Composed for 5 a Day Adventures Lyrics and music © 1994 Interactive Design & Development, Inc., Blacksburg, VA 24060-6668 Let's Go Bananas I've gone bananas for bananas! They are my favorite fruit (echo: favorite fruit). Let's go bananas for bananas. They're so appealing. They're so appealing to me. Eat'em when you bike. Eat'em when you hike. Or even eat them whenever you like. Eat'em on the run. They're loved by everyone. This food is really good fun. They're one good source of potassium. They keep me healthy and strong. They have plenty of energy. They help me power skate all day long. I've gone bananas for bananas! They are my favorite fruit (echo: favorite fruit). Let's go bananas for bananas. They're so appealing. They're so appealing to me. They're good I guarantee. Help me climb a tree. Help keep me strong as a body can be. It's a real cool food, wouldn't you conclude? This is the happening fruit. They are a part of my 5 A Day plan And help me skate to the beat. If you're a body who wants to feel good, Bananas are a really good treat. I've gone bananas for bananas! They are my favorite fruit (echo: favorite fruit) Let's go bananas for bananas. They're so appealing. They're so appealing to me.