RenderWare(tm) v1.4 FCS MS-Dos Demonstration Program ==================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This demonstration program is copyright Criterion Software Limited 1994. You may not disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer this demonstration program. This demonstration program is provided as is with no warranties of any kind. Criterion Software will not, under any circumstances, be liable for any lost revenue or other damages arising from the use of this demonstration program. RenderWare is a trademark of Canon Inc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOSEXP ====== DOSEXP.EXE is a simple 'duck-shoot' game utilising some of RenderWares DOS specific display handling. In particular it is designed to demonstrate the creation of mouse pointer images. The flat square like object is the platform where objects are launched from. The Application Controls ------------------------ The application controls are as follows: 1) When the mouse pointer is over the platform (the pointer will be an arrow) the view point can be moved by holding the left button down and moving the mouse. 2) When the mouse pointer is over an object that can be shot, the image will become a square with the word 'Fire!' above it. Pressing the left button at this point will cause the object to be destroyed. 3) Press ESC to exit.