The X-Brain 2.4.1016 release 1 FiNAL! 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様  青陳陳陳陳 浜様様様様様様様様様融 CrackEntryStatistic 麺様様様様用様様様様郵 Category Entries 麺様様様様謡様様様様郵 Games 321 把陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳超 Cheats 325 把陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳超 OldCracks 293 把陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳超 Programs 56 把陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳超 Plugins 21 麺様様様様謡様様様様郵 Total: 1016 債陳陳 藩様様様様溶様様様様夕 X-Brain News: - path\file find/patch bugfix ---> search: DATA\X.EXE PatchIt! & another crazy one by searching the second time... - copyfile with newfilename ---> X.EXE to Y.EXE - alreadypatched checking - SecurityCheck: --> exist stringX on posY in Patchfile? - pickdir YES! Now you can create monthpacks with max 700 entry's per file --> Extension must be: *.X-B !!! - INI-Header read option - - MUST presented in the first LINE of the *.X-B file!!! max. 54 chars allowed! ---> XBINI: Games of the month 04 1998 - SourceFileOpening by parameter --> like: X-BRAIN GAME0498.X-B - CheckFileSizeValue display also if checkoption is used by the patch or not. - SearchFilePath display - color-refresh - %PATH% option for EXEC & COPY... insert it in paramline to execute for example packed .ZIP.EXE-files / FILE.EXEC: ARJ X -Y T.ARJ %PATH% unpacks T.ARJ to found destination... - writeln option to present text during patchprocess - readkey option to wait on keypress - Also Pentium PR200+ BugFix from: Andreas Bauer used because TP/BP7 programs have a RuntimeError 200:... on PII...! with delay option in CRT module. DownLoad NOW or see \TOOLS !!! ((( Andreas Bauer ))) r2 - bugfix: %path% display / SAP searching first in actual directory r3 - createf v1.1 (now with fillcharparameter SRC included in FCOMP.PAS) - document/entries bug removed, only [] {} () <> allowed! - over 100... new PatchExamples !!! v2.2 r1 - displaywork - color: option to set displaycolor for writeln: commando (default = 7) - display: option (value: 0-2) to set displaystatus 0 = normal (display all in patchprocess: results / errors / values...) 1 = display only mainpatchsteps, ERRORs & WRITELN, (NO values/results) 2 = display only ERRORs & WRITELN (the x-brain is under your control) >>>> - XCRYPT 1.0 ! [TOOLS\XCRYPT.EXE] to crypt *.X-B file for monthreleases ! Don't open crypted files with a texteditor & save them, else they can't be read with the X-Brain anymore... ! r2 - some buggies fixed! entries to read DIRarea - if pressed during READKEY: the patch will stop... - parameter: ON to enable copperbars - new HDD detection (...if CDROM stop searching HDD / else if no CDROM do old createfile methode...) VIRUS ?! - McAFEE detectes a VIRUS in X-BRAIN.EXE, don't worry it ISN'T a VIRUS! this virusscanner didn't understand the cryption... It's the same like the laxity releases, they are also NOT infected! v2.3 r1 - press F9 in X-BrainMainMenu and the file: " C:\TITLES.TXT " with all actual EntryTitles will be created. - complete mousehandling Up/Down movement, left mousebuttom [ENTER] key right mousebuttom [ESC] key both together [F1] key - Itemcolor changed r2 - new SAP commando (SAPINI:) see below... - "DISPLAY: 3" show only WRITELN: - Errorchecking reinforced (filehandling) - FiNAL! I think my DOSwork is done... I don't will stop the work complete, but I mean it's time to start a windoofsVersion. <<< So watch out,... new version coming soon! >>> r3 - PATCH.SEARCH bug fixed... & entry bugs - SAP returns errorlevel v2.4 r1 - (dec # value) bug fixed - extract EntryNote to file by pressing F2 - INIfileReader counts Entries + display --- I think in this program "FiNAL" stands for: " Forget it, Never A Lastversion "...soRRy... (bAd eNgLisH) SAP v1.4 News: (The lite X-Brain create in X-BRAIN with ENTER, F1) - SAP apply check (param: OFF / NO disable) - SAP help screen (activated with param: ? -? h -h) - note / info display [V] [F1], if entered. - searching at first in actual directory for patchfile r2 - X-Brain news updated... v1.5 - SAP parameter "NOTHING" -- NO ApplyCheck & NO HeaderDisplay - if READKEY: used & [F1] or [V] pressed display note if entered v1.6 - commando "SAPINI:" only used in SAP! "SAPINI: 1" no ApplyCheck "SAPINI: 2" no ApplyCheck & no HeaderDisplay Tools: FCOMP.EXE v1.2 is a old filecomparer I have programmed long time ago, ------ for this release it's a good helper to create X-BrainEntry's easily!!! Writes automatic FileName & Size, PatchData, (Crackername & Title)... in CrackPos.TXT ! Usage: FCOMP ORIGINALFILE PATCHEDFILE Well I don't know why it runs best in pure DOSMODE ? There is one problem under Windoofs which I can't fix, H E L P ! But see yourself. PROBLEM: sometime the filecomparer stopped short and seems to be crashed, but he isn't --- JUST press/hold ALT and he goes on!!! Phunni aehhh.... Taskmanagerbug? I have included the Pascal Sourcecode so that you can tune it up... (+ CUTSPACE.PAS & CREATEF.PAS all included in FCOMP.PAS) CUTSPACE.EXE this util cutes SpaceChars from the end of a line to spare bytes... only usefull for *.X-B CREATEF.EXE v1.1 this util helps you to create dummyfiles with a fillchar you want... WHY? ---- I decided to write thiz prog, to help archiving Cracks-Patches very easy for everyone, because I hate it to search hours to find a damm crackfile! Big thanx to all the crackers, who made it possible to write X-BRAIN, because I'am to stupid for cracking!!! OK, they don't know that I take their cracks, but I hope they love this proggy anyway ! ;-) I'm not able to present all the CrackerNames on this place, because they are to many... And so you have to read the note to get more informations about the 'cOOl guys' !!! Contact them?,... open CONTACT.X-B. parameterswitches, enter: X-BRAIN ? to see proramswitches and releasenote !!! Features: !!! IMPORTANT pay attention to ; and : !!! --------- commando action parameter FILE : .SEARCH .COPY .NFO .EXEC .SEARCH search location of program FILE or PATH\FILENAME; on HDD to set the path for SIZE ( ex.: 3039h ) COPY / NFO / EXEC destination ( or : #12345 ) or Open File for the Patch. You don't need to enter the SizeValue only if you want to check the filesize! .NFO creates NFO file with Notetext FILENAME in found PatchFileDirectory. .COPY copy file SOURCE %PATH% stores path to or SOURCE; NEWNANE patchfile ex.(C:\GAMES\GAME\) or SOURCE; %PATH%NEWFILE %path%option only works if before successfully searched! .EXEC execute file FILENAME %PATH% is SearchFilePath or %PATH%FILENAME PATCH: .STR .SEARCH .CHK .STR char/string POS; CHAR or example: 0304h; 90h DON'T forget the ; after ... or <> PosValue ! ... or #144 WARNING!! missing POSentry 0304h; 90h 90h 90h only allowed when before ... or <> successful searched! .SEARCH searching entered string to get the startposition for the patch string; the ONLY <...> (...) [...] or allowed brackets are {([< >])} {...} allowed!!! also for .STR option .CHK this is a SecurityCheck to get the right Patchfile! The paramter are the same as PATCH.STR If the checkbytes not exist the program will stop! TITLE: NAME - total 700 lines a 50 chars allowed per file, after ";" color = darkgrey and char ";" will be replaced with space " " CRACKER: NAME - max. length 40 chars NOTE: INFO - max. 100 lines a 80 chars / . Enter your info to the patch - is also used by the . FILE.NFO commando as SourceEntry [EOFN] Don't forget the [EOFN] stamp at the End OF Note COLOR: set textcolor for writeln: option (default = 7) value can only be entered in decimal (1, 234, 74,...) WRITELN: display a text during the patch process READKEY: wait on a keypress / stop patch / [F1] or [V] view note if entered, Only in SAP! DISPLAY: set displaystatus (enter value in DEC) 0 = default (show all i know about the patch: results, values, patchsteps,...) 1 = display only MainPatchSteps / ERRORs & WRITELN (NO values / results!) 2 = just ERRORs & WRITELN comments will be shown! 3 = ONLY .. WRITELN: comment will be displayed. if any error occured the patch will stop anyway.... (The X-Brain is under your control!) SAPINI: set ApplyCheck or HeaderDisplay ON/OFF by using this commando or by parameterswitches (enter value in DEC) 1 = NO ApplyCheck 2 = NO ApplyCheck & NO HeaderDisplay (if you want anyway a ApplyCheck use READKEY:) // commando defines the chars after the // pos. as TEXT (disregard) Enough! ... Better to sEe the following example to understand how X-BRAIN works. /// DEMO PROG /// TITLE: demo copy file and exec;dark grey uuhuu CRACKER: HackMan // Crackerpseudonym SAPINI: 1 // disable ApplyCheck DISPLAY: 2 // hide the following part FILE.SEARCH: GAME.EXE; #1000 // search GAME.EXE with filesize 1000 PATCH.CHK: FFh; {xXx} // check: if exist "xXx" on pos FFh go on... PATCH.STR: #999; #32 // patch char on pos 999 to: " " char DISPLAY: 0 // now display all (default display) PATCH.SEARCH: // search the 'xXx' in GAME.EXE PATCH.STR: (ooOOoo) // if found then patch to: "ooOOoo" FILE.SEARCH: GAME.EXE // search destination without filesizecheck FILE.COPY: %PATH%GAME.EXE; %PATH%GAME.BAK // creating a backup of game.exe, because no sizecheck COLOR: 31 // set displaycolor to blue/white WRITELN: backupfile: %PATH%GAME.BAK created! COLOR: 14 // set displaycolor yellow WRITELN: WRITELN: key to go on... READKEY: // wait on keypress / if stop patch / F1.. FILE.COPY: X.EXE // copy file .\X.EXE to [GAME.EXElocation] FILE.COPY: X.EXE; %PATH%Y.EXE // copy file .\X.EXE to [GAME.EXElocation]\Y.EXE FILE.EXEC: %PATH%Y.EXE %PATH% // execute Y.EXE in found Programdirectory! // for ex.: ZIP packed .EXE ex.:(D:\Y.EXE D:\) FILE.NFO: XyZ.NFO // create XyZ.NFO with note text NOTE: Demo to show the options find, copy and exec !!! [EOFN] /// END /// 敖陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳朕 So be cool and xbrain yourself, release yOUR pain... sEe ya! [F-B] 青陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳潰