germany were stormed. The mainstream media praised the action as a "blow to terrorist groups", spewing forth the cops' line that the raids were directed against the Anti-Imperialist Cell (AIZ), the group K.O.M.I.T.E.E., and the illegal magazine 'Radikal'. The usual stigma of "terrorist group" was attached, justified with Paragraphs 129 and 129a. Standard pig procedure. It's a part of German reality to have homes being stormed, children rousted from their beds by masked cops with guns, weapons pointed at the heads of individuals whose "only" crime was their work on a left-radical newspaper. Even on the suspicion of simply distributing Radikal, people were terrorized all over the country, from Berlin to Hamburg to Cologne. This was the biggest raid on the German left in years - the Kurds, of course, have been subjected to such treatment on several occasions recently. That night on the TV, there was little mention any more about the AIZ or the K.O.M.I.T.E.E. Hell, we haven't enjoyed so much publicity in a long time, as images were flashed of the cops' Radikal archives, followed by a report of the arrest of 4 people for "membership in a criminal organization", Radikal. Investigations are continuing against 21 other individuals on the same charge. So we felt this was reason enough for people to hear from us between issues. Sorry it took so long for this to happen, but these things take time, as anyone familiar with inter-regional structures knows. We won't try to make the intensity of this repression or our status in the left-radical scene seem any greater than it really is. We always knew such a raid would happen at some point. But it is surprising that such a hard action against a publishing project could be carried out without so much as a peep from the "left- liberal public". It's characteristic of the continuity of the repression against leftist structures, even in times when the radical-left is weak. The BAW [federal prosecutor's office] had just finished in their failed attempt to criminalize Gottingen's Autonome Antifa (M) under Paragraph 129, and let's not forget the cop raids and the banning of the Kurdistan Information Bureau in Cologne because it published "pro-PKK" paper 'Kurdistan Rundbrief', so now they decided to go against other organized structures of the radical-left in Germany - on the same day as a Nazi letterbomb terror attack on an SPD politician in Lubeck. It's clear that these raids weren't just aimed at us. We were just a convenient excuse. "The action was an aimed preventive measure designed to deter the left-radical scene", said interior minister and deportation specialist Kanther that same evening. While right-wing terror grows worse and the consensus of social democrats/greens/conservatives in Great Germany is ready to send the Bundeswehr on its first foreign mission, it seems clear that the real threat is still the left. The message being sent is clear, and by lumping together the AIZ, K.O.M.I.T.E.E., and Radikal, it is that much easier to criminalize the entire left. Who We Are We produce and distribute a magazine. A magazine which, in a time of state control and self-censorship, is a forum for a discussion of street militancy and armed struggle. Of course, we aren't "neutral" in this discussion. We fundamentally reject the notion that the state has a monopoly on the legitimate use of force. The existing social conditions can only be changed if left-radical groups and associations build up their abilities and structures so as to be able to counter some of these effects even today. This, of course, includes militant and armed intervention, but these would be empty gestures if there wasn't also some sort of linkage or means of conveying their message. Of course, we are very happy when militant anti-fascist initiatives disrupt Nazi meetings. So we also see one of our functions as exposing fascist structures so as to make both old and new Nazis attackable, and we think this is one very important aspect of anti-fascist work. Of course, it would have been awesome if the cover of our next issue had had a big picture of the new deportation prison in Berlin-Grunau reduced to rubble. All people who seek to intervene and oppose Germany's refugee policies would have been overjoyed at this disruption of the state's deportation machinery. A radical-left which takes the past 25 years of its history seriously must discuss the successes and failures of the various armed and militant groups, such as the RAF, the 2nd of June Movement, the Revolutionary Cells, and militant autonomist groups, and it must draw consequences for the future from this discussion. In order that we don't just keep looking back at our history, but rather so that we keep up to date with actual developments, it's important that we be active in current anti-fascist initiatives or, for example, discuss the politics of the AIZ, of whom we are very critical. We must continually fight for the necessary space to carry out such discussions and defend ourselves from state attacks. Radikal tries to do jut that, no more, no less. We try to make it possible for various structures to have a means of being heard on a regular basis. It's seem like we're stating the obvious when we say that the cop attacks on Radikal are, at the same time, a criminalization of other leftist structures which provide this necessary space, like infoshops and other magazines for example. The present attacks on us, however, are qualitatively different than past repressive campaigns for two fundamental reasons. Firstly, we have now been declared a "criminal organization", and secondly, it has now been stated that Radikal has "entirely criminal content". A look back at the last few issues, therefore, will reveal what criminal means: new anti-racist street names in Braunschweig, articles on nationalism and the liberation struggle in Kurdistan, an analysis of the history of patriarchal gender divisions, an appeal from non-commercial radio stations, debates about leftist campaigns surrounding the May 8th commemorationsÉthat's criminal content? Before, the authorities used to point out specific articles which "supported a terrorist organization" so as to criminalize them,. Now the cops don't want to go through all that trouble so they have just called the entire project a "criminal organization", therefore the content must be criminal, too. But it's the mixture of theory and actual attacks, discussion and practical tips, which makes Radikal so interesting to read for so many people. And we value this mixture. Radikal aims to mobilize people to oppose Nazis and to stop the Castor nuclear waste shipments, while at the same time giving information about debates on anti-nationalism or the background of the origins of capitalist and patriarchal social structures. What's more, it should offer space for people from even the most remote corners of Germany to discuss their actions or their difficulties, things which have been ignored for far too long by a jaded left fixated on the metropoles. The federal police have called this mixture criminal. If you listen to what the cops say about all of this, it sounds like some sort of cheesy novel. We are supposedly organized in a "highly conspiratorial manner" with "fixed organizational structures". It seems that really banal things are actually dangerous. Anyone who produces a magazine needs "fixed organizational structures", they need to sit down together and talk about what should go into the next issue and how to distribute the magazine, mail out subscriptions, write articles, answer letters from readers, and so on and so forth. The only difference between us and normal, legal magazines is the fact that we have removed ourselves from state control, out of the reach of the censorship authorities. Over the years, we have built up an organizational structure which allows us to distribute a relatively high number of magazines nation-wide, by radical-left standards that is. As with other groups who seek to build up open or hidden structures, we are subject to state repression. From their point of view, the BAW had good reason to act now, since all their previous actions against us had been fruitless. Radikal kept being published, and there was nothing they could do about it. In 1982, about 20 homes, bookstores, and printing shops were raided in an attempt to prosecute Radikal for "supporting a terrorist organization". In 1984, 2 supposed editors of the paper were sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison, but they avoided going to the slammer by getting elected to the European Parliament for the Greens. In 1991, the federal prosecutor exchanged the jail terms for a fine. The next step came in 1986, when Radikal was already organized underground. Now, 100 homes and shops were raided by the cops. Nearly 200 court cases were opened, and in the end 5 people were given suspended sentences of 4-10 months. The wave of repression in 1986 - in addition to the obvious aims of scaring people and just being repressive - had one major aim, namely to drive Radikal out of the public realm and to lessen its effectiveness. But that didn't succeed. Despite the fact that several book stores, most of which dated back to Radikal's legal days, backed out on us and left us with heavy debts, work on Radikal and its distribution became much more decentralized. A network of groups and individuals took up responsibility for the magazine, based on their conditions. In 1989, the state authorities went into action one more time after ID-Verlag in Amsterdam published an interview with us as a brochure. The latest moves by the BAW have again made it clear that claims by the mainstream media and left-liberals concerning armed groups - "Your attacks make it possible for the state to turn the screws of repression even tighter!" - are total crap. Even the cease-fire from the guerrilla did not open up any "new levels of social debate". The defenders of law and order are continuing to act against left-radical groups, who are all equally defined as dangerous, and these are attacked at the same high level. 4 people are now in prison! We can't just forget that fact. In any case, that's why we'd like to call for exchange and communication with the solidarity groups. The charges against the 4 are as follows: They produced and distributed Radikal. But who actually "produces" Radikal? Those people who send in reports of antifa actions, or is it those people that take 10 copies and give them to their friends to read, or maybe it's those people that write a few articles and do some lay-out, or maybe it's the people that see to it that a few copies get into the prisons? Or maybe the BAW thinks it's those people that discuss for weeks on end which articles should go in the next issue of Radikal? Or is the ones who stand for long hours behind the printing presses? We're not really sure who exactly the cops are referring to when they talk about Radikal, but we know they really mean all of us! All people who see the continued need for radical-left structures for discussion and communication, away from state control and the apparatus of repression. And all people who recognize the need for women and men to become organized to avoid being swallowed up by capitalist and patriarchal reality. That's why it's the task for all of us to not accept this attack nor to let it go unanswered. We need an uncontrollable resistance media! Read, use, distribute, and stay Radikal! Powerful greetings to Rainer, Ralf, Werner, and Andreas! Free the prisoners! The teeth will show whose mouth is open! some Radikal groups - Summer 1995 Chukaku-Ha (Nucleus or Middle-Core Faction) An ultraleftist/radical group with origins in the fragmentation of the Japanese Communist Party in 1957. Largest domestic militant group; has political arm plus small, covert action wing called Kansai Revolutionary Army. Funding derived from membership dues, sales of its newspapers, and fundraising campaigns. Activities: Participates in mass protest demonstrations and snake-dancing in streets; supports farmers' protest of construction of Narita airport, among other causes; sabotaged part of Japanese railroad system in 1985 and 1986; sporadic attacks usually designed to cause only property damage through use of crude rockets and incendiary devices; anti-US attacks include small-scale rocket attempts against US military and diplomatic targets; no US casualties so far. Strength: 3,500. Location / Area of operation: Japan. External Aid: None known. Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) Formed in 1980 with Cuban backing, the guerrilla umbrella organization is composed of five leftist groups: Central American Workers' Revolutionary Party (PRTC), People's Revolutionary Army (ERP), Farabundo Marti Popular Liberation Forces (FPL), Armed Forces of National Resistance (FARN), and the Communist Party of El Salvador's Armed Forces of Liberation (FAL). The group reached a peace agreement with the Government of El Salvador on 31 December 1991. Activities: Bombings, assassinations, economic sabotage, arson, among other rural and urban operations. Since 1988 the FMLN increased urban terrorism in the capital. Strength: 6,000 to 7,000 combatants. Location / Area of operation: El Salvador, limited activity in Honduras. External Aid: Has received direct support from Cuba and receives support from the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, where it maintains an office. The FMLN also receives significant financial support from front groups and sympathetic organizations in the United States and Europe. Emanuel Rodriguez Patriotic Front (FPMR) Description: The FPMR was founded in 1983 as the armed wing of the Chilean Communist Party. Named for a hero in Chile's war of independence against Spain. The main movement announced it was laying down arms to become a political movement on 1 June 1991. The group splintered in 1987 into two factions, of which the dissident wing (FPMR/D) is now one of Chile's most active terrorist groups. Activities: FPMR/D is responsible for numerous bombing attacks against domestic and foreign targets and assassinations of Chileans. Responsible for many attacks on Mormon churches and US businesses from 1986 through 1991. In November 1990 an FPMR/D bomb concealed in a softball bat killed a Canadian and injured a US Embassy officer. The group attacked a Marine guard van at the US Embassy on 16 February with an antitank rocket that did not detonate and automatic weapons fire, injuring one US Marine. Strength: 1,000 to 1,500. Location / Area of operation: Chile. External Aid: Received training and weapons support from Cuba in past years, none in 1991. May cross-train with Peru's MRTA. MJL (see Lautaro Youth Movement) Morazanist Patriotic Front (FPM) Description: A radical, leftist terrorist group that first appeared in the late 1980s. Attacks made in protest of US intervention in Honduran economic and political affairs. Activities: Attacks on US, mainly military, personnel in Honduras. Claimed responsibility for attack on a bus in March 1990 that wounded seven US servicemen. Claimed bombing of Peace Corps office in December 1988, bus bombing that wounded three US servicemen in February 1989, attack on US convoy in April 1989, and grenade attack that wounded seven US soldiers in La Ceiba in July 1989. Strength: Unknown, probably relatively small. Location / Area of operation: Honduras. External Aid: Had ties to former Government of Nicaragua and possibly Cuba. Japanese Red Army (JRA) AKA: Anti-Imperialist International Brigade (AIIB) Description: An international terrorist group formed about 1970 after breaking away from Japanese Communist League Red Army Faction. Now led by Fusako Shigenobu, believed to be in Syrian-garrisoned area of Lebanon's Bekka Valley. Stated goals are to overthrow Japanese Government and monarchy and to help foment world revolution. Organization unclear, but may control or at least have ties to Anti- Imperialist International Brigade (AIIB); may also have links to Antiwar Democratic Front--an overt leftist political organization-- inside Japan. Details released following November 1987 arrest of leader Osamu Maruoka indicate that JRA may be organizing cells in Asian cities, such as Manila and Singapore. Has had close and longstanding relations with Palestinian terrorist groups--based and operating outside Japan--since its inception. Activities: Before 1977, JRA carried out series of brutal attacks over wide geographical area, including the massacre of passengers at Lod airport in Israel (1972) and two Japanese airliner hijackings (1973 and 1977). Anti-US attacks include attempted takeover of US Embassy in Kuala Lumpur (1975). Since mid-1980s has carried out several crude rocket and mortar attacks against a number of US embassies. In April 1988, JRA operative Yu Kikumura was arrested with explosives on the New Jersey Turnpike, apparently planning an attack to coincide with the bombing of a USO Club in Naples, a suspected JRA operation that killed five, including a US servicewoman. He was convicted of these charges and is serving a lengthy prison sentence in the United States. Strength: About 30 hardcore members; undetermined number of sympathizers. Location / Area of operation: Based in Syrian-controlled areas of Lebanon; often transits Damascus. External Aid: Receives aid, including training and base camp facilities, from radical Palestinian terrorists, especially the PFLP. May also receive aid from Libya. Suspected of having sympathizers and support apparatus in Japan. Kurdish Workers Party aka: Kurdish Labor Party Description: Marxist-Leninist terrorist group composed of Turkish Kurds established in mid-1970s. Seeks to set up Marxist state in southeastern Turkey, which has a large population of Kurds. Activities: Primary targets are Turkish Government forces and civilians in southeastern Turkey, but is becoming increasingly active in Western Europe against Turkish targets and rival Kurdish groups. In 1986,attacked NATO target in Mardin, Turkey. Last summer the PKK carried out a spate of kidnappings of Westerners; all were released unharmed. Strength: 3,000, plus 2,000 to 5,000 supporters. Location / Area of operation: Iran, Syria, and Iraq. Operates in Turkey and Western Europe; training facilities in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. External Aid: Probably still receives some aid and safehaven from Syria, Iran, and Iraq. National Liberation Army (ELN)--Colombia Description: Rural-based, anti-US, Maoist-Marxist-Leninist guerrilla group formed in 1963. Engaged in unsuccessful peace talks with the Government of Colombia during 1991. Activities: Periodically kidnaps foreign employees of large corporations and holds them for very large ransom payments. Extortion and bombing attacks against US and other foreign businesses in Colombia, particularly the petroleum industry. Has inflicted major damage on oil pipelines since 1986. Strength: 1,000 to 2,000. Location / Area of operation: Colombia. External Aid: In the past received limited arms and training from Cuba and training from Nicaragua. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Special Command Description: Marxist-Leninist group formed by Abu Salim in 1979 after breaking away from the now-defunct PFLP-Special Operations Group. Activities: Has claimed responsibility for several notorious international terrorist attacks in Western Europe, including the bombing of a restaurant frequented by US servicemen in Torrejon, spain, in April 1985. Eighteen Spanish civilians were killed in the attack. Strength: 50. Location / Area of operation: Operates out of southern Lebanon, in various areas of the Middle East, and in Western Europe. External Aid: Probably receives financial and military support from Syria, Libya, and Iraq. Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) aka: The Provos, IRA Description: A radical terrorist group formed in 1969 as the clandestine armed wing of Sinn Fein, a legal political movement dedicated to removing British forces from Northern Ireland and then to unify Ireland. Has a Marxist orientation. Organized into small, tightly knit cells under the leadership of the Army Council. Activities: Bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, extortion, and robberies. Targets government and private-sector interests--including senior British officials and British military targets in Western Europe-and Northern Irish Protestant paramilitary organizations. Has become increasingly indiscriminate in its spectacular bombing attacks. PIRA has stepped up operations on mainland Britain over the past two years, conducting over 20 attacks there during 1991. In February, a mortar attack against No. 10 Downing Street was launched while Prime Minister Major and senior members of his Cabinet were meeting. Bombing at two busy railway stations in central London resulted in the death of one civilian and injury to dozens more. In December, PIRA exploded a 2,000-pound bomb outside a police station in Northern Ireland, injuring over 60 civilians, and launched a wave of bomb attacks against rail lines and shopping centers on the British mainland. Strength: Several hundred, plus several thousand sympathizers. Location / Area of operation: Northern Ireland, Irish Republic, Great Britain, and Western Europe. External Aid: Has received aid from a variety of groups and countries and considerable training and arms from Libya and, at one time, the PLO. Also is suspected of receiving funds and arms from sympathizers in the United States. Maintains links to ETA. BlackGod here again, Since you can get this stuff on almost any board, here are a bunch of boards & pirate boards to call. The file, below, by bounty hunter has pirate board #'s if you want, u/l this file on those boards. (C) 1993 MacroTek Industries ------------------- ******************* ------------------- MOVE.COM--------Moves files by Copying it to its Destination & then Deleting the Source file. Also allows for on-the-fly renaming of files to be moved. Prompts before Deleting entire Directories. Syntax: MOVE [Drive QZPM.COM--------Views files, pausing after each Screenfull of information. Syntax: QZPM [Drive NOTE: MacroTek cannot guarantee full compatibility of its Utilities On Systems running Versions of DOS & DOS Emulators that can be Considered "Unusual". However, as our growing intercorporate Relations develop, MacroTek will release more and more compatible versions of its Utilities. This Is MacroTek's "Utilities For EVERY DOS User" (R) And simply contains the two programs that EVERY DOS USER Would Like Also, check your local BBS for more fine MacroTek Inc. Products MacroTek Virus DoubleScanner - Performs 2 virus scans The first is a normal scan The second scans for encrypted, Stealth, polymorphic, & compressed Virii. MacroTek GraphStat Update Module - Backs up files by storing 2 Compressed copies in a discreet Physical area on the storage Device the file is on. MacroTek Terminal for Windows - A MODEM Communications Terminal Program for Windows. ****************************************** To Contact MacroTek, you simply have to get in touch with one of our Sales/Distribution Representatives listed below Alias BBS #'s to call ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Death 410-531-5886 Satan 410-355-2609 410-381-7311 BlackGod 410-282-5092 410-381-7561 410-323-4527 410-532-7644 410-484-8618 410-486-8128 410-418-8759 410-744-1363 KTULU ALL OF THE ABOVE ****************************************** To reach anyone at MacroTek Industries in person: 1.Wait till a stormy night 2.Draw a pentagram (preferably in blood) on the floor 3.Place a candle at each point of the star. (that should be 5 candles) (oh yeah, light the candles) 4.Chant "Satanas, In Manus Tuas Commendo Spiritum Muem, In Ignem Aeternum" Over & over again It means "Satan, into your hand, i commend my spirit, into Eternal flames. If the Pentagram "opens", that is, if a fiery hole apears where the Pentagram was drawn, step in & a Demon will see you soon. Tell'em You wanna see the guys from MacroTek & thats all. Don't worry, we'll See to it that you get back home. If this doesn't work, you might've done something wrong or the stars Were just out of alignment. Try it again, maybe with a friend or two. 410-531-5886 C-Spam BBS, the 24 hour Spam Network [14.4] (WWIV) 410-486-4515 Future World [2400] (TELE) 410-461-9943 Grey Hawk NODE 1 DUAL STANDARD [14.4] (RBBS) 410-465-3891 Grey Hawk NODE 2 DUAL STANDARD [14.4] (RBBS) 410-290-5814 The Spastic Toilet [2400] (WWIV) 410-995-3744 Programmers corner [14.4] ( OWN) 301-854-6026 Disk BBS [2400] (QBBS) 410-489-5310 ShadoWorld BBS [2400] (WWIV) 410-666-1035 The City Morgue BBS [9600] (WWIV) 410-521-0931 The Senate House/Tars [14.4] (WWIV) 410-455-0755 Alpha Complex [9600] ( TAG) 410-529-1096 The Post Larva [2400] (WWIV) 410-355-2609 The Blazing Eagle BBS [ ] (RENE) 410-521-8156 The Fire Station II [2400] (WWIV) 410-995-5423 No Place Like Home BBS - Multiline BBS [14.4] (TBBS) 410-539-1381 The Digital Fortress BBS [14.4] (TAG!) 410-368-9712 The Last Outpost [9600] (CELE) 410-484-7229 The Cybernetic Cockroach (1am-6am only!) [2400] (RENE) 410-381-7120 Dave's World! Great Message and Files section [2400] (WWIV) 410-284-2378 Wizards & Warriors [1440] (VBBS) 410-284-0565 Sub Comm systems [1440] ( TAG) 410-721-6899 Radland [1440] (WWIV) 410-544-3439 Situation Room [1440] (VBBS) 410-636-0752 Eagle 1 [19.2] (VBBS) 410-566-1351 Golden Night [1440] (WWIV) 410-686-7337 Celler [19.2] ( TAG) 410-964-6400 Chessapeake Online BBS [????] (FALK) 410-313-7073 AHS-BBS--->New Board. Call and give sugg. [2400] (WWIV) 410-889-4326 Moderne BBS - Mac & Newton Files / Fidonet Exotic [14.4] (HRMS) 410-799-9644 StarBase ]I[ [14.4] (WWIV) 410-750-2977 Line Noise BBS [9600] (WWIV) 410-581-5071 The Real McCoy [14.4] (WWIV) 410-281-1344 Colin's Computer Service [14.4] (WILD) 410-760-2029 Monarch S, Excellent On-liners! [14.4] (WWIV) 410-461-0519 Steel Talons BBS, Excellent Board [14.4] (WWIV) 410-583-1280 Holy Wars BBS [2400] (WWIV) 410-679-1838 The Outback BBS [14.4] (WWIV) 410-489-5167 Better Than Life [14.4] (WWIV) 301-596-2531 THE EGGSHELL BBS [14.4] (WWIV) 410-715-0586 Cutting Edge BBS Multi-Line! Great TLCF! [2400] (FALK) 410-523-5025 The DeathZone, New but growing rapidly, board!!!!! [14.4] ( ) 301-774-8352 Off The Deep End BBS Files! Doors! v.32 [9600] (WWIV) 410-381-4560 The Last Resting Place [14.4] (WWIV) 410-485-8856 Sibling of the Shroud [14.4] ( TAG) 410-323-4527 Cloudbreak Call us now_big time FuN! [14.4] (WWIV) 410-715-0586 Cutting Edge BBS Multi-Line! Great TLCF! [2400] (FALK) 410-730-6381 Cutting Edge Great Users! MULTI LINE!!!! [9600] (FALK) 410-256-1584 Planisphere BBS [14.4] (WWIV) 410-242-9658 The Wastelands BBS -- NEW, needs more users [14.4] (WWIV) 410-335-1149 The Napalm Kingdom BBS -- New, needs more users! [14.4] (WWIV) 410-661-6255 Star's End BBS [14.4] (WWIV) 410-325-2752 nirvana bbs, lots of leeching!!! call now! [2400] (VBBS) 410-461-4050 Cyber Space 2000 [19.2] (SEAR) 410-788-1904 After Dark BBS (NEEDS USERS) Runs from 11pm-5:30am [14.4] (WWIV) 410-418-8759 Steel Talons ][ [14.4] (WWIV) 410-788-3564 Valhalla we have almost everything + adult gifs [2400] (WWIV) 410-799-4506 Satans Laboratory semi new board needs users [2400] (WWIV) 410-730-7499 The Shark BBs! Nets, Filez (Adult Elite), Onliners [2400] (WWIV) 410-489-7547 The Hole, CD-ROM, TW reg'ed, LORD, planets too [9600] (RENE) 410-532-7644 The Pyramid BBS [28.8] (WWIV) 410-381-7311 Shattered Glass BBS, grea^[[Dat mess., filz, games [19.2] (WWIV) 410-485-0504 DiGiTAL iLLUSiONS ][ BBS - over 750 Meg ONLiNE! [14.4] (WWIV) 410-282-7571 The Hobby shop [14.4] (WWIV) 410-461-0519 Steel Talon'z -TerraNet Soon 2B WWiVNet [14.4] (WWIV) 410-290-5139 Crumpies BBS! UtopiaNet, DigiNet, fEARnET, MORE! [14.4] (WWIV) 410-666-1035 The City Morgue BBS - 3 years in Md [14.4] (WWIV) 410-744-1363 The Iron Skull-Great board [14.4] (WWIV) 410-882-4355 Eddy Line ------Nice Informational BBS-------- [14.4] (TAG!) [2] [Anarchists Haven] Read:(1-10,^4),? : 5/10__.. _. Name__.. The Crow #130 @4 Date__.. Sun Jan 08 08:14:40 1995 You want em' you got em! Command Tech 437-3858 System1 NUP: Fussion FedWorld 893-5914 Complex 720-5305 Santa's Workshop 544-7833 Interferance 465-8952 512-659-4118 The Razor's Edge V.32 42bis 220 megz online [9600] (WWIV) 512-657-2042 Inner Sanctum 14.4 v.32 42bis 283megz online [14.4] (SHOC) 512-699-0777 Ghost Town 14.4 v.32 42 200 Megz online [14.4] (SBBS) 410-997-0512 LINE NOISE II V.32 [9600] (SPIT) 410-747-8154 The Strike Force-->v.32, v.42bis, MNP5, LAP-M!!! [9600] (WWIV) 410-964-1914 The Darkness BBs 5:30-10:30 7 days a week [2400] (WWIV) 410-290-3864 Clyde's BBS [9600] (WWIV) 410-655-3854 Late Night BBS 6am-5pm and 10pm - 4am [2400] (WWIV) 410-760-8928 Storm Front BBS Up from 10pm-6am V.32/HST [14.4] (WWIV) 703-768-3733 The Free American (Creative writing,social comment [2400] ( WC) 410-489-5310 ShadoWorld!! Over 1300 files online! Lotsa msgs [2400] (WWIV) 512-657-2042 Inner Sanctum 14.4 v.32 42bis 283megz online [14.4] (SHOC) 512-699-0777 Ghost Town 14.4 v.32 42 200 Megz online [14.4] (SBBS) 410-233-5129 The Dominion's Domain BBS [2400] (WWIV) 410-265-1596 Bubba's BB(open M-F 9pm-4pm, S-SU 8pm-11am)sports [2400] (WWIV) 410-313-7073 Final Frontier-Best war sub in Maryland [14.4] (WWIV) 410-256-8534 Undercover BBS..Hitman SysOp [14.4] (WWIV) 410-477-3310 Freaks of Nature S! 200+ megs! [14.4] (WWIV) 703-768-3733 The Free American (Creative writing,social comment [2400] ( WC) 410-489-5310 ShadoWorld!! Over 1300 files online! Lotsa msgs [2400] (WWIV) 410-255-8443 an occupation of uninhabited space [2401] (WWIV) 410-628-2693 The Lightening Rod [14.4] ( WC) 410-665-3957 The NITELINE [2400] (WWIV) 410-529-1096 POST LARVAL BBS "WE'LL ROCK YOUR WORL'" [2400] (WWIV) 410-281-1344 Colin's Computer Service-- Home of Too Cool Colin [2400] (CAT!) 410-666-3766 The Chronic BBS (24Hrs) [2400] (WWIV) 410-437-7017 The Devils Courier [FAST] (WWIV) 410-788-8908 Grimm's Hollow BBS [9600] (WWIV) 410-576-8600 ,,,,,,604 for switch board tellm Silk BoBo! sentya [14.4] (WWIV) 410-666-5142 The Cyclone BBs fast validation New Users wanted!! [2400] (WWIV) 410-242-8429 The Hacking Hairball BBs (sat-sun only) [14.4] (WWIV) 410-426-7737 Channel Zero_message oriented [2400] (WWIV) 410-442-2976 Pits of Darkness..New bbs.. [14.4] (WWIV) 410-771-8480 The Force is back Sept. 25. Same user list! Call! [2400] (WWIV) 301-776-1779 Clyde's BBS as of 9/93 Clarknet [14.4] ( NET) 410-532-3210 [2400] ( ) 410-799-9644 StarBase III [14.4] (WWIV) 410-581-5071 The Real Mccoy, awesome files! [14.4] (WWIV) 410-527-9549 EYE OF THE PYRAMID [2400] (RENE) 410-825-3352 Launch Pad!! tell em Drunk Zombie sent ya [2400] (WWIV) 410-313-9998 Realm of Darkness TmZ EHQ D$R HQ v.32 [14.4] (WWIV) 410-461-4590 The Kingdom of Vomeria BBS V.32/42 files/nets!! [14.4] (VBBS) 410-335-8652 Pooh's Corner II 28.8k VFast!!! [28.8] (SINI) 410-969-5865 D.o.m.i.n.i.o O.f S.o.c.i.e.t.y Tsb!/hq! [14.4] (WWIV) 410-233-5129 The Dominion's Domain BBS [2400] (WWIV) 410-426-8748 Sonic Meltdown tell em Drunk Zombie sent ya [14.4] (WWIV) 410-265-1596 Bubba's BB(open M-F 9pm-4pm, S-SU 8pm-11am)sports [2400] (WWIV) 410-313-7073 Final Frontier-Best war sub in Maryland [14.4] (WWIV) 410-256-8534 Undercover BBS..Hitman SysOp [14.4] (WWIV) 410-477-3310 Freaks of Nature S! 200+ megs! [14.4] (WWIV) 410-461-5656 The Gun Chest BBS v.32 bis, 1.4 gigs [14.4] (WWIV) 410-532-7644 The Pyramid BBS [9600] (WWIV) 410-516-7805 Dogs of War (Unlimited Downloads!) [14.4] (WWIV) 410-744-1363 Iron Skull---Very Cool [14.4] (WWIV) 410-323-4527 cloudbreak-tell'em commander salamander sent ya! [14.4] (WWIV) 123-456-7890 The Bird's Nest is coming soon!! Mac filz!!! [19.2] (HRMS) 410-799-3088 Shep's Place - Multi-Line Chat! - Cool Graphics [14.4] (ROBO) 410-799-3037 Shep's Place - No RATIO! - CD Access [14.4] (ROBO) 410-242-9658 The Wastelands BBS [14.4] (WWIV) 410-256-2479 The Kombat Tomb [2400] (WWIV) 410-391-1530 The Tomb of Death-tell'em commander salamander sen [19.2] (WWIV) 410-381-6920 Radiation Temple. Lamer is NUP Boffo sent ya [19.2] (????) 410-381-7311 Shattered Glass-files,onliners,messgaes,cd's [19.2] (SPIT) 410-558-0060 Umoja BBS Tell em' B.J. sent ya [ ] (WWIV) 410-523-5025 Deathzone Tell em' Undertaker sent ya. [14.4] (WWIV) 410-489-9134 The Airplane GraveYard [14.4] (WWIV) 000-527-9549 Terminal Addiction [14.4] (SBBS) 410-276-1514 The Land Of The Giants [14.4] (WWIV) 410-477-1640 The Tower of High Sorcery new bbs needs users. [14.4] (WWIV) 410-750-6807 American Information Network [28.8] ( ) 301-854-0438 AIN - Internet Access - Huge File Base - Low Cost! [28.8] ( ) 410-255-6047 The Edge 2 Gigs 2400-28.8 [28.8] (ROBO) 410-433-2808 The Moldy Caverns BBS [14.4] (WWIV) 410-519-2848 The Compound BBS (14.4)(v34bis) [14.4] (RENE) 410-486-8128 final step bbs its got everything rambo sencha [14.4] (WWIV) 410-484-8618 storage base2, nup is boyz iam a sysop there [2400] (WWIV) Star Wars BBS Up 24hrs at now 28.8k Phone 410-760-3688 15 confrences online Tranfer Section need Files only has about 200 megs online 900+ capable Cdrom online also Have A Nice Day. Bounty Hunter's National Pirate List Second Edition October 1989 Austintown BBS ( Home Of This List ) 216-792-0981 This list is dedicated to all pirates out there who would like to be able to get new Wares' If any changes are needed or you would like added then Call Austintown BBS and leave E-mail to the bounty hunter. News For This Month From The Bounty Hunter Well my list has really taken off now. Thanks to alot of callers i have been able to add alot more numbers to this month's issue. Remember if you would like to have your board published on here or if you would like it off you may contact me at austintown BBS look at the begging of this list for more information. Well enjoy this issue i am already getting some new material for the list so watch for the newest issue and UPLOAD THIS TO EVERY BOARD YOU BELONG TO that way this list may grow and grow to be the best source of numbers for you to get ahold of The Bounty Hunter BBS Name Number Software Bauds Notes *.* 408-429-8312 WWIV 12/24 007's VIP Lounge 313-348-8535 2001 Odyssey 602-953-1893 ABBS 12/24 ?? 713-356-2042 ACC 818-287-0408 WWIV 12/24 ANI Systems 818-912-7848 Emulex/II 12/24 Home of WHOA Ace's Place 303-421-1380 1200 Adventure's Guild 718-591-0925 Monarch 12/24 TSAN Agnostic Front 206 432-6904 Emulex/II 12/24 Home of WASP Air Academy 416-439-8374 FCP 12/24 Al's Cabin 201-827-7815 Alcatraz 312-256-0422 Pcboard 12/24 Altered Plane 303-526-0801 Monarch 12/24 9pm-6am Mtn. Time Alternate Mindlink 713-489-7779 Alternate Reality 206 352-4606 Emulex/II 12/24 Alternate Universe 718-326-0720 TCW 12/24 Anarchist's Realm 713-774-0767 1200 Anarchist's Under. 713-890-0561 SYS-PC 12/24 Anarchy Inter. 301-464-7023 Emulex/II 12/24 Anarctic Exchange 312-887-1617 Anonymous Wonder 312-884-7899 Arabian Knight BBS 813-871-2189 WWIV 12/24 Ariel System 313-569-3194 T.A.G. 12/24 Atlantis 408-475-2729 Austintown Node 1 216-792-0981 Pcboard 12/24 Austintown Node 2 216-793-4257 Pcboard 12/96 Avenger's Island 612-439-9782 Forum Beserker BBS 801-485-7646 Pcboard 12/24 Best of Both 213-325-3237 WWIV 12/24 New Users 24 only Beta Cygnus 602-274-8917 Forum 12/24 FiRM Dist. Beyond Reality 313-995-0754 12/24 Billion boys Club 408-268-6692 PCboard 12/24 Black Box BBS 301-360-2018 WWIV 12/24 Blueberry MUFF 404-458-7696 WWIV 12/24 Boinger Board 919-846-3734 WWIV Bopper Land 519-660-1960 Monarch 12/24 Boss BBS 602-242-3935 Emulex/II 12/24 Brewery 314-394-8259 WWIV 12/24 Burial Grounds 818-571-8389 Emulex/II 1200 Byte Me 205-979-2983 WWIV 12/24 CIA 404-676-0900 Emulex/II 12/24 Camelot 415-887-0983 Canadian Tech. 416-846-7528 Emulex/II 12/24 Celestial Woodlands 713-580-8213 SYS-PC 12/24 SYS-PC & BSP Home Cemetery Gates 818-575-1887 WWIV 12/24 FiRM Dist. City Limits 913-357-0316 Monarch 12/24 Clendenstone Corner 301-647-6631 WWIV 1200 City Of Thieves 408-268-6692 Pcboard 12/24 Comic Strip ][ 801-561-9877 Emulex/II 12/24 Convent 619-475-6187 Emulex/II 12/24 Corner Pocket 301-823-5710 WWIV 1200 Cornerstone 703-971-7874 Forum 12/96 FiRM Home Country Morgue 508-250-8098 TBBS 12/24 Country Morgue 617-250-8098 12/24 Courier's Annex 301-666-2077 WWIV 12/96 Crys. Strike Force 818-965-1580 Emulex/II 12/24 Crystal Orbe 713-488-3744 12/24 Custom Software 312-246-7705 PCboard 12/96 Join Conf. 3 D.U.N.E. 214-733-0568 WWIV 12/24 Dark Side 312-509-1816 Monarch Dark Tangent 206 454-3552 12/24 Dead Zone 214-522-5321 12/24 Defender 312-390-2764 Pcboard Defiant Sceptor 312-885-1237 PCB, Telg. 12/24 Ask for Club access Destiny Knights 312-884-7899 Telegard 12/24 Inner Sanctum Home Devil's Courier 301-437-7017 WWIV 12/96 Didactic Gallery 507-282-5063 Brand-X 12/19.2 Brand-X Home Discordian Society 303-969-8195 Monarch 12/24 Distillery 303-797-1330 Monarch 1200 Dragon's Heaven 408-735-8685 Monarch 12/24 Dragon's Lair 312-215-4937 Monarch 12/24 DHPL Home Board Duck Board Elite 404-564-3592 Pcboard 12/24 Dude Man Dude HQ 313-420-4624 12/24 Dungeon of Doom 313-352-3666 12/24 E.T.'s Home 312-537-3463 Telegard 12/24 ESP Headquarters 602-942-2111 Forum 12/24 ESP Club Home Eastern Telecom 201-402-1772 Forum 12/24 Edge of Insanity 617-484-4921 12/24 Electric Ocean 507-281-0275 Brand-X 12/24 Elm Street 408-475-0206 WWIV 12/24 Enterprise 314-664-7148 Eternal War 508-285-5325 QBBS 12/24 Ethereal Dimension 206 255-1282 Monarch 12/24 Euphoria 416-467-6387 Monarch 12/24 FiRM dist. Fajita Republic 303-431-2931 Monarch 12/24 Fantasy World 713-933-0062 Far Side 214-231-7920 Emulex/II 12/24 Fatal Attraction 619-439-3946 PCboard Faw or Foad 813-962-2937 WWIV 12/96 TSAN Fer's Central 312-831-0456 SBBS 12/24 Sbbs Home Figment/Imagination 703-759-6579 Monarch 12/24 Firebase Eagle 205-554-0480 Power Plus 12/96 Focal Point 714-946-9234 Emulex/II 12/24 Forbidden Passage 719-774-0449 Monarch 12/24 NAPPA/FiRM Dist. Forgotten Dimension 617-421-6755 Monarch 12/24 Fox River Valley 312-426-3279 PCBoard 12/96 400+ MEGZ! Freakers Den 213-941-1534 WWIV 12/24 Front Line 312-582-9249 Forum Fun House 301-924-1543 Emulex/II 12/24 GGS 312-530-2209 Wild, Form 12/24 open door 15 GLBBS 313-360-0106 WWIV Pwd: POWERUP Gamers Galaxy 312-297-5385 Monc/Spec 12/96 Open door 1 Gates of Dawn 301-384-2938 Apex 12/24 NAPPA #1 Gateway 206 588-5239 Gathering Gods 703-641-0190 Monarch 12/24 General Electric 713-438-3156 Pheonix 12/24 Genesis II 313-291-2520 Get Serious 313-846-0731 Golf City BBS 217-332-4019 WWIV 12/24 FiRM Dist. Golf City BBS 408-296-5108 12/24 Firm Dist. Gotham City 818-718-8227 WWIV 12/24 Great Cavern 312-683-3666 PCboard 12/96 NO HANDLES! Great Escape 312-535-2761 PCboard 12/24 Graveyard 312=699=6353 Forum Hacker's Hideout 914-838-2319 Forum 12/24 Hackers Den 718-358-9209 Emulex/II 12/24 Heaven or Hell 716-832-0118 Neuromancer 12/96 NAPPA #7 Hecker 818-912-4183 WWIV 12/24 Hellfire 713-497-5547 Emulex/II 12/24 Hellfire Club 314-772-3153 House of Solitude 415-948-4925 Forum 12/24 Hunting Grounds 416-823-9439 Monarch 12/24 Ice Dimensions 214-641-7085 Emulex/II 12/24 Infin. Intox. 508-750-8035 TCS 12/24 Influx 818-799-3589 WWIV 12/24 Real names only.. Inner Sanctum ]I[ 312-545-2204 Brand-X 12/24 Inner Sanctum Dist Inner Sanctum 914-683-6926 Gen. Delux 12/24 Insane Asylum 303-447-2691 Monarch 12/24 CIA Home Inv only Insomnia 213-833-8309 Emulex/II 12/24 Iron Sheath 404-594-0086 T.A.G. 12/24 Jabba's PC Hut 617-884-9498 Genesis 12/24 Joe's Garage 201-661-4327 WWIV 12/24 Jousting Fields 312-756-2023 Spectrum Jousting Fields 312-756-3023 Spectrum 12/24 Junkyard BBS 516-932-7394 Emulex/II 12/24 TSAN Just Another BBS 301-551-2583 Forum 12/96 Killer's Domain 713-578-1455 12/24 Killer Fajetas 303-431-2931 150 Free Megs Knavery 619-942-0408 WWIV 12/24 Knights Rnd. Tbl. 516-281-3214 Emulex/II 12/24 Krypton 818-773-0461 WWIV 12/24 Land of Fa 716-773-7526 WWIV 1200 Land of Illusion 818-447-9049 Monarch 12/24 Land of Warlord 818-280-4065 WWIV 12/24 Late Night Prowl 303-399-8811 Emulex/II 12/24 Life After Death 416-pri-vate USSR 12/24 Lighthouse 713-556-5652 T.A.G. 12/24 Lion's Den 617-889-0777 12/24 London at Midnight 713-373-1769 12/24 Lunatic Labs 415-278-7421 Monarch 12/24 Lunatic Phringe 312-965-3677 Opus 12/96 1600 megz, Private Mentality Distrup. 214-258-4935 TNW 12/24 Metal AE 201-879-6668 Emulex/II 12/24 Metallica Mines 602-835-6817 Emulex/II 12/24 Midnight BBS 312-727-9111 PCboard 12/24 Mission Compat. ][ 313-595-7616 12/24 Mission Compat. 3 813-647-2580 Emulex/II 12/24 Mission Compatible 313-295-7308 Mission Compat. 5 517-529-4287 Fcp 12/24 Mordor 415-673-8670 Most Composers 303-771-5937 Monarch 12/24 Mt. Olympus 408-438-3349 Mutiny ][ 301-855-2365 QBBS 12/24 Mystic Knights 213-426-6490 Emulex/II 12/24 TSAN Neutral Zone 206 839-5865 Emulex/II 12/24 New Silicon Guild 404-985-1321 T.A.G. 12/24 New World 312-749-8137 Telegard 12/24 Private Night Industries 2 818-281-4587 WWIV 12/24 Night Undustries 1 818-284-5946 WWIV 12/24 Ninja's Place 914-297-0334 Emulex/II 12/24 Nite Line 517-477-9315 Emulex/II 12/24 O'hare Oasis 312-693-2904 Telegard 12/24 Oblivion 214-221-4638 Ojai 415-341-7564 Matrix 12/24 Optical Illusion 713-578-0722 SYS-PC 1200 PC Playhouse 313-381-8633 Pacific Alliance 818-280-5710 WWIV 12/24 Parallax 619-486-2858 WWIV 1200 Park Place 919-460-9441 WWIV 12/24 Parthenon 314-522-1460 WWIV Phantom's Domain 818-368-2945 Emulex/II 12/24 Pwd: ZERO GROUND Phortress 914-221-0035 Forum 12/24 Pinball Place 314-863-2954 WWIV 12/24 Pirates Island 703-759-3979 Monarch 1200 Planet X 404-591-1620 Emulex/II 12/24 Playboy Mansion 415-851-4368 1200 Playdo Land II 612-522-3959 Emulex/II 12/24 Playdo Land 719-260-8472 Emulex/II 12/24 NAPPA #15 Playdo Land 612-557-1489 Emulex/II Player's Guild 617-455-8154 Spectrum 12/96 FiRM dist. Plutocrazy 801-295-7522 WWIV 12/24 Plutonium Mines 716-636-4540 Neuromancer 12/24 PTL dist. Point Blank 813-875-5153 Monarch 12/24 Pool Hall 904-757-3578 WWIV 12/24 Private Sector 619-353-0970 WWIV 12/24 Project Genesis 818-706-8167 Monarch 12/24 Psychedelic Sanct. 513-451-6188 Emulex/II 12/24 Psychodrome 612-639-1053 PhreeNet 1200 FCP Maker Pub & Tavern 214-690-4634 Emulex/II 12/24 Radio KAOS 303-979-9533 Spectrum 12/24 Radio Waves 612-471-0060 Forum 1200 Ram Free 301-557-6841 Monarch 12/24 Rasputin's Dungeon 312-653-1765 RBBS 12/96 300 MEGZ! Realm 201-335-9586 Forum Realm of Darkness 217-359-2071 Emulex/II 12/24 Red Flag 404-642-7156 WWIV 12/24 Redlight Inn. 214-393-0156 Emulex/II 12/24 Revo Emag 404-435-5737 TCE BBS 12/24 TCE Home Roach Motel 818-369-2083 Emulex/II 12/96 WHOA Rock'in Ranch 516-249-7248 Emulex/II 12/24 TSAN Round Table 713-980-3977 Emulex/II 12/24 Runaway Train 201-927-1154 GBBS Salsbury Hill 301-428-3269 WWIV 12/24 Saucerful/Secrets 416-756-3467 Monarch 12/24 Seitch Tabr 313-255-2767 12/24 Sentry's Post 813-980-2447 WWIV 12/24 Shade-Tree 312-385-2764 P/D - S/W Conf. Shadow's Realm 713-578-1527 12/24 Sherwood Forest 805-255-2850 WWIV 12/24 Shop 312-426-8228 PCboard 12/96 NO HANDLES! Ski's Lodge 312-282-9272 RBBS 12/24 Not Worth It Slipped Disk 313-585-8315 Smash Palace Mac 713-821-3901 12/24 Snarf's Music Std. 312-351-0288 Monarch 12/24 Society of Sin 206 234-2777 Soft Board 201-228-5862 Software Cellar 914-795-5092 Forum 12/24 Somewarez 619-436-9861 Emulex/II 12/24 South East. Coil. 904-779-9152 Emulex/II 12/24 Speakeasy 301-358-0849 WWIV 12/24 Sperical Planes 713-358-2683 12/24 Spinward Marches 617-474-0602 12/24 Stairway Heaven 203-393-0899 Emulex 12/24 Home of Phuck Inc Star Pirates II 703-644-2347 Apex 12/24 Starhelm Greystaff 619-479-3006 Starship Enterprise 313-843-1581 Stoney Man's Farm 716-439-3269 Emulex/II 12/24 UnderGr. Home Stranger Eye 818-409-9472 Emulex/II 12/24 TSAN Strictly Business 415-583-1673 Sun Bane Inc. 404-921-4635 Emulex/II 12/24 Super Dimension 713-586-9721 SYS-PC Support HQ 801-973-4342 WWIV 12/24 Surf Shop 301-990-1715 Emulex/II 12/96 Swashbucklers II 416-275-5593 Emulex/II 12/24 Emulex/II Cpi/PTL Swift's Ridge 617-364-3304 Gen. Delux 12/24 Sycamore Elite 815-895-5573 Opus Restricted TMOZ 504-272-9633 Telegard 12/24 Tammy Hall 404-991-6604 WWIV 12/24 Taster's Choice 617-868-5731 Emulex/II 12/24 Temple ][ 408-268-3986 Emulex/II 12/24 Temple of Doom 602-996-8002 WWIV 12/24 Theta-Sigma 217-328-8181 12/24 Ask For Ibm Node Tinsel Town Rebellion713-451-9548 12/96 The BELL Board 408-297-8383 Emulex/II 12/24 The Ballroom 313-295-7279 T.A.G. 12/24 The Coffee Shop 519-679-2696 Monarch 12/24 The Duck Elite 404-923-3870 Pcboard 12/24 The Eagles Nest 412-539-1965 Emulex/II 12/24 NAPPA #12 The Establishment 612-559-8289 The Final Frontier 602-996-7381 12/96 The First Sector 301-679-3394 WWIV 12/24 The Free World 301-668-7657 WWIV 12/24 The Future World 301-486-4515 WWIV 12/24 The Gallows 301-486-5073 WWIV 12/24 The High Command 416-247-4491 Emulex/II 12/24 The Iron Curtain 301-843-5052 WWIV 12/24 The Iron Skull 301-744-1363 WWIV 12/96 The Jungle BBS 606-341-4713 12/96 The Kingdom 801-292-8118 WWIV 12/24 The Mage's Lair 804-451-3551 Pcboard 12/24 The Magick Link 517-592-2741 Emulex/II 12/24 The Manor 213-865-3826 WWIV 12/24 The Mindseye BBS 312-231-7418 The Mudd Club 713-723-3942 12/24 The New Republic 301-828-8291 WWIV 12/24 The Pentagon 408-426-7228 The Pit 404-487-7829 WWIV 12/24 The Prism 516-678-1642 Monarch 12/24 The Pubb 408-251-4689 Monarch 12/24 The Realm 617-527-6567 Emulex/II 12/24 The Running Board 212-255-1282 The Skull 415-341-1362 Forum 12/24 The Trading Post 813-544-2108 WWIV 12/24 The Ult. Frontier 312-589-1816 The Void 206 232-4941 1200 The Vortex 606-331-5133 Forum 12/96 PTL Dist. The lost Souls 416-241-2119 Matrix 12/24 Matrix Home Thieve's Guild 416-267-3938 Forum 12/24 Thieves Guild 206 235-6779 Monarch 1200 Time Tunnel 416-283-6765 USSR 12/24 Time Zone 914-354-1185 Forum 12/24 TSAN Tin Pan Alley 313-939-6339 Monarch 12/24 NAPPA #10 Torgazmic Systems 312-469-2872 PCBoard 12/24 Treasure Island 703-442-6653 Monarch 12/24 Truckstop 312-478-3045 Forum 12/96 U.C.I. 415-770-0140 USS Enterprise 713-466-0701 12/24 Ultimate Empire 513-896-4550 Fcp V3.0 12/24 Ultimate Revolution 713-492-1179 Emulex/II 1200 NAPPA #4 Underground I 408-426-2576 Monarch 12/24 Underground II 201-502-9115 Emulex/II 12/24 Unknown World 805-373-0574 Monarch 12/24 TSAN Unlimited Reality 313-489-0747 QBBS 12/24 Vahalla Islands 602-942-0087 Tcs 12/24 Vector One 415-221-5033 WWIV 12/96 Vulgar Unicorn 303-680-8622 Monarch 12/24 Walden Pond 216-792-0981 Gap 12/24 Warez R Us 416-769-3189 USSR 12/24 War Zone 312-749-8139 Tag Wastelands 312-481-2130 Pcboard 12/24 West World 805-379-1616 Monarch 12/24 Wild West 415-968-4717 Monarch 12/24 Wild West 312-991-4639 Monarch 12/24 Wizards Workshop 607-754-2950 Forum 12/96 Yellow Jacket 404-985-8244 Emulex/II 12/24 Zero Gravity 714-860-5779 Emulex/II 12/24 Zoo 312-350-9346 Telegard 12/96 Co-Home Of PTL [ The End ] If You Would Like To Have Your Board Advertised On This Listing Then Call Austintown BBS And Leave Me E-mail To " Bounty Hunter " . I Can Also Be Reached On The Following Boards. Walden Pond 216/792/0864 Zoo 312/350/9346 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Hey you! these are all the diagrams, so far, from that big anarchist text i did. if you wanted to print the text out in a small font for size (its 48 pages long at font 10) the diagrams would get messed up. also if you print it from most word processors, that would also screw up a diagram. use VIEW.COM to view this. Again, have fun, don't get caught, & don't get yourself killed. BlackGod Disclaimer:THE STUFF MENTIONED IN THIS TEXT COULD FUCK YOU UP SEVERELY, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. SOOOOOOOOO, IF YOU GOT THE BALLS TO DO THIS, THEM YOU GOT THE BALLS TO TAKE THE HEAT FROM THE PIGS, OR WHOEVER ELSE CATCHES YOU, IF YA GET CAUGHT. (Then you'd be a true dumb-ass) here's a folding diagram: 1. ----------------------------------- | X fold | | X on | | X the "X" | | X | | X | ----------------------------------- 2. *=fold this end in * | \|/ ---------------- | X | X \ | X */ | X | X ---------------- /|\ | * now, the end result should be small, not much larger than a blank, or small relative to the size of the can. Schematic diagram: ------------------ To an ________________________________________\ Alligator + | __ _ / Clip BATTERY <> _(_) - |________|~~|________[___]_______________\ To an '--' / Alligator button Lamp Clip I would suggest getting a small box to put the 9-volt battery in, because when the battery runs out, it is a pain in the butt to unwrap the whole thing, repelace the battery, and wrap it all back up. Leave the end of the box exposed from the tape except f -------- v--- Removeable End Cap Button ---v v--- Lamp _________________________________ . _n_o_ (_________________________________)#(_____ " Styrofoam Insulation ---^ Schematic: ---------- _// _// ________| |________________________| |____________ | '--' |_ _ '--' | | BATERRY Armament |_|=(_) Main | | | Switch | Switch | SPARK |__________________| Armament | PLUG | Lamp | | |_________________________|_______| You can get the ignition wire (Part no. 13-1591B), switches (Part no. 14-7488U), lamps (Part no. 12-4129R), and good spark plugs (they change so often, I won't list them here) from J.C. Whitney & Co. 1) taking the can (I usually use a soup can, but a coke can or something like that will work_it's just harder to work with) 6 exhaust ports need to be drilled, punched, nailed, or cut into it. here are some good patterns : ___________ ____________ __________ |() () () | | __ __ __ | |() | | | | \/ \/ \/ | | () | |() () () | | | | ()| |_________| |__________| |________| Space these evenly around the can. IT IS HARDLY LIKELY THAT ANYONE WOULD PICK UP AND DRINK FROM SOMEONE ELSE'S SOFT DRINK CAN. BUT IF SUCH A CRUDE PERSON SHOULD TRY TO DRINK FROM YOUR BOMB HE WOULD BREAK A NASTY HABIT FAST! !! !! !! <-CHEMICAL INGITER --------- ! !1! ! ! ===== ! !*! !"! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !<- BIG FIRECRACKER ! ! !%! ! ==== ! ! ! ! # ! ! --- ! ! ! ! <- NUTS & BOLTS ! / ! ! ! --------- __ well more of a spring than in the picture but | |<------Fuse you get the idea. now place the fuse into | | the smoke compound with the coil going in | |\ this anchors the fuse in place _| |_\ <-----Wire \| | \ | | \| | |\ |__|_\