GTXConv 1.4 ©1996-97 Bugada Andrea --------------------------- ADDENDUM TO THE MAIN MANUAL --------------------------- PLEASE NOTE WELL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The documentation referes to 1.3 version. Since I had no time to write a complete documentation for v1.4 and since differences between 1.3 and 1.4 was not so important, I decided only to add this addendum to the main manual. GTXConv now is localized ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GTXConv now reads standard catalogs, but only if you own an Amiga 2.1+ and the "locale.library" is properly installed. If you want you can copy catalogs directory to LOCALE:, but this is not suggested, because GTXConv tries to read the catalogs also in PROGDIR: (i.e. the directory where you installed GTXConv). If your language is not present please translate the GTXConv.ct file and send me it. In this file you can find all the string used by GTXConv in the English version (built-in language). Simply translate the sentences in the space between each other, making attention to not modify other parts of the GTXConv.ct. You can find this file in the catalogs dir. Then use CatComp or FlexCat to compile it. Remeber to send me the GTXConv.ct and/or the compiled catalog for inclusion in a future version of GTXConv. Please pay attention to shortcuts: in a window two gadget cannot have the same shortcut. If your catalog is mistaken GTXConv will display an error message, so you will be able to find easily the double shortcut. Will never GTXConv localize the generated source? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Probably not! This because to localize a program they are needed the catalog description and the catalog translation. Since GTXConv cannot know the strings that you will add to your program, it probally will never be able to make a localized source. But never despair: it's very simple to localize your program if you use FlexCat instead of CatComp. FlexCat not only create the compiled catalog, but also the module to link to your program. Remember that in AmigaE the messages indentifiers must be LOWERCASE!! Read the Flexcat documentation for further infos. As soon as possible I will show the procedure step by step in the GTXConv manual. Andrea Bugada