LORD PATCH! UPGRADES 3.50 or 3.51 TO 3.52 WIDE BETA! Greetings! We call this LRD352PT.ZIP because it's a patch for 3.50+ to upgrade it to LORD 3.52 BETA 2. Why download a 550 K file when you can just get this because you already have 3.50 or 3.51? *************************************************************************** DISCLAIMER: This is BETA! If you don't want to risk problems, wait for the real release of LORD355.ZIP. <-- We are gonna call the final version this to keep things simple. *************************************************************************** To upgrade, simple copy these files over your old ones. Docs on the game are in your orginal LORD350.ZIP. Contact me at sethable@teleport.com for bug reports/comments! NOTE: These patches will probably be released weekly until everything is working smoothly, so you may want to check in at our headquarters often. The Darkside (503) 838-6171 - A Worldgroup system - All 28.8k lines - Free! If you have problems, check TROUBLE.TXT for possible solutions.