RenderWare(tm) v1.4 Sample Textures =================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- These files are provided as is with no warranties of any kind and are provided without any obligation on Criterion Software Ltd. to assist in their use. Criterion Software Ltd. will not, under any circumstances, be liable for any lost revenue or other damages arising from the use of these files. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains several sample texture files to help you explore RenderWare's extensive texture mapping facilities. When running the RenderWare demonstration programs, please ensure that the directory containing these textures is specified as one element of the environment variable RWSHAPEPATH. For instructions on how to set RWSHAPEPATH see the main readme file for this distribution (\rw\readme.txt). To demonstrate the enhanced bitmap reading abilities of RenderWare v1.4 these textures are shipped in MS Windows 3.1 bitmap (.bmp) file format. Please note that RenderWare's native texture file format (.ras) is still supported in this release. Please note that these textures are only intended to to be used for your own, exploratory purposes and should not be used in any commercial product without first seeking permission to do so from the copyright holders. The 'index' directory contain collections of textures along with the their names, to ease the location of texture names. The supplied textures are as follows: 1) 0misc.bmp This file is not intended for use as a texture. Rather, it is a catalog of "thumbnail" sketches of the miscellaneous sample textures. 2) 0stone.bmp This file is not intended for use as a texture. Rather, it is a catalog of "thumbnail" sketches of the sample stone textures. 3) 0wood.bmp This file is not intended for use as a texture. Rather, it is a catalog of "thumbnail" sketches of the sample wood textures. 4) chilli.bmp An image of a red hot chilli pepper. 5) chillim.bmp A texture mask image for the red hot chilli pepper. 6) cyacheck.bmp A texture used by the script file perspect.rwx. 7) fire.bmp An image of a fireplace. 8) fore.bmp A mask raster used by the script file perspect.rwx. 9) grass.bmp A grass texture. 10) grecheck.bmp A texture used by the script file perspect.rwx. 11) ground.bmp A texture representing the ground as seen from the air. 12) hedge.bmp A hedge texture. 13) kitchen.bmp A section of (kitsch) kitchen wallpaper. 14) magcheck.bmp A texture used by the script file perspect.rwx. 15) mandel.bmp A mandelblot. 16) mandrill.bmp The classic mandrill image. 17) notfore.bmp A mask raster used by the script file perspect.rwx. 18) redcheck.bmp A texture used by the script file perspect.rwx. 19) rug.bmp A Persian rug. 20) stone001.bmp A ceramic tile texture. 21) stone002.bmp A brick texture. 22) stone003.bmp A marble texture. 23) stone004.bmp A second marble texture. 24) stone005.bmp A third marble texture. 25) stone006.bmp A stone clad wall texture. 26) stone007.bmp A sandstone texture. 27) stone008.bmp A rough stone wall texture. 28) stone009.bmp A gray stone texture. 29) wood001.bmp A wood texture with knots. 30) wood002.bmp A second wood texture with knots. 31) wood003.bmp A third wood texture with knots. 32) wood004.bmp A wood panel texture. 33) wood005.bmp A second wood panel texture. 34) wood006.bmp A third wood panel texture. 35) wood007.bmp A fourth wood panel texture. 36) wood008.bmp A heavily grained wood texture. 37) wood009.bmp A second heavily grained wood texture. 38) yelcheck.bmp A texture used by the script file perspect.rwx. 39) coke??.bmp These textures are tiles which form the surface of the coke can. ===================================