VF-DOS (C) DorkSoft, No rights reserved. (special thanks to The Virus-Farm Association) Welcome to VF-DOS, the operating system that is more susceptible to a viral attack than any other. For this reason, it is imperative that you are familiar with the commands of the operating system. The more you know, the less likely you are to be nailed by a virus (or so the theory is). DorkSoft will not be held accountable for any loss of data or any other damages incurred by our (oops, I mean "a", not "our") virus. Anyway, here's our stupid operating system commands.... HELP -List all available commands. QUIT -This is how you log-off. DRAIN -This allows viruses to drain others of their own kind to get energy. The target of the drain MUST be a virus FRIENDLY to the drainer. This allows viruses to make copies of themselves for the sake of storing energy. Syntax: DRAIN INFECT -This allows viruses to infect files. Syntax: INFECT REPORT -This allows a virus to get a detailed listing of where all of it's own infections are on the hard drive. LIST -This allows a virus to get a listing of all of it's own infections within the present directory. STATS -This allows a virus to see how well it is doing. GET -GET takes a file, and puts it into memory for later use. Syntax: GET VIEW -This views the status of the file in memory, put there by GET. PUT -This takes the file in memory, and copies it to disk. WRITE -This allows viruses to write messages to one-another. READ -This allows viruses to read the messages that they have written to one-another. TYPE -This prints out the contents of a file. Syntax: TYPE MD,RD -Make/Remove directory, respectively. DEL,ERASE -These erase/delete files. Syntax: DEL or ERASE DIR -Prints out a listing of all the files in the present directory. Very handy if you forget where you put things. CD -Change Directory. This has a few different forms. If you type "CD.." or "CD\" you are moved to the root directory. Typing "CD " and then the name of a directory, will get you to that directory. Ex- "CD DOS" will put you in the DOS directory, no matter where on the drive you are!! Syntax: CD MAKE -This allows sysops to create new files. UEDIT -With this, a sysop can edit any virus, including himself. (No, we don't think of sysop's as viruses, do we? Of course not)