There is no help available for this item. Dialog Title Enter or change the title of the dialog box. Edit Selected Allows editing the selected view. Delete Selected Deletes the selected view. A view may be selected with the mouse by clicking on it. To select a view with the keyboard, use Tab or ShiftTab until it is highlighted. When DLGDSN writes source code for a dialogbox, it defines a record to be used with the dialogbox's SetData and GetData methods. This entry is the name for this view's field. Initially, a unique symbol of the form FieldXXX is generated here. You will probably want to change the ID to something that better describes the field. The help context identifier and value are entered here. Alternatively, if you have loaded a help context definition file, click on the '*' (or type '*' in the help context field) to bring up a pick list of choices. Help Context Definition File If you will be using a context sensitive help file, the definition file may be read in using the menu selection alt-O/H. You will then be able to select help context ID's from a pick list when adding views to the dialogbox. This file should be in the format generated by Borland's help compiler, TVHC. For demonstration purposes, try DEMOHELP.H generated by running TVHC on DEMOHELP.TXT. By default, the proper class name for the standard TVision view is already entered in this field. If you wish to use a derived view similar to one of the TVision views, change the class name to that for you're view. The name entered will be used when generating the dialogbox source code. Depending on what changes you have made, you may also have to do some editing of the generated source code. The button's command ID and value are entered here. Alternatively, click on the '*' (or type '*' in the Command field) to bring up a pick list of common choices. Enter the width here. If 0 is entered, DLGDSN will set the width to fit the text. A value of 0 entered for the Field Width will result in a width sufficient for the text to be displayed on one line. To force the text to wrap, set the field width and height appropriately. If 0 is entered for the width, DLGDSN will try to set the width to an appropriate value. In a few cases, especially if there is more than one column, the calculated result may not be satisfactory and you may do better by selecting you're own width. Check this box if a scrollbar is desired with the listbox. Add a view to the dialogbox. Add a TLabel. z Labels must be attached to other views. Before adding a label, be sure to select the view to which it will be attached. Add a TInputLine. Add a TListbox. Add a TButton. Add a TStaticText. Add a TCheckBoxes. Add a TRadioButtons. Enter the history ID number if a history list is desired. If 0 is entered, there will be no history list. The number of text entries determines how many checkboxes will be defined. Indicate which checkboxes will be checked by default. Indicate which radio button will be the default button. The number of text entries determines how many radio buttons will be defined. Move/Resize window (Ctrl F5) After selecting this command, use the shift arrow keys to resize the window. To move the window use the arrow keys or ctrl arrow keys (larger increments). Enter accepts the changes, Esc aborts them. y With the mouse, the window may be resized by dragging the lower left corner. It may be moved by dragging the title bar. Choose this command to write source code for the dialogbox when the design is finished. The source code file consists of a function defining the dialogbox and a data record with fields appropriate for use with the SetData and GetData methods. This file may be included in TESTCASE.CPP (at the line of *'s) to provide a complete test program. This command is not available for the C++ version of DLGDSN. Use this command to load a previously saved .DLG file. Use the Save (F2) or Save As command to save your dialogbox design to disk. This command will delete any current design (you will be given an opportunity to save it) and prepare DLGDSN for a new design. Shell to DOS with this command. To return to DLGDSN, type EXIT at the DOS prompt. Ordering Mode In Ordering Mode, you may define the Tab order of the views in the dialogbox. To do this with the mouse, click on each view in the order in which you want them to be selected. To define the order using the keyboard, Tab or ShiftTab to select the desired view and press Enter to enter it into the sequence. While the order of non-selectable views such as Labels and Static Text is not important, it may be convenient to order them also. c When finished, use the F8 key to exit Ordering Mode. Be sure to check the tab order in Try Mode. Try Mode Try Mode gives you the opportunity to try out the dialogbox. You can make temporary entries in the various fields and check out the Tab sequencing of the views. H Use the F9 key or click on the dialogbox's close box to exit Try Mode. Ordering Mode In Ordering Mode, you may define the Tab order of the views in the dialogbox. To do this with the mouse, click on each view in the order in which you want them to be selected. To define the order using the keyboard, Tab or ShiftTab to select the desired view and press Enter to enter it into the sequence. While the order of non-selectable views such as Labels and Static Text is not important, it may be convenient to order them also. c When finished, use the F8 key to exit Ordering Mode. Be sure to check the tab order in Try Mode. Try Mode Try Mode gives you the opportunity to try out the dialogbox. You can make temporary entries in the various fields and check out the Tab sequencing of the views. H Use the F9 key or click on the dialogbox's close box to exit Try Mode.