Shopping List Manager Version 3 =============================== This file contains: + Introduction + Quick Install + Detailed Installation Instructions + Files Supplied by SLM + Important Notice INTRODUCTION ------------ Shopping List Manager (SLM) will organize your supermarket trips to get you in and out in the shortest time possible. SLM Version 3 is a mature Windows application that offers many convenient features not found in earlier versions of the program, or anywhere else. SLM was created by a professional graphical user interface (GUI) consultant who hates wasting time going food shopping. This flexible and easy-to-use program will cut the time you spend in the supermarket in half. QUICK INSTALL ------------- 1. Make sure VBRUN300.DLL exists in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. 2. Run SETUP.EXE. 3. Re-start Windows (may not be neccessary). INSTALLATION ------------ SLM requires Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher to run. You need some familiarity with Windows to install this program. If you don't feel that you can do it yourself, please find someone who can help you. 1. Do you have VBRUN300.DLL? The file VBRUN300.DLL must be in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory in order to use SLM. Many Windows programs require this file so you may already have it on your hard disk. If you don't, you must place a copy there. If you received SLM on an original diskette, VBRUN300.DLL is on the diskette in the subdirectory named VBRUN. Simply copy it from that directory on the disk to WINDOWS\SYSTEM. If you have access to CompuServe, you can find the file there: GO MSL and download VBRUN300.EXE. You can find it using its S number: S14631. VBRUN300.EXE is a self-extracting archive. 2. Copy the files To have the SLM files copied for you automatically, run SETUP.EXE from Windows. This small program will ask you for the name of a directory to create on your disk where SLM will be located, and then it will copy the files there. A default name (C:\SLM3) is provided. VBRUN300.DLL must be in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory before SETUP.EXE will run (see step 1, above). It is strongly recommended that you use SETUP.EXE to perform this step since it also performs step 3. However, if you want to do this manually instead, create a directory on your hard disk and copy all the SLM files except those ending in .VBX to that directory. Then, copy the two files ending in .VBX to your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. 3. Manually prepare SLM3.INI If you used SETUP.EXE in step 2 above, you can skip this section entirely. The file SLM3.INI is required by SLM and contains all of its settings. This file must be copied to your WINDOWS directory. In addition, you must modify a line in this file to tell SLM where it should look for files (i.e. where it is installed). The second line in the file must contain the full path of SLM's installation directory. The default is C:\SLM3\. Open this file with any text editor and make sure that the second line in the file contains the correct installation path (i.e. the name of the directory you used in step 2 above). It is neccessary to include the final backslash \. (Without the backslash, SLM will not start.) SETUP.EXE performs this step for you, so it is advisable to use that method instead of doing it manually (see step 2 above). 4. Create an icon for SLM (optional) You can run SLM by double-clicking on its name in File Manager. However, it may be more convenient to create a program item (an icon) for easily running the program. Use Program Manager's File menu's New command to do this. For more information about doing this, please refer to your Microsoft Windows documentation or online help. 5. Re-start Windows On some machines, this step is neccessary for SLM to find all the files you copied to WINDOWS\SYSTEM. Exit Windows completely and start it again by typing WIN. That's all there is to it! Assuming all has gone well, you can now run SLM. Please refer to the program's comprehensive online Help for more information regarding this program. You can access Help from the program by pressing F1 at any time or selecting a choice from the main window's Help menu. FILES SUPPLIED WITH SLM ----------------------- README.TXT This file SETUP.EXE Sets up SLM (copies files and modifies SLM3.INI) SLM3.EXE The main program file SLM3.HLP Windows Help file for SLM SLM3.INI Configuration file (must be in WINDOWS directory) SAMPLE.SLM A sample store file CMDIALOG.VBX Required to run SLM (must be in WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory) THREED.VBX Required to run SLM (must be in WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory) VBRUN300.DLL Required to run SETUP and SLM (only supplied with original SLM program disk, in directory VBRUN) IMPORTANT NOTICE ---------------- SLM is shareware, it is not free. If after evaluating SLM you decide that you would like to own a copy of the program, please register it with the author. Registration entitles you to receive an original program disk, technical support directly from the author, and notices of future versions of the program. The unregistered version of Shopping List Manager Version 3 will only print up to 10 items of a shopping list. The registered version does not limit the number of items that may be printed on a shopping list. If you have already registered SLM, thank you for your support. To register SLM, send $25 (US) to: Joel Rose 185 Shelley Ave. Elizabeth, NJ 07208 U.S.A. Thank you very much. See SLM's online Help for more information.