Composed for 5 a Day Adventures Lyrics and music © 1994 Interactive Design & Development, Inc., Blacksburg, VA 24060-6668 Just Try Us! Why don't you just try us. That's all we're saying. Come on and try us for 5 a day. We'd love you to try us everyday. Let's eat the super, duper, healthy, happy, 5 a day way! We are the fruity dudes. Now here's the good news. We're apples, oranges, peaches, cherries. To make your 5 a day It's two of us we say. Try grapes, bananas, kiwis & berries. It's even cool to eat. Four fruits a day are neat. Throw us in a blender and we'll make a smoothie. Why don't you just try us. That's all we're saying. Come on and try us for 5 a day. We'd love you to try us everyday. Let's eat the super, duper, healthy, happy, 5 a day way! Yes, we're the fruity dudes. And we've got more good news. Check our colors, taste and flavors. We'll make your lunch complete. Our taste is juicy sweet. We're plums, pears, nectarines & raisins. You'll want us everyday. Eat two or more we say. Our flavors will please you, We're happy to tell'ya. Why don't you just try us. That's all we're saying. Come on and try us for 5 a day. We'd luv you to try us everyday. Let's eat the super, duper, healthy, happy, 5 a day way! Let's eat the super, duper, healthy, happy, 5 a day way!