D I E T S U C C E S S T E S T The Dieting Test in this section asks you 30 questions. Answer them as truthfully as you can. When you have finished, you will see how you scored. The test itself is the main learning tool to this program. Each time you run this test, you will become more aware of what you should and should NOT be doing in attempting to lose weight on an Diet. If you are truly serious about staying on a diet to lose weight, this program will help you. If you are doing things wrong and are UNWILLING to change, then NO ONE can help you. This program WILL work....if YOU will ! If you are not satisfied with your dieting skills and would like to be better, print out the questionnaire and work on improving all 30 items. When you feel that you are doing more of them and more often, re-take the questionnaire. If you can raise your average by 20 points or more, you will be far more effective at losing weight. Remember, these are hard areas that take practice to become automatic. When they do, you will be seeing the pounds almost MELT away and the hunger pangs and binges will vanish, forever. ---------------------------------------------------[ more ]----------------- " TO BE SUCCESSFUL ON YOUR DIETING PLAN, JUST TAKE THE 'IF' OUT OF 'LIFE'." Anonymous How often have you heard someone say.... "I COULD LOSE WEIGHT IF..." and then go on to list a hundred things? Have you ever picked from this list: ...IF I HAD THE RIGHT FOODS PREPARED FOR ME ...IF I DIDN'T HAVE SUCH A STRESSFUL JOB ...IF I DIDN'T HAVE TO TRAVEL ...IF I DIDN'T HAVE SUCH TEMPTATIONS ...IF I COULD STAND TO EAT WHAT IS GOOD FOR ME ...IF I DIDN'T HAVE SUCH A SMALL AMOUNT OF WILL POWER ...IF I DIDN'T HAVE TO HAVE THESE FOODS IN THE HOUSE FOR THE KIDS ...etc. etc. etc...... Remove all the IF's from YOUR L-IF-E ! ---------------------------------------------------[ more ]----------------- MY SCALES AND I My Scales and I stood face to face; I swore they lied to me. They marked my weight and seemed to smirk In fiendish, ghoulish glee. I shifted weight from left to right; I twisted, jumped and rocked. My scales maintained that awful sum; They laughed at me and mocked. I donned my dress, put on my shoes; No need to feel so pained. I'd go weigh at my neighbor's house; Her scales were better trained! by Viola Bonam ---------------------------------------------------[ more ]----------------- 10 2-LETTER WORDS "IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME." Anonymous The most important thing to burn into your mind when you are dieting is that you are doing it for yourself. Therefore, if you are to reach goal and keep the weight off, it is UP TO YOU to do it. No one else. If you have to rely on the right time of the year with no temptations, you will fail. If you have to rely on another person for fixing your food, you will fail. If you have to always have things running smoothly to diet, you will fail. If you can diet only if the kids don't bring in tempting snack foods, you will fail. In fact, if you depend on someone else for any part of your dieting, you will fail. BUT WAIT....this is about succeeding! Yes, it is. You only have to remember the 10 2-letter words above. Depend on yourself and refuse to let yourself down. No IF's or MAYBE's and WISHES....say I CAN and I WILL or I WILL NOT....but you take charge of your life. Say over and over to yourself, "IF IT IS TO BE...IT IS UP TO ME !" ---------------------------------------------------[ more ]----------------- LIGHT-HEADED by M.D. Smith I haven't had a morsel of food since lunch; Not a spoonful of liquid to drink. I'm getting a little bit woozy and dizzy, But what the heck I can still think. I have shaved very close and cut my hair; Trimmed the nails on my hands and my feet. I am wearing my thinnest of summer clothes, And it's winter, so I'll stay off the street. I won't wear a hat, or socks, or my shoes, And I'll pull my belt up so tight..... Headin' to my Weight Control Meeting you see... And I'm gonna WEIGH LIGHT TONIGHT ! It's one thing to honestly lose a pound or two when you check your weight once a week. But it is another to play the game of lighter clothes each week to keep losing. Laugh at the poem, but don't play that game. ---------------------------------------------------[ more ]----------------- T H E W E L L - W I S H E R S "You have been so good on your diet for so long, have a piece of this pie." "You are looking thin and gaunt...I like that happy, healthy plump look..." "You look good enough now. If you keep going your skin is going to sag." "I love you the way you are; if you get thin I'll lose the girl I married." "Yes you've tried and failed so many times before, but I surely wish you well." "Sugar and Carbohydrates are the fuels for the body so eat this fresh fudge." "If you get skinny you'll be catching all kinds of diseases and illnesses." "It is certainly OK to fail again, so don't worry if you binge tonight." The FRIENDLY-ENEMIES may or may not know what they are doing. Be ready for them and don't get side-tracked with their logic or comments. It is up to you ! ---------------------------------------------------[ more ]----------------- GROCERY SHOPPING FOR DIET FOODS Of course, never go shopping when you are hungry. Make out a list and buy only what is on your list (use DIETSHOP for this). Concentrate on fresh vegetables and fruits. Keep meats to a minimum, but fish and seafoods are fine. All foods are to be broiled, boiled or microwaved with no added oils or fats. Check the calorie count of all prepared foods. Buy yourself some high priced special foods such as canned shrimp or crabmeat. At 30 calories an ounce, it gives you special foods that fit your dieting. Low-Cal frozen dinners are the perfect answer to good food in a hurry. Add a can of mushrooms for more bulk without calories. Buy lots of single portion canned vegetables. Yes they cost more, but you are worth it (you won't open a large can just for yourself). Time your shopping and try to get in and out quickly leaving no time to browse. If you MUST buy fattening foods for others, get things you do not like. The psychology of prudent shopping is that you have a lot to eat, but even if you eat too much, a binge on fruit won't hurt too bad. With the right things at home, you can feel every meal is special and you are not suffering to get through your dieting program. This is to be a new way of eating. PLANNING YOUR SHOPPING IS PLANNING TO SUCCEED. SUCCESS CAN BE YOURS ! ---------------------------------------------------[ END ]-----------------