======================== = DirectX 2 SDK Readme = ======================== To install the DirectX SDK and/or DirectX, please run SETUP.EXE from the root directory. Overview -------- Welcome to the DirectX 2 SDK. If you did a full installation, you will find a number of directories: DEBUG - Debug version of DirectX redistributable components DOCS - Readme files for each of the DirectX components EXTRAS - Contain drivers that have not completed the Microsoft QA process FOXBEAR - Fox & Bear sample demo of DirectDraw/DirectSound HELP - Help files IKLOWNS - Immortal Klowns sample demo of DirectDraw/DirectSound LICENSE - License agreement REDIST - DirectX redistributable components ROCKEM - Direct3D sample demo SAMPGAME - A sample demo which uses DirectX redistributable components SDK - DirectX SDK. Contains sample code, libraries, include files, and debug versions of the DirectX components Please see the readme file for each component (DirectDraw, Direct3D, DirectSound, and DirectPlay) for more information. These readme files can be found in the DOCS directory. Release Notes ------------- 1) The readme file for all Direct3D samples can be found in the SDK\SAMPLES\D3DSAMP.TXT. 2) There is an EXTRAS directory that contains drivers that have not completed the Microsoft QA process. We include the drivers on the SDK as a convenience for you. Please see the license.txt file in the EXTRAS directory for the license agreements pertaining to these components.