This text file gives brief descriptions of each of the CommBat levels in this file. The Big Empty As the name suggests, just a big empty room. This map is about as big a room as you can make. Just finding each other will be a chore. Heat seekers make for a lot of fun, though watch for mindlessly circling missiles in the center of the is possible to kill yourself with your own missile. Ouch A small map, ideally suited to hard and fast CommBat. Four rooms filled with dangers and weapons. Great Balls of Fire A great level for the experienced CommBat veteran. So much noise and confusion that you won't be able to gain any unfair advantage. Great killing ground _if_ you survive to get a weapon! The Grotto A large open abandoned room, filled with columns, elevated GAD's, and secret rooms stocked with healing and firepower. Great for the player who loves to play the sniper. Try it with ammo set to 1 for an added challenge. ROUND 'N ROUND A small compact level with only a few weapons, but the corpses quicly pile up. Don't Be Pushy Out in the open! Full of push pillars, push walls and tight spots. Welcome to Hell For the true masochist. The goal of this board is to kill your opponent before the board kills you. This board is meant for the sheer fun of trying to get your kill score higher than your suicide score...good luck? There are 2 hidden rooms with healing and powerups, if you survive to find them. A Pane in the Glass A large multipartitioned plane floating on the air. Full of windows, a few weapons and too many furshlugginer pillars. Very difficult to aim well, a real challenge at 1 ammo per missile weapon. Monty's Hall Let's Make a Deal....door number 1, 2, or 3? Or, would you prefer to find the hidden rooms for an even greater reward? This is a compact very straight forward kill zone. A small board it is difficult hide on. Makes for high scores. Greatest Show on Earth Lots of weapons and random powerups abound in this small very wide open level. Lots of jumping is required to get weapons, health items, and powerups. High scores will be quickly run up as players dash for weapons only to run into a glowing moaning enemy! Through the LookingGlass Probably the weakest level in this group in terms of design. Lots of glass, a few too many random powerups. Two players in Dog mode barking at each other gets old after a bit. If the powerups are ignored, this is a great little slugfest. A special note of thanks to Wayne Sikes who wrote the level editor Rotted 1.1 on which these boards were created...great little program! All these levels have been heavily playtested and (as far as I know) are bug free. Please let me know what you think of them, comments on improving them are most welcome. Matt CompuServe 102061,1554 Internet