## version ## language ## codeset 0 ;-------------------------------------- ; GTXConv 1.4 - 1996-97 Bugada Andrea ; Translation Catalog ;-------------------------------------- ;******* ALERT MESSAGES ******* msg_alert_readinggui ;Reading GUI... msg_alert_guiread ;GUI read. msg_alert_guierror ;Not a GTX GUI file. msg_alert_gencode ;Generating source.... msg_alert_outerr ;Output error! msg_alert_srcsaved ;Source saved. msg_alert_saveabort ;Save aborted. msg_alert_nothing ;Nothing to save. msg_alert_prefssaved ;Preferences saved. msg_alert_prefserr ;Problems with config file msg_alert_ready ;Ready. ;************ INFORMAZIONI SUL PROGRAMMA ************ msg_info_author ;written by msg_info_thanx ;Thanks to all registeres users msg_info_owner ;Owner: msg_info_regcode ;RegCode: msg_info_type ;Type: msg_info_mail ;Please read docs. For suggests,\ninfos or bugs please mail me at: msg_info_key ;Don't spread the keyfile! msg_info_transl ;Translation: internal ;******************* PREFS WINDOW GADGETS & TITLE *************** msg_prefs_main ;_Main procedure msg_prefs_save ;Save _Prefs msg_prefs_use ;_Use msg_prefs_cancel ;C_ancel msg_prefs_idcmp ;_IDCMP procedures msg_prefs_libs ;_Library procedures msg_prefs_fullflags ;S_how IDCMP & flags msg_prefs_mess ;M_essage procedures msg_prefs_scradio ;Scaled _radio msg_prefs_fontsens ;Code _fontsensitive msg_prefs_sccheck ;Scaled _checkbox msg_prefs_sysfont ;Use s_ystem font msg_prefs_newlook ;_Newlook menus msg_prefs_guipath ;_GUI Path msg_prefs_srcpath ;_Src Path msg_prefs_wintitle ;GTXConv preferences msg_prefs_scrtitle ;GTXConv v1.4 - 1996-97 Bugada Andrea (Dabok/Bitless) ;*********************** MAIN WINDOW GADGETS & TITLE ************ msg_main_load ;_Load GUI msg_main_save ;_Save E Code msg_main_info ;_Info msg_main_quit ;_Quit msg_main_prefs ;_Preferences msg_main_wintitle ;GTXConv v1.4 - 1996-97 Bugada Andrea msg_main_scrtitle ;GTXConv v1.4 - 1996-97 Bugada Andrea (Dabok/Bitless) ;********************** SHAREWARE INFOS ************ msg_swinfo_unreg ;UNREGISTERED VERSION msg_swinfo_info ;If you want more infos about the\nprogram please read docs and select\nthe "Infos" gadget. For suggestions\nbugs, etc. feel free to mail-me at: msg_swinfo_enjoy ;I HOPE YOU'LL ENJOY THIS PROGRAM msg_swinfo_shareware ;GTXConv is ShareWare msg_swinfo_register ;If you use this program and want the\nregistered version you must register\nsending the shareware fee to the author.\nYou'll receive a key file that will\ndisable this ugly requester. You can\nregister in three ways. msg_swinfo_regmodes ;Registration types msg_swinfo_user ;USER: this keyfile is FREE, but is only\nvalid on this version and you can obtain it\nonly via e-mail. msg_swinfo_supporter ;SUPPORTER: this key file will cost you 10DM\n(+5DM if you want it via snail mail), but you\nwill assure all updates, when available. msg_swinfo_developer ;DEVELOPER: like above but the keyfile will\ncost you 50DM (+5DM if you want it via snail\nmail) and you will obtain also the GTXConv\nsource code. You will be able to use this code\nin your own programs. msg_swinfo_howreg ;How to register msg_swinfo_howreg2 ;In order to get your registered copy\nyou must send me in an envelope the sum\nof money required (see regform in the\nGTXConv doc) with the regform filled\nwith your datas and signature. msg_swinfo_freereg ;You can obtain a FREE SUPPORTER registered\nversion if you:\n\n* translate in your language GTXConv docs *\n* send me example code to add GTXConv *\n'* contribute to the developement of this \n' program in a way or in another *\n* provide three new other registered users * msg_swinfo_remember ;And remember... msg_swinfo_freeuser ;...that you can register freely as USER\nsending the regform via e-mail at: msg_swinfo_wait4 ;What you are waiting for? Register now then... msg_swinfo_legal ;Legal questions msg_swinfo_pirates ;You can't copy to anyone the registered\nkeyfile and since they are serialized,\npirates will be easily recognized and\nlegally (or not :) persecuted. msg_swinfo_cheap ;The reg fee is cheap, so why copy this program\nto friends? Also, if you provide three (3)\nnew registered SUPPORTER users you can\nreceive your registered keyfile freely. msg_swinfo_illreg ;I'll register ;********************** GENERAL ERRORS ******************* msg_errs_screen ;Could not lock screen! msg_errs_visual ;Could not get visual! msg_errs_context ;Could not get context! msg_errs_menus ;Could not create menus! msg_errs_gadget ;Could not create gadget! msg_errs_window ;Could not open window! msg_errs_font ;Could not open font! msg_errs_nodf ;Could not open diskfont.library v37+! msg_errs_nogt ;Could not open gadtools.library v37+! msg_errs_nort ;Could not open reqtools.library v37+! msg_errs_nokm ;Could not open keymap.library v37+! ;***************** POWERPACKER ERRORS *************** msg_pperr_open ;Error opening file! msg_pperr_read ;Could not read file! msg_pperr_nomem ;Not enough memory! msg_pperr_crypted ;File encrypted! msg_pperr_empty ;File is empty! msg_pperr_unknow ;Packer version unknown! ;***************** FILE MESSAGES *************** msg_file_exists ;File already exists! msg_file_abort ;Abort msg_file_overwrite ;Overwrite msg_file_guidir ;Select GUIs dir: msg_file_srcdir ;Select E Sources dir: msg_file_load ;_Load msg_file_save ;_Save msg_file_loadreq ;Load a GUI file: msg_file_savereq ;Save E code: ;***************** MISC MESSAGES **********+ msg_misc_quit ;Really want to quit? msg_misc_sure ;Sure msg_misc_not ;Not really msg_misc_ok msg_misc_keyexp ;I'm sorry but your key has expired\nPlease contact the author for a new key\nor register as Supporter or Developer to\navoid this boring requester\n msg_misc_hotkey ;Warning: two or more buttons in this\nwindow have the same hotkey ;*************************** END OF CD FILE **********************+