THE REAL ANARCHIST COOKBOOK PART I DRUGS Call ---The Anarchist, grass, marihuana, weed, tokes, bong tokes, or what you wanna call it is available anywhere in the country, as the black market is widespread and thriving very well. Marihuana grow under a slew of names, such as Acapulco gold, Panama red, Vietnamese green, New York white, Buddha bud, Indiga, and many other names. There is no way of knowing what your buying, without first trying it, as most grasses look alike and smell very similar regardless of potency. The most interesting of all different types of grasses in the New York white, as it is a natural growth of high potency in large metropolitan city.. It is found in vacant lots, growing on the side of alleys, school yards, but most of it is being found in sewers. The sewer plants grow to heights of 15 ft with a cherry. Bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees. Spaghetti Sauce 1 can (6oz.) tomato paste 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 cup chopped grass 1/2 clove minced garlic 1/2 cup chopped onions 1 can (6oz.) water 1 pinch pepper 1 pinch thyme 1/2 teaspoon salt Mix in large pot, cover and simmer with frequent stirring for two hours. Serve over spaghetti. Hashish ------- Hashish, or hash, is nothing more than the essence of the marihuana plant extracted and hardened into a block. Hash is usually smoke in a pipe but can be smoked in a bong(see ILL.1). Some people think that Hash has a different effect than marihuana. This is not true, the only difference is that hash is stronger. Making Hash from Pot -------------------- You need one kilo of grass, start by screening the grass out, take out all the seeds. Remove all the dirt and foreign objects, but do not take out the stems. The seed have to be taken out because they are to greasy for good hash. Take the (now broken up kilo) and place it in a large pot and cover with rubbing alcohol (about one and a half gallons per kilo). Now boil the mixture for about three hours. Be sure to use a hot plate or electric stove rather than gas, as alcohol is highly Flammable, and should never be exposed to a flame. After three hours, strain liquids out of pot and store in a plastic container labeled "Solution 1". Now take the mush you have left and repeat boiling with fresh alcohol for another three hours. After two extractions, each time using fresh alcohol, follow the same procedure but substitute water for the alcohol. The water must be boiled at a higher temperature than the alcohol, but for only one hour. This boiling procedure with water should be performed twice. Once these procedures have been performed, strain off the liquids again and store in another container, and label "Solution 2". Now reduce volumes of both solutions by boiling in separate pots, turn down the heat as each solution begins to thicken. When each solution is reasonably thickened, combine them and boil a little more on the hot plate. At this point the solution should have consistency of modeling clay. Now heat a cupful of turpentine, and add to the mush. Now Be extra careful with the turpentine, as even the vapors are Flammable. Add 2oz of pine resin and stir pot for ten minutes, under low heat. Now pour mush into baking tin, two or three inches deep, and heat in the oven for 15 minutes at 350 degrees. After you do this you should have some really good hash but, if its to greasy, leave it in the oven for another 10 minutes or so, Don't Burn The Hash. Cooking with Hash ----------------- Hash Cookies 4 cups sifted flour « teaspoon salt « cup butter 1 teaspoon baking powder 3/4 cup honey 4 eggs Mix baking powder, salt, and flour together in a bowl, then add to this the eggs and honey. Work the mixture with your hands until it forms a dough. Roll the dough out and cut into three-inch squares. Now put the dough aside and work on the filling. « cup chopped dates « cup honey « cup raisins 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1/8oz powdered hash 1 cup chopped figs 1 teaspoon cinnamon « cup ground walnuts « cup ground almonds Put all the ingredients into a pan and mix with 1/2 cup water. Heat until fruits are softened and water has evaporated. Pour mixture into a skillet, add three tablespoons butter, and heat for five minutes. The filling is now ready. Place a heaping tablespoon of filling on each piece of pastry. Fold up the edges of the pastry, to keep the filling in, and bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. This recipe usually makes between two and three dozen cookies. Bananas ------- Believe it or not, bananas do contain a small quantity of "Musa Sapientum bananadine", witch is a mild, short-lasting psychedelic. There are much easier ways of getting high, but the advantage to this method is that bananas are legal. 1. Obtain 15 lbs. of ripe yellow bananas. 2. Peel all 15 lbs. and eat the fruit. Save the peels. 3. With a sharp knife, scrape off the insides of the peels and save the scraped material. 4. Put all scraped material in a large pot and add water. Boil for three to four hours until it has attained a solid paste consistency. 5. Spread this paste on cookie sheets, and dry in a oven for about 20 minutes to a half hour. This will result in a fine black powder. Makes about one pound of bananadine after smoking three to four joints one will feel the effects of it. Cocaine ------- Cocaine is, in a pure form, a crystal white powder, which is usually sniffed or injected, as much of is potency is lost when taken by mouth. Sniffing coke, cocaine, snow, blow, is a unique experience. It works on the central nervous system as a stimulant. Sometimes causing hallucinations, or euphoric excitement. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: ATOMIC BOMB The following paper is taken from The Journal of Irreproduci- ble Results, Volume 25/Number 4/1979. PO Box 234 Chicago Heights, Illinois 60411. Subscriptions are 1 year for $3.701. 1. INTRODUCTION: Worldwide controversy has been generated recently from several court decisions in the United States which have restricted popular magazines from printing articles which describe how to make an atomic bomb. The reason usually given by the courts is that national security would be compromised if such information were generally available. But, since it is commonly known that all of the information is publicly available in most major metropolitan libraries, obviously the court's officially stated position is covering up a more important factor; namely, that such atomic devices would prove too difficult for the average citizen to construct. The United States courts cannot afford to insult the vast majorities by insinuating that they do not have the intelligence of a cabbage, and thus the "official" press releases claim national security as a blanket restriction. The rumors that have unfortunately occurred as a result of widespread misinformation can (and must) be cleared up now, for the construction project this month is the construction of a thermonuclear device, which will hopefully clear up any misconceptions you might have about such a project. We will see how easy it is to make a device of your very own in ten easy steps, to have and hold as you see fit, without annoying interference from the government or the courts. The project will cost between $5,000 and $30,000, depending on how fancy you want the final product to be. Since last week's column,"Let's Make a Time machine", was received so well in the new step-by-step format, this month's column will follow the same format. 2. CONSTRUCTION METHOD: 1.First, obtain about 50 pounds(110 kg) of weapons grade Plutonium at your local supplier(see NOTE 1). A nuclear power plant is not recommended, as large quantities of missing Plutonium tends to make plant engineers unhappy. We suggest that you contact your local terrorist organization, or perhaps the Junior Achievement in your neighborhood. 2.Please remember that Plutonium, especially pure, refined Plutonium is somewhat dangerous. Wash your hands with soap and warm water after handling the material, and don't allow your children or pets to play in it or eat it. Any left over Plutonium dust is excellent as an insect repellant. You may wish to keep the substance in a lead box if you can find one in your local junk yard, but an old coffee can will do nicely. 3.Fashion together a metal enclosure to house the device. Most common varieties of sheet metal can be bent to disguise this enclosure as, for example, a briefcase, a lunch pail, or a Buick. Do not use tinfoil. 4.Arrange the Plutonium into two hemispherical shapes, separated by about 4 cm. Use rubber cement to hold the Plutonium dust together. Gelignite is much better, but messier to work with. Your helpful hardware man will be happy to provide you with this item. 5.Pack the TNT around the hemisphere arrangement constructed in step 4. If you cannot find Gelignite, feel free to use TNT packed in with Play-Dough or any modeling clay. Colored clay is acceptable, but there is no need to get fancy at this point. 6. Enclose the structure from step 6 into the enclosure made in step 3. Use a strong glue such as "Crazy Glue" to bind the hemisphere arrangement against the enclosure to prevent accidental detonation which might result from vibration of mishandling. 7. To detonate the device, obtain a radio controlled(RC) servo mechanism, as found in RC model airplanes and cars. With a minimum of effort, a remote plunger can be made that will strike a detonator cap to effect a small explosion. These detonator caps can be found in the electrical supply section of your local supermarket. We recommend the "Blast-O-Matic" brand because they are no deposit-no return. 8. Now hide the completed device from the neighbors and children. The garage is not recommended because of high humidity and the extreme range of temperatures experienced there. Nuclear devices have been known to spontaneously detonate in these unstable conditions. The hall closet or under the kitchen sink will be perfectly suitable. 9. Now you are the proud owner of a working thermonuclear device! It is a great ice-breaker at parties, and in a pinch, can be used for national defense. 3. THEORY OF OPERATION: The device basically works when the detonated TNT compresses the Plutonium into a critical mass. The critical mass then produces a nuclear chain reaction similar to the domino chain reaction (discussed in this column, "Dominos on the March" March, 1968). The chain reaction then promptly produces a big thermonuclear reaction. And there you have it, a 10 megaton explosion! 4. NEXT MONTH'S COLUMN: In next month's column, we will learn how to clone your neighbor's wife in six easy steps. This project promises to be an exciting weekend full of fun and profit. Common kitchen utensils will be all you need. See you all next month! 5. NOTES: 1. Plutonium(PU), atomic number 94, is a radioactive metallic element formed by the decay of Neptunium and is similar in chemical structure to Uranium, Saturium, Jupiternium, and Marsium. 6. PREVIOUS MONTH'S COLUMNS 1. Let's Make Test Tube Babies! March, 1984 2. Let's Make a Solar System! April, 1984 3. Let's Make an Economic Recession! May, 1984 4. Let's Make an Anti-Gravity Machine! June, 1984 5. Let's Make Contact with an Alien Race! July, 1984 ## ## ## ## ####################################### ####################################### ## ## ## MAKING POCKET ROCKETS ## ## ## ## \______ ______/ ## ## ______> <______ ## ## / \ ## ## ## ## BY: CHIEF O'HARA ## ## ## ####################################### ####################################### ## ## ## ## WHAT IS A POCKET ROCKET ? ------------------------- A DEVICE MEASURING APPROXIMATELY 1 3/4 INCHES LONG , THAT WHEN PROPERLY MADE WILL FLY 4-8 FEET, IF PROPERLY SET OFF. ALTHOUGH NOT A POWERFUL DEVICE, IT IS WELL SUITED TO ANNOYING YOUR DORM-MATE, OR PERHAPS A CLASSMATE DURING THOSE OFTEN RECURRING SESSIONS OF BOREDOM. MATERIALS NEEDED ---------------- 1-PACKET OF MATCHES (CARDBOARD MATCHES, NOT WOODEN ONES) 1-PIN (A SMALL ONE , STEAL IT FROM MOMS SEWING BASKET) 1-PIECE OF ALUMINUM FOIL , 1 SQUARE INCH FOR EVERY ROCKET (REYNOLDS WRAP) 1-PAIR OF SCISSORS (OPTIONAL) 1-PAPER CLIP (OPTIONAL) 1-CIGARETTE LIGHTER (OPTIONAL) MAKING THE LITTLE BUGGERS ------------------------- OKAY SO YOU'VE RAIDED THE HOUSE FOR ALL THE STUFF.... 1) TAKE THE PACK OF MATCHES APART BY REMOVING THE LITTLE STAPLE AT THE BOTTOM. 2) USE THE SCISSORS TO CUT OFF A SINGLE MATCH FROM THE BUNCH. 3) CUT OUT A 1 INCH SQUARE OF ALUMINUM FOIL AND FOLD IT IN HALF. 4) PUT THE HEAD OF THE MATCH IN THE CENTER OF THE CREASE AND PRESS THE FOIL SO IT FORMS AROUND THE HEAD 5) WRAP THE REST OF THE FOIL AROUND THE MATCH HEAD AS TIGHTLY AND NEATLY AS POSSIBLE. NOW U HAVE A MATCH WITH THE HEAD WRAPPED UP IN FOIL , WITH THE FOIL COMING 1/2 INCH DOWN FROM THE HEAD. THIS IS THE WAY YOU'D STORE THEM IF YOU WEREN'T GOING TO FIRE THEM IMMEDIATELY. *NOTE* - NEATNESS COUNTS, TIGHTNESS COUNTS, YES YOU CAN JUST RIP A MATCH OUT, AND RIP FOIL, BUT THE END RESULT WON'T WORK AS WELL. PREPARATION FOR LAUNCH ---------------------- 1) TAKE THE PIN AND PUSH IT UNDER THE FOIL UNTIL YOU FEEL THE POINT START TO CRUSH THE HEAD. KEEP THE PIN AS CLOSE TO THE MATCH AS POSSIBLE WHEN DOING THIS. 2) BEND THE PAPER CLIP TO FORM A 45 DEG ANGLE WITH THE HORIZON, AND SET IT ON A RELATIVELY NON-FLAMMABLE SURFACE, POINTING IN THE DIRECTION YOU WISH TO FIRE THE ROCKET. 3) REMOVE THE PIN FROM THE MATCH AND GINGERLY SET THE MATCH ON THE PAPER CLIP, BEING CAREFUL NOT TO CRUSH THE FOIL DOWN (THE PLACE THE PIN WAS IS NOW THE EXHAUST PORT). LAUNCH ------ HEAT THE HEAD OF THE MATCH(THE PART COVERED WITH FOIL) TILL IGNITION. NOTES ----- NEATNESS ALWAYS COUNTS ON THESE BUGGERS, ALWAYS USE SCISSORS WHEN POSSIBLE. YOU SHOULD USE A LIGHTER INSTEAD OF A MATCH SO U DON'T GET SCORCHED FINGERS. I HAVE YET TO GET A 2 STAGE ROCKET TO FLY, IF YOU DO UPDATE THE FILE. IF ALL OF THIS IS TOO COMPLICATED FOR YOU THEN PERHAPS PAGE 45 OF 'THE GREAT INTERNATIONAL PAPER AIRPLANE BOOK' SAID IT BETTER... "POCKET ROCKET. INSTRUCTIONS: WRAP ALUMINUM FOIL AROUND UPPER HALF OF PAPER MATCH. PUSH STRAIGHT PIN UP UNDER FOIL TO HEAD OF MATCH AND REMOVE AGAIN LEAVING EXHAUST CHANNEL. PLACE MATCH ON OPENED PAPER CLIP AND HOLD LIGHTED MATCH TO TIP. STEP BACK." CALL CHIEF O'HARA'S AE/CATSEND-DYNAMIC DUO AE/CATSEND (215)269-8303 OR... COMMISSIONER GORDON'S AE-DYNAMIC DUO AE #2 (215)386-6696 ###################################### ###################################### FIREWORKS - AN AMERICAN TRADITION! TEXT FILE CREATED 12/6/84 ###################################### HOW TO MAKE A COCKTAIL BOMB --------------------------------- Cocktail bombs were very popular by the Resistance Forces of World War II. They were used against the Nazis by the resistance forces, and are very easy to make. 1) You must first get a good sized bottle, about 1 ft high or so. A wine bottle will do nicely. Fill the bottle with any kind of combustible substance such as liquor, gas, oil, etc. 2) After filling the bottle (about 3/4 of the way), get the cork that the bottle was fitted with and make a hole in it about the size of the diameter of a fuse. You can make the hole smooth and even if you have a drill, or if that is not available, a long, thick needle will do. 3) Put the cork in the neck of the bottle and make sure it is on tight. Now stick the fuse through the hole of the cork and extend it into the bottle until it is about a2-3 immersed in the combustible material. Make sure the fuse is extended on the outside of the bottle also so that you have enough time to throw it. 4) Now your Cocktail Bomb is complete. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_-_ THROWING TIPS ----------------- After completion of the bomb above, you must light the fuse and throw it. There are a few things you should make sure you follow. 1) Wait until the lit part of the fuse is close enough to the flammable stuff before throwing. This will take practice, but you should be able to master it easily. 2) Don't throw the bomb too early, otherwise it will hit the ground and the bottle will break, therefore letting out the gas or whatever, and it will not explode. 3) Don't wait too long for throwing it, otherwise you will be in loss of a few body parts and maybe some other things (like your life). HAVE FUN & BE CAREFUL ! ++From your friendly neighborhood terrorist++ <--- THE NECROMANCER ---> Call the Middle Earth AE Line: <609>-795-7238 PW=RING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% ========== %% %% COMPUTERS! %% %% ========== %% %% %% %% A file from the book %% %% GETTING EVEN %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The computer won't really be human until it can make a mistake, then cover up by blaming the error on some other helpless machine. More than one critic has pointed out that it is machines, not people, that both run and ruin our society. It seems perfectly proper, then, to seek vengeance against these tyrannical mechanical masters of ours. Most of us have the advantage when fighting a machine, because we can reason, we can note shades of gray, and we can think abstractly, beyond a set program. Machines cannot do this, unless some person translates these abstractions into programmed sets of yes or no. The classic way of fighting a computer is to punch a few extra holes in the computer card. This, of course, screws up the system, and the computer regurgitates your card. A supervisor must handle the situation manually, which costs money and time. People punch these extra holes in cards using a keypunch machine at a nearby school, or they simply and carefully cut a keypunch pattern with an X-acto art knife. This sticky trick delights repair people, in addition to you. Place a large strip of Scotch tape on several computer cards. The slippery surface causes cards to fall off the track and into the bowels of the machine. A repair person has to come and perform mechanical surgery on the machine to remove your fatal paper bullets that felled the machine. This sort of dirty trick can tie up equipment for several hours of very, very costly down time. Should the opportunity arise that you have a few secure moments with some reels of computer tapes and you want to screw up whoever or whatever controls the data on these tapes, you might try passing a portable electromagnet back and forth across the tapes. It erases them just the way a bulk eraser cleans off you audio tapes at home. In many cases computer-tape records are the only records kept by many companies and schools. ________________________________________________________________ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% ==== %% %% CARS %% %% ==== %% %% %% %% A file from the book %% %% GETTING EVEN %% %% %% %% Typed by %% %% --==**>>THE REFLEX<<**==-- %% %% [Member: Omnipotent, Inc.] %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This one's really kiddie Halloween time, but it does work. A bunch of old nuts and bolts placed into the wheel well behind the hubcap will make the mark think his/her car is falling apart. It's worth some minor harassment, of course, and works outstandingly well with high-strung nonmechanical typed who absolutely panic at car noises. You can get a little heavier than Halloween by removing a hubcap from your mark's car wheel and loosening or removing the lug bolts. Sooner or not much later, the wheel will simply roll off the car. Moving up the escalator of nastiness, you could probably fill your mark's whole body with adrenaline if you placed a split shot sinker, of the type used by fishermen, on the accelerator cable of his/her vehicle. Willy Seamore, a top mechanic, suggests you extend the cable, then place the lead weight on the extended portion, which effectively blocks it from returning. This means the vehicle's throttle will run wide open. It's a nasty version of the jack-rabbit start. From choking up to locking up is hardly a quantum experience. The new miracle glues are impregnable when squirted into car door keyholes. Nothing short of a locksmith can repair this low-risk attack. If you hit just before the mark's family vacation, leave the car door locks alone and hit the trunk lock. With any luck, they'll never notice until they're miles from home. A refinement of simply putting a super glue or epoxy into the car's various locks is to take any old key that will vaguely locks is to take any old key that will vaguely fit into the lock cavity, insert it, then twist it rapidly back and forth until the key breaks off, stuck in the lock. Now is the time to squirt glue into the lock. The job is more permanent and more costly to repair. If you tire of fooling with the locks, you can look elsewhere. Marshall Tanner, inventor of muffler bearings, says you can prop some large-headed nails against the tires of your mark's car, especially if it's parked so it will have to be backed up to get out of a parking stall in a lot. The car moves back and the wheels roll over the nails, puncturing tires. If your mark's married, you can have all sorts of sport with his ride. A male mark deserves that you slip sexy undergarments usually worn by a sexy lady under his car's front seat or wedge them carefully into the back seat. You could tear them a bit. More than a hint of perfume or flavored douche will always hype suspicion. You can escalate this stunt somewhat if you buy male underwear--get the sexy style in white--and place some lipstick smears around the fly area. You can help the campaign along by having a very trusted lady friend call and ask nervously for the mark. The younger she sounds, the better. Have her call several times. Use your and the mark's wife's imagination. If the mark is a woman, a pack of condoms carelessly hidden in the car is always a sure-grow plant. Several dainty handkerchiefs of the type favored by milady and heavily impregnated with semen can also be stuffed in the car. As with the male, a series of appropriately timed telephone calls from a nervous male will add to the marital festivities between mark and spouse. In less carnal surroundings, if you can get to the distributor cap, remove it and use graphite from a pencil to contact the rotor brushes. The charge will run along the graphite, causing the engine to misfire. This could cause the mark to dash into his local car butcher and get charged an outrageous price for an unnecessary tuneup. A quick way to disable a car battery is to slip a couple of Alka-Seltzer tablets or a teaspoonful of baking soda into each battery compartment. The antacid will kill the battery's power before you can say "Plop, plop, fizz, fizz." Another camhead nasty is to take a pushpin and jab a few tiny holes through spark-plug wires. According to Lee H. Santana, a real straight shooter in the dirty-tricks department, the pin pricks cause a hellishly rumpety noise when the car is driven. Don't forget additives when working on a mark's car. The nice thing about additives is that you don't have to be odd or even to use them. Many experts, including some of Uncle Sam's khaki-clad nephews, suggest light materials, such as crushed cork, as a great additive to the gasoline tanks of vehicles belonging to people or institutions you don't like. One former professional trickster said, "It isn't to exotic, but a handful of old leaves in the gas tank will bind the damn engine up too." Sand is not recommended because of its weight, especially when wet. It would sink to the bottom of the tank and not much would be introduced into the engine, he explained. The idea is to get the additive to the bearing surfaces, where the coarse little buggers can kick and scratch up a mechanical breakdown. Silicone carbide, emery powder, and fine metal filings will work. During World War II, our OSS used a mixture of finely ground cork, resins, carborundums, and metal alloys to muck up an engine. Another method that could possibly send a driver off to a service station would be to pour a gallon of shellac thinner into your targeted vehicle's gasoline tank. The alcohol will gather up all the water in the fuel trap, and when this mixture goes through the fuel line it will cause the vehicle to snort, stammer, and act as if it has big carb troubles. By the time the driver gets the vehicle to a mechanic, the problem has usually departed out the exhaust pipe. Done enough times, this one can redline the frustration and credibility levels of both the driver and the mechanic. If you want to use additives in your mark's gasoline tank, yet are concerned about arousing suspicion in daylight or in an otherwise high-visibility area, simply adopt a cover prop. "Put the harmful additive in a metal gasoline can like they sell in stores," advises Joey MacJohns, a veteran trickster. "That way, any potential witnesses will never really pay attention to what's happening; they'll simply infer because you have a gas can that you're putting gas in the car." And don't forget oil additives. Styrene, a colorless, oily liquid, is an organic compound that is one of the two chemicals mixed together to make hardened fiberglass. Boat-supply stores and marinas have styrene available for patching fiberglass boats. It is also used in body shops and upholstery-repair places. There are substitutes compounds that will do the same job as styrene, so read the label when purchasing the stuff to make sure you're actually getting styrene. Styrene is the only sufficiently effective, commonly available material that can be put into a car's crankcase to completely break down the oil and ruin the engine. Styrene in the crankcase is far better that sugar in the gas tank because it can't be seen after being introduced and because only a little does a thorough job. If it's used at the rate of one per four quarts of oil, the treated vehicle will run about a hundred miles before the engine locks up tight. This is a fairly high-risk stunt, but it could be fun if you don't get nailed doing it, according to Bill Rally. If you find that your mark is going alone to a movie you have an hour or so to have some fun with his automobile. If you're motivated enough to carry off this stunt, no one has to tell you how to start the mark's car without a key. After you start it, drive to some very nice homes with pretty lawns. But stay fairly near the theater, so you can get back there in a hurry. Do donuts, dig out, and otherwise use the car to make a shambles of lawns, shrubbery, flower beds, etc. Run over lawn furniture, hit mailboxes, and try to frighten some old people by coming really close to them with the car. This is a real hit-and-run mission. Do your dirty driving fast and get the car back to the theater parking area even faster. Park it and leave. If you've done enough damage, all sorts of police reports will be out on the car. The second or third question the police will ask the mark is whether he or she has any witnesses for the movie alibi. That can be a real blast. But if you want another sort of pop, dig deeply into the potato bin for this one. My thanks here go to all those great truck farmers who say a potato jammed into a vehicle's exhaust pipe is not explosive, but it will cause all sorts of nasty problems. In one case, the mark parked his car with the rear end towards his home. His tormentor jammed a fresh, hard spud tightly into the car's exhaust pipe. The mark started the car on a cold evening and waited a few moments for the engine to warm. Meanwhile, the hot gases, unable to escape, built up dangerously behind the potato....Woom!...KABLOOM!... With an explosive roar, the gases fired that big, hot, hard potato right into the metal siding of the mark's home, just fifteen feet away from the exhaust pipe, which acted as a cannon barrel. The holing and denting of the siding cost $150 and a day to repair. There are all sorts of other devices that make good muffler bombs. A firecracker may be shoved into the vehicle's exhaust pipe, pushing it along with a stiff wire until the explosive device falls into the muffler. It takes only a few moments of driving with today's hot exhaust gases to explode the firecracker. Even a fairly small firecracker will cause panic, especially if the driver is paranoid to start with. If you want to destroy the muffler and drive the mark's panic into the fantasy of having his/her car really bombed, substitute an M80 or a shotgun shell for the prankish finger-sized firecracker. If the violence and property destruction of this bothers you or causes you to grimace, consider this next happy face. Most mail-order and novelty stores sell very realistic rubber-faced masks, resembling everything from an ape man, through a drooling idiot, on down to a Ronald Reagan mask. Select one that looks especially gross--like an old man, or the idiot, or Richard Nixon. Position is so it looks realistic on the back of your head. This leaves your vision unobstructed. Head for the road in your car. Just as another motorist overtakes your vehicle to pass you, lean out the window. The effect on the approaching motorist would be interesting to observe, as that other driver will see a drooling goon looking back, directly at him, with no apparent concern for the road ahead. I bet very few cars actually pass you with this stunt in operation. Taking the license plate off a mark's car can be a good shot, even you don't want to steal the thing for other nefarious purposes. How many times do you look to see if the plate is on your car? A cop has only to look once. I bet it would be fun to hear the mark's explanation of where his license plate has gone. Don't you get really happy when some defective excuse for a human suddenly pulls his/her vehicle out directly in front of yours or cuts you off? Marty Mullin has a solution in hand. A delightful person, Mullin reveals, "I bought a top-quality pellet pistol, one of those compressed-air guns, which I keep in my car. You can use either the cartridge or the pump type--just to be sure you get one with enough power to penetrate metal. Get a supply of the .177-caliber pellets, too. Then, next time some dip pulls out in front of you, pull up behind the dip's vehicle and get in his/her blind spot. With a truck or van that's easy enough. Then you bring your pellet gun into action. "Plunk a shot into the mark's vehicle, the trunk for a car, or the back of a van or rig. If it's a big truck you can get in quite a few shots, because the driver is not likely to hear them. A van or car will make a helluva TWHUNK when that pellet hits, so be cautious. "There's no discharge noise, because you're not using a firearm. After your attack, back off and proceed your business as if nothing has happened. You probably have not taught the mark a lesson, but you feel better for what you just did--I guarantee that." I asked Mullin about the possibility of hitting a passenger who is riding in the back of the mark's vehicle. He replied, "Then, that passenger also has every right to be furious with the dippy mark for pulling out in front of you." _______________________________________________________________________________ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% ====== %% %% DRUGS! %% %% ====== %% %% %% %% A file from the book %% %% GETTING EVEN %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Once, a very close friend of mine was badly hurt by a former employee who not only had been stealing from the company, but when the employee left, she said and did some terrible things that damaged my friend personally and professionally. Revenge was the best medicine, and he did extract his dose. He waited a year to get even. It was worth it. The woman has moved to another job in a city about two hundred miles away, in the next state. Having access to drugs, my friend got a small amount of cocaine and planted it in her car during a special visit to the other city for just that purpose. He then used a pay phone to call police and give them the lady's name. He told them that she'd just burned him on a drug deal and that he was turning her in because of it. As this is written, the case is going to court. Happily for my friend, this female actually had a bit of marijuana on her person when she got busted for the planted coke. Talk about good luck. The third stroke of luck was that this bust took place in New York State. He has followed the case through the other city's newspaper and through a friend. He says the police aren't buying her story of innocence. The best part is that by now, she can't think of anyone who would have a motive to hurt her. Having drugs around is a very dangerous risk. But if the stakes are right, it can become a very serious business for the mark. You should know that your call to the police will be recorded. Disguise you voice mechanically by using a rerecording tape, or inhale some helium from a balloon just before you make the call, since it will alter you voice totally. If you're a good Thespian, try to use a foreign or regional accent. Speak very softly, also. Don't stay on the line for more than thirty to forty-five seconds. Do your number and hang up. An old head like William Harvey would get a chuckle from this, if he were still with us to enjoy it. If his mark was straight or naive about dope, Bill thought it was fun to mail him/her bagfuls of chopped weeds, oregano, etc., with some incense sprinkled on for scent. As an added touch he included one or two joints rolled using the bogus weed, with a note saying, "Enjoy the samples on me." These materials were mailed to the mark's home address using a slight variation in the spelling of the name. Ideally, the mark thought she/he had been confused as an innocent dupe in a dope deal. After a day or two, Harvey had a male with a rough, raspy voice call the mark to ask if some package had been misdirected to him/her by accident. The caller suggested that other, nastier accidents might happen if the mark did anything uncool like calling the authorities. Naturally, the mark already had done this. What would you expect a mark-type person to do? After all, that's how people get to be marks. As a postgraduate version of this scam, Harvey used to send a package containing some suspicious-looking white crystalline powder (sometimes with a touch of brown) using the same bit just described. _________________________________________________________________ ********************************************************** ***** ***** ***** EXPEDIENT GRENADES ***** ** by ** ***** The Cheshire Cat ***** ***** ***** ********************************************************** There are many possibilities in the field of grenade manufacture, but for the most part, when you're dealing with grenades that must be constructed of easily available materials, the quality and the safety of the grenade is reduced dramatically. Here I will deal with this problem, trying to produce a reasonable type of grenade that is relatively safe, can be stored and transported easily, but produces dramatic effects. I strongly suggest that if you find it possible, you are far better off getting a REAL grenade than trying to produce one yourself, but you can be the judge. As always, I want to note that this is all for educational purposes only, and I do not recommend anyone trying any of the following for real. The first thing you need is explosives. If you can't get black powder, or gun powder, or make your own plastic explosives (we know there sure are enough text files floating around to explain how to make all of the above!) than you're really in a for making a grenade of this type. You'll also need a coffee can, a smaller sized can (probably like an orange juice can, or V8), a coat hanger, and a fuse or fuze. As for explosives, mercury fulminate is extremely good for this sort of thing. Maybe I'll write a text file on its preparation sometime. But for now, you could probably get together a ton of firecrackers and take out the black powder (if you're desperate) or get a couple quarter sticks from someone (or take a vacation in North Carolina). The explosive goes in the juice can. Don't pack it together too tight. Loose black powder is better than compressed. This is the main explosive. Cut up the coat hanger into little pieces approximately 1/2" long and fill up the coffee can until you can put the juice can in and the top of the juice can is level with the top of the coffee can. If you don't have the time, and need to fill up the space faster, chuck in a couple small rocks or pieces of glass, and stuff like that until you have the bottom of the can filled. Now place the juice can in the coffee can, and center it. Then fill the space around the coffee can with coat hanger stuff until the juice can is relatively stable. Put a model rocket fuse in the explosive in the juice can. Leave (at least) 3 1/2" to light from. If necessary, secure the juice can or the explosive with some masking tape, long as it doesn't interfere with the action of the grenade. Take the lid of the coffee can and cut a hole so that the fuse is exposed. You now have a fragmentation grenade. It might be a good idea to practice with a football for a while before trying to destroy the neighbor's garage with it. ================== That's all folks!========================== =Please keep the credits to this the way they are, but feel==== ==== free to distribute it as you wish. I know you will ====== == anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter. If anyone finds===== == it necessary to reach me, try OSB systems (215)-395-1291==== which is by the way an awesome AE/BBS. Later, The Cheshire Cat =============================================================== Well, it looks as though we are back for another study of the amazing world of Carding. Since my first carding file(about 3 years ago) I have explored many new concepts and brought them to you(via Carding II) and through board posts. I will try and make this file as current and organized as I can, as well as hoping to clear up any misconceptions you may have. As well as sharing an outrages scam operation that you could do using cards, but we will talk about that later. /+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ \+/ Good Ole' Carbon\+/ /+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ I remember the days when they used to not even think twice about there carbons, and the simple carder with very little knowledge could just walk up and take them out of just about any ole' garbage can that they may find, but since then they have gotten very very touchy about there little pieces of carbon paper, I even went into a store that had a little carbon paper shreader right beside the cash register, they are also now asking people in some places if they would like to keep there carbon to dispose of as they wish, I will discuss a few alternate ways of obtaining cards. 1] I quick and dirty little scam. Here is one I have allways been fond of, as with many scams, this requires a little initial cash for the setting up of it. Here are your more nessessary tools needed... A] A Post Office Box....under your fake company name of course. B] I Computer/Printer for best results, or you can use a typewriter. C] Stamps/Envelopes/LetterHead You would be surprised at the stupidity of the average person. This is a perfect example of a proven perfect scam operation. First off, think of a product that you think that people would want to buy, that doesn't cost very much, that isn't really available in stores, not that you actually have to have the product, just as long as you know enough about it to write a little letter on it. Then, simply go through the phone book in another town somewhere and pick out names/addresses from it. Type up and prepare your item for sale(so they think), then send em' out, with a 'Credit Card Order Form', give them the P.O. Box, and your all ready. It has been proven to work great! See, not to get wierd, but, if you understand the basic consumer mind, they use there credit card everyday, when they see a proffessional looking letterhead, and advertisement, they will not give it a second thought if they are interested in your product, then just sit back and watch those card #'s flow in, with all the information you will ever need, then, after about a steady good week(don't get greedy), just never go back to the post office again. It isn't wise to advertise in newspapers and such because you will attract too much attention. 2] CBI/TRW. Many people have come to me asking about using these systems, what I say is, "Do you want to get caught?", if they say no, of course, I say then don't use them! This is to be left to proffesional's, not to amatuer's at carding, I know, you are going, I am know ametuer, but think about how much you really know about it. Unless you are pretty damn good just forget about it. 3] More Postal Theft. As I have mentioned in Carding II, stealing them out of mailboxes is the best way I can think of, that still holds true, just take a rather nice drive and pick a few up. This way you can just cruise out to another town(only a complete dumbfuck cards in-person in his own town unless he lives somewhere like LA or NY) and card till it runs out, since you put your signature on the back, it will match also doesn't hurt to have a false ID to fit the name on the card, I made a few with a Mac. Laser Printer, and it looked just like a professional I.D., and then just by some cheap lamination material and you have a damn good looking I.D. 4] Simple Art of Bullshit. There are MANY MANY absolutely stupid people in the world(like the assholes Dad I called and told that his son was arrested for rape...hehehe!), that will believe anything if you sound proffesional, which is always the key... you can do just about anything, just call up and say you are CitiBank, or something like that, and that we accidentally put two accounts in your name and need to know which account you have with you. There are many things you can say. 5] The Ole' Look over the shoulder. If you just sit in a line and watch long enough, you can pick up enough info on someone just looking over there shoulder if you have a good memory. Such as, say they are buying something at a store, and you watch them, get partial credit card #, and what co. issued it, and there full name, or even just there name. Call them up that night, say you are the store, and that when they made the imprint of your card they the whole card didn't show up and they need to give you the card number again over the phone, or come back to the store and give it to us is allways good to add that so they won't be suspicious. 6] If All Else Fails. If all else fails, get a gun, wait outside a store and pull it on them and say give me your fucking credit card or i'll blow your damn head off you jewish nigger motherfucker! Take there credit card and kill them, or tie them up until you are done with the card, or break into there house and stay there with them tied up until your order comes. Only for extremists! \+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ /+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ \+/ Getting that ole' Misc. \+/ /+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ A commonly asked question to me is "How do I find out ... on someone if they ask it when I call up". Here is a little aid for you guys. 1] Address. Address is the easiest, just call up the Directory Assistance for the city that the carbon was obtained in(odds are they live in the city that you got the card from). Pretty simple eh? 2] Bank who issued the card. Whoa, a tuffy if you just have the carbon isn't it! The Bank is represented by the first 4digits on the card. When I have time I am going to compile a list of all the big banks 4dig code. I know that lists are supplied to some mailorder companys to quickly see if a person is lying. This, with all data that like that which is not on the card may be obtained the same way....see below for explanation of the B.S. Way. 3] Social Security Number. Listed in TRW accounts, not sure, but I think CBI too. Though the best is the B.S. Way(see below). 4] Drivers Licence. Damn! Usually a stumper for me, though they rarely ask for it. Only real way is the B.S. Way(see below). The 'B.S.' Way. I am sure that you can figure it out allready what I am talking about. Bullshit is an art, that needs be perfected, so if you can't lie your ass off like i can, and have a reasonablely adult sounding voice (Too Bad 'The Watcher'!). Here is a good line of bullshit you can use when calling the card holder for that misc. stuff you need to know. Ring Ring Click "Hello?". Yes, this is the Department of Moter Vehicles in , is this Mr. Joe Blow(or whatever), we had a computer system crash, and have lost partial data on you. Could you please read us your Drivers License Number and Social Security Number, or you can come down to our office and give it to us there, whichever is convienient for you. 80% of the time they won't even give it a second thought and give it to you right then and there, not thinking of the consiquen- ces of there actions. \+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ /+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ \+/ The Ultimate Scam!! \+/ /+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ This is quite extreme, but an interesting concept, and quite easy to adapt your own version. This is for someone who isn't afraid of taking risks. So listen up... First off, this is not to be done within your own state we don't advise. The idea behind this is to keep the post office from getting suspicious. Now, think, what was the hardest thing about getting something to the drop site, if using one.... the name being different... this is one of the nice things about this. This is going to cost some bucks, so bring some good friends you can trust in on it. First of all, you are setting up your own business. A specialty business. What your business does is kinda like a temporary forwarding address company where people send there packages to when they are going to be on vacation, or don't have an address they can send packages to where people are going to be home, therefore they send it to a place such as yours. Get a small office with lots of storage space, get a computer and set it in there and a desk, make it look professional, because appearence is the key. Then run adds in the paper, make it look totally real, have people going in and out of there like regularly. Then, do all the fucking carding you want to! First though, make sure they are all valid cards, or else your new fenture will end before it starts. When calling the places say you want to send it to your office, which is at the address of your "business". The reason for the type of business is obvious, because that would easily explain why there are tons of packages coming in with different peoples names on it! You can even have the companies put a c/o(care of) your companies name! That way there is someone who looks responsible there to sign for any packages and there to get things when they come! Don't get greedy! Only stay there a week or so, don't push your luck your it may be your death! This requires alot of planning and hard work, but when you have unlimited ammounts of stuff coming in it is all worth it! \+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ /+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/ \+/ Most Common ways to get caught carding/+\ /+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/ Everyone who has gotten caught has allways said that how it wasn't there fault and all that shit, that is allmost never true, for, many people will disagree with me, but, excellent carders never get caught, because they think it out and don't fuck it up! Here are some of the more common ways of getting caught... 1] Using a card taken off of a BBS! This is #1 in the fool department! Because by the time it got to you it was probably used allready for something and Mr. Visa will be there to revoke you when you go to pick your item up! 2] Telling people! I know all you K-Neat0 people like to brag about carding stuff, I see it all the time! Well, that is one of the worst things to do, because, even if you tell someone you think you can trust, odds are he is going to tell someone that you can't trust, which will in result have a very bad effect on your new tools! 3] Keeping the stuff you card! If it is something that is easily tracable (such as a guitar) then don't keep it! Sell it! Get rid of it somehow! You don't want anything in your house that can be traced back to a carding thing, because if say you do it three times, the third time you get caught, if you have other stuff in your house that was carded when they go to search it then you are on the hook for alot more!!!!!! That is why you should sell as soon as possible, because unless they have evidence then they can't really get you as bad as if they found a room full of stuff! 4] Selling it! Sounds kinda contridictory eh? Not really, when selling something you carded, only the fool would sell it in the same state as they carded it from, because with your bad luck, the owner of the company will notice that and say, hmmm.... sounds like we should check this out. Sell it out of state where nobody would notice it. Those may seem like pretty stupid mistakes but many people make them! I know you people who have gotten caught are going to say fuck you, but I can say for a fact that if you got caught, you definate- ly fucked up somewhere! \+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ /+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ \+/ About Basics of Carding \+/ /+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ I have been getting a little shit thrown at me by assholes about my first file, The Basics of Carding.... think about it assholes! It was written three years ago! Three years ago odds are you didn't know shit about carding! That was the reason (hence the title Basics of Carding) for writing it, because 95% of the modem comunity knew little or nothing about carding at all, and most of the callers to my system didn't even know what it was when asked if they knew about it, which was the reason why I wrote it in the first place, then, as time progressed the need came for Carding II. Now, Carding III. Not to take all the credit for it, but, I can say that half of you wouldn't have known much at all about carding as soon as you did if it wasn't for that file, it was the first file released on carding (that got around), and I dought there are many people that have been around very long that never got a copy of it at one time or another. \+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ /+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ \+/ Card-A-Trip \+/ /+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ I am not going to say anything more about Carding Airline Tickets, because I told you guys too much about it in the first file, I don't want the stupid assholes ruining my fun with Airline Tickets like they ruined Carding by fucking up so much at it! I urge other people that have mastered the art to not spread its techniques in detail to others, it will just make it harder on you. \+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ /+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ \+/ Carding Files...\+/ /+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ I don't want a bunch of calls coming in as usual asking me to card things for people, for my first law is...if you write a file on something you damn better well never do it again unless you want to get busted, one of the screw ups that could be made...for I was allways through doing any method described within the contents of any file I ever write that is illegal! Now I don't want to see what I saw with the first two files, a bunch of losers coming just changing my wording around and making there own file! If I made any suggestions that were described in anyone elses Carding File then sorry, because I have read no other carding files other than my own, and all the stuff I have learned on my own, or with the help of people that do not want to be mentioned. \+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ /+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ \+/ In Conclusion...\+/ /+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\+/+\ I hope that this has in some ways helped you in your understanding of Carding. If you have more specific things you would like me to describe, or have questions I can be reached at Metalland North BBS, Milliways, or if you can get through at my system, Metalland West. Also, if you have any idea's for new files on anything that you would like to see more of, also contact me, for if i don't know it, I can figure it out, or ask somebody about it that would know. Now for the little thing I have to do...bare with it. I disclaim any liability for any loss, damage, or death directly or indirectly caused by this file. For it was the intention of this file to present in a non-bias format the knowledge of the problem of credit card fraud in todays enviornment, it is intended only to inform, and does not condone any of the theory's presented, nor does it state that I or any of my associates have every actually done it, and is not in any way to be interpreted as a confession. I am excersing my freedom of press. Such as Newsweek reports on Cocaine and Teenage Sex and Molestation but does not condon it's use, or misuse, or is the use a misuse???, we are doing in essence the same. Well, enough with that disclaimer, now to plug my board....for all the newest wares, textfiles, or just about anything call Metalland West Systems at the number at the title of the file, we are allways up, we are busy alot, but we ARE up and are not going down, so just keep trying, it is worth the wait.... Well, take it sleazy and be looking for many more text files/wares coming out from Metal Communications & The Neon Knights. Later, The Metallian 2/24/1986 Completed at 4:43am PST. +-------------------------------------------------------------+ | (C)opyright 1986 The Metallian. All Rights Reserved. This| | file is for Free use only and is not to be sold in either | | whole or partial form without consent of the author. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ Special thanx to: Dr. Local, Crimson Pirate, The Blade, Zandar Zan, The Duke, The Outland, The Prophet, & The Apothecary for no appearent reason! Red Boxing With Whistles by THE RESEARCHER. This article is presented as a news item only. It is not to be taken as an encouragement to make fraudulent telephone calls. Red boxing consists of simulating the tones produced when coins are deposited in a pay phone. Coin tones are beeps of 2200 Hz + 1700 Hz as follows: 5 cents - 1 beep,66 milliseconds duration. 10 cents - 2 beeps, each 66 milliseconds duration with 66 millisecond pause between beeps. 25 cents - 5 beeps, each 33 milliseconds duration with a 33 millisecond pause between beeps. Two methods have commonly been used by phone phreaks to produce these tones and make free calls. 1. The traditional Red Box consisting of a pair of Wien-bridge oscillators with the timing controlled by 555 timer chips. 2. Producing the signals with a computer which are recorded and then played back into the mouth piece of a pay phone. A third method has recently appeared which is a real mind blower. A phreak in the Midwest has extensively tested a method of red boxing which uses nothing more than a pair of brass or aluminum whistles. The whistles are 1/4 inch in diameter by 4 inches long and are tuned by means of a wooden dowel rod which fits snugly inside. The whistles can be brought precisely on frequency by tuning them against a known signal source such as a computer capable of producing the tones. Once tuned, the whistles are glued or taped together so they can be blown together to produce the dual tone used in coin signaling. It has been tested and proven that with a little practice these whistles can be used to make free calls. Now you can blow your money without spending a cent. Please note these whistles are available (for test purposes only) from P-80 for $35. Send orders to P-80 3310 5th Avenue.