Barnes by David Barnes Wall to wall OS/2 wallpaper! And we mean OS/2. All nine of these great bitmapped images are based on the OS/2 logo. What a variety of treatments! Choose from a platinum, shadowed surface with "OS/2" in raised letters. Or "OS/2" on each face of a colored cube. One even mimics Chinese style writing! Add pizzazz to your workspace background! Add Barnes wallpaper! FIHLib Icons, icons, whose got the icons? You do! Over 2,000 fantastic, descriptive icons for Icon Heaven. Selection is easy with over 25 library files. If you don't find it here, it might not exist! File Manager/2 v2.02 by Mark Kimes The hottest OS/2 file manager around! Are your hard drives, directories and files bulky and out of control? Master them with File Manager/2! This one does it all! You can rename, move, copy and delete files; create and remove directories; view files and archives; view and set attributes; too many features to list! This is the only file manager you'll need. Icon Heaven v1.01 by The Frobozz Magic Software Company An excellent program for managing icon libraries! Not only can you create and maintain icon libraries for OS/2 applications, you can store over 90% more in the same space your using now! That's right! Icon Heaven compresses the icons into a library file. This saves considerable space - the compressed icons take up only 7% of the space of decompressed icons. View, select and assign icons without fuss and bother. This one's a gem! Panel Display System v1.05 by Rick W. Hodgson If you write REXX execs, this program will make you're life easier. It's a great tool for developing shortcuts and programs. Create simple, powerful, interactive user interfaces -- without OS/2 Presentation Manager! You define the panels, and PDS calls the REXX application programming interface. Extensive documentation and several samples are included. PM Attrib v1.0 by Larry R. Tubbs Jr This handy little utility is an attribute filter. No more OS/2 command line hassles with PM Attrib around! Simply select the attributes you want set, select the file or files you want to work with, then drag and drop them on PM Attrib's work space. It's as easy as that! This is perfect for turning off the read-only attribute left active after copying files from CD-ROM. PMMPEG v2.1 by SES Computing, Inc. "Let's stay home and go to the movies tonight." Now you can play MPEG digital movies from your OS/2 desktop! Like the DOS Xing player, it can play I-Frame style movies used on the DOS Xing MPEG player. Unlike Xing, you can now play IBP-Frame style movies! Or drag and drop multiple files onto PMMPEG, and create your own slide-shows! You bring the popcorn. ScreenSaver v1.3 by Siegfried Hanisch What does your screen do when you turn away? Now you have 13 choices -- 13 full color, moving saver modules. Our favorite is a kaleidoscopic effect of speckled colors and screen splashes -- hard to describe, hypnotic to watch. Or choose a Hollywood style grand opening, with spotlights sweeping the skies. Or try the one that dices up your screen and then begins shifting the squares -- entrancing! This easy-to-use, 32-bit, screen saver for OS/2 2.x monitors keyboard and mouse activity. After the specified time of inactivity, ScreenSaver kicks in! It's modular -- you can create new screen savers of your own design. The only limit is your imagination! Check out the on-line help topics -- they'll get you started. Sample code is included. Protecting your screen has never been so much fun! SSVSSM by Siegfried Hanisch It's hard to find a way to improve ScreenSaver, but we did it! Here are an additional four saver modules to add color and excitement to your screens. Watch a set of lines chase each other across the screen or a swarm of dots racing about forming infinite random patterns. This is the entertaining way to save your screen from burn-in. VirusScan v2.10 by McAfee, Inc. Only you can prevent computer viruses! We've assembled two of the best, most reliable anti-virus programs as a service to "Club" members. This powerful, advanced system detects, eradicates and prevents data-destroying computer viruses. The Scan program detects known viruses in your computer's memory or on disks. Once a virus is detected, it can be removed and your system returned to normal operation. VShield is a memory-resident program which continuously monitors and protects your system from viruses. In combination, these programs work together to protect your most precious asset -- your data. If you wait until you need it, it could be too late! You Guess It v1.01 An exciting and addictive guessing game reminiscent of the classic "MasterMind" game. The program selects four random numbers, and you have ten tries to guess correctly. As you enter your guesses, You Guess It tells you how many numbers you have correct and how many are in the correct order. Guaranteed to provide hours of fun and frustration! Requires the Panel Display System which is included.