Frydenlund Birdpark

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Frydenlund Fuglepark
og opdrætscenter
Skovvej 50, 5690 Tommerup
: +45 6476 1322
Fax: +45 6611 3388

Pensioners: Dkr. 20.00
Children: Dkr. 10.00
Adults: Dkr. 25.00

From Monday toThursday until May 31., every day from 10 am to 4 pm
From June 1. to August 31., every day from 10 am to 6 pm
From September 1. to October 31., every day from 10 am to 4 pm

20.000 m2 and 700 birds situated in the middle of a beautiful scenery. Enjoy the walk round and add it to your experience. Playground and cafeteria.

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