Version * Many bug fixes * Improved editor Version * Support for latest Mingw compiler system builds * Bug fixes Version * New code tooltip display * Improved Indent/Unindent and Remove Comment * Improved automatic indent * Added support for the "interface" keyword * WebUpdate should now report installation problems from PackMan * New splash screen and association icons * Improved installer * Many bug fixes Version * Added support for GCC > 3.2 * Debug variables are now resent during next debug session * Watched Variables not in correct context are now kept and updated when it is needed * Added new compiler/linker options: - Strip executable - Generate instructions for a specific machine (i386, i486, i586, i686, pentium, pentium-mmx, pentiumpro, pentium2, pentium3, pentium4, k6, k6-2, k6-3, athlon, athlon-tbird, athlon-4, athlon-xp, athlon-mp, winchip-c6, winchip2, k8, c3 and c3-2) - Enable use of processor specific built-in functions (mmmx, sse, sse2, pni, 3dnow) * "Default" button in Compiler Options is back * Error messages parsing improved * Bug fixes Version * Added the possibility to modify the value of a variable during debugging (right click on a watch variable and select "Modify value") * During Dev-C++ First Time COnfiguration window, users can now choose between using or not class browser and code completion features. * Many bug fixes Version * Added the possibility to specify an include directory for the code completion cache to be created at Dev-C++ first startup * Improved code completion cache * WebUpdate will now backup downloaded DevPaks in Dev-C++\Packages directory, and Dev-C++ executable in devcpp.exe.BACKUP * Big speed up in function parameters listing while editing * Bug fixes Version * On Dev-C++ first time configuration dialog, a code completion cache of all the standard include files can now be generated. * Improved WebUpdate module * Many bug fixes Version * New debug feature for DLLs: attach to a running process * New project option: Use custom Makefile. * New WebUpdater module. * Allow user to specify an alternate configuration file in Environment Options (still can be overriden by using "-c" command line parameter). * Lots of bug fixes. Version * When creating a DLL, the created static lib respects now the project-defined output directory Version * Changed position of compiler/linker parameters in Project Options. * Improved help file * Bug fixes Version * Resource errors are now reported in the Resource sheet * Many bug fixes Version * Made whole bottom report control floating instead of only debug output. * Many bug fixes Version * Printing settings are now saved * New environment options : "watch variable under mouse" and "Report watch errors" * Bug fixes Version * Debug variable browser * Added possibility to include in a Template the Project's directories (include, libs and ressources) * Changed tint of Class browser pictures colors to match the New Look style * Bug fixes Version * Bug fixes Version * When compiling with debugging symbols, an extra definition is passed to the compiler: -D__DEBUG__ * Each project creates a _private.h file containing version information definitions * When compiling the current file only, no dependency checks are performed * ~300% Speed-up in class parser * Added "External programs" in Tools/Environment Options (for units "Open with") * Added "Open with" in project units context menu * Added "Classes" toolbar * Fixed pre-compilation dependency checks to work correctly * Added new file menu entry: Save Project As * Bug-fix for double quotes in devcpp.cfg file read by vUpdate * Other bug fixes Version * When adding debugging symbols on request, remove "-s" option from linker * Compiling progress window * Environment options : "Show progress window" and "Auto-close progress window" * Bug fixes Version * Bug fixes Version * "Build priority" per-unit * "Include file in linking process" per-unit * New feature: compile current file only * Separated C++ compiler options from C compiler options in Makefile (see bug report #654744) * Separated C++ include dirs from C include dirs in Makefile (see bug report #654744) * Necessary UI changes in Project Options * Added display of project filename, project output and a summary of the project files in Project Options General tab. * Fixed the "compiler-dirs-with-spaces" bug that crept-in in * Multi-select files in project-view (when "double-click to open" is configured in Environment Settings) * Resource files are treated as ordinary files now * Updates in "Project Options/Files" code * MSVC import now creates the folders structure of the original VC project * Bug fixes Version * Allow customizing of per-unit compile command in projects * Added two new macros: and * Added support for macros in the "default source code" (Tools/Editor Options/Code) * Separated layout info from project file. It is now kept in a different file (the same filename as the project's but with extension ".layout"). If you have your project under CVS control, you ''ll know why this had to happen... * Compiler settings per-project * Compiler set per-project * Implemented new compiler settings framework * "Compile as C++" per-unit * "Include file in compilation process" per-unit * Project version info (creates the relevant VERSIONINFO struct in the private resource) * Support XP Themes (creates the CommonControls 6.0 manifest file and includes it in the private resource) * Added CVS "login" and "logout" commands * Project manager and debugging window (in Debug tab) can now be trasnformed into floating windows. * Added "Add Library" button in Project Options * Bug fixes Version * Implemented search in help files for the word at cursor (context sensitive help) * Implemented "compiler sets" infrastructure to switch between different compilers easily (e.g. gcc-2.95 and gcc-3.2) * Added "Files" tab in CVS form to allow selection of more than one file for the requested CVS action Version * support for DLL application hosting, for debugging and executing DLLs under Dev-C++. * New class browser option: "Show inherited members" * Added support for the '::' member access operator in code-completion * Added *working* function arguments hint * Added bracket highlighting. When the caret is on a bracket, that bracket and its counterpart are highlighted * Nested folders in project view Version * XP Theme support * Added CVS commands "Add" and "Remove" * Added configuration option for "Templates Directory" in "Environment Options" * Code-completion updates * Bug fixes Version * Editor colors are initialized properly on Dev-C++ first-run * Added doxygen-style comments in NewClass, NewMemberFunction and NewMemberVariable wizards * Added file's date/time stamp in File/Properties window * Current windows listing in Window menu * Bug fixes Version * CVS support * Window list (in Window menu) * bug fixes version * added ENTER key for opening file in project browser, DEL to delete from the project. * bug fixes version * Bug fixes version * Bug fixes version * New "Abort compilation" button * Bug fixes * Now checks for vRoach existance when sending a crash report Version * New option in Editor Options: Show editor hints. User can disable the hints displayed in the editor when the mouse moves over a word. Since this was the cause of many errors (although it should be fixed by now), we are giving the user the option to disable this feature. * New option in Editor Options (code-completion): Use code-completion cache. Well, it adds caching to code-completion. Depending on the cache size, the program may take a bit longer to start-up, but provides very fast code-completion and the user has all the commands (belonging to the files he added in the cache) at his fingertips. If, for example, the user adds "windows.h", he gets all the WinAPI! If he adds "wx/wx.h", he gets all of wxWindows! You get the picture... * Removed "Only show classes from current file" option in class browser settings. It used to be a checkbox, allowing only two states (on or off), but there is a third relevant option now: "Project classes" so it didn't fit the purpose... The user can define this in the class browser's context menu under "View mode". * Fixed the dreaded "Clock skew detected" compiler warning! * Fixed many class browser bugs, including some that had to do with class folders. Version * Under NT, 2000 and XP, user application data directory will be used to store config files (i.e : C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Application Data) Version * Added ExceptionsAnalyzer. If the file is in the devcpp.exe directory then we even get a stack trace in the bug report! * Added new WebUpdate module (inactive temporarily). * Added new code for code-completion caching of files (disabled - work in progress). Version * Added new option in class-browser: Use colors (available when right-clicking the class-browser and selecting "View mode"). * Dev-C++ now traps access violation of your programs (and of itself too ;) Version * Implemented the "File/Export/Project to HTML" function. * Added "Tip of the day" system. * When running a source file in explorer, don't spawn new instance. Instead open the file in an already launched Dev-C++. * Class-parser speed-up (50% to 85% improvement timed!!!) * Many code-completion updates. Now takes into account context, class inheritance and visibility (shows items only from files #included directly or indirectly)! * Caching of result set of code-completion for speed-up. * New option "Execution/Parameters" (and "Debug/Parameters"). Version (5.0 beta 5): * CPU Window (still in development) * ToDo list * Backtrace in debugging * Run to cursor * Folders in Project and Class Browser * Send custom commands to GDB * Makefile can now be customized. * Modified the behaviour of the -c param : -c * Saving of custom syntax parameter group * Possibility of changing compilers and tools filename. * Many bug fixes Version (5.0 beta 4.1): * back to gcc 2.95.3 * Profiling support * new update/packages checker (vUpdate) * Lots of bugfixes