Incoming Denmark has the following index: Bank Notes, Traveller's Cheques, etc., Animals and Plants, Meat and meatproducts, dairy product, eggs and egg products, etc., Places of entry, Medicine and Oxygen Bottles, Travel documents, Dutyfree, Means of transport, Travel Equipment and Weapons.

Back to: Danops Denmark


Bank Notes, Traveller's Cheques, etc.
Animals and Plants
Meat and meatproducts, dairy product, eggs and egg products, etc.
Places of entry
Medicine and Oxygen Bottles
Travel documents
Means of transport
Travel Equipment

To Index

Bank Notes, Traveller's Cheques, etc.

Free and unlimited import of Danish and foreign legal tender.

To Index

Animals and Plants

The text consists of the following items:

General on the Import of Animals
Dogs and Domestic Cats
Rodents and Fur-bearing Animals

To index, animals & Plants
General on the Import of Animals

1. afdeling
Rolighedsvej 25
DK-1958 Frederiksberg C
Tel. 31 35 81 00
Fax. 31 35 40 73

Please note! Import of animals (live dead, parts, and derivatives) subject to the Washington Convention/CITES, requires special permit, issued by:

Skov- og Naturstyrelsen
Haraldsgade 53
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
Tel. 39 27 20 00
Fax. 39 27 98 99

Below is listed import regulations pertaining to the most frequently imported species of animals which accompany tourists in connection with their entry and subsequent stay in Denmark. Information on regulations pertaining to animals which cannot be found on the list, can be obtained from the above-mentioned Veterinary Department.
The following import regulations cover temporary import of animals which accompany visitors without a view to profit making.

To index, animals & Plants

Parrots (incl. budgerigars and parakites):
Import requires special written permit from the Veterinary Department. Upon application, the Veterinary Department submits a certificate of health which must accompany the birds during the stay, and which must be produced to the controlling authority on demand.

Gallinaceous birds (incl. quails and pygmy quails):
Import requires special written permit from the Veterinary Department.
Upon application, the Veterinary Department submits a certificate of health which must accompany the birds during the stay, and which must be produced to the controlling authority on demand.

Finches (incl. canaries):
Free import.

When importing other kinds of birds which do not come under the above categories, the Veterinary Department must be contacted.

To index, animals & Plants

Aquarium fish (Tropical ornamental fish):
Free import.
When importing fish from third country unaccompanied, aquarium fish must be presented to the veterinarian at the entry station for inspection.

To index, animals & Plants
Dogs and Domestic Cats

Accompanied by visitors from countries free from rabies (The Faroes, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Great Britain, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, and Australia): Free import

Accompanied by visitors from other countries:
Obligatory certificate of vaccination against rabies is required (issued at the latest 30 days and at the earliest one year prior to import. Certificate of health is obligatory for kittens und puppets under 3 months. Certificate of vaccination against rabies is obligatory for kittens and puppets between 3 and 4 months. If this certificate is issued within 30 days of import, a certificate of health must be produced as well. The said certificate of health must not be more than 10 days old.

Same rules apply as under "Accompanied by visitors". In addition, an obligatory veterinarian inspection must be carried out upon entry from third country. Veterinarians are attached to the following entry stations:
Copenhagen (incl. Tuborg Harbour, Dragør and Kastrup Harbours), Kolding, Frederikshavn, Billund, and Hirtshals.

According to regulation from the Ministry of Justice of 14th November 1991, it is forbidden to keep especially dangerous dogs. The prohibition pertains to the keeping and breeding of Pit Bull Terriers and Tosa.

To index, animals & Plants
Rodents and Fur-bearing Animals,

kept as domestic animals (incl. rabbit, hare, chinchilla, fitchet, ferret, mink, marten, racoon, opossum, zobel, and beaver).

Import requires special written permit from the Veterinary Department.
Upon application, the Veterinary Department submits a certificate of health which must accompany the animal during the stay, and which must be produced to the controlling authority on demand.

Hamster, mice, guinea pig, rat, turtles and iguanas (up to 3 of each):
Free import.
When importing more than 3 specimens of the abovementioned animals, the Veterinary Department must be contacted in writing for import permit.

Monkeys, musk rat, and grey squirrel:
No import

To index, animals & Plants

Import of horses from Norway:
Breeding and work horses: Must be accompanied by certificates of origin and health, issued by an official veterinarian in the country of origin. Veterinarian inspection obligatory upon entry (see above under Dogs and Domestic Cats*). The importer must be registered with the Veterinary Department.

* Horses can also be imported through the entry station at Aarhus.

Registered/competition horses:
In addition to certificate of health, the horse must be accompanied by identification papers in the form of a horse passport or transcript from the studbook.

Import of horses from EU-countries:
Breeding and work horses:
Must be accompanied by certificates of origin and health, issued by a veterinarian inspector of the EU sender memberstate. The importer must be registered with the Veterinary Department.

Registered/competition horses:
In addition to certificate of health, the horse must be accompanied by identification papers in the form of a horse passport or transcript from the studbook.

To index, animals & Plants

From EU-countries: Plants and plant products, incl. single flowers, bouquets, and potted
plants can be imported for personal use (not for resale or other commercial use). Not valid for plants and plant products subject to import prohibition.

From non-EU countries:
Cut flowers, cuttings, flower bulbs or plants without earth, up to 5 pieces in all, but max. weight 1 kg per person, may be imported for personal use (not for sale and other commercial use). Not valid for plants and plant products subject to import prohibition.

Please note! Import of plants (live dead, parts, and derivatives) subject to the Washington Convention/CITES, requires special permit, issued by:

Sektor for planter og plantesundhed
Skovbrynet 20
DK-2800 Lyngby
Tel. 45 96 66 00
Fax. 45 96 66 10

To Index

Meat and meatproducts, dairy product, eggs and egg products, etc.

The following rules apply to travellers from EU-countries and Norway:
All sorts of animal provisions from other EU-countries and Norway, can be imported without formalities for personal consumption, provided the products are not brought here with the purpose of marketing, and that packing and leftovers are placed in waste containers with a view to later combustion.

Private persons may import animal provisions from non-EU countries except
Norway for personal consumption according to the following rules:

Meat and meatproducts (not fish and sea mammals) that are perishable at ambient temperature: May be imported only by permis-(including venison and venison pro- sion from the Veterinærdirektoratet. Total maximum allowed: 1 kg per person. Concerning meat and meatproducts from other animals than ox, pig, sheep, goat, and horse from the Faroes and Greenland a total maximum of 5 kg per person is allowed.

Meat and meatproducts (except fish and sea mammals) that will keep at ambient temperature and which are not contained in hermetically sealed vessels: (including venison and venison products) May be imported only by permission from the Veterinærdirektoratet. Total maximum allowed: 1 kg.

Concerning meat and meatproducts from other animals than ox, pig, sheep, goat, and horse from the Faroes and Greenland a total maxi- mum of 5 kg per person is allowed.

Meatproducts except fish and sea mammals that will keep at ambient temperature and which are contained in hermetically sealed vessels. Including venison and venison products as well. A maximum of 1 kg. per person may be imported without permission.
Concerning meat and meatproducts from other animals than ox, pig, sheep, goat, and horse from the Faroes and Greenland, a total maximum of 5 kg per person is allowed.

Gelatine and frog's legs:
A maximum of 1 kg per person may be imported without permission

Game and venison brought into the country by the hunter himself: Except for meat from wild boars, may be imported without permission from the Veterinærdirektoratet, when imported from the countries listed below*, and provided the game was shot by the person himself
Only a maximum of 1 piece of big game (such as deer) and some small game (such as birds) may be imported per person.

Meat and meatproducts from sea mammals:
May be imported without permission from the Veterinærdirektoratet (requires permission from Skov- og Naturstyrelsen)

Milk and dairy products:
May be imported only by permission from the Veterinærdirektoratet

Egg and egg products:
May be imported only by permis- sion from the Veterinærdirektoratet.

May be imported without permission from the Veterinærdirektoratet.

* Argentine 1), Australia, Bulgaria, Brazil 1), Botswana 2), Canada, Switzerland, Chile, the Czech Republic, Greeenland, Hungary, Iceland, Madagaskar 1), Mexico 1), Namibia 2), New Zealand, Poland, Paraguay 1), Rumania, the Slovac Republic, Swaziland 2), USA, Uraguay 1), Yugoslavian Republics, South Africa 2).
1) Only venison from whole-hoofed animals.
2) Only boned venison from cloven-footed animals

With a view to the health of domestic animals, leftovers and packing must be placed safely in a waste container with a view to later combustion.

Veterinærdirektoratet, 3. afd.
Rolighedsvej 25
DK-1958 Frederiksberg C
tel. 31 35 81 00
fax. 35 36 06 07

* Fish and Shellfish
All kinds of fish products may be imported for personal consumption, quantities must not exceed 18 kilos in total per person.

The following UNGUTTED species of fish are not allowed into the country:
Salmon, Pacific Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Sea Trout, Grayling, Pike, and species of Lavaret-order.

Travel provisions must be carried as personal luggage. Must only be imported with a view to personal consumption (not for commercial use).

Stormgade 2
DK-1470 Copenhagen K
tel. 33 96 30 00
fax. 33 96 39 03

* Fruit, Vegetables, etc.
Travellers from EU-countries may import fresh fruit, vegetables and potatoes for personal consumption without formalities.
Travellers from non-EU-countries may import fresh fruit and vegetables for personal consumption, up to a maximum of 2 kg per person without formalities. Potatoes are not allowed into the country.

Tinned, semi-preserved, and frozen goods:
Can be imported without formalities


Sektor for planter og plantesundhed Skovbrynet 20
DK-2800 Lyngby
tel. 45 96 66 00
fax 45 96 66 10

To Index

Places of entry

Entry by Airplane

Airplane: entry via official international airport Copenhagen Airport Kastrup is the biggest and acts as "gateway" to all of Europe

Private plane: entry via official international airport. See list in "Transport by Air/Private planes: Airports and airfields"
Immediately after entering Danish tariff area, contact must be made to the Danish customs authorities.

Entry by Boat, Ferry or liner By means of international harbour

Private vessel:
Immediately after entering Danish tariff area, contact must be made to the Danish customs authorities.

Entry by Land

Only frontier: Denmark-Germany
Entry must be made via the official international frontier stations:
by motorway E45: Frøslev
by road: Kruså and Sæd
by rail: Padborg
X The international frontier stations at Frøslev, Kruså and Sæd are open 24 hours, the international frontier station at Padborg is open from 6 a.m. to midnight, the international frontier station at Rudbøl is open from 8 a.m. to midnight.

Some of the frontier stations have a choice between a red and a green lane, where the use of the green lane indicates that the visitor has nothing to declare according to the specific entry formalities. Citizens of the Nordic countries and the EEC who arrive at the frontier by car, can place a green 4" disk in the front window to indicate that the driver has nothing to declare.

To Index

Medicine and Oxygen Bottles


Private persons from EC-countries may import legally purchased medicine for personal use for the prevention of or treatment of disease without any limit as regards periods. If the medicine is imported from a non-EC or non-EEA country, only a maximum supply of medicine of 3 months is allowed.

Medicine containing euphoriant agents may only be imported for private persons' personal use for the prevention of or treatment of disease.
However, certain europhoriant agents are only allowed, if the National Health Board in Denmark has given its permission. These agents are listed on List A and are: Canabis, Marihuana, all parts of the Khat-plant, Heroin, LSD, medicated opium (raw opium), remains and refuse from opium smoking, the plant Papaver sominifer L. (opium poppy), though not the seeds. When special reasons call for it, private persons can be requested to present a written doctor's documentation testifying that the medicine is to be used by a private person for personal use for the prevention of disease, prior to import.

Medicine containing europhoriant agents not listed on List A, is only allowed into the country in a maximum quantity equivalent to a fort-night's supply of medicine.


Sundhedsstyrelsen Frederikssundsvej 378
DK-2700 Brønshøj
tel. 44 94 36 77

Oxygen Bottles

Oxygen Bottles for one's health are allowed into the country provided a doctor's documentation is presented to the effect that the patient's life and health depend on the bottles.

Filling of bottles:
Contact nearest hospital or Falck Salvage Station. Abovementioned doctor's documentation must be presented.

Note: Thread dimensions!

To Index

Travel documents


National passport is required except for
1. Danish citizens
2. Citizens from the other Nordic countries (Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), provided entry take place directly from a nordic country.
3. Holders of an official national identity card from Belgium, France, Greece, Holland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Schwitzerland, Spain, Portugal, West Germany and Austria (Note: only 3 months' stay).

Regarding national identity cards: See below.
4. Children under 16 accompanied by an adult and entered in the latter's passport. The child's name, sex, and birthday must appear from the passport
5. Persons travelling on a collective passport, provided the collective passport:
1. is issued by a competent authority, and duly stamped or sealed by same authority,
2. gives information as to period of validity,
3. is valid for travel to Denmark,
4. only applies to persons who are citizens of the issueing country, and who are able to enter Denmark on an individual passport without visum,
5. comprises at least five and not more than 50 persons,
6. specifies full name, date and place of birth, citizenship, and permanent residence or each travelling compagnion,
7. states the name of the travel conductor as well as number and date of issue of the former's passport
6. Persons travelling on a Laissez-Passer issued by UN or EU.

National identity cards:
Belgium............. Carte d'identite
France................ Carte nationale d'identite
Greece................ Deltia Taytotitas
Holland.............. Touristen Kaart A + B
Italy.................... Carta d'identita. In the space "cittadinanza" must be written "ITALIANA" and the Child identity documentation and only if the child is attended by the custody holder.
Luxemburg........ Carte d'identite, Titre d'identite et de voyage
Germany............ Personalausweis, Behelfmæssiger Personalausweis, Kinderausweis. Reiseausweis als Passersatz issued by German frontier authorities, when accompanied by expired passport or Personalausweis.
Note! Juveniles under 15 years of age may use Reiseausweis als Passersatz without expired passport or Personalausweis. Kinderlichtbildbescheinigung issued in Berlin to juveniles under 15 years of age.
Liechtenstein...... Carte d'identite
Schwitzerland.... Carte d'identite
Austria............... Personalausweis
Spain.................. Documento Nacional de Identidad
Portugal.............. Bilhete de Identidade de Cidadao Nacional


Request for visa (entry or transit) should be made to Danish diplomatic representations, allowing for ample time of issuing prior to departure from the home country.

NO entry visa is required from:
1. Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Czech Republic, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cypres, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Fiji Isles, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kiribati, South Korea, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Seychellies, Singapore, Slovac Republic, Slovenia, Salomon Islands, Spain, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Granadines, Surinam, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad-Tobago,Tuvalu, United Kingdom (see item 2), Uruguay, USA, The Vatican State and Venezuela.

2. Holders of a valid British passports "Comon Format Passport" defining the holder as "British Citizen" and holders of "British Visitors Passport". Holders of "look-alike" British passports are as a rule not included in the visa excemption, unless the passport has been provided with one of the three following endorsements: "Holder has the right of re-admission", "Holder is entitled to re-admission to the United Kingdom", "Holder has the right of abode in the United Kingdom", provided that the holder of the mentioned passports has not stayed outside the United Kingdom for more than 2 years (incl. the expected stay in Denmark)

The visa excemption includes holders of valid British Passports from the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man with the endorsement "British citizen".

3. Persons travelling on a Laissez-Passer issued by the UN or the

All other nationalities: Contact the nearest Danish diplomatic representation

Note: A Danish visa is not valid for Greenland and the Faroe Isles unless specified in the permit.

Vaccinations/Health certificates

At present not required by entry from any country

To Index


General conditions

In order for you to obtain exemption from payment of duty and tax, the goods must be brought along by you, so that you can personally show the goods to the customs officials at the point of entry. It is moreover a condition for the exemption from payment of duty and tax that you are the owner of the goods, that import of them takes place occasionally only, i.e. once within 24 hours at most, and that the import is not of a commercial nature, meaning, for instance, that the goods may not be resold after being imported.
In the kiosks of ships sailing between places of call at Flensborg Fjord, between Roemoe and Sylt, in Oeresund or on short Scandinavian crossings, a maximum of 20 cigarrettes (or 10 cigars or cigarillos or 50 g smoking tobacco) may be sold to each traveller in both directions.


EU countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark (not Greenland and the Faroe Islands), Finland, France, Germany (not Helgoland and the Busingen-area), Great Britain, Greece, Holland, Ireland, Italy (not Livigno, Campione d'Italia and the area belonging to the Italian part of lake Lugano), Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain (not Ceuta, the Canary Islands and Melilla), and Sweden.

Liquor: Distilled beverages and other alcoholic beverages with an alcoholic content above 22%.

Fortified wine: Distilled beverages, other alcoholic beverages and aperitifs based on wine or alcohol with an alcoholic content of 22% or less.
Sparkling wine and fortified wine.

Table wine: Other (non-sparkling) wines, e.g. white wine, red wine and rose wine.

Travelers: without Residence in Denmark, staying more than 36hrs in Denmark
Upon arrival from..........:EU-countries......:EU-countries
importing..................:Goods purchased...:Goods purchased in non-
...........................:on the market in..:EU-countries, dutyfree in.........................:an EU-country.....:EU-countries, or onboard
...........................:..................:airplane/ferry/in airport
Liquor.....................:.....1,5 ltr......:.....1 ltr...:
Fortified or sparkling wine:......20 Ltrs.....:.....2 ltrs..:
Table wine.................:......90 ltrs.....:.....2 ltrs..:
Cigarettes or..............:.....300 pc.......:...200 pc....:
Cigarillos (max.3g/pc) or..:.....150 pc.......:...100 pc....:
Cigars or..................:......75 pc.......:....50 pc....:
Smoking tobacco............:.....400 grs......:...250 grs...:
Coffee limit.....:...500 grs...:
Coffee limit.....:...200 grs...:
Tea limit.....:...100 grs...:
Tea limit.....:....40 grs...: limit.....:....50 grs...:
Eau de limit.....:...1/4 ltr...:
Other limit.....:..1350 dkr...:
..............................................:...750 dkr. on
..............................................:airplane,ferry, etc.
Upon entry from an EU-country a max. amount of commodities equivalent to the ones mentioned in column 1 can be imported
Age required upon entry
From an EU-country........17 years

or bought duty-free.......17 years..........15 years
..........................Fortified wine....Coffee extract
..........................Table wine

- re. fuel: fuel cannot be imported free of duty. Motoring tourists are allowed to bring uo to 10 ltrs of fuel in portable containers in addition the the contents of the tank in the car..

To Index

Means of transport

Means of transport has the following index:

Rules and Regulations
Driving license
Security Requirements
Security RequirementsVehicles
Security Requirements Motorcycle/Moped
Motor Insurance
Green Card
Empty coaches
Pleasure Craft

To index for means of transportation

Rules and Regulations

Any vehicle which has been approved/registered in the home country is allowed into Denmark. Number plate and nationality plate are obligatory.

To index for means of transportation

Driving license:
X A valid, national driving license (in Roman type) is obligatory for all vehicles

Maximum measurements of motor assisted vehicles:
Width: 2,55 m, hight: 4 m, length: 12 m (with trailer/caravan: 18,5 m)

To index for means of transportation

Means of transportation that are temporarily admitted free of duty into Denmark must not be lent to Danish residents, nor may they be used for transport against payment. In case of offences, drivers will be liable to fines, and import and registration fee may be collected.

To index for means of transportation

Any foreign motor-assisted vehicle and possible trailer, must have a third party liability insurance policy. This requirement is said to be fullfilled for vehicles which are registered in an EU-country, the Faroe Isles, Lichtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. For vehicles registered in other countries, a valid international green insurance card is required, or a frontier insurance policy, issued by Dansk Forening for International Motorkøretøjforsikring.

Additional information:
Postbox 9039
Adelgade 13
DK-1304 Copenhagen K
tel. 33 92 91 00

To index for means of transportation

Security Requirements

To index for means of transportation

A warning triangle is obligatory.

The use of seat belts is compulsory for drivers, front and back seat passengers over 150 cm/15 Years, provided the car is fitted with seat belts.
Children between 3-7 years of age can use children's seat or cushion instead of seat belt. Children under 3 years of age must be placed in an approved children's seat, unless the car is not fitted with seat belts

Dipped headlights must be used even in daylight and in clear wheather.

To index for means of transportation

An approved safety helmet is compulsory.

Additional information:
Postbox 9039
Adelgade 13 DK-1304 Copenhagen K
tel. 33 92 91 00

To index for means of transportation

Motor Insurance
Third party liability insurance issued in the home country is obligatory.

To index for means of transportation

Green Card:
Green card is not required for vehicles registered in EU-countries, Norway, Hungary, The Czech Republic, The Slovak Republic and Switzerland.
Green card is required for vehicles registered in Estonia, Poland, Albania, Rumania, Bulgaria, Kroatia, Slovenia, Marocco, Tunesia, Malta, Turkey, Israel, Iraq, Iran and the Republic of Macedonia.

Vehicles registered in any other country must take out a temporary insurance policy at the frontier. Rates per car: Dkr 650 for the first month, Dkr 350 for the following month(s). The insurance applies to motoring in Denmark and the other EU- and EEA-countries as well as in Switzerland.

For caravans, etc. the insurance policy of the towing car must clearly state that it applies to the trailer as well.

Additional information:

Dansk Forening for Int. Motorkøretøjsforsikring
Amaliegade 10
DK-1256 Copenhagen K
tel. 33 13 75 55

To index for means of transportation


Coaches are in the entire EU-area defined as a vehicle designed for transportation of more than nine persons incl. driver. Max. length 12 meters (double busses: max. 18 meters.)

With passengers:
No special permit required on entry. For professional coach travels, a tax of 0,05 head per km is imposed.

To index for means of transportation

Empty coaches:
registered in an EU-country plus Iceland and Norway do not require special permit. The driver of the bus must have a control document in accordance with ordinance no. 684/92/EØF.
Empty coaches:
Registered in Switzerland and Turkey are allowed into Denmark without formalities in order to collect passengers, provided the following conditions are fulfilles:

- the passengers form a group, and the collecting of the entire group was arranged for, prior to the passengers' arrival in Denmark, or

- the same contractor previously took passengers to Denmark, and the coach returned empty to the country of departure, or

- passengers have been invited to the country and the travel costs in connection herewith are carried by the inviter. The passengers must form a group which must not be formed with the expressed purpose of this trip.

- the coach is to take the passengers back to the country, in which the coach is registered.

- the driver of the coach must possess a certificate of control, made out according to the ASOR-agreement, issued by the country of registration.

Coaches registered in other countries: permit required on entry. Application through proper authorities in the home country.

Length of coach: a maximum of 12 m (articulated coach a maximum of 18 m).
So-called ski-box is permitted, provided its depth does not exceed 0,50 m, and its width that of the coach.

Additional information:

Adelgade 13
DK-1304 Copenhagen K
tel. 33 92 91 00
fax 33 32 35 34

To index for means of transportation

Pleasure Craft
Pleasure craft can be admitted free of duty.
As soon as the boat enters Danish territorial waters, the nearest Danish customs authorities must be contacted.

To index for means of transportation

Caravans are admitted into the country together with towing vehicle free of duty. The caravan must have a certificate of registration issued in the home country, and must have a number plate and a nationality plate. In the insurance policy covering the towing vehicle it must be indicated, that the trailer is covered as well.

To index for means of transportation

Petrol and other motor fuels may be imported free of duty in the ordinary tank of the vehicle or boat. In movalbe container max. 10 litres.

To Index

Travel equipment has the following index:

Travel Equipment for Personal Use
Equipment for Professional Use
Radio and Communication Equipment

To index for travel equipment

Travel Equipment for Personal Use

Ordinary travel equipment and personal belongings can be imported without formalities, provided they are not imported with a view to resale.

For instance:
Clothes, watches, jewellery, toiletries, binoculars, photo equipment, music, instruments, grammophone, radio and tv sets, tape recorder (incl. Walk-man), computer with equipment, disks, bicycles, typewriter, sport, hunting, and fishing equipment.

No formalities in connection with goods purchased for personal use while in transit, and intended for re-exportation from Denmark.

To index for travel equipment

Equipment for Professional Use

Equipment brought into Denmark for professional use (not resale) requires a security for duties and taxes which must be provided upon entry.
The security can be provided either by means of an ATA-Carnet (security document), issued by the official Chamber of Commerce in the home country, or, by means of a cash deposit.

Special rules apply for the refund of the furnished deposit, so ask the customs authorities upon entry.

To index for travel equipment

Radio and Communication

CB-radio, walkie-talkies and other kinds of private sending/receiving equipment:
Equipment marked "CEPT/PR-27/xx" (where xx indicate the nationality letters of the country) can be imported and used while staying temporarily in Denmark without formalities.
Other kinds of equipment require a special permit.

To index for travel equipment


Carphones linked to the NMT-450 and NMT-900 systems (vehicles registered in the Nordic countries, Iceland, Greenland, the Faroes, and Switzerland) can be imported and used in Denmark without formalities.

Carphones which are linked to the German Netz-C can be imported into Denmark and may be used up to a line going from Haderslev to Ribe.

Carphones from Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg belonging to the categories ATF-1 and ATF-2 are allowed into Denmark for short stays only, but may not be used in Denmark.

Carphones which are linked to the common European carphone system GMS, may be imported and used in Denmark.

Other carphones may be imported, but may not be used in Denmark.

In all other cases, a permit must be obtained from
Holsteinsgade 63
DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø
tel. 35 43 03 33

To Index


Firearms (& Ammunition)
For residents of an EU-country the following rules apply: Persons in possession of an European weapon passport (to be issued by the national local police) may transport and possess firearms and ammunition while in transit between two or several memberstates with a view to participating in a hunt or competition. The right to transport and possess firearms is subject to:
1. the person being able to produce an invitation to go hunting or to participate in a shooting competition,
2. the person is in possession of an European weapon passport for the firearm in question, and 3. import into the country of the firearm in question is not forbidden (see below)

For residents of a non EU-country, the following rules apply:
Handweapons for use in shooting competitions, hunting or fishing as well as ammunition in reasonable quantities may be imported from non EU-countries and be possessed, carried, used and re-exported without permission in connection with transit or stay for the duration of up to 3 months' stay in the country.
On entry into the country, the holder of these weapons must be able to show the customs officers a weapon permit issued by the authorities of the home country, or documentation from the authorities of the home country to the effect that a weapon permit is uncalled for.
If the weapon is imported with a view to participating in a competition, an invitation from the organizing party in Denmark must be produced. Upon entry, the holder must have a special form which lists:
1. name and adress in the home country,
2. temporary adress in Denmark (if any),
3. type of weapon, caliber and manufacturing number. A copy of the above mentioned form is to be kept with the weapon while in Denmark, and shall be shown to the police on demand.
When leaving the country, the copy of the form is to be handed over to the customs officers.

Other purposes as well as prolongation of abovementioned 3 months' period: All importation requires police permission.


Slotsholmsgade 10
DK-1216 Copenhagen K
tel. 33 92 33 40

Pointed, Striking and Thrusting Weapons and the like
Import of the following is prohibited:
1. Pointed weapons with blades exceeding 12 cm in length 2. Telescopic knives and stilettoes (switchblades)
3. Flick knives and stilettoes (switchblades)
4. One-handed released switchknives and jackknifes with devided hilts, with blades which can be released one-handed
5. Swordsticks and other similarly concealed weapons
6. Striking or thrusting weapons including knuckledusters, clubs, coshs, rubber truncheons and the like
7. Weapons designed to paralyze, stun or dazzle by electrical means
8. Kung-Fu stars, throwing knives and similar throwing weapons
9. Spray cans for self-defence purpose, including tear gas ampules, tear gas spray cans and cartridges

Note: Daggers and knives normally used in connection with a profession or for houshold purposes, for hunting, angling or diving, can, however, be imported for these purposes

However, in public places, it is forbidden to carry a knife or dagger, unless this is done in connection with an occupation, when hunting, angling or excersicing some kind of sport, or a similar activity. The prohibition does not extend to folding knives with a blade of 7 cm at the most.

Import permission must be obtained by the local police.

Authority/contact: Justitsministeriet
Slotsholmsgade 10
DK-1216 Copenhagen K
Tel.: 33 92 33 40