═══ 1. Introduction ═══ PM Attrib - The Easy Attribute Management Solution PM Attrib brings the functionality of the DOS and OS/2 ATTRIB.EXE command to the OS/2 Workplace Shell. Why PM Attrib? If you've ever copied files from a CD Rom using the OS/2 Workplace Shell, then you have all ready seen why. OS/2, in its infinte wisdom, perserves the read-only attribute of the files copied from the CD. This is nice, but makes some files (.DLLs for example) rather unusable. Enter PM Attrib. Now, rather than shelling out to the command line to run ATTRIB.EXE, you can modify attributes of many files at once using PM and Drag and Drop. Simply drop any file or directory on the Drop Zone and the attributes checked/unchecked will become set/clear on that file or directory. You can even set/clear attributes of subdirectories of a dropped directory. In other words, you can set/clear attributes of an entire directory structure by simply dropping the first level folder onto the Drop Zone. PM Attrib is being distributed as shareware, and is fully Copyrighted (c) by Larry R. Tubbs Jr.. You are given license to use this product for 60 days after which time you are expected to register to continue using the product. PM Attrib is *NOT* crippled in any way. Also, it is not set to 'drop dead' after a specified number of days. It is a complete, working copy of PM Attrib. The only difference between the shareware version and the registered version is that the shareware version has the word Unregistered after the name PM Attrib in the Product Information dialog box. For information on registration, choose Product Information from the Help menu, and press the Order Form button. The cost is very resonable, so please support the shareware concept and the author by registering. This will insure that fine products like this one will continue to appear on BBSs and FTP sites everywhere. PM Attrib (c) Copyright 1994, by Larry R. Tubbs Jr.: A VX-Rexx 2.0a Application for OS/2 2.x. This program requires the file VROBJ.DLL (version 2.0a), (c) Watcom International, and is distributed with permission of Watcom. If your copy did not include this file, and you do not already have a copy of this file (in your LIBPATH), you will need to download a copy that does contain it. This product is freely distributible as long as the original archives are unmodified and that both archives (with and without VROBJ.DLL 2.0a) are made available to any one site. Free free to contact the author with any comments, suggestions, and/or bug reports. See Contacting The Author In the Product Information dialog for more information. Thanks for trying PM Attrib. ═══ 2. General Help ═══ The PM Attrib Window: The PM Attrib Window is divided into two main sections, the Attributes section and the Drop Zone. Attributes: The checkboxes in this section control whether to set or clear the attributes on the file/directory dropped on the Drop Zone For example, if you wanted to set the Read-Only and Hidden attributes on a particular file, you would: 1. Check the Read-Only checkbox. 2. Check the Hidden checkbox. 3. Drop the file in question onto the Drop Zone. It is that easy. The file's attributes will reflect the new attribute values that you specified via the checkboxes. Keep in mind that since the System and Archive checkboxes were not checked, these attributes are CLEARD. This allows PM Attrib to act as a filter for not only setting attributes, but for clearing them as well. Also in this section is a checkbox marked "Recurse Subdirectories". This is the equivilant of calling ATTRIB.EXE with the '/s' switch. In other words, if a folder (directory) is dropped on the Drop Zone and the Recurse Subdirectories checkbox is checked, not only will the directory's contents be effected, but the contents of all of its subdirectories will also be effected. Keep in mind that OS/2 will not allow you to set the attributes of a directory, but you can clear the attributes of a directory. In other words, if you copy a directory off of a CD ROM onto your hard disk, thus creating a Read-Only directory, you can then use PM Attrib (either with or without recursing subdirectories) to clear the attributes. You cannot, however, create a directory and make it read-only with PM Attrib. This condition is most likely a bug in OS/2's ATTRIB function. If you've used ATTRIB under native DOS, you have probably noticed that you can set attributes on directories using DOS's attrib, but not under OS/2. The code is in PM Attrib to set the attributes on directories, so as soon as the bug is corrected that functionality will be available to you. Drop Zone: The Drop Zone is a PM container field that will allow you to drop files and directories onto it for processing by PM Attrib. Please do not attempt to drop other OS/2 objects (Printer, Program Objects, etc...) onto this field. The code is setup to only handle WPS file and directory objects. The Drop Zone can accept more than one file or directory and/or a mix of files and directories. Each one will be processed in turn. Again, the Recurse Subdirectory checkbox will be ignored unless a folder (directory) object is dropped onto the Drop Zone The Help Menu: The Help menu contains 3 entries: Introduction - A short intoduction to PM Attrib and Copyright information. General Help - This help frame. Also accessable from hitting F1 from the PM Attrib Main Window. Product Information - A dialog box showing the version number, and containing information on Ordering and Contacting the Author. ═══ 3. Contacting The Author ═══ By Electronic Mail: Internet: ltubbs@netcom.com Fidonet: Larry Tubbs@>1:124/1208 By U.S. Mail (Snail Mail): Larry R. Tubbs Jr. Enigma Consulting Services 1001 Driftwood Drive Euless, TX 76040-5941 U.S.A. * Any technical support queries should be accompanied by the following information: o The version of OS/2 you are currently running. o The processor type and speed of your computer. o The amount of RAM in your system. o The filesystems currently in use on your system.