Turbo C Project File ..\INCLUDE ..\LIB 32767 65535 ~GREP -n+ $MEM(64) $NOSWAP $PROMPT $CAP MSG(GREP2MSG)void *.c ~Turbo Assembler $TASM Turbo ~Debugger $EXENAME R~esource Compiler ~Import Librarian IMPLIB $IMPLIB CIRCLE.CPP CIRCLE.CPP POINT2.CPP POINT2.CPP ..\INCLUDE\CONIO.H CIRCLE.CPP ..\INCLUDE\GRAPHICS.H POINT.H POINT2.CPP ..\INCLUDE\CONIO.H CIRCLE.CPP ..\INCLUDE\GRAPHICS.H POINT.H POINT2.CPP ..\INCLUDE\CONIO.H CIRCLE.CPP ..\INCLUDE\GRAPHICS.H POINT.H POINT2.CPP ..\INCLUDE\CONIO.H CIRCLE.CPP ..\INCLUDE\GRAPHICS.H POINT.H POINT2.CPP of the type is unknown or zero Undefined structure '%s' Found : instead of :: Variable name expected Bad return type for a type conversion operator Linkage specification not allowed Reference member '%s' needs a temporary for initialization Access specifier '%s' found in a union '%s' cannot be declared in an anonymous union Class %s has a constructor and cannot be hidden Friend declarations need a function signature Function '%s' cannot be static Cannot call 'main' from within the program Cannot overload 'main' Non-virtual function '%s" declared pure Bad syntax for pure function definition Cannot create a variable for abstract class '%s' Pure function '%s' not overridden in '%s' Bad virtual function type match for '%s' Ambiguous conversion functions: '%s' and '%s' Function calls not supported Overloaded function resolution not supported 'new' and 'delete' not supported Cannot evaluate; requires a temporary variable Function '%s' should have a prototype Overlays only supported in