Install.txt for MicroPhone II for Windows. September 6, 1991 USING NOTEPAD TO VIEW ON-LINE DOCUMENTS ======================================= * If you enlarge Notepad to its maximum size, this document will be easier to read. Just type Alt-space followed by X. * To exit Notepad and return to Windows, double-click the Control-menu or choose Exit from the File menu. * This document discusses these topics: + Installation Instructions + Backing-up your MicroPhone II Disks + Installing a Second Time + Network Installations + Installing under Norton Desktop + Contacting Software Ventures Corporation INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ========================= To install MicroPhone II, its documents and drivers, follow these steps. (If you already own MicroPhone II, back up your settings documents before installation.) Full installation requires two megabytes of disk space. * Start Windows. * Insert the MicroPhone II program disk into your floppy drive. * From the Windows Program Manager (Windows 3.0) or File Manager, choose Run from the File menu (Alt-F-R). * Enter the name of the floppy drive you are using, then enter install (e.g., a:install) and choose OK. * When the Installer asks, enter your name and the name of your organization. Then choose OK. * In the next dialog box, type the path and name for your MicroPhone II directory (c:\mp2\ is the default) and choose Continue. * Choose the "Install all documents" option to install all MicroPhone II documents. (Choose "Install selected documents" to select specific documents to install.) Choose the Continue button to install the documents. NOTE: If MicroPhone II was installed previously, the Installer will also ask what to do with existing MicroPhone II files. You can choose to rename existing files, overwrite them, or have the Installer ask for confirmation before overwriting each file. You can also exit the program to back up your files and re-start the installation. BACKING-UP YOUR MICROPHONE II DISKS =================================== Make copies of your MicroPhone II disks and put the original disks in a safe place. Use DISKCOPY in DOS to make complete copies. Do not use the File Manager or DOS "XCOPY *.* /s" to make the copies; neither of these copies all the required information. Back-up disks that are not an exact duplicate of the original disks cause a conflict with the DOS program SHARE.EXE. If you have problems installing from your back-up disks, try the installation using the original disks or remove SHARE.EXE from your CONFIG.SYS file and restart your computer. INSTALLING A SECOND TIME ======================== MicroPhone II's installer provides the option to install only selected files. To install files not installed the first time, or install the original files again, follow the same instructions used for your initial installation. When the installer asks which documents to install, choose "Install Selected Documents." In the resulting dialog box, select the documents you want to install and choose Continue. The installer will add the selected documents, and update the "*.ini" and group files as described under Network Installation below. If you are installing over existing documents, you may end up with duplicate icons in the Program Manager's MicroPhone II group. If this happens, select each of the duplicate items and choose Delete from the File menu in the Program Manager. (If you were installing into a different directory, you will still get duplicate icons, but with the new path information. You should delete the old icons, checking the path, or change the icons so you can distinguish between the old and new.) IMPORTANT: Do not run the installer while MicroPhone II is running. Problems can occur because the installer may update a file in use by MicroPhone II. NETWORK INSTALLATIONS ===================== Unless you have a network license agreement, Software Ventures Corporation requires each user to purchase MicroPhone II. As long as one package is owned by each user, users can share the application and documents on a network file server. Contact Software Ventures Corporation's sales department at (510) 644-3232 for information about network licensing. Although MicroPhone II's installer is designed to install only to a local hard disk, the installer should work with most PC networks because they are designed to look like local hard disks. Be sure that you have permission to write to the directory where MicroPhone II is being installed. If you install into a directory that does not exist, the installer will try to create the directory. Make sure you have permission to create the directory. MicroPhone II's installer will: 1. Create the application's directory if it does not already exist. 2. Copy MicroPhone II-specific files to the application's directory. 3. Make these changes in the Windows directory: - Add the *.mdc association to win.ini - Change the boot section of system.ini from "comm.drv=comm.drv" to "comm.drv=comm_svc.drv" (This is only for use of MicroPhone II's comm driver with support for faster baud rates.) - Copy MicPhone.ini and MPTran.ini into the Windows directory. 4. Copy these files to the Windows\System directory: micvt102.dll, comm_svc.drv, mppcansi.fon & mpdecvt.fon. 5. Update MicPhone.ini for installed documents and other information. 6. Build MicroPhone II's Program Manager group. 7. Launch Notepad with the ReadMe.txt. If MicroPhone II's installer is not able to install on your network, you can install the files manually by following the same steps. MicroPhone II's support files (micvt102.dll, comm_svc.drv, mppcansi.fon & mpdecvt.fon) can be placed anywhere on the DOS path. (MicroPhone II's application directory is not normally on the path.) If comm_svc.drv is not in the Windows System directory, Windows' system.ini must specify the path to it. MicroPhone II's profile file, MicPhone.ini, must be located in the same directory as each user's win.ini. Each user must have write permission to this file in order to use MicroPhone II. MPTran.ini must be in this directory to use MicroPhone II's international character translation tables. All other MicroPhone II files, including the application, may be located anywhere. Each user's win.ini must contain an association entry specifying the path to the application (MP2.exe). MP2.exe will automatically update MicPhone.ini when it is executed. MicroPhone II files can be located in read only directories, but users must have write permission to documents they are going to change. MicroPhone II's document names are not restricted like DOS file names. These document names are listed in MicPhone.ini under the Settings heading. If a document name is properly listed in MicPhone.ini, you can use "MP2.exe" followed by the document name in the command line of the Program Manager's Properties dialog box. If it is not, you must use a full path name. INSTALLING UNDER NORTON DESKTOP =============================== There have been reports of Windows problems when running MicroPhone II's installer under the Norton Desktop utility. Run Microsoft's Program Manager to install MicroPhone II. If the Program Manager is not available, open Norton Desktop's Preferences and turn off the Task List and Launch List, restart Windows, and then run MicroPhone II's installer. CONTACTING SOFTWARE VENTURES CORPORATION ======================================== If you have any comments or questions about MicroPhone II's installer, you are welcome to use our bulletin board at (510) 849-1912 or call customer service at (510) 644-1325. Electronic mail addresses are available on the last page of the MicroPhone II manuals.