WARNING: Insufficient Memory$Insufficient Memory. Exiting ProgramU secret of the silver blades game created by: story and ssi special development by: projects team Dave Shelley!programming: graphic arts: ken nicholson mark johnson russ brown laura bowen fred butts Encounter Design: cyrus lum dave shelley susan manley!michael mancuso mike provenza ken humphries tom wahl graeme Bayless rick white Musical Score: john halbleib playtest: rick white,don mc clure,"dave lucca,cliff mann,rick wilson,"erik flom,james young,larry webberU titleU SOUND unable to load com file unable to load sound dataU CPICU #PRESS BUTTON OR RETURN TO CONTINUE."PRESS / TO CONTINUE Unable to find item fileU r4<,w0 <-rx<A>i>r>~> ?(?b?|? ?A@F@ @ vault.dat Take Pool Exit "Can't save. No room on this disk. Please insert another disk.U }.IuR what is word # of journal entry # (journal, page )? Enter U is not blind can see!U is not DiseasedU is healed must be raised from dead"can only be healed by a stonemason is not here has no need of healing is fully healedU &:Epu is not dead yet cannot be raised is ressurectedU is no longer poisoned is not poisonedU %rejoices. The curse has been lifted! is not cursedU is not petrified is turned to fleshU , how can we help you? Heal ExitU 'Heal View Take Pool Share Appraise Exit Heal View Pool Appraise Exit ~Yes ~NoJAs you leave a priest says, "Excuse me but you have left some money here" /Do you want to go back and retrieve your money?U The party has fled. The party has won. Each character receives experience points. Items: TakeU Take: Money Items ExitU j/ to continueU 5The monsters rejoice for the party has been destroyed Press any key to continueU & Items: OverLoadedU buys buys a Not enough Money.U &Buy View Take Pool Share Appraise Exit Buy View Pool Appraise Exit ~Yes ~NoRAs you Leave the Shopkeeper says, "Excuse me but you have Left Some Money here." *Do you want to go back and get your Money?U % 1 6 C U g p Loading...Please Wait .daxU SPRIT SelectU t(< t$<-t <2t t < u: 8<-u4 Move View Aim Cast Quick Done Your Teammate is Dying Continue Battle:U Move/Attack, Move Left = Done Flee: can't go thereU Not with that weaponU Guard Delay Quit Bandage Speed Exit -)>6>C>P>]>j>w> -Backstabs- slays helpless Attacks (from behind) with one cruel blow Hitting for point points of damage and Misses lost a spell goes down and is Dying is killedU Got Away Escape is blockedU sweepsU &:E u =&:Epsc Already been targeted Cannot target yourselfU Camp Only Spell Begins CastingU &:E u E.O>g>l> &Move Area Cast View Encamp Search Look Not Here ExitU 3 :}u); :}u?; Party Order: has been selectedU quit TO DOS: will be gone Drop from party? bids you farewell is dumped in a ditch Breathes A sigh of reliefU >}uB; Game Speed = (0=fastest 9=slowest) Faster Slower Exit Game Speed: P8}&: &:Eps &:Epv &:Epv &:Eps >8}&: >8}&: >8}&: Add from where? Secret Curse Exit Add a character: * #paladins do not join with evil scum too many rangers in party will tolerate no evil!U :}u ; ready action Small Large Sorry, not in CGA Is this icon ok? U b<2uV f;>W> ?"?U?j?y? @"@9@U@`@|@ @.AYApA P(P^PyP Q%Q;Q@Q_Q{Q R!S>S_S|S UCUNUzU V>VpV WKW]WqW XGXrXwX X"YMYRY ZBZGZYZnZ \T\o\t\ ]<]x] ]&^;^V^[^v^{^ ^#___z_ from saved game U *.guy *.whoU SECRET Put save disk in Is your save disk in drive Unexpected error during save: CURSEU >#tCs; >#tCs; CHEAD CBODYU .sfxU "Can't save. No room on this disk. Lose character? Ok Try another disk Put save disk in Unexpected error during save: Overwrite New file name: .sfxU }.Iua Put save disk in Loading...Please Wait .sfxU Unable to load monster CPICU savgam Load Which Game: Put save disk in Loading...Please Wait CPICU Save Which Game: A B C D E F G H I J savgam .dat"Can't save. No room on this disk. Put save disk in Unexpected error during save: Saving...Please Wait"WARNING: Problem Saving Characters CHRDATU # M !7!H!X!c!m!r! "."a" #"#2#E#`#e#j#}# $3$h$ %M%|% %<&N& 'H(R(b(g(q(v( )&)8)B)R)W)a)f) * *(*C*^*y* * +B+]+h+ ,!,+,0,=,V,`, -#-r- 040>0N0S0]0b0 1,1:1T1c1h1r1w1 1>2W2p2 3&3`3e3 4&414q4 Status: years Level Experience: CHA U Hit Points Armor Class Encumbrance THAC0 Movement DamageU >8}&:E Items Spells Trade Deposit Drop Heal Cure Must be unreadied% was going to scribe from that scroll is it Okay to lose it? % was going to scribe from that bundleU Ready Trade Deposit Drop Halve Join Sell Items Ready Item Must be Readied Your will be left in the vault will be gone forever Drop It? U 7t uses an item Item: oops!U I'll give you gold pieces for your Will you sell them? Your is worthless to me. Shall I dispose of it for you? are worthless. Would you like to discard them? Sold!!I will give it to one of my sons. Very well. I'll take them.'Overloaded. Money will be put in pool.U }.It; }.Iu* 1Fool! You must remove them from the bundle first!'For 100 gold pieces I'll identify your Is It a Deal? Not Enough Money%I can't tell anything new about your It looks like some sort of U }.Iu, Trade to? Select type of coin Select How much will you trade? U Select type of coin Select How much will you deposit? will you drop? U :}u); 3;>O>Y>^>p>z> @:@P@Z@_@q@{@ A8}&: }.IuO Cast Spell on whomU can't be cast here... Lose it? That Item is only useful on locked doors. is a combat-only item... Use it? casts Abort Spell? Spell AbortedU has been reducedU falls U invisibleU Knock-KnockU Creates a noxious cloudU :}u ; cured no longer blind regains intellectU can seeU un-cursed has an item un-cursedU has been cursed!U paralyzedU is now 18 years old becomes youngerU unpoisoned unaffectedU turns sticks into snakes smashes them flatU raisedU slainU teleportsU flees in terrorU flame type: Hot Cold protected Abort spell? Yes NoU clumsyU Creates a poisonous cloudU :}u ; unaffectedU not U drops deadU disintegratesU no longer a statue not stoned. turned to stoneU Blast Delay in segments (1-50)? Sets a delayed blast fireball.U :}u ; >8}&: Fire breathes U $??D?Z?d?o? @)@L@h@r@}@ @6A@AbApA A B+BBBMBmB CHC\CpC D/DLD E%E0ESEaErE F!FEFXF GJGuG H'HVH`H H IoI J!J-JBJMJ KmKwK L0LiLsLxL M1M@MYM N?NINNNaN{N OKOpO P,T7TJTOTTT U3URViV V@WoWyW X2X;XLXjXxX Y8ZPZqZvZ Z%[/[:[ \'\>\]\g\ ]:]D]I] a1aIaja b)b8bJb c'c9cRcZciczc d5dze f@f\fgfxf g"gVgmg}g h'h4hAhNh[hhhuh i+i8iEiRi_iliyi j"j/j IF <= IF >= CLEARMONSTERS PARTYSTRENGTH CHECKPARTY NEWECL LOAD FILES LOAD PIECES PARTY SURPRISE SURPRISE COMBAT ON GOTO ON GOSUB TREASURE ENCOUNTER MENU GETTABLE HORIZONTAL MENU PARLAY DAMAGE SPRITE OFF FIND ITEM PRINT RETURN ECL CLOCK SAVE TABLE ADD NPC PROGRAM DELAY SPELL PROTECTION CLEAR BOX FIND SPECIAL DESTROY ITEMS ADD EP BULLSHIT U - Q v slotnum = Unable to load from 8x8DU "Bad symbol number in Put8x8Symbol.U