Control Panel 5

You can use a paint program like Paint Shop Pro to add your own text to these graphics. You can also use Microsoft's Image Composer to edit these graphics.

In order to use these graphics with multiple hot-spots (more than one clickable place on the image), you'll need to create an image map. This let's you specify the clickable areas. I use Mapedit by Thomas Boutell. It is a WONDERFUL program.


Copying Graphics

The instructions for copying a graphic apply to Netscape, Internet Explorer, and NCSA Mosaic for Windows. To copy a graphic:

  1. Move your cursor over the graphic.
  2. Press the right mouse button.
  3. Choose Save this Image As from the pop-up menu.
  4. Click on OK to save the image. (Pay attention to where the image is saved on your hard drive.)

Created and Maintained by: Jelane Johnson
All Graphics Copyright Jelane K. Johnson, 1996 & 1997

Control Panels ||| Jelane's Free Web Graphics ||| Jelane's Resume ||| Dan's Resume

This page has been accessed times since February 26, 1997.