═══ 1. Introduction: ═══ Compare Files is a utility for finding duplicate files. Compare Files compares the signature checksum for all files being compared. Files with identical signatures are then compared byte for byte as a double check. The names of identical files are then placed in one of two list-boxes, one of files to keep, one of files to delete. You can move file names from one list-box to the other. If you want to delete the files listed in the delete list-box click on the "Delete" button. The signature checksums are saved as an extended attribute for each file as they are calculated. A timestamp is also maintained to indicate the requirement for recalculating the signature checksum if the file changes. Drag & Drop folders to the Compare Files list-box to build the list of files to compare. Set the Traverse SubFolders Option to include all files from all sub-folders. ═══ 2. Compare Files List-Box: ═══ The Compare Files List-Box contains the list of files to be compared. Drag & Drop Files & Folders to this list-box to add files to the list. Use the Clear menu item to clear all file names from the list-box. Use the Remove Selected menu item to remove the selected file names from the list. ═══ 3. List: ═══ Maintain the entries in the Compare Files List-Box. Choose Clear menu item to clear all file names from the list-box. Use the Remove Selected menu item to remove the selected file names from the list. ═══ 3.1. Clear: ═══ Clear removes all entries from the Compare Files list-box. ═══ 3.2. Remove Selected: ═══ Remove Selected Removes the selected entries from the Compare Files list-box. ═══ 4. Options: ═══ Set the Traverse SubFolders Option to include all files from all sub-folders. Use the Create Desktop Object option to create a desk top object of Compare Files. ═══ 4.1. Traverse SubFolders: ═══ Traverse SubFolders indicates that all files in sub-folders should be included in the compare list-box when a folder is dropped on the compare list-box. Compare Files will include all files from the folder dropped and from folders in that and subsequent folders. ═══ 4.2. Desktop Object: ═══ This Menu option will create a Desktop Object you can use to start Compare Files. The Install process creates the same object, but if it has some how been lost, deleted or destroyed, this option will recreate it for you. ═══ 5. Info: ═══ General, Registration and Help Information. See Information, or Registration for more Information. ═══ 6. Compare: ═══ The Compare button starts the Compare Files process. ═══ 7. Find: ═══ Use the Find button to locate files to include in the Compare Files list-box. ═══ 8. Keep Files List-Box: ═══ The Keep Files List-Box contains the list of files to be Kept. Drag & Drop Files to this list-box to from the Delete Files list-box to indicate the files to be kept. Click on the Close/Cancel button to exit with out deleting files. ═══ 9. Delete Files List-Box: ═══ The Delete Files List-Box contains the list of files to be Deleted. Drag & Drop Files to this list-box to from the Keep Files list-box to indicate the files to be Deleted. Click on the Close/Cancel button to exit with out deleting files. Click on the Delete button to delete the files listed in this list-box. ═══ 10. Close/Cancel: ═══ Click on the Close/Cancel button to exit without deleting files. ═══ 11. Delete: ═══ Click on the Delete button to delete the files listed in the Delete Files list-box. ═══ 12. Registration: ═══ Compare Files is sold as Shareware "Try before you buy". If you like Compare Files and haven't registered and paid for your copy, you should do so. You can get to the Registration menu by pressing {Ctrl}R while the Compare Files window has the focus, or by selecting "Registration" from the context-menu, (click on the window with the right mouse button). Fill in the requested information, print the registration form and mail it with your check. Call for volume discount information. You can reach Louis LaBrunda at 908-647-5905 or 71604,1662 on CompuServe. You have 30 days to try Compare Files, after which you should send your registration fee or stop using it. You have another 30 days after sending your registration fee, to receive and enter your registration code, after which Compare Files will stop working. Be sure to enter your name the way you wish it to be displayed in the Information window. Compare Files uses your name in its Registration Code verification process. Your name and Registration Code are linked and must by entered in the Registration window for your copy of Compare Files to be considered Registered. Your address is necessary for us to return your Registration Code by Mail. Your Comments are also welcome. If you choose not to register Compare Files and wish to remove it from your system, just delete the Compare Files folder, probably C:\CmpFiles, and the folder that VRObj.DLL was stored in probably C:\VXRexx. If you have VXRexx or any other Keystone Software Corp. products that use VRObj.DLL, don't delete that folder. You can also delete the Compare Files Desktop Object. ═══ 13. Desktop Object: ═══ This Menu option will create a Desktop Object you can use to start Compare Files. The Install process creates the same object, but if it has some how been lost, deleted or destroyed, this option will recreate it for you.