Further Reading BBC Annual Report and Accounts — formerly called BBC Handbooks and Yearbooks (BBC) 1927 - BFI ‘British Television’ compiled by Tise Vahimagi (Oxford University Press) 1994. BRIGGS, Asa, ‘History of Broadcasting in the United Kingdom’ Vol I-V (Oxford University Press) 1961, 1965, 1970, 1979, 1994. CAIN, John, ‘The BBC: 70 Years of Broadcasting’ (BBC Publications) 1992. DONOVAN, Paul, ‘The Radio Companion’ (Harper Collins) 1991. HICKMAN, Tom, ‘What Did You Do In The War, Auntie?’ (BBC Books) 1995. HILL, Jonathan, ‘Radio! Radio!’ (J Hill) 1986. KINGSLEY, H & TIBBALLS, G, ‘Box of Delights: The Golden Years of Television’ (Macmillan) 1989. McINTYRE, Ian, ‘The Expense of Glory: A Life of John Reith’ (Harper Collins) 1993. PARKER, Derek, ‘Radio: The Great Years’ (David & Charles Ltd) 1977. PASSINGHAM, Kenneth, ‘The Guinness Book of TV Facts and Feats’ (Guinness Superlatives Ltd) 1984. SCANNELL, P & CARDIFF, D, ‘A Social History of British Broadcasting’ Vol I, 1922-1939 (Blackwell) 1991.