Welcome to Visual Basic Toolbox Pro (2) First off I'd like to thank everyone who sent in suggestions for this new version, I've tried to incorporate as many as possible, I think you'll be pleasantly suprised. Installation Instructions: This program can only be used with Visual Basic Version 2 If you don't have Visual Basic 2.0 this program will be on no use to you... This is a shareware evaluation copy of VBToolbox Pro (2d). To keep download times down I've eliminated the installation program from this shareware version. Installation is easy, only 7 files to copy. You are granted a 30 day evaluation period for this program. After that you are expected to register or stop using VBToolBox. 1. Copy the files THREED.VBX, SS3D2.VBX, COMDIALOG.VBX, VB2_TBOX.HLP and HOTKEY.DLL into your C:\Windows\System directory. 2. Copy the files VB2_TBOX.EXE and TOOLBOX2.CFG to your Visual Basic directory. 3. VB_TBOX.EXE and TOOLBOX2.CFG "must" be in the same directory. Since VBToolbox directly manipulates Visual Basic, if these two files are not in the VB directory some functions will not work properly. VBToolbox rarely has the focus and F1 will not work with the VB2_TBOX.HLP file. I have set up a default configuration for this file in the call help section of Toolbox2.cfg. If you place this file in a directory other than the default C:\Windows\System make sure to update the file. 4. Once properly installed, create an icon for VBToolBox in any program manager group and double click on it. Visual Basic will load automatically. The first time start up proceedure for VBToolBox loads the Configuration form and the help file. As you tab through each entry, information about its function and defaults will be shown in the information panel in the center of the screen. For a more detailed explanation of each function see the Configuration section in this help file. Once you reconfigure VBToolBox for your system, the start up proceedure will be disabled. New Features in VBToolbox Pro (2): 1. Floating user configurable toolbar. 2. Floating toolbar always stays on top, enables you to edit code in full screen code windows, with complete access to menu functions. 3. Launch your current project on startup. 4. Launch a second program such as VB Assist on startup. 5. List of all active windows task ID#'s and hWnd's and new VBSpy for debuging API calls. 6. List of all available VBx files, add to your project with a double click of your mouse. 7. You may now launch any number of programs from within the VB environment. 8. Help file that also contains declarations for the most commonly used freeware, and public domain dll's, giving you a central reference. This was the most common request among current users, as long as there is continued interest I'll try my best to keep this file updated. 9. Full printing capabilities from the smallest code fragment to the entire project. 10. F6 hotky added for quick code printing 11. VBT Instant Watch. 12. Timed Auto Save * Improved overall performance. I've tried my best to be clear and concise in documentation and error handling Messages. If I've overlooked something or if my instuctions can be clarified in any way drop me a line and I'll try to make modifications as I can. Thanks for trying Visual Basic Toolbox Pro. Hal Jurcik