0 1 ; user1.txt (alternative for color16.txt) ; ; This is a sample star-cell file for 16-color cards (EGA, VGA). ; It describes the shape and intensity of each star in a set. The first ; line must be "0 1" to identify the file. Any line beginning with ";" ; is a comment. ; ; A star is described as a 7x7 cell of pixels. ; Each pixel can be any one of four colors: ; ; color character code ; --------- -------------- ; black - ; dark gray + ; lite gray * ; white # ; ; Each line represents one entire row of pixels. ; Seven lines make a complete star-cell. ; ; Star Cell For Magnitudes dimmer than 6 ; ------- ------- ------- ---+--- ------- ------- ------- ; ; Star Cell For Magnitudes 5 to 6 ; ------- ------- ------- ---*--- ------- ------- ------- ; ; Star Cell For Magnitudes 4 to 5 ; ------- ------- ------- ---#--- ------- ------- ------- ; ; Star Cell For Magnitudes 3 to 4 ; ------- ------- ------- --##--- ------- ------- ------- ; ; Star Cell For Magnitudes 2 to 3 ; ------- ------- ---#--- --###-- ---#--- ------- ------- ; ; Star Cell For Magnitudes 1 to 2 ; ------- ---#--- ---#--- --###-- ---#--- ---#--- ------- ; ; Star Cell For Magnitudes 0 to 1 ; ------- ---#--- --###-- -#####- --###-- ---#--- ------- ; ; Star Cell For Magnitudes brighter than 0 ; ---#--- ---#--- --###-- ####### --###-- ---#--- ---#---